Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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So off topic but we occasionally talk TV shows so why not?

Hulu just emailed me my stats for the year and I watched 94,820 minutes on hulu this year. I suspect 90% of it was Brooklyn 99 while I was sleeping during the day... I feel I've saved the show from the axe twice now.

Oh, finished season 8 of the Walking Dead within the last month. I don't really understand people's complaints but I suspect being able to watch it all over the course of a week or so likely helps with the slow parts.

Also finally watched Breaking Bad (finished this morning) and it was excellent TV, very solidly made in all that, but I'm not seeing it as the "best TV show ever" that many people consider it to be... I almost wonder if seeing it all so quickly with no offseason to wonder what could happen hurt my viewing of it.q
There's a few shows I can't resist binge watching, usually shows with short seasons or maybe only 1 season out at the time, but in general I love the slow burn of TV shows and hate the binging culture we now find ourselves in.

There's only been 2 shows I felt that binging didn't hurt them too bad: first season of True Blood and the first couple seasons of Game of Thrones. I think it helps that both shows have multiple fairly different storylines going on and that they're both less episodic. They both did a great job of feeling more like 1 novel rather than a collection of TV episodes. I know they're both based on books, but regardless, I think the pacing both shows had in the beginning was excellent

As for Breaking Bad, I absolutely loved season 1 and then kinda hated season 2, but it was mostly because of how it all built up to that epically stupid ending of the season. By the final season, I felt like it had redeemed itself. Definitely not one of the best shows of all time, but really good overall.

I've only played DA2 once, can't remember what the dlc was about so can't answer that. But the DLC for ME2 + 3 is very good overall, and some parts of it (Arrival, From Ashes, Leviathan) are all either somewhat integral or at least contribute to the main story line. Leviathan in particular
I'd also put a plug in for Citadel... Not necessary by any means but a fun Dlc of you enjoy the characters.
Are any of these 'must haves' for the games story wise or just extra added fluff? Tempted by the dragon age 2 bundle since I think I have goty versions of 1 and 3 that I haven't played yet. I played mass effect 1 and about 1/3 of the second one probably 10 years ago or so and have been meaning to finish off the trilogy but havent.
No clue, as I haven't played the DLC's at all.

I just bought them all, earlier today - ME2, ME3, and DA2 DLC Bundles.

Cheapest they've ever been.


I've only played DA2 once, can't remember what the dlc was about so can't answer that. But the DLC for ME2 + 3 is very good overall, and some parts of it (Arrival, From Ashes, Leviathan) are all either somewhat integral or at least contribute to the main story line. Leviathan in particular
Main DA2 DLC's are as follows: Exiled Prince, Legacy, and Mark of the Assassin.

Maybe that'll help you remember, if you did play them?

How was the Kasumi DLC for ME2?

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I'd also put a plug in for Citadel... Not necessary by any means but a fun Dlc of you enjoy the characters.
+1 to this

I would say that these are the essential DLCs from these packs: Citadel, Mark of the Assassin, From Ashes, and Lair of the Shadow Broker. Any one of them, frankly, makes the pack worth the price of admission. The weakest of these is the Dragon Age, because the others in that pack are mediocre at best.

Main DA2 DLC's are as follows: Exiled Prince, Legacy, and Mark of the Assassin.

Maybe that'll help you remember, if you did play them?

How was the Kasumi DLC for ME2?
Yeah, I don't remember anything about DA2 dlcs. The whole game is kind of a blur, I played it once like 4 or 5 years ago.

Kasumi dlc is very good.

I'd also put a plug in for Citadel... Not necessary by any means but a fun Dlc of you enjoy the characters.
Agreed. Tbh I think pretty much all the dlc for ME 2 + 3 is at worst average and at best excellent, it's all worth playing. I only mentioned the ones I did because he asked about the ones that are must have in relation to the story. The ones I pointed out probably aren't necessarily the best dlcs from the ME series but they're probably the most crucial from a story standpoint. Getting all the dlc for 2 + 3 for a total of 21 dollars is well worth it imo

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I started playing Divinity: Original Sin last weekend, it's really good. I'm typically just so-so on turn based rpgs, but the combat in this game really is great. The writing/plot is just okay, and I'm not a huge fan of the torchlight/WoW-esque art style, but overall it's really engrossing and one of the better crpgs I've played. Of the recent crpgs to come out it's certainly well above something like Planescape Tides of Numenara (which was fine), and overall a good bit more fun than Pillars of Eternity imo (although Pillars was great, and had more interesting lore/writing than Divinity). Definitely worth picking up if you like crpgs and don't have it. It's ten bucks in the steam sale, but the "collector's edition" includes two copies (along with Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity) for 14 bucks, so if you split that with somebody you can get it for 7 dollars which it's absolutely worth. 

