Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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i wasnt able to get it to work,  says no account by email or phone number even though i can log in through gamestop page.  its just a basic PUR account though, wonder if it only worked if you were premier or whatever they call it.

someone hook me up with a key.

i wasnt able to get it to work, says no account by email or phone number even though i can log in through gamestop page. its just a basic PUR account though, wonder if it only worked if you were premier or whatever they call it.

someone hook me up with a key.
I don't have a fancy account, just a normal one.

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That's partially true if I'm not wrong. I think there will be 2 versions available. The former TSW version that will remain as it was before and the latest TSW version will coexist with the oldest.
Yes, this is true.

I would guess the only people that will probably be playing Old TSW Version are those who still have saves going that ain't finished content on the old version.

SWL w/ its planned improved visuals, improved combat, all of the previous TSW DLC, and being free probably will entice a lot of players to switch over to that version - unless it somehow become a disaster, of course.

Though, who knows - some might play Old TSW for nostalgia's sake, too.

Beat Cop is Back ordered now. How long does that usually take to fulfill? I was gonna pull the trigger probably for the best.
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Whoa, so Saint's Row 2 on GOG actually plays properly without a million hoops to jump through? With a good framerate?

EDIT: Nope, same as the Steam version.

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I thought I had a PUR account but I guess I don't (or don't recall the email, phone, etc).  Not about to wander to a GS to make one for this.

I'll never play TSW in either free or pay form so I don't care.  I don't have time for MMOs these days.

Last night we played Killing Floor 2 and hit some new maps.  The last time I played (~9 months ago), they had just nerfed all the classes ("what if everyone is great against one Zed type and sucks ass against all the others?") and it was very not-fun to play my Berserker who suddenly needed 2-3 hits to kill trash mobs.  To their credit, they re-balanced again since then and my Berserker, at least, was once again lopping off heads and taking names.  Which is hard to do once their heads are off.  I can't speak for the other classes/perks/whatever they're called because they all use guns and guns are for weenies who don't want to be covered head to toe in Zed-gore.

No idea what's on tap for tonight because I'm 99% sure it's a recent bundle game that I don't have.

It's Table Top Racing and it's in the G2A bundle. Fox has an extra key to give away to bronight regulars if you want to join, but not sure if he gave it away yet.
He hadnt as of last night and Syntax himself was there. I gave my extra to Fox and he ended up buying the G2A bundle himself so hes got the extra. I imagine its still available.

Well, I was right about not owning it.  I'll show up if there's a key involved although I race about as well as I play Rocket League.

Friday is 1%er Fakey-Night night when we play Battlefield 1 and gloat to one another about our ability to have thirty dollars in liquid assets.

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Friday is 1%er Fakey-Night night when we play Battlefield 1 and gloat to one another about our ability to have thirty dollars in liquid assets.
and Saturday is Console Peasant night where all of the console peasants get to brag about getting free shit for having PUR accounts or you get to brag about having a console peasant friend that gave you an extra key

I thought I had a PUR account but I guess I don't (or don't recall the email, phone, etc). Not about to wander to a GS to make one for this.

I'll never play TSW in either free or pay form so I don't care. I don't have time for MMOs these days.

Last night we played Killing Floor 2 and hit some new maps. The last time I played (~9 months ago), they had just nerfed all the classes ("what if everyone is great against one Zed type and sucks ass against all the others?") and it was very not-fun to play my Berserker who suddenly needed 2-3 hits to kill trash mobs. To their credit, they re-balanced again since then and my Berserker, at least, was once again lopping off heads and taking names. Which is hard to do once their heads are off. I can't speak for the other classes/perks/whatever they're called because they all use guns and guns are for weenies who don't want to be covered head to toe in Zed-gore.

No idea what's on tap for tonight because I'm 99% sure it's a recent bundle game that I don't have.
My demolition class person was a lot better last night too. A lot less disappearing grenades and rockets.

