Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I've really been enjoying Far Cry 5. It's just been a blast w/ the outposts, open-world, and whatnot. Runs well also.

And I just won a contest from Gamersgate, winning a copy of Far Cry: New Dawn (UPlay). Activated and downloading. Awesome.

I wonder how much longer it's going to take Steam to respond to the Epic store gaining momentum.   They're not going to just sit idly by while another competitor continues to gain that much traction in the market.

The last Steam sale was handled nicely enough for consumers.   But that's not going to stop devs and pubs from going to sell their wares where it's much more profitable. 

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Bleh @ lay-offs. Activision and now GOG.

Who's next - BioWare?
GOG is just the store though owned by CD Projekt Red. It'd be like EA laying off people from the Origin store or Valve laying off some Steam employees. Doesn't mean much of anything from a game development standpoint.

I don’t really get the outrage over layoffs. If a company doesn’t need people is it just supposed to keep them around for no reason? My wife owns her own company and if the demand for her products and services drops she lets people go. That’s how businesses work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Layoffs are contextual when it comes to the measure of appropriate or any outrage.

Poor/meager sales or customer disinterest/decline and layoffs: sucks, but ok, a shitty fact of business

Huge sales/profits and overpaid CEOs, no matter what the company's end game, followed by layoffs: go fuck yourself "insert company name here".

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Layoffs are contextual when it comes to the measure of appropriate or any outrage.

Poor/meager sales or customer disinterest/decline and layoffs: sucks, but ok, a shitty fact of business

Huge sales/profits and overpaid CEOs, no matter what the company's end game, followed by layoffs: go fuck yourself "insert company name here".
Are you meaning to suggest that 'trickle-down economics' does, in fact, not work?


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When is the last time GOG had a flagship release or event? The Witcher 3 release in 2015? LucasArts games in 2014? CDP tried GOG exclusivity with Thronebreaker and that didn't work.

They've been giving away games via GOG Connect but for most people those are just +1s on another platform they'll not bother with anyway.

GOG has spent the last 5-6 years trying too hard to compete with Steam instead of focusing on ways to make their platform unique.

For example, imagine if GOG had incorporated some kind of multiplayer component with Galaxy that allowed people to play old games online with each other (like what Gameranger does). Surely there are probably third party or community-driven solutions on a game-by-game basis (like for Unreal Tournament or Doom), but multiplayer support for many old games tied into Galaxy would have been a big thing for many people.

GOG's three pillars were DRM-free, no regional pricing, and freebies/goodies (soundtracks, strategy guides, etc.). Two of those are no more. The DRM-free crowd seems to be dwindling as people accept the convenience of Steam & other clients, or give into using said clients so they don't miss out on the latest and greatest games not on GOG.

Then there's the issue with newer games on GOG sometimes not getting updates as quickly as on Steam, which is not GOG's fault as I understand GOG allows developers to update their builds. Still, GOG is largely an afterthought for the average PC gamer as well as developer.

The well of old games that are worth pursing or not buried under legal/ownership issues is pretty much dry at this point. Even if GOG can work with Night Dive to land a high profile good old game like Blade Runner or NOLF, how will they continue to keep themselves relevant in the long run?

Cyberpunk 2077 GOG exclusive confirmed.

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Then there's the issue with newer games on GOG sometimes not getting updates as quickly as on Steam, which is not GOG's fault as I understand GOG allows developers to update their builds. Still, GOG is largely an afterthought for the average PC gamer as well as developer.
Actually, I saw a dev comment on the La Mulana 2 forums that does seem to put some of the blame for this on GOG.

"Sorry, I submit the GOG update before the Steam one, but it takes longer to get uploaded. I'm afraid there's not much I can do about a slight delay on their side. Sorry. "

In case anybody is interested in Nier: Game of the YoRHa edition, I just grabbed it from GS. The code gave me the standard game with all of the DLC packaged in. Unsure if it was ever conveyed it would be a brand new entry/SKU/title, but that is where I am right now. I think the general consensus was that it wasn't going to be an updated version of the game, but right now it's looking grim as to if there will be any update. I hope against hope.

So.  DIY plumbing sucks (changing out a garbage disposal, but the shit part is realizing my faucet is fused and I have no idea how to remove it short of taking out the entire kitchen sink so future problem.  Yay!).

So. DIY plumbing sucks (changing out a garbage disposal, but the shit part is realizing my faucet is fused and I have no idea how to remove it short of taking out the entire kitchen sink so future problem. Yay!).
Hacksaw or some other suitable cutting instrument. Removal of many things ends up being pretty easy if you don't have to worry about reinstalling that particular thing. Even easier if you don't need to worry about either the thing being removed or the thing it is removed from.

When is the last time GOG had a flagship release or event? The Witcher 3 release in 2015? LucasArts games in 2014? CDP tried GOG exclusivity with Thronebreaker and that didn't work.