+1 to this

I would say that these are the essential DLCs from these packs: Citadel, Mark of the Assassin, From Ashes, and Lair of the Shadow Broker. Any one of them, frankly, makes the pack worth the price of admission. The weakest of these is the Dragon Age, because the others in that pack are mediocre at best.
Curious: what makes Mark of the Assassin DLC so much better than Legacy DLC?

Thanks for the dlc input guys, now I am debating spending another $31 on dlc for games I've had in my backlog for years and years.  This little voice in my head tells me its a bad idea, but what does he know anyway?

Spoder commented that Origin/EA would have a Humble bundle soon.  If I wanted to replay ME2 and such again, I would be glad to pick up the DLC packs.  I picked up Star Wars Battle Front 2 to play the SP campaign as $4.5 (plus tax) was fine and picked up Battlefield 1 with DLCs when it was $5.  ME Adnromeda for $4 even though it goes to EA is also a great deal.  For the rest of EA titles through Origin for a bundle, I just do not have a lot of interest.  I was be interested to see what they would put into a bundle.  Top tier would probably include Battlefield 5 for $30.

I played mass effect 1 and about 1/3 of the second one probably 10 years ago or so and have been meaning to finish off the trilogy but havent.
Like others have said, for ME2, Lair of the Shadow Broker and the Arrival are pretty much *must dos* for the overall story. The Kasumi DLC I really liked because I really liked the character. Also, depending on your class (I chose Sentinel) you get a very good SMG much earlier than you could otherwise if you do the DLC right away. Zaheed is also okay.

I'm in the middle of ME3 now, about to start the "Omega" DLC and have already decided the "From Ashes" DLC was worth it (and worth doing early) as it gives fresh perspective to the story.

How was the Kasumi DLC for ME2?
As stated above, I think Kasumi is a great character. The mission itself was fun an a bit different than the main loyalty missions as it involves a 'heist' of sorts.

Thanks for the dlc input guys, now I am debating spending another $31 on dlc for games I've had in my backlog for years and years. This little voice in my head tells me its a bad idea, but what does he know anyway?
I'm just playing through the series now after buying the first one as a *preorder* on 360 but got backlogged due to the original Assassin's Creed. Now coming to ME3, I have no problem buying all the story DLCs (unfortunately at full prices on 360; mitigated by bing points). That being said, there *is* enough game in the games to feel complete without it, I just wanted to be in that galaxy a little longer.

Mass Effect games worked okay as third-person-over-the-shoulder adventure games.  The action/combat, however, was pretty mediocre.  And the level design (endless corridors) tedious.

Curious: what makes Mark of the Assassin DLC so much better than Legacy DLC?
I don't remember actually playing Legacy, but in addition to a solid story, I think Tallis is great. If you're not a fan of Felicia Day, your mileage may vary.
The Exiled Prince is okay, but I honestly didn't think Vael contributed that much to the game or that he was very interesting as a character.
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Anyone have thoughts on Hitman 2 or Monster Hunter World?
I put a couple of hundred hours into MHW on the PS4 and then bought it again at the PC launch. It's a great game as long as you like games with slow but rewarding progression. The combat takes a bit to get use to but the variety of weapons and the ability to switch at any time keep it fresh.

I put a couple of hundred hours into MHW on the PS4 and then bought it again at the PC launch. It's a great game as long as you like games with slow but rewarding progression. The combat takes a bit to get use to but the variety of weapons and the ability to switch at any time keep it fresh.
I tried MHW, but the combat put me off. Should I stick it out? will I come to enjoy the combat? It feels kind of like fighting game level of complicated which I really don't have the patience for.

