Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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You have to keep in mind MysterD's playthroughs include 3-4 hours of screenshotting time.

I finally played the Darwin's Project beta this weekend.  Did enough contestant games to be the director for one round. People were saying this was a PUBG killer but they were wrong.  You have 10 contestants and one director and the contestants have to run around and collect resources and craft to survive and kill the other player.  The director can do things like give hints on where other people are, give you temp boosts, drop a special loot  near you, or close one of the 6 sectors in the map down.  You can track other players and if you inspect their snow prints or an item they looted you can see them on the map for like 1 minute.  Graphics and shooting are cartoonish like Fortnite.  Not really my thing and don't see it really picking up.  I assume the streamers will like it for a few days and then it'll struggle to maintain a playerbase. 

lol pubg killer, who are these naive fools. Someone could easily come out with a better game and it wouldn't matter with pubg having 30mil+ in sales and a daily player base of 2.6mil people. The only thing that can kill pubg is itself, either by the devs doing something stupid, or them coming out with a v2

lol pubg killer, who are these naive fools. Someone could easily come out with a better game and it wouldn't matter with pubg having 30mil+ in sales and a daily player base of 2.6mil people. The only thing that can kill pubg is itself, either by the devs doing something stupid, or them coming out with a v2
I blame Kotaku and their advertising crusade for Fortnite BR.

But it is true, PUBG is set to be a CS:GO, LOL, DOTA, RSS if they manage it correctly.

Everyone keeps saying pubg is over.

Family sharing being disable and ban hackers certainly dropped the player-count
Everyone is probably like us. We go a few nights of constant hackers or cheaters and get super frustrated and declare it dead and awful and then we get some chicken dinner the next night and fall in love all over again. It really is a toxic relationship.

You have to keep in mind MysterD's playthroughs include 3-4 hours of screenshotting time.
That's true that I do screenshot a lot for Steam games, sure.

But, not so much on Non-Steam games.

Ever since Steam got rid of having Non-Steam games have their screenies show up on the Steam Activity feed - eh, don't really care about taking screenies much in Non-Steam games. Don't take even close to as many, when running MSI Afterburner.

I really wish GOG, UPlay, Origin, and others had built-in Community like Steam where I could take screenshots & post them on their own service's My Activity Feed.

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Would it matter? No one is checking their Origin friends feed.
This, and I keep all game clients except for Steam closed most of the time (when I'm not playing games on them). No way would I check an activity feed on them. Really don't care about most community features on non-Steam clients but I do wish Uplay would implement a profile system so you can check friends owned games and shit.

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Would it matter? No one is checking their Origin friends feed.
Yes b/c I want somewhere to host my screenies for Non-Steam games.

I'd like things nice and neat - i.e. Origin game screenies on Origin, GOG games screenies on GOG, UPlay games screens on UPlay, etc etc.


Plus, it's a pain to have Non-Steam clients & games ran through Steam just to take screens.

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This, and I keep all game clients except for Steam closed most of the time (when I'm not playing games on them). No way would I check an activity feed on them. Really don't care about most community features on non-Steam clients but I do wish Uplay would implement a profile system so you can check friends owned games and shit.
at least uplay has the ability to track down and add friends from steam. would be nice if origin did this.

I was cleaning out my storage and found a factory sealed duke nukem forever collector's edition. Said what the hell and opened it to check the steam code. Lucked out. Code worked! This must have been released 8 -10 yrs ago at this point lol.
Would it matter? No one is checking their Origin friends feed.
At this point no. Of course not. I couldn't imagine it but if EA added it before the next BF title it could be useful.

All those matches of BF the bros played... I imagine there was more than a few things that happened that was screenshot worthy.
I couldn't imagine it but if EA added it before the next BF title it could be useful.

All those matches of BF the bros played... I imagine there was more than a few things that happened that was screenshot worthy.
Exactly why Origin should support screen-taking and have an Activity Feed.

Uplay should have it also for games like R6 Siege and especially AC series of games.

At this point no. Of course not. I couldn't imagine it but if EA added it before the next BF title it could be useful.

All those matches of BF the bros played... I imagine there was more than a few things that happened that was screenshot worthy.
I'll be honest, BF1 is not a very screenshot worthy game. At least not the MP. Everything is so fast-paced and you're so focused on taking points and jumping back into the action and everything is so well made that you don't really have too many stupid glitches. Maybe on occasion getting a tank stuck or something, but it's probably not one of the most screenshot worthy games.

Start a Twitter account for your videogames? Many games that save replays and highlights or have quick-capture features support posting directly to social media. I don't know about BF1 or Uplay though.

Tried the Vermintide 2 beta today ... couldn't really get into it. I was impressed with the visuals, enemy animations, and the way the levels progressed/the feeling of rushing further and further through a level. There were definitely lots of cool moments and you could see a lot of heart was put into the game, but the actual first-person melee mechanics just feel rather flat and non-visceral. As far as I can tell, there's no parry mechanic?

The first person viewpoint makes it hard to tell if there's any sort of i-frames built into the combat, so you're really just running around slashing through the air, never really feeling like you're connecting with anything, just sort of running around, trying not to get surrounded, and slashing mindlessly for a while. I'm sure some people have gotten much deeper into the combat, but it didn't feel like something immediately accessible where you could feel any sort of real deliberateness to it.

Even if they had a deep parry system that allows you to get into a deliberate and calculated duel with an enemy, you wouldn't be able to because you need to run around to avoid getting surrounded, so it's just run around and take opportunities to slash at things mindlessly.

