Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I guess the question is...what will tank in price quicker to $20 (or less) in a sale: Agents of Mayhem or ME:A?
ME:A took about 5 months almost, but will Agents drop quicker than ME:A?
I think you're exaggerating ME's price "tanking.". $20 in five to six months is pretty common outside of the top games (GTA, Skyrim, Fallout). Prey is already hitting $30 and it came out afterwards.
I think you're exaggerating ME's price "tanking.". $20 in five to six months is pretty common outside of the top games (GTA, Skyrim, Fallout). Prey is already hitting $30 and it came out afterwards.
Hm. I don't know. It's hit some pretty low pricepoints for a relatively-new BioWare game. Inquisition didn't dip as low at $20 until about 15 months after its initial release, but Andromeda has gotten substantial sale discounts despite the fact that it's less than 6 months old.

I do think he's overblowing the Agents of Mayhem situation, though; I don't see that getting a steep discount for a while. I doubt it's as bad as some reviewers have suggested; I just think it's a different genre than people are used to seeing from Volition.
What a shitshow. Game is now magically worth $50 because Gearbox is publishing. Won't sell at that price.

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Hm. I don't know. It's hit some pretty low pricepoints for a relatively-new BioWare game. Inquisition didn't dip as low at $20 until about 15 months after its initial release, but Andromeda has gotten substantial sale discounts despite the fact that it's less than 6 months old.

I do think he's overblowing the Agents of Mayhem situation, though; I don't see that getting a steep discount for a while. I doubt it's as bad as some reviewers have suggested; I just think it's a different genre than people are used to seeing from Volition.
According to ITAD, dragon age hit $30 within 8 months of release. And that's a super successful title. Now the latest ME is far from the most successful or well received ME title, but to try to paint it like a failure or "tanking" when it's following the same trajectory of other similarly received games is... an exaggeration.
Just a heads up for those of you that are interested in Prey and/or Wolfenstein II. AMD just started running their GPU promo where you get a redemption code with purchase of a select AMD Radeon GPU. I managed to snag the redemption code on eBay - $35 for both games is a great deal considering Prey itself is on sale for $30. AMD Promo does not require you to have a AMD GPU installed in your PC, just simply sign-up for an account and pick a system or GPU from their list and it will redeem for you. Prey Steam key is available immediately and the Wolfenstein II Steam Key will be provided at a later date. So if you want these games definitely look for a great deal from someone selling the redemption code/voucher that they don't want. Anyone that wants to do this can do it since it is not like the newer Nvidia GPU Promo's which utilize Geforce Experience to verify that the GPU is actually installed in your PC. Hopefully some other CAGs can get in on this amazing deal as well.

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I'd give it a shot at $5.
You won't like it.

The PvE mode almost requires you to play with people you know as the matchmaking never seems to find other people. (Or its had some sort of an issue for the last week that no one seems to know about.)

You can play it solo but it's incredibly slow, almost no fun, without others to help take some of the focus of you.

MP, real toxic, extremely high learning curve and really hard to have a chance to learn. (You cannot even spectate your teammates after your death to learn that way. It makes sense considering discord and whatnot but it makes for a boring watch.)
How? All it would let me do is look at camera feeds.
hit '5' i think, sad I should know what it is but its more muscle memory, but I believe its just like in game, you use 5 to flip between your drones/cams and your view

which if you didnt know, you can view drones/cams during the game as well, they are not just for the start of the match

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You can play it solo but it's incredibly slow, almost no fun, without others to help take some of the focus of you.
I actually like Terror Hunt on the Lone Wolf mode. Not for days on end, but I throw in a couple rounds now and then. It helps to turn off the Bomb Defuse and Hostage Protection scenarios since those are nearly impossible if you're solo.

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Tremor is such a friggin' waste of time now. Several of the tabs don't even have offers available because there is a payment dispute between Tremor and the offer services. And on the tabs where there are offers available, they almost never properly credit you.

