Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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It's the internet itself.

Seriously, so many "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" screeches were sent up today, it's as if the hopes and dreams of millions of basement-dwelling man-children died in one instant.

Seriously, does it really matter that the new Doctor Who is a woman? It's not as if they didn't give a very clear signal by sending up a SEVERAL year test balloon where they had the primary antagonist (The Master) role played by Michelle Gomez.

But to go on Facebook, Reddit, or into the deep woods of the internet, you would think that someone personally came to each and every one of their homes, took a dump on the table, and then pissed in their cheerios.

Seriously, you're a science fiction show about a basically ageless alien that's lived over a dozen lives, bounces through time and across dimensions with all the difficult of a normal person crossing the street, and not giving a damn for causality or maintaining history, unlike just about every other time-traveler story ever. But the problem they all have is that this character becomes a woman, and this is the most horrible thing ever and completely negates all the canon ever?

Sigh. Seriously, the amount of stupid, entitled and embittered out there is just crazy.

But then, there has been some masterful trolling. I do hope there are some websites/forums tracking all this, because my god, there's got to be some people's Picassos and Rembrandts being fashioned right now.
What I dont understand is that many times in the show both of them have alluded to (or have actually been portrayed by) women. How is this any surprise at all, beyond the fact everyone knew it was coming anyway, but its still a damn scifi show and its already been mentioned that they've been women before. Let alone the whole 'who really gives a fuck ' aspect
Yes, it is a pretty big deal. If you don't care that much about the show, it obviously won't matter much to you. If you've been watching it for most of the 50-odd years it's been on the air, it's a huge change. Personally I will reserve my judgment until I see at least some of Series 11, but there's no point in pretending that it's not a radical change, despite how many people have been calling for it and how many not-very-subtle hints Moffat has been dropping about it. IMO, it would have been better to have a black Doctor or an Asian Doctor as opposed to a female Doctor. I'm all for diversity but this is a role that I, like some of the older former Doctors, feel should be male and I don't think there's anything specifically sexist about that position.

It's disappointing in contrast to the reviews and non-stop hype it got. I will say it's picked up somewhat for me in the past 5 hours or so but it's still not grabbing me like a lot of the other massive top open world games I've played (BotW, Skyrim, etc) or dark souls, which got brought up for whatever reason. I mean, it's a good game, I just don't see it as the GOTY ALL YEARS OMG HYPE TRAIN HAS LEFT THE STATION it's been lauded as.

You're really fixating on my combat complaint as if I just said "witcher 3 has mediocre combat therefore it's a bad game." For me the bigger issue is that it's basically an interactive movie, the closest thing i can think of with this much dialogue/writing is planescape torment, which is a great game, but the writing worked better (to me) for planescape because it seems a lot more intrusive when it's presented in fully voiced/cutscene form. The frequency of the dialogue/cutscenes for me prevent me from feeling like I ever get fully immersed into a rhythm; the cutscenes/dialogue prevent from getting completely immersed into exploring the world and the actual gameplay, and the gameplay seems to break into the pacing of the story/dialogue - it just feels kind of disjointed. Feel free to disagree, that's just been my experience. Obviously you're right in that it really does have good writing/great graphics/choices and consequences (I assume anyway, W1 + 2 had some of the best C+C I've seen in modern rpgs), etc, which is why i still think it's a good game. It's just somehow the whole is less than the sum of its parts for me.

That said I have no idea how you can say the elder scrolls games are rpgs but not mass effect particularly when you say choices/plot/story/etc are so important for rpgs

tldr: witcher 3 is good just don't see it as best game evar sry for all i pissed off
Well, I'm glad that you're enjoying it at least to some extent. Cutscenes have been a controversial point for what feels like generations now, because developers haven't really found a better way to divulge chunks of narrative in games, but that's not something that bothers me very much personally. I don't feel as though the narrative is "disjointed" per se, but the idea that cutscenes break up the actual game experience in ways that are annoying is an old complaint and a valid one for many.