I tried MHW, but the combat put me off. Should I stick it out? will I come to enjoy the combat? It feels kind of like fighting game level of complicated which I really don't have the patience for.
You don’t have to have that kind of twitch reflex counting frames mastery, but you do need to learn when to dodge/guard. You CAN eventually make a build with enough defense to tank even most of the tougher monsters, but you’re never going to beat them if you’re being thrown around the field the whole mission. As long as you get the hang of monster patterns and can keep out of the way of most of the attacks—it does take time to learn if you aren’t used to that kind of thing, but it’s not an SNK boss or Dark Souls learning curve—you can have fun with it, assuming you like the gameplay.
Why on earth does Origin not have a shopping cart?  If a person wants to buy more than one thing on sale they have to do it one at a time.  Great way to get false fraud alerts on your cc too.

Why on earth does Origin not have a shopping cart? If a person wants to buy more than one thing on sale they have to do it one at a time. Great way to get false fraud alerts on your cc too.
Origin has the worst shopping site for me. I am not a fan of trying to find a price as they want you to sub to Origin Access. Uplay even has a better site. I even paid tax on Starwars Battlefront 2 through Amazon as I did not want to buy directly through EA/Origin. I am going to buy ME Andromeda for $4 through the site though as Amazon has not matched.

Bluesnews - Beyond Good & Evil 2 is an online-only game.

You can play it solo, but you'll have to be online at all times to do so.

But, the game's (supposedly) really built to be played online for its seamless navigation, Dynamic updates/Live updates, and to play with friends.
oh nice, this is exactly what people were looking for out of bge2, just like how an always online play w/friends game is totally what people wanted from fo76

Fallout 76 owners, you're going to get Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics for free next month:
nice, getting 20 year old crpgs is really going to make up for their dumpster fire of a game

Already got those for free from GOG years ago when they delisted them for some reason and decided to hand them out to basically everyone.

Why you no when?
I've had Fallout 2 from retail not too long after release.

And later, I got Fallout 1 & 2 and Tactics from GOG.

Got Fallout 1 on Steam for free.

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oh nice, this is exactly what people were looking for out of bge2, just like how an always online play w/friends game is totally what people wanted from fo76
Amen, I'm so tired of this trend.

Seems like AAA companies, dev's and pub's, want to stick online-only onto everything - to support online-only DRM, prevent piracy, set-up MTX's, set-up for Live Updates/Service, and other non-sense.

I'm so tired of this trend. I just want to play my game, no matter what's going on with my end of the connection and/or what's going on w/ their end (on their servers).

This can't be cheap, maintaining servers for every buyer to play the game on.

I always thought Diablo 2 had the best idea: play offline or offline, your choice/option. I just wish they found a way to keep cheating-out when they employ the choice to let players go either online or online, in which this seems like the only good thing to come from Diablo 3 PC being online-only as it kept cheating down.

I'm okay w/ companies creating new franchises and sticking those w/ online-only, as I don't have any attachment to these. Yet, they keep taking Single-Player franchises like Elder Scrolls (with ESO) Fallout (with Fallout 76), and now BG&E (with BG&E2) - and making them online-only. Really growing tired of this trend.

nice, getting 20 year old crpgs is really going to make up for their dumpster fire of a game
LOL. I have this funny feeling this "olive branch", it will be given away on the Bethesda Store/Launcher and not Steam.

It's a nice gesture to give away free stuff and all - but, I don't think most people playing FO76 are looking for those classics...or long-term fans probably might already own these elsewhere (Steam, GOG, or retail).

They really need to fix/revamp/rework FO76.

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Yeah, Thanks to Bethesda for giving away to F76 owners the games that Interplay gave away to everyone right before they weren't going to have the license anymore.

Yeah, Thanks to Bethesda for giving away to F76 owners the games that Interplay gave away to everyone right before they weren't going to have the license anymore.
I think you're not reading enough into it... Bethesda is admitting they don't know how to make a proper Fallout game so they're giving the best ones ever to true Fallout fans...
I think you're not reading enough into it... Bethesda is admitting they don't know how to make a proper Fallout game so they're giving the best ones ever to true Fallout fans...
Personally, I thought they did fine w/ Fallout 3 and FO4: Far Harbor DLC.