Frankly, I'm starting to wonder how long Tremor is gonna be around. It seems like it's only a matter of time.

Tremor is such a friggin' waste of time now. Several of the tabs don't even have offers available because there is a payment dispute between Tremor and the offer services. And on the tabs where there are offers available, they almost never properly credit you.

Frankly, I'm starting to wonder how long Tremor is gonna be around. It seems like it's only a matter of time.
Supersonic Brands is pretty decent, it switched to 9 per video/whatever and I've picked up almost 300 coins there tonight. It does have a couple videos that don't credit (Jurgen Klopp foosball and a couple that are georestricted by Youtube), but it's pretty consistent. The first 10 or so offers for me are instant credit "slideshows" that you can just close immediately and they seem to cycle back every couple days, so I'd at least do those since they're quick and start adding up.

Adgate is almost always good for about 50 with the one click health problem video/slideshows, just stick with whatever shows up crediting for others in the crawl below the offers (it's broken tonight though, no message but maybe it's one of the ones under dispute). Whenever they have the insurance zip code offers, it's probably 500 coins pretty easy, but that's maybe once a month. Daily Break are pretty good about crediting as well, and they are pretty quick for 100+ coins. Plus, if you're lucky with the spins, you might get enough points there for a one year sub to Marie Claire!

Haven't really bothered with any of the other tabs for months.

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Tremor is such a friggin' waste of time now. Several of the tabs don't even have offers available because there is a payment dispute between Tremor and the offer services. And on the tabs where there are offers available, they almost never properly credit you.

Frankly, I'm starting to wonder how long Tremor is gonna be around. It seems like it's only a matter of time.
Supersonic Brands stopped working for me a week ago. My guess is I got banned somehow from that tab. I've been relying on the adgate 8-13 coin offers currently, it lets you redo the same offers after one or two days


I was at 998, but for some reason the Rogue Squadron key I just redeemed counted as 2 games. So that took the big decision out of my hands; now I don't have an excuse to fakey something with my PUBGbux. Oh well.
FYI you can disable the "add a showcase" button on your profile without making any showcases show up by filling up all of the remaining/unused showcases with blank ones. For example, "Favorite Guide" with no guide selected, "Custom Info Box" with no text, etc.

I mention it cuz I hate seeing the button on my profile but I also hate being forced to clutter my profile with all available showcase slots, and not everyone knows this trick.

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Then play it for 2 hours and claim it doesn't have enough maps and game modes and ubi really needs to release a sdk and blah blah blah

B/c MP maps & modes just ain't what they used to be, in terms of offering up flexibility (For modders + players, b/c they don't offer up SDK's) and longevity (b/c MP games are so focused on only official DLC's, which can splinter communities if everybody don't own the same DLC's & also limits the amount of content out there).

While it might keep the game balanced & "as the dev's intended", that really can only go so far w/ a MP-based game these days.

While it might keep the game balanced & "as the dev's intended", that really can only go so far w/ a MP-based game these days.
Are you saying games shouldn't be well-balanced and as the devs intended? What are your thoughts on boxed mac and cheese?

Bronight Updates:

Offworld Trading Company - Cool strategy/economic sim game. Bah and I had no clue what we were doing and Parallacks graciously toyed with us until he finally had enough and bought me out. Enjoyed the game enough to want to go back and do the tutorial at some point.

Deceit - This is bootleg Dead by Daylight (Weiler's words) but in this case Weiler is actually good at it. Sneaky little infected bastard. This game as a lot of potential but needs a lot of polish. Don't know why it isn't still EA.

Then we played some Drawful 2 and Jackbox Party Box 2. Fun times were had by all. Tonight is...I forget, but I DLed the game.