I will say that in a broad context I think there's actually a lot of legitimacy to what MysterD has been saying about RPGs. Look, Mass Effect 2 wasn't really an RPG; it was a cover-based shooter with RPG elements; that the same studio produced that and Dragon Age: Origins was simply amazing to me. While I appreciate that the ME series was nominally an RPG series, even the first game felt like an action game with some decision-making and NPCs thrown in and the second game made the combat even more "twitchy" for lack of a suitable technical term. The RPGs I grew up with were long and detailed affairs and were first and foremost about telling a story in an interesting setting; they also had deep character customization options for your PCs so that no two parties were alike and it was very possible to create a party that was so imbalanced you're destined to fail. That's what a good modern cRPG does, to me.

I also think that if a game is an average of >100 hours to complete (complete meaning different things to different people, obviously), it's not crazy for it to ease you in. You may decide within an hour of playing a game that you don't like it enough to never play again, but to really get into it and have a good working knowledge of its systems may take 10 hours--and games may be designed to spoon-feed you bits and pieces over time. Heck, DA:O's character origins took several hours to play out.

So an impulse purchase on Amazon during Give Amazon Your Money Day was a Fire HD 8 tablet. Someone else mentioned it here, I forget who and something about not being able to install Google stuff on there. This might be helpful, a video showing you how to get the Play Store on there. I like the thing so far, even with lower picture quality the size makes it much nicer for web browsing or youtube than my smartphone.
Well, I brought this up and getting the Play Store on there wasn't too tricky. I'm just disappointed that I can't use my live wallpapers, but I'd have to bite the bullet and root it to do that, and I kind-of like Fire OS for using my Amazon content.

So an impulse purchase on Amazon during Give Amazon Your Money Day was a Fire HD 8 tablet. Someone else mentioned it here, I forget who and something about not being able to install Google stuff on there. This might be helpful, a video showing you how to get the Play Store on there. I like the thing so far, even with lower picture quality the size makes it much nicer for web browsing or youtube than my smartphone.
I used to do this on my Amazon Fire Phone, but every few months something would get wonky with it and Google Play Services would stop working and I'd have to redo it. I guess maybe you have to keep the Google apps up to date. Whatever it was, I just stopped bothering after awhile. I have an Android phone now, but I do have the Fire HD 10 and like you, I love it despite it's shortcomings. I sometimes even consider down/upgrading to the 8 just because the 8 has more RAM. 1GB is not enough RAM for the 10 and like most Amazon devices, it's underpowered and slow. Once I get in app to read or watch something is fine, but navigation is a pain sometimes as is web browsing. Those have always been my gripes with Amazon devices. So I might wait until they release something with 2GB of RAM. That said, like Warreni mentioned, love Fire OS for navigating my library of books, ebooks, comics, Amazon games, and prime shows.

Yes, it is a pretty big deal. If you don't care that much about the show, it obviously won't matter much to you. If you've been watching it for most of the 50-odd years it's been on the air, it's a huge change. Personally I will reserve my judgment until I see at least some of Series 11, but there's no point in pretending that it's not a radical change, despite how many people have been calling for it and how many not-very-subtle hints Moffat has been dropping about it. IMO, it would have been better to have a black Doctor or an Asian Doctor as opposed to a female Doctor. I'm all for diversity but this is a role that I, like some of the older former Doctors, feel should be male and I don't think there's anything specifically sexist about that position.
I don't watch the show because I'm not a loser nerd, but what are some non-sexist reasons you feel they should be male?

George Romero passed away yesterday.  Rest In Peace to my favorite director.  Watch Night of the Living Dead  in his honor and if you're like me and have a copy, play Land of the Dead Road to Fiddler's Green.

I feel we should bring this thread back to Pubg since I just got a duo chicken dinner :)
I have yet to independently get a chicken dinner. Or get especially close -- best I've done is #12 or so. I usually get a kill or two in there and think I've only once been eliminated outside of the final third so I come away feeling I did acceptably well. It's a fun game but I'm not in love with it so after about three or four rounds, I'm feeling like I had enough Underground Peanutbutter to last me the night. I don't regret the purchase and playing with bros is always fun but I don't see myself investing time in it for months on end.

I watched Dr Who back in the day, Sunday nights on PBS after Dave Allen at Large. Mostly Tom Baker but that's because he was on the show forever. I never really got into "Nu Who" (hell, people saying "Nu Who" was enough to keep me off it) but I had a twinge of "WTF?" when I heard about the new Doctor. That's just tradition talking though and the impression of childhood memories, no different than people losing their shit because the "new" Transformers or TMNT aren't true to childhood canon.