If they want to do MP, they should stick optional co-op play into something like FO3 or FO4 - where we have story, NPC's, choices, and the usual FO stuff.


Got FO 76 for free....still sitting wrapped in my closet. Either giving it away to a friend or throwing that POS in the trash.
We're "friends", right? ;)

You got the PC version, right? ;)

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Got FO 76 for free....still sitting wrapped in my closet. Either giving it away to a friend or throwing that POS in the trash.
I have an Xbox, you can send it to me.


Fallout 76 owners, you're going to get Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics for free next month:

See, I would rent the game on Redbox with a free code and start it up just to get the games since I don't own them...but I'm never using Bethesda Launcher. That shit can burn in hell.
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2 things that I believe that other sites need that Steam has (just a minimum)

-reviews as this gives other players idea of how game play and/or performance may be

-support forum

yes, Steam also has other features such as other forums that include guides/walkthroughs that are useful

even Uplay has forums for its games.  I find Steam easier to navigate, but I want to give Uplay/Ubi credit. If Uplay would add reviews that focused on game play and performance, I would applaud them.

Origin, I found is harder to navigate.  You have to go to the game, pick overview and under game links you will find a forums options.  I could only find this if I searched in the store.  When I went to "my games" I could not find an option to go to a forum.  I also will give Origin credit that they have a help option which leads to customer service.  Several years ago, I actually spoke to another human being on the phone regarding my account, which would never happen with Steam.  Again, adding reviews would be nice.  I also think Origin could do a lot better in making navigation easier.

Epic store is too new for me to critique other than what has already been said.

Epic's client just seems rushed so they could hurry up and get sales.  Ostensibly to woo other potential developers into signing EXCLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSIVE rights agreements.  If you don't have a minimally functioning store front then no one is going to sign with you.

Travis Baldree (Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw) said a great feature of Epic's client is 'direct e-mail access to developers' or something to that effect.  Meanwhile there is no evidence that feature even exists... never mind not even a forum.

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Travis Baldree (Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw) said a great feature of Epic's client is 'direct e-mail access to developers' or something to that effect. Meanwhile there is no evidence that feature even exists... never mind not even a forum.
False, there is direct email access to developers so long as you have the developers personal email address. Dumbass

2 things that I believe that other sites need that Steam has (just a minimum)

-reviews as this gives other players idea of how game play and/or performance may be

-support forum

yes, Steam also has other features such as other forums that include guides/walkthroughs that are useful

even Uplay has forums for its games. I find Steam easier to navigate, but I want to give Uplay/Ubi credit. If Uplay would add reviews that focused on game play and performance, I would applaud them.

Origin, I found is harder to navigate. You have to go to the game, pick overview and under game links you will find a forums options. I could only find this if I searched in the store. When I went to "my games" I could not find an option to go to a forum. I also will give Origin credit that they have a help option which leads to customer service. Several years ago, I actually spoke to another human being on the phone regarding my account, which would never happen with Steam. Again, adding reviews would be nice. I also think Origin could do a lot better in making navigation easier.

Epic store is too new for me to critique other than what has already been said.
Origin could do a lot of things better.

Origin needs a shopping cart so I can order multiple things at once in one big order. I had to order ME2 DLC Bundle, ME3 DLC Bundle, DA2 DLC Bundle in separate orders.

Origin's detection of game folders/files on reinstall sucks. It used to work, but they recently broke it in the last year or so. Even GOG Galaxy and UPlay get this right, as you point to the folder...then it verifies files and then DL's whatever's missing. Now with Origin, when you click download and it checks your folder on reintall, who knows what happens - it might only notice base-game and force DLC's download (when you already have them); might try to re-download base-game & all DLC's; who knows - roll the dice. Garbage.

Steam's the best service by far - it does all of this stuff w/ reinstalls from back-ups, file updates, and then some more perfect these days Big Picture Mode, Controller Support, Proton Support, SteamLink Support, screenshot-taking, a Cloud to post screenies, streaming support, excellent Forums & Community; etc etc.