I certainly hope Mordhau avoids becoming like Vermintide, and focuses more on one-on-one encounters, learning enemy tells, dodging, blocking, parrying and the like. 

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Was at Kroger today.  Screaming Sicilian was $8.99 and Jack's was $4.19!!!!

Took a chance on some brand I hadn't tried that was on sale.  Fightin' Tomato.  Will report back when I eat it.  

Was at Kroger today. Screaming Sicilian was $8.99 and Jack's was $4.19!!!!

Took a chance on some brand I hadn't tried that was on sale. Fightin' Tomato. Will report back when I eat it.
should have gone to walmart, due to the conversations over the past week I took a look, screamin sicilian was 5.something and tombstone 4$

that being said Im never going again unless I have to, they seem to only stock the bare minimum of stuff anymore so theres no more options in types of cheeses, or meats, everything is just the basics. If I didnt need a tape measure as well I probably would have just gone to our version of kroger

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should have gone to walmart, due to the conversations over the past week I took a look, screamin sicilian was 5.something and tombstone 4$

that being said Im never going again unless I have to, they seem to only stock the bare minimum of stuff anymore so theres no more options in types of cheeses, or meats, everything is just the basics. If I didnt need a tape measure as well I probably would have just gone to our version of kroger
I don't shop at Wal-Mart too often mostly because of the lines. You're waiting at least 30 minutes just to check out around here and as you mentioned, prices are good on some things but selection is limited on others. I also find that their produce and meat doesn't last as long as other places.

Preferred place is H-Mart, but they don't stock almost any americanized frozen food so we go to Kroger for that or random stuff H-Mart may not have.

Hard to beat H-Mart on a lot of stuff though. They had mini-watermelons for $1.29. I know they are out of season, but for the price I had to try them out.

hehe we need to go back to our h-mart its been years since we been there. Usually its just to wander around and gaze at everything. We also have an M-mart here which is the korean h-mart (i guess they couldnt be kmart for obvious reasons)

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then I guess whoever runs m-mart thought h-mart needed competition. Figured Id look it up since i never went in there. Its like a mom and pop h-mart, thats also pretty run down but never extremely busy compared to h-mart, which is why people go there

I wouldn't necessarily call our H-Mart run down, just very used.  Tons of people go there from Asians, Hispanics, and a lot of Blacks/West Indians since they cater to the Caribbean crowd too.  You also see some White people, but not a ton, but that's the case in my part of town anyway.  All the whites either live further out in the burbs or closer to the city.  We have a few wannabe H-marts and one is actually really good and has a great korean restaurant in it, but it's like 30 minutes away.  The H-Mart has the best chinese restaurant near me inside of it along with a store to buy counterfeit clothes and cheap import electronics. 

Damn, I got to the end of this thread and was going to post the same thing lol.

Btw, Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3 premiere tonight!

Btw, Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3 premiere tonight!

It was good and up On Demand on Xfinity early this morning.

Counterpart was up also and that was also quite good.

Starz puts a lot of their stuff up early On Demand w/ Xfinity before it Premieres Live on their Station that night.

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Newegg has The Evil Within 2 (PC) for $17.99 w/ free shipping after using code - EMCPRRT34

Definitely the cheapest price to date.
I actually got an e-mail from Newegg earlier this week with some coupons (cause I bought something from them recently) and one of them was a 50% off coupon on select games including Evil Within 2. So I ended up getting it for $14.99 and free 2-day shipping with ShopRunner.

I've only put about 5 hours into it, but I'm enjoying it so far.

Fanatical has another beautiful, beautiful bundle today. Really beautiful. It's the Dollar Viva bundle. I'm told the price is a dollar, which is a tremendous price for a bundle. Really, really tremendous. Folks, it's 29 tremendous games for a dollar. You can't beat that for a deal, and I know deals. Everyone knows it. 29 games. Count them. Tremendous.


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Fanatical has another beautiful, beautiful bundle today. Really beautiful. It's the Dollar Viva bundle. I'm told the price is a dollar, which is a tremendous price for a bundle. Really, really tremendous. Folks, it's 29 tremendous games for a dollar. You can't beat that for a deal, and I know deals. Everyone knows it. 29 games. Count them. Tremendous.

I have heard that certain news sites have tried counting them and can't even get that right. They are trying to discredit you by saying that the Russian's are trying to sneak extra games into our steam accounts with some of the keys and that there are really 33 games.
Hmmm, looks alright. I still don't have Beholder, so debating the extra $4 for high tier, cheapest the Ministerial bundle has been is $4.50 or so. But with Beholder 2 coming out, I suspect they'll keep offering it crazy cheap or free some places. 

Okay but, it has plenty of Cindy in it, so, arguably the most worthwhile parts of the game if you just plan on playing the first chapter.
I'm a lurker that has been closely following the pineapple pizza debate. Cindy is the name of a co-worker who is 38 and acts like an 8 y/o. Cindy is worse than pineapple pizza. It is worth mentioning that Cindy puts ketchup on her pizza. Thought all of this was a valid reason for me to post in this thread.

Is there a site or resource that compiles which games allow key binding from in game menu?

I know that there are a lot of sites that compile data on pc games like steam prices or even # of people playing.

I noticed that a lot of games from last gen and even some from this gen only allow WASD and additional set keys around it. I keyboard with right hand so i need to re-map keys. I don't really like changing ini files and the like. And even then, weird stuff can happen like keys resetting or just not working

I can usually find info from google searching individual games but sometimes come up short. Other times key mapping is added later like diablo 3.
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bread's done