No game gets permission to waste 10-15 hours of my life before it gets rolling. There's excellent games that are over in 10-15 hours. I could have been playing one of those. Again, not speaking directly of W3 (I set aside W3 for unrelated reasons) just a blanket statement that "takes 10-15+ hours to really get started" is a design flaw, not a feature.

I first saw Night of the Living Dead in my high school film studies class in 1990. My instructor dressed as a zombie for the occasion.

I have no comment on the Tekken thing. My college dorm had a Street Fighter II Turbo machine and some Neo-Geo machine with World Heroes on it. I was about out before Tekken became a thing.

Ok, think I'm caught up now.

I don't watch the show because I'm not a loser nerd, but what are some non-sexist reasons you feel they should be male?
I'm still pissed about the choice of the last Doctor Who! They killed off his character in their (BBC) Musketeers so he could go him and it really hurt the show. (Which is reasonable since he was the mastermind behind allot of the plot. He played the evil Cardinal.)

As for giving RPGs a long time to setup..? I can remember allot of RPGs on consoles that took a damn good long time to get their plot really started so I guess I'm in the boat on expecting stuff to be setup slowly. Final Fantasy VII being the one that quickly comes to mind.

Zero - point and click. To be good with them? A lot.

First, almost no one that was interested in winning a match was using UT's Ripper. Those multiplayer games were purely skill-based and luck would only get you so far. If you didn't know the map inside and out, have down spawn timing, and know HOW to move around the map you had no chance against an opponent that could use those learned skills to his advantage. Quake had strafe-jumping and rocket jumping. UT had piston-jumping, dodge-jumping, and more.

Some scrub spawning next to the RL or the Railgun might get one or two kills, but a skilled opponent is going to tear him up with better map knowledge and movement.
Eh. Having gone from Doom / Doom 2 where I used the rifle the most (when not BFGing before corners), rail guns were the easiest weapons to use in an FPS til the AWP.

Albeit I didn't play UT much at all. I basically played Doom 1+2, Quake 1+2, CS til 1.6.
I have yet to independently get a chicken dinner. Or get especially close -- best I've done is #12 or so. I usually get a kill or two in there and think I've only once been eliminated outside of the final third so I come away feeling I did acceptably well. It's a fun game but I'm not in love with it so after about three or four rounds, I'm feeling like I had enough Underground Peanutbutter to last me the night. I don't regret the purchase and playing with bros is always fun but I don't see myself investing time in it for months on end.
You just need a top ten finish. Once you get close to that chicken dinner it becomes addictive.

The doctor's erect penis is used as the key to start the time machine. Therefore it's not sexist but required.
lol...that was an exact scenario I thought of in my head, but then thought, well, she could have a dried up dr. who penis from another who or some sort of magical dildo that did the same thing or she could be a hermaphrodite.

Man, I'm playing Witcher 3 and so far it's one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. It's a fine game, but to me nowhere near the "OMG BEST RPG EVERZ" reviews it got. Feels like it's 70% cutscenes interspersed with horseback riding and mediocre combat. It's like an 8/10 for me. Granted, I'm still fairly early in the game (7-8 hours is a decent chunk of time, but in a game like the witcher it's only like 5% of the content), so maybe I'll get hooked, but right now I'm not enjoying it anymore than I did a game like Dragon Age Inquisition.
Movement and combat are generally considered subpar in it. Fast travel makes horseback riding much rarer later on. And it's really the story and integration that makes the game great.

Do yourself a favor and read the Kotaku "what you should know before playing Witcher 3" and your enjoyment and appreciation will go up.
As for giving RPGs a long time to setup..? I can remember allot of RPGs on consoles that took a damn good long time to get their plot really started so I guess I'm in the boat on expecting stuff to be setup slowly. Final Fantasy VII being the one that quickly comes to mind.
I guess the question is whether or not you were enjoying yourself up until that point.

You just need a top ten finish. Once you get close to that chicken dinner it becomes addictive.
So you're saying the game just takes several hours to get started? :whistle2:

I'm not super worried about winning. Judging from everyone's screenshots, said dinner comes with nominally more PUBG Bucks than I earn otherwise with a kill or two. And said bucks aren't good for anything but more cosmetic gear that I'll accidentally switch out while trying to pick up a mini-uzi lying next to a red t-shirt anyway. I might as well play to win, of course, but I'm not really hungry for it (dinner puns aside).