They've been giving away games via GOG Connect but for most people those are just +1s on another platform they'll not bother with anyway.

GOG has spent the last 5-6 years trying too hard to compete with Steam instead of focusing on ways to make their platform unique.

For example, imagine if GOG had incorporated some kind of multiplayer component with Galaxy that allowed people to play old games online with each other (like what Gameranger does). Surely there are probably third party or community-driven solutions on a game-by-game basis (like for Unreal Tournament or Doom), but multiplayer support for many old games tied into Galaxy would have been a big thing for many people.

GOG's three pillars were DRM-free, no regional pricing, and freebies/goodies (soundtracks, strategy guides, etc.). Two of those are no more. The DRM-free crowd seems to be dwindling as people accept the convenience of Steam & other clients, or give into using said clients so they don't miss out on the latest and greatest games not on GOG.

Then there's the issue with newer games on GOG sometimes not getting updates as quickly as on Steam, which is not GOG's fault as I understand GOG allows developers to update their builds. Still, GOG is largely an afterthought for the average PC gamer as well as developer.

The well of old games that are worth pursing or not buried under legal/ownership issues is pretty much dry at this point. Even if GOG can work with Night Dive to land a high profile good old game like Blade Runner or NOLF, how will they continue to keep themselves relevant in the long run?

Cyberpunk 2077 GOG exclusive confirmed.
Remember when GOG used to stand for Good OLD Games? Pepperidge Farm remembers...
did you get dlc other than the one with a name of a long string of numbers? I thought that was all the game had
It came with a few extras as well:

  • 4 pod designs (Grimoire Weiss Pod, Retro Grey Pod Skin, Retro Red Pod Skin, Cardboard Pod Skin), Machine Mask Accessory and 2 wallpapers.
I don’t really get the outrage over layoffs. If a company doesn’t need people is it just supposed to keep them around for no reason? My wife owns her own company and if the demand for her products and services drops she lets people go. That’s how businesses work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is why people get pissed...Activision apparently has record setting profits ( and fires 800 people while their CEO sits on billions of dollars of net worth, continues to get raises, and is listed as one of the most overpaid CEOs in America (

It's a symptom of an economic system that disproportionately rewards those who are already rich, while the workers who they build their wealth off of get shafted. If the business is struggling and you need to let people go, I get it (although maybe the multi million dollar boss overseeing things should take a pay cut first), but if you make record setting profits and fire hundreds of employees go fuck yourself

Well said passports.  Even in response to a pseudo-strawman reply when nobody on here was expressing "outrage over layoffs" in the first place. 

This is why people get pissed...Activision apparently has record setting profits ( and fires 800 people while their CEO sits on billions of dollars of net worth, continues to get raises, and is listed as one of the most overpaid CEOs in America (

It's a symptom of an economic system that disproportionately rewards those who are already rich, while the workers who they build their wealth off of get shafted. If the business is struggling and you need to let people go, I get it (although maybe the multi million dollar boss overseeing things should take a pay cut first), but if you make record setting profits and fire hundreds of employees go fuck yourself

RWRHF-TTCRI-JFGTA - Layers of Fear
KQMLX-7XW50-RC738 - Deadlight
7B7KV-X3TVZ-GRED2 - Dark
FTL6Y-JYD9L-BPKLM - Beholder
So I went to a pizza buffet the other day and grabbed what I assumed to be some kind of bbq pizza, nope it was chile pizza.  No idea what the sauce was and deceptively hidden under the cheese was a whole bunch of chile beans.  Now I can understand pineapple on a pizza, I can understand lettuce and tortilla chips and w/e else goes on a taco pizza, but chile beans on a pizza?  That is just cruel and unusual, especially when they lure you in with supposed bbq goodness.

So I went to a pizza buffet the other day and grabbed what I assumed to be some kind of bbq pizza, nope it was chile pizza. No idea what the sauce was and deceptively hidden under the cheese was a whole bunch of chile beans. Now I can understand pineapple on a pizza, I can understand lettuce and tortilla chips and w/e else goes on a taco pizza, but chile beans on a pizza? That is just cruel and unusual, especially when they lure you in with supposed bbq goodness.
Jezus, I live in Kansas City and think BBQ sauce on pizza is a horrible idea.
So I went to a pizza buffet the other day and grabbed what I assumed to be some kind of bbq pizza, nope it was chile pizza. No idea what the sauce was and deceptively hidden under the cheese was a whole bunch of chile beans. Now I can understand pineapple on a pizza, I can understand lettuce and tortilla chips and w/e else goes on a taco pizza, but chile beans on a pizza? That is just cruel and unusual, especially when they lure you in with supposed bbq goodness.
While beans on a pizza sounds like a travesty, it also sounds more like a pizza than something with lettuce and tortilla chips or pineapple.