How? All it would let me do is look at camera feeds.
I think it lets you spectate on terrorist Hunt.
hit '5' i think, sad I should know what it is but its more muscle memory, but I believe its just like in game, you use 5 to flip between your drones/cams and your view

which if you didnt know, you can view drones/cams during the game as well, they are not just for the start of the match
You can spectate in any game mode after death, you can access the cams/drones while alive, and you're able to switch between them after death. I have no idea what key you hit on PC. I play on Xbox and it's down on the Dpad.
While it might keep the game balanced & "as the dev's intended", that really can only go so far w/ a MP-based game these days.
Ubi has pushed Siege hard on the e-sports front which is in direct opposition to the whole "Let's turn my backyard into a Doom .wad!" thing. Balance and map stability are exactly what people want from it.

Tonight's game is Sniper Elite 4 which had to be Bah setting it up.

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I think it lets you spectate on terrorist Hunt.
It must, I didn't die often in TH but i know I suicide bomber got me at least once and I didn't remember having a disconnect from the game like I did when playing the PvP.

hit '5' i think, sad I should know what it is but its more muscle memory, but I believe its just like in game, you use 5 to flip between your drones/cams and your view

which if you didnt know, you can view drones/cams during the game as well, they are not just for the start of the match
Cool, I'll have to play around with it... and I sort of knew that but never really bothered to use it.

You can spectate in any game mode after death, you can access the cams/drones while alive, and you're able to switch between them after death. I have no idea what key you hit on PC. I play on Xbox and it's down on the Dpad.
So down on the D-Pad. I probably didn't get to that button truth be told, obviously I didn't as complained about it so I guess what I'm saying is I never would have thought to try that button.

Anyhow, that would certainly help... Being destroyed every round isn't fun but only being able to view two cameras during the rest of the round is enough to make you question why you're even bothering. :lol:

Ubi has pushed Siege hard on the e-sports front which is in direct opposition to the whole "Let's turn my backyard into a Doom .wad!" thing. Balance and map stability are exactly what people want from it.

Tonight's game is Sniper Elite 4 which had to be Bah setting it up.
Thanks for the reminder. I did download SE4 so I'll be ready to go.

And I forgot it was RSS MysterD was talking about. Yeah, there's no chance that's ever going to get SDK support for people to do their own levels, etc. That's fun in a game like KF2, but RSS is not the game for it.

I was planning on driving downstate for the eclipse but my older son -- and eclipse watching companion -- starts college that day and wants to make his first day of classes.  Driving six hours each way (more with eclipse traffic) alone doesn't sound much fun so I'm likely staying home unless he has a change of mind.

Maybe I'll play Universe Sandbox and hurl the moon into Illinois.  Take THAT!

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I was planning on driving downstate for the eclipse but my older son -- and eclipse watching companion -- starts college that day and wants to make his first day of classes. Driving six hours each way (more with eclipse traffic) alone doesn't sound much fun so I'm likely staying home unless he has a change of mind.

Maybe I'll play Universe Sandbox and hurl the moon into Illinois. Take THAT!
I read this and was like, no thanks:

Free games:

A Nifty Game
Air Console Premium
Crossbow Warrior
First Strike
Plug & Play
The Firm IOS/Android
Transport Fever

At least First Strike & Transport Fever were out of keys. But somehow I already had First strike anyway?
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Free games:
Sent a request but it crashed while going to the next screen and is inaccessible now (Database Error).

Nothing spamming F5 like a rat in a Skinner Box won't fix, I'm sure :whistle2:

EDIT: Currently Dead

High amount of requests!

Wow, that is a blast

We currently cannot deliver more codes. Please try again later.
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I should be able to see the totality from my house. Might get called into work since they're calling it 'one of the biggest events in its history' due to an estimated 250k extra people in the area. Gas has magically gone up $1.50 in the past two days too.
Are you saying games shouldn't be well-balanced and as the devs intended? What are your thoughts on boxed mac and cheese?

Bronight Updates:

Deceit - This is bootleg Dead by Daylight (Weiler's words) but in this case Weiler is actually good at it. Sneaky little infected bastard. This game as a lot of potential but needs a lot of polish. Don't know why it isn't still EA.