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Because there are no Steam deals....AMIRITE?!?!?!?

I haven't actively watched Doctor Who since Christopher Eccleston played him.  Was a big fan back in the day with Tom Baker, Colin Baker, Jon Pertwee (I'm dating myself here).

I do admit I feel a twinge of angst that the Doctor is going "female".  It sounds like an "answer" to sagging ratings.  Maybe it will bring a whole new group of Who fans, who are female so that's a positive.  I'm not sure I will tune in, as I was checked out even when he was male, so.....

I guess I always wonder when there is a major change to a character, where an old, existing fan base is told to suck it up and if you don't "you're ageist, sexist, racist", what would happen if:

1. Tomb Raider was rebooted with Larry Croft, a white male.

2.  (Or if you want to get really wacky) Wonder woman rebooted with a black male (Prince David)

3.  Black Panther rebooted with an Asian woman 

Are these changes above acceptable?  If not why not? 

I guess to answer my own question, I don't think I'd have as much interest because part of what makes the character for me is the history, and the changes above are too radical for me, that it would just smack of a cash grab to me.  

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Because there are no Steam deals....AMIRITE?!?!?!?

I haven't actively watched Doctor Who since Christopher Eccleston played him. Was a big fan back in the day with Tom Baker, Colin Baker, Jon Pertwee (I'm dating myself here).

I do admit I feel a twinge of angst that the Doctor is going "female". It sounds like an "answer" to sagging ratings. Maybe it will bring a whole new group of Who fans, who are female so that's a positive. I'm not sure I will tune in, as I was checked out even when he was male, so.....

I guess I always wonder when there is a major change to a character, where an old, existing fan base is told to suck it up and if you don't "you're ageist, sexist, racist", what would happen if:

1. Tomb Raider was rebooted with Larry Croft, a white male.

2. (Or if you want to get really wacky) Wonder woman rebooted with a black male (Prince David)

3. Black Panther rebooted with an Asian woman

Are these changes above acceptable? If not why not?

I guess to answer my own question, I don't think I'd have as much interest because part of what makes the character for me is the history, and the changes above are too radical for me, that it would just smack of a cash grab to me.
1. I wouldn't care, but since Croft is a big-boobed wank offering to neckbeards, I assume some would care.

2. Problem here is the WOMAN part is essential to her character and also the whole issue of like 95% of superheroes being male. So that would be the issue here, not her race.

3. Same as above except in this case, his race is the essential part of his character and 99% of superheroes are white. So sex not an issue. race is.

Black girl Iron Man, black boy Spider-Man, Muslim Ms. Marvel, female white Thor, Asian Hulk, girl Jedi. It's not like the rest of pop culture isnt doing it.
All this talk about race/gender... Am I on tumblr?

I'm mad that I read Doctor Who is a woman because...

I feel spoiled now...  I liked being surprised by the reveal in the show.

Also it means Idris Elba isn't getting the role... yet...

does this mean Doctor Who is transgendered?  That one guy that hated that game hates Doctor Who now...


You should all google Larry Croft...

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I guess I always wonder when there is a major change to a character, where an old, existing fan base is told to suck it up and if you don't "you're ageist, sexist, racist", what would happen if:
The obvious difference is that Dr Who changes forms on a semi-regular basis. I'm sure ratings or expanding the fan base, etc have something to do with it but, well, that's also why the relaunched series in general shifted to younger, more conventionally handsome leads. Television shows seek ratings, news at eleven. But I also assume there is a strong air of "Hey, wouldn't it be interesting if we..." behind it as well.

But there's a general disparity in the race/gender makeup of characters within major sci-fi/fantasy/comics anyway so, yes, in the quest to broaden the base and address that, it's almost always going to be a white male character changing/rebooted/relaunched/reimagined as something else. Which is probably fine most of the time. It's like having a 100 piece pizza that's 95% pepperoni and 5% sausage. You say "Hey, maybe these other three pieces could be sausage so there's more variety and more people like the pizza" and the response is "Why can't we make those four pieces pepperoni then?!?" when that sort of goes against the issue being addressed.

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The obvious difference is that Dr Who changes forms on a semi-regular basis. I'm sure ratings or expanding the fan base, etc have something to do with it but, well, that's also why the relaunched series in general shifted to younger, more conventionally handsome leads.