I have an extra Tabletop Racing key thanks to Bah so I'll send it your way on Steam.

You can use GOG Connect and get the rest of the Saint's Row games added to your library, they'll even upgrade your copy of SRIV to Game of the Century Edition and likewise for SR3

If anyone has an extra Deformers steam key, I'd be interested. Don't have a GS account, so bleh.
Damn, that game looks kinda fun. If anybody has another extra key, I'll take it.

I had a Power Up Pro account a long time ago and it has since expired so my account page says expired even though it says I've been downgraded to Basic. This is my best guess as to why it isn't working for me.

Edit: I tried an old email that I no longer have access to and that works. Of course it sends to that address and I still can't get it so I'm still in need if someone has an extra. Thanks.

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I'll give Blizzard some free advertising here and, no, no referral link or anything it's just a blanket promo they're doing.  They are 'rebooting' Heroes of the Storm (probably to help it's flagging popularity) so if you've never really played before then starting on the 25th or so when it 're-launches' would be a good time to look into things.  They are redoing the whole experience system and new players will get some pretty good rewards as they play and level heroes early on.  Plus they just announced a one time choose-a-bundle for essentially free (they'll give you the 100 gems to buy it) for the first month.  There are four different bundles that have 20 heroes each (

To underscore how crazy/desperate this promo seems it would be like if they gave away 50-100 packs of Hearthstone cards just for logging in one day.  Anyway, if you're at least somewhat interested in MOBAs next week would be a good time to check it out.

I may have to....I played League of Legends for years and stopped after a while. I may at least get this free heroes stuff (I have it installed just never played).

I play Heroes of the Storm quite often, maybe 3-4 days a week and I love it. Always looking for more people to play Team League with. I hope this new update brings more people to the game. It's perfect for the ex-League/DOTA player, IMO.

I'll give Blizzard some free advertising here and, no, no referral link or anything it's just a blanket promo they're doing. They are 'rebooting' Heroes of the Storm (probably to help it's flagging popularity) so if you've never really played before then starting on the 25th or so when it 're-launches' would be a good time to look into things. They are redoing the whole experience system and new players will get some pretty good rewards as they play and level heroes early on. Plus they just announced a one time choose-a-bundle for essentially free (they'll give you the 100 gems to buy it) for the first month. There are four different bundles that have 20 heroes each (

To underscore how crazy/desperate this promo seems it would be like if they gave away 50-100 packs of Hearthstone cards just for logging in one day. Anyway, if you're at least somewhat interested in MOBAs next week would be a good time to check it out.

If anyone has an extra deformers key and doesn't want it I'd be grateful. Of course, Jeebus81 and Pickle14 asked first so they are first in line.

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Should I be expecting a lackluster Spring sale in the next couple of weeks or not?  I've got Gabenbux burning a hole in my pocket, but if i could add more girth to my library soon I suppose I could wait.

Should I be expecting a lackluster Spring sale in the next couple of weeks or not? I've got Gabenbux burning a hole in my pocket, but if i could add more girth to my library soon I suppose I could wait.
I don't think Steam does spring sales. The main ones are Summer and Winter, with the occasional Autumn and Halloween sales.
Hmmm, thanks guys. More so for the knowledge that I've lost 4 years of time somewhere.  Could have sworn there was a little doo doo sale last spring.

Remember the time Jonny CrapYourChinos wanted to kick my ass? I don't even remember why. I mean other than going on and on and on about how much they suck donkey balls.

No I'm not back I just got an email from them today and besides reminding me to unsub it was a thing that made me go hmmmmmmmm.

Peace Out [hairflip.gif]

PS - I finally finished the Skyram main quest like 100 years late. And there still isn't another Elder Scrolls.
I'd be happy about the free stuff in HotS, except I hate most competitive MP games outside of a place to chat with friends.  Too much min/maxing to have fun (Oh, youre not playing the textbook?  you suck and should kill yourself).

bread's done