I sure hope Bethesda learns its lesson from all this nerd rage. We don't want them to try anything new or different. We just want the same game in a slightly different environment.
Or better yet, they go out of business and then I have to endure a lifetime of "I WISH MORE GAMES LIKE FALLOUT AND SKYRIM WERE MADE, I MISS THOSE."
Do we even need another online-only/MMO-style/survival/shooter game? Ain't there enough of those on the market?
I don't think Bethesda's fans here asked for an online-only FPS/ARPG, TBH. I really don't get this trend to stick every new title into the always-online category to play with friends/strangers - you know, like the Destiny series, Diablo 3 on PC (especially when previous entries of Diablo had offline support), etc etc.
I know they are doing it for the DRM purposes to try to do a better job at preventing piracy and to get everybody playing "together" - but did anyone really ask for this in a Fallout game?
This might've been a better idea if we had the choice to play the FO76 game either offline or online - you know, like they did in the old days with games like Diablo 2; Hellgate: London; and even Borderlands 1 & 2. At least the issues of losing your connection and saves wouldn't be much of an issue b/c...well, you can play it offline and not worry about the online non-sense!
I also don't think Bethesda's fans asked for them to take out NPC's and the choice stuff - you know, one of the bread and butters of what actually made a Fallout game an actual Fallout game since the very first Fallout 1.
I don't think FO4 has the best FPS/combat either. Sure, it improved - but a lot of games are much better at it than FO games are. Combat was never Bethesda's strong suit, so to center a game like FO76 around it and leave out the RPG stuff - yeah, I don't think anyone asked for that or was looking for that.
FO4 (base-game) already made the decision-making stuff take a backseat to the action and exploration (for a good deal of the base game, at least; even though Far Harbor fixed a fair deal of this in that DLC's portion of the game) - so going further into this action direction with FO76 seems like a mistake; a very big mistake. It's not like Bethesda ever made their combat amazing like say the Battlefield series or the open-world Far Cry series.
Fallout 3, FO: NV, and even FO4 worked not b/c of the combat alone. No, that was just
one element out of
many that made the game work. The exploration, the tons of crazy quests/short stories, some of the characters, the explorations, the choices, the modding scene - these are all of what makes a modern Fallout game really work. FO games work from the sum of all of its parts, not just combat and exploration. Take something out of a game's franchise...and it's gonna feel missing in the sequel/spin-off; and that sounds like the case w/ FO76.
If I really want an open-world FPS, you know, I'd go grab an open-world game or series that's actually damn good w/ the shooting elements like Far Cry series; and/or even the STALKER series. Hell, even Homefront: The Revolution sounds like a better choice than FO76.
And then, we also have the issue w/ Creation Engine. I don't know if it stems back from GameByro days, but if possible - they need to at least fix the physics...and stop tying it to 30fps/60fps. Get it also working at higher FPS's like 90fps; at least try, for crying out loud. Creation Engine is dated and Bethesda needs to, if possible, fix a lot of the issues that have been holding that dated engine back for years.