But there's a general disparity in the race/gender makeup of characters within major sci-fi/fantasy/comics anyway so, yes, in the quest to broaden the base and address that, it's almost always going to be a white male character changing/rebooted/relaunched/reimagined as something else. Which is probably fine most of the time. It's like having a 100 piece pizza that's 95% pepperoni and 5% sausage. You say "Hey, maybe these other three pieces could be sausage so there's more variety and more people like the pizza" and the response is "Why can't we make those four pieces pepperoni then?!?" when that sort of goes against the issue being addressed.
Here's a thought. Why not create a NEW character? Cuz it's tough, yeah I know...This has been media for quite a while now. It's all f'ing we really want to have a character that appeals to females, transgender, purple/pink-colored people, but creating new characters iz HARDZ!!!! So hey, let's make Captain America a muslim, asian, one-eyed, trans-gendered paraplegic! Yeah, thats the ticket.

If you are going to try to pull me in with a retread, you'll have to 'tread" (HA HA, I FUNNY) carefully as to how much you change in the retread before you turn me off.

Now having said that, I really liked the Battlestar Galactica reboot and a female sue me!!!!!!!!

My bottom line, media thinks that all you have to do is change some physical attributes of a character and booom the money will start rolling in....

Battlestar Galactica had it right....I didn't like the old show (other than the ships and the Daggit..>WHERE THE F WAS THE DAGGIT IN THE NEW SHOW, DAMMIT I HATE THE NEW SHOW NOW), so the new spin on the characters and the Cylons and the way it was filmed really pulled me in. If all they did was change genders/races of people without a personality reboot and plot reboot, I would have probably kicked it to the curb....

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The Dr. Who thing reminds of when Daniel Craig was announced as the next Bond, and there was a huge meltdown because he was blond. Like it really matters what color a spy's hair is.

What confuses me the most is that some people are ok with an alien looking like a human, but not with the alien looking like a woman. That's where you draw the line?

Here's a thought. Why not create a NEW character?
Why? I mean, if the creators or current writers of a character want to change it, isn't that their choice? If the people doing Dr. Who think "Hey, it might be interesting if the Doctor was a woman this time" then that alone is reason enough to do it.

With legacy characters, "what if XYZ was..." is inherently more interesting than "What if there was someone like XYZ but they were..."

Plus, in the case of the commercial world, there's limited resources. They're not going to do Dr. Who and Lady Dr. Who shows because there's not the resources to do it. Sony (or whoever) isn't going to run two different Spiderman lines concurrently just to explore different Mary Janes AND keep the nerd-rage down.

The Dr. Who thing reminds of when Daniel Craig was announced as the next Bond, and there was a huge meltdown because he was blond. Like it really matters what color a spy's hair is.

What confuses me the most is that some people are ok with an alien looking like a human, but not with the alien looking like a woman. That's where you draw the line?
Why? I mean, if the creators or current writers of a character want to change it, isn't that their choice?
Absolutely. I can vote with my wallet or time or whatever....or maybe I'll watch it and like it who knows...

They walk a fine line between alienating old fans vs pulling in new fans. There are some that succeed at creating a hybrid.

I was one who was skeptical of Daniel Craig as Bond. The blond hair was a small part of it because to me, Bond has a certain look. But moreso, Bond had been wussified over the years (IMO) where the gadgets became more important that the agent himself.

I really like the return to a more visceral hands-on Bond that Daniel Craig's Bond brought to the franchise. I think Idris Elba could be an excellent Bond. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'm on board with him as the Gunslinger in The Dark Tower, even though I love him in The Wire and Luther and many other things.

Idris Elba just wasn't who I was picturing in my mind's eye when I was reading the Dark Tower series, so I have this cognitive dissonance going on with him as that character....even McConaughey as The Man in Black...not sure.....we'll see though, I will watch....

Idris Elba just wasn't who I was picturing in my mind's eye when I was reading the Dark Tower series, so I have this cognitive dissonance going on with him as that character....even McConaughey as The Man in Black...not sure.....we'll see though, I will watch....
Can't imagine why that was...




Were people mad when Lucy Liu played Dr. Watson?

Absolutely. I can vote with my wallet or time or whatever....or maybe I'll watch it and like it who knows...