Also, what kind of beans do they grow in Chile? Or is that just the name of the variety? Never heard of it.
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Alright, Far Cry: New Dawn is done. I clocked in at 21 hours to 100% every single thing in the game except 2 club challenges that require co-op and 5 achievements.  This included every story mission, side mission, expedition at levels 1-3, outpost at levels 1-3, looted location, collectible, etc.  I even did a few outposts at level 3 several times to get loot since each outposts gives you part of a specific outfit if you replay it at the highest level.  

I was left wanting more!  Always a good thing.  They took FC5 and just improved upon the game mechanics.  Got my money's worth in gameplay even if the hours are way short compared to what I put into FC5.  Highly recommended. 

Alright, Far Cry: New Dawn is done. I clocked in at 21 hours to 100% every single thing in the game except 2 club challenges that require co-op and 5 achievements. This included every story mission, side mission, expedition at levels 1-3, outpost at levels 1-3, looted location, collectible, etc. I even did a few outposts at level 3 several times to get loot since each outposts gives you part of a specific outfit if you replay it at the highest level.

I was left wanting more! Always a good thing. They took FC5 and just improved upon the game mechanics. Got my money's worth in gameplay even if the hours are way short compared to what I put into FC5. Highly recommended.
riported as a ubi shill

BBQ sauce on pizza can work. It needs a careful touch, but it can work.
I mean, ultimately "pizza" is just flat bread with toppings. A BBQ pizza goes so far away from the core idea of pizza that it can work as its own thing, almost like an open face BBQ sandwich: you've got crispy bread, BBQ sauce, meat, and whatever else seems to fit with that. Green onions and/or cilantro? Sure. Peppers? Depends on the type and how they're cooked. Fried onion strings? Absolutely. Cole slaw? If you're into that. Smoked cheese? Ehhh, maybe.

But no, not fuck ing pineapple.
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Alright, Far Cry: New Dawn is done. I clocked in at 21 hours to 100% every single thing in the game except 2 club challenges that require co-op and 5 achievements. This included every story mission, side mission, expedition at levels 1-3, outpost at levels 1-3, looted location, collectible, etc. I even did a few outposts at level 3 several times to get loot since each outposts gives you part of a specific outfit if you replay it at the highest level.

I was left wanting more! Always a good thing. They took FC5 and just improved upon the game mechanics. Got my money's worth in gameplay even if the hours are way short compared to what I put into FC5. Highly recommended.
Thanks for the info. I'm in the midst of FC5 and really enjoying it, so I do hope FC: New Dawn is worthwhile. I am not sure if I'll get to New Dawn after finishing FC5 or a bit later.

Is the FC Arcade in FC: New Dawn?


Alright, Far Cry: New Dawn is done. I clocked in at 21 hours to 100% every single thing in the game except 2 club challenges that require co-op and 5 achievements. This included every story mission, side mission, expedition at levels 1-3, outpost at levels 1-3, looted location, collectible, etc. I even did a few outposts at level 3 several times to get loot since each outposts gives you part of a specific outfit if you replay it at the highest level.

Ha ha, u didn't finish it...Git gud, noob!
Alright, Far Cry: New Dawn is done. I clocked in at 21 hours to 100% every single thing in the game except 2 club challenges that require co-op and 5 achievements. This included every story mission, side mission, expedition at levels 1-3, outpost at levels 1-3, looted location, collectible, etc. I even did a few outposts at level 3 several times to get loot since each outposts gives you part of a specific outfit if you replay it at the highest level.

I was left wanting more! Always a good thing. They took FC5 and just improved upon the game mechanics. Got my money's worth in gameplay even if the hours are way short compared to what I put into FC5. Highly recommended.
New Dawn definitely looks more interesting to me. I found Far Cry 3 fairly tedious and empty. Never played 4 but I expect it's the same.

Thanks for the info. I'm in the midst of FC5 and really enjoying it, so I do hope FC: New Dawn is worthwhile. I am not sure if I'll get to New Dawn after finishing FC5 or a bit later.

Is the FC Arcade in FC: New Dawn?
No, there's no arcade in New Dawn or plans for it and that's fine. All the new elements where the game shines wouldn't be easily implemented in the arcade so I see no reason to add it.

I found Arcade fun, but frustrating when it came to making maps. You get a lot of control, but not as much as you want, especially with enemy spawns and controlling where the enemies stay, when they spawn, etc.

New Dawn definitely looks more interesting to me. I found Far Cry 3 fairly tedious and empty. Never played 4 but I expect it's the same.
I liked FC5 a lot, but it dragged in places and I felt the need to take breaks between area. It was a bigger game, but it also had a lot of repetitive busy work (basically your typical Ubi game). New Dawn is more compact and with less to do, but the stuff there is to do is a lot more fun. When you repeat expeditions or outposts