Then we played some Drawful 2 and Jackbox Party Box 2. Fun times were had by all. Tonight is...I forget, but I DLed the game.
Deceit still needs work. Kinda buggy. Its something worth revisiting in a few months. They need a tutorial or something stat.

Its a little harder with everyone in discord narcing you out instantly when you take blood . Online you can probably get away with more.

I was planning on driving downstate for the eclipse but my older son -- and eclipse watching companion -- starts college that day and wants to make his first day of classes. Driving six hours each way (more with eclipse traffic) alone doesn't sound much fun so I'm likely staying home unless he has a change of mind.

Maybe I'll play Universe Sandbox and hurl the moon into Illinois. Take THAT!
I live in a town that is usually pretty touristy, and they're predicting something like 40,000 people arriving per day starting yesterday... And the town size alone is 80,000. Gas stations have been running out of gas since yesterday, I've had co-workers Air BnB'ing rooms for $400+ a night, and Monday/Tuesday are WFH days for most at my work... It is insane. We've even got a congregation of "Rainbow Family" (no, I'm not using a derogatory term, but that is what the group has named themselves) that came through twenty years ago and caused a ton of issues. Worst part is my fiancee and I are getting married tomorrow and have to make it up a mountain through groups of thousands... All for two minutes of totality. Oh, and I forgot to mention forest fires have been pretty bad this summer so far, and with thousands more drunk idiots in the woods, we're almost guaranteed to have smoke-blockage.

On topic, I got 2nd place in PUBg on Sunday, it felt rewarding and miraculous and I typically hate games like this, but this one touches me in most of the right ways (and a few wrong ways.)

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We've even got a congregation of "Rainbow Family" (no, I'm not using a derogatory term, but that is what the group has named themselves)
Yea, the Rainbow People. They're basically hippies. Like real deal kind of hippies, not fake Starbucks ones. They live on communes and shit all over the place.

I grew up in North Florida and there's a commune in the Ocala National Forest. When I was like 17, me and some friends went to one of their "Gatherings", it was goofy as hell, but the drugs were free, which is why we went lol.

I should be able to see the totality from my house. Might get called into work since they're calling it 'one of the biggest events in its history' due to an estimated 250k extra people in the area. Gas has magically gone up $1.50 in the past two days too.
I'm pretty much totality at my house... Or a couple of miles from it. Gas is actually 5 cents cheaper than last week.

I just hope I can sleep... Not use to sleeping when it's dark out. lol
I live in a town that is usually pretty touristy, and they're predicting something like 40,000 people arriving per day starting yesterday... And the town size alone is 80,000. Gas stations have been running out of gas since yesterday, I've had co-workers Air BnB'ing rooms for $400+ a night, and Monday/Tuesday are WFH days for most at my work... It is insane. We've even got a congregation of "Rainbow Family" (no, I'm not using a derogatory term, but that is what the group has named themselves) that came through twenty years ago and caused a ton of issues. Worst part is my fiancee and I are getting married tomorrow and have to make it up a mountain through groups of thousands... All for two minutes of totality. Oh, and I forgot to mention forest fires have been pretty bad this summer so far, and with thousands more drunk idiots in the woods, we're almost guaranteed to have smoke-blockage.

On topic, I got 2nd place in PUBg on Sunday, it felt rewarding and miraculous and I typically hate games like this, but this one touches me in most of the right ways (and a few wrong ways.)
Congrats on your forthcoming wedding.

MysterD, are you going to leave your parents basement to see the eclipse? I hear it's DRM free!!!
I know you were talking about MysterD, but this is the real reason I don't care about the eclipse.

I may get Domino's because it's a day that ends in "y" to celebrate the eclipse.

I had mild interest in the eclipse but to see it totally and avoid horrible traffic I would have to go to somewhere random in northern Kansas or something and with 6+ hour drive and nobody else interested I guess I'll ignore it.

bread's done