They walk a fine line between alienating old fans vs pulling in new fans. There are some that succeed at creating a hybrid.
That's fair.

I guess it gets stickier with literary characters since they often have established descriptions and, unlike the changing Dr. Who or comics with their thousand reboots and alternate universes, it feels more concrete that someone should look the way the book says. Still, it's all interpretations and translations and I try to enjoy it for what it is. I was a little disappointed that the BBC's version of Dirk Gentley was nothing physically like in the novels (again, younger and more conventionally attractive; as a dumpy middle-aged guy with questionable fashion sense I was obviously being marginalized) but I didn't let that put me off giving it a chance.

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Looked it up. Looks interesting. Kind of cartoony for my taste. Only PvE I assume. Not sure I have the time to dedicate to a game like that though since it seems coop is the way to go.
Its also going F2P

I played the alpha/betas with some friends a bunch, and it was good fun. Like orcs must die but with more building involved. I was fairly set to buy it until they said it would be going F2P around winter time. Even with my 50%+ discount on it from the beta's its hard to pull the trigger knowing that

Absolutely. I can vote with my wallet or time or whatever....or maybe I'll watch it and like it who knows...

They walk a fine line between alienating old fans vs pulling in new fans. There are some that succeed at creating a hybrid.

I was one who was skeptical of Daniel Craig as Bond. The blond hair was a small part of it because to me, Bond has a certain look. But moreso, Bond had been wussified over the years (IMO) where the gadgets became more important that the agent himself.

I really like the return to a more visceral hands-on Bond that Daniel Craig's Bond brought to the franchise. I think Idris Elba could be an excellent Bond. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'm on board with him as the Gunslinger in The Dark Tower, even though I love him in The Wire and Luther and many other things.

Idris Elba just wasn't who I was picturing in my mind's eye when I was reading the Dark Tower series, so I have this cognitive dissonance going on with him as that character....even McConaughey as The Man in Black...not sure.....we'll see though, I will watch....
I find it amusing that people were concerned about Daniel Craig as Bond since Ian Fleming wrote Bond as basically a glorified thug, described as a brute and reckless. Craig is too smooth with women to really follow the character the way he was written but he definitely has the raw physicality for it.

Idris Elba doesn't fit the gunslinger at all but I really disliked those books so it makes it even easier to ignore that abortion of a movie adaption.

Its also going F2P

I played the alpha/betas with some friends a bunch, and it was good fun. Like orcs must die but with more building involved. I was fairly set to buy it until they said it would be going F2P around winter time. Even with my 50%+ discount on it from the beta's its hard to pull the trigger knowing that
Good to know. Will wait. PUBG has all my spare time ATM anyway.

George Romero passed away yesterday. Rest In Peace to my favorite director. Watch Night of the Living Dead in his honor and if you're like me and have a copy, play Land of the Dead Road to Fiddler's Green.
Are you sure he's dead? Better put a slug in him to make sure.


Absolutely. I can vote with my wallet or time or whatever....or maybe I'll watch it and like it who knows...

They walk a fine line between alienating old fans vs pulling in new fans. There are some that succeed at creating a hybrid.

I was one who was skeptical of Daniel Craig as Bond. The blond hair was a small part of it because to me, Bond has a certain look. But moreso, Bond had been wussified over the years (IMO) where the gadgets became more important that the agent himself.

I really like the return to a more visceral hands-on Bond that Daniel Craig's Bond brought to the franchise. I think Idris Elba could be an excellent Bond. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'm on board with him as the Gunslinger in The Dark Tower, even though I love him in The Wire and Luther and many other things.

Idris Elba just wasn't who I was picturing in my mind's eye when I was reading the Dark Tower series, so I have this cognitive dissonance going on with him as that character....even McConaughey as The Man in Black...not sure.....we'll see though, I will watch....
It's not the same Roland from the books. I stopped reading on Wizard and Glass, so... I'm looking forward to it.

Looks like the twitch crates for PUBG are starting to fall. Went ahead and bought/refunded once I got mine. Was able to still get just over $30 for it. Don't think it will be that way for long.

Well, I'm glad that you're enjoying it at least to some extent. Cutscenes have been a controversial point for what feels like generations now, because developers haven't really found a better way to divulge chunks of narrative in games, but that's not something that bothers me very much personally. I don't feel as though the narrative is "disjointed" per se, but the idea that cutscenes break up the actual game experience in ways that are annoying is an old complaint and a valid one for many.