Steam as a PC service puts 'em all to shame.

Might be some sort of game coming to the winter sale or at least some different way of leveling the Knick-Knack badge.  The badge goes to 1 million and it levels super slowly, plus the cottage page says something about more coming on the 24th.  So much better than deep game discounts!

Epic's client just seems rushed so they could hurry up and get sales.
I do find the Epic store mediocre so far, but I wouldn't say the issue is it's rushed. The guy behind it said he's been working on the launch of the store for years and the PC launch of Shadow Complex they gave away a couple years ago is pretty good evidence that they were working on the store back then. I think it was good timing so they could have a big splash at the Game Awards and also have the launch of Hades out there.

Also, this is the company that has worked on Fortnite Save the World for over 7 years without still launching a fully polished version of that game and yet they were able to make the biggest game in the world in a matter of months. Obviously the amount of time Epic spends on something doesn't equate to how fully featured it is.

Might be some sort of game coming to the winter sale or at least some different way of leveling the Knick-Knack badge. The badge goes to 1 million and it levels super slowly, plus the cottage page says something about more coming on the 24th. So much better than deep game discounts!
Well the page has 4 doors, so they probably add more doors. (14 doors in total).

-reviews as this gives other players idea of how game play and/or performance may be
Reviews should not come from the store. It's a serious conflict of interest and it's also just unfair, to products, to buyers, and to competitors and the market.

The store should be a store, and not participate in influencing the purchases. Besides the inappropriate influence, you're stuck relying on the store's system, instead of allowing someone *good* at recommendations and reviews to compete. You also let the store cheat. If Steam controls the reviews, what do people who bought elsewhere get to do? They are silenced unless they *pay* Steam again just to participate.

If a store wants to have reviews, they should be responsible and work with a third party. Tying our stores, reviews, and social features together is an abomination.

Reviews should not come from the store. It's a serious conflict of interest and it's also just unfair, to products, to buyers, and to competitors and the market.

The store should be a store, and not participate in influencing the purchases. Besides the inappropriate influence, you're stuck relying on the store's system, instead of allowing someone *good* at recommendations and reviews to compete. You also let the store cheat. If Steam controls the reviews, what do people who bought elsewhere get to do? They are silenced unless they *pay* Steam again just to participate.

If a store wants to have reviews, they should be responsible and work with a third party. Tying our stores, reviews, and social features together is an abomination.
I'm not convinced that this issue is this black-and-white.

Frankly, I find your argument that stores shouldn't host reviews because it puts YouTubers out of work to be the least compelling argument that there could possibly be. Having reviews for a game or anything else on a storefront doesn't impact the ability of a random yahoo to host a reviews channel, and if he or she can't make that work, why would the blame lie with a store somehow "outcompeting" him/her?!

I don't see Steam being different from Lowe's or Wal-Mart or Amazon or any other place that sells things through a website and also has user reviews. Qualitatively, well, people on the internet can be douchebags about anything, but do gamers seem to have an especially-well-deserved reputation for this? You bet. There has to be some level of quality-control or the online reviews are basically worthless. It's definitely debatable whether the reviews system on Steam is curated too much or not enough, but restricting the publication of reviews to just verified purchasers is one way of curtailing some of the inevitable review-bombing that items could receive. Some sites have a special notation by a review indicating that the reviewer is a verified purchaser (meaning that the product was obtained on that site), and Steam could do this instead of completely restricting reviews to verified purchasers only, so yes, that's a little bit of a lazy fix.

I do think it's valuable to have reviews on sites that sell products; at the end of the day, it's unlikely that a review will either wholly dissuade someone from purchasing something or wholly persuade someone to purchase something, but as a member of the consuming public, I like having user reviews readily available adjacent to where I'm thinking about buying an item. You can call me lazy, but let's be realistic--if that's lazy, then most internet users are lazy.

Finally, your suggestion that the only appropriate way for there to be reviews on sites that sell products is for said seller to partner with a third party is also restrictive in its own way. Which third party should be the "official" review site for Steam? Who decides? How would that not turn into a corrupt enterprise? I don't think the current system is perfect, but tossing out user reviews does not seem like a rational solution to that problem.

bread's done