I will say that in a broad context I think there's actually a lot of legitimacy to what MysterD has been saying about RPGs. Look, Mass Effect 2 wasn't really an RPG; it was a cover-based shooter with RPG elements; that the same studio produced that and Dragon Age: Origins was simply amazing to me. While I appreciate that the ME series was nominally an RPG series, even the first game felt like an action game with some decision-making and NPCs thrown in and the second game made the combat even more "twitchy" for lack of a suitable technical term. The RPGs I grew up with were long and detailed affairs and were first and foremost about telling a story in an interesting setting; they also had deep character customization options for your PCs so that no two parties were alike and it was very possible to create a party that was so imbalanced you're destined to fail. That's what a good modern cRPG does, to me.

I also think that if a game is an average of >100 hours to complete (complete meaning different things to different people, obviously), it's not crazy for it to ease you in. You may decide within an hour of playing a game that you don't like it enough to never play again, but to really get into it and have a good working knowledge of its systems may take 10 hours--and games may be designed to spoon-feed you bits and pieces over time. Heck, DA:O's character origins took several hours to play out.

Well, I brought this up and getting the Play Store on there wasn't too tricky. I'm just disappointed that I can't use my live wallpapers, but I'd have to bite the bullet and root it to do that, and I kind-of like Fire OS for using my Amazon content.
I find it funny when people talk about Mass Effect 1 and Alpha Protocol - both games had the same issues, for a game that you control directly like a shooter (and no real point + click): too much RPG elements (i.e. both stats are important + "dice-rolls") are underpinning things + governing if you connect with damage when you actually shoot someone. You could shoot someone, hit 'em in the head, they react, don't get hurt, or it pops up with a "Miss" or "Zero Damage" taken. That makes no sense in a game that controls like you shooter, especially when firing from point-blank range.

The same people that loved Mass Effect 1 criticized Alpha Protocol b/c "Mass Effect 2 changed how RPG's should feel + play like, when shooting." Mass Effect 2 didn't change RPG's technically; it was a really a third-person cover shooter w/ RPG elements (decision-making). They simplfied the crap out of the RPG systems in the game; so much so, they threw some of that stuff (but not all of it) back into ME3. They removed most of the RPG non-sense from ME2 b/c sinking LOTS of points into Guns makes NO SENSE in a game you're iron-sighting or aiming down the barrel + actually shooting. You should really see + feel it working.

Fallout 4 improved immensely in its combat b/c for the most part, it followed ME2's lead here, got rid of Guns (and its categories) going from 0-100 in point-sinking + rolled it into (more or less) a 4-10 point Perk system. It's too bad FO4 left out a lot of the RPG + decision-making that made FO1+2+NV so great; hell, FO4 ain't even on FO3's level in decision-making, TBH.

Dragon Age: Origins is a much different game, as that's more of an old-school cRPG - it's a party-controlling strategic-style cRPG with the allowed BioWare strategic pause. That game really doesn't have much direct-action elements - as you aren't really controlling every swing, motion, and movement in 3rd person or 1st person perspective like you would in say Skyrim. You're queuing attacks up, changing tactics on the fly, and things of that sort - and more or less, watching it unfold in real-time.

For there to be cut-scenes, storytelling, dialogue, good writing, cinematics, voice-acting - all of that stuff better be good if they're going to use those mechanics. Not everybody can excel at doing these things properly, making it sometimes feel like not only am I playing a good game, but I'm also watching a good movie. For me - BioWare Edmonton games; Obsidian games; Troika games (Vampire Bloodlines); CD PRojekt (Witcher series); and Funcom games (see TLJ, Dreamfall, Red Thread's Dreamfall Chapters, The Secret World) can often get away w/ utilizing a heavy approach of this stuff b/c often their writing, storytelling, voice-acting, and things of that sort are always top notch + are putting everybody else to shame. These companies truly flesh-out their worlds, characters, story, plot, and whatnot - so when they do so + don't screw this stuff up, it's great to see these things actually done properly.

For those of you who thought all hope was lost fear not, my 970 check just showed up today

I had given up all thoughts of that, figured i was just SOL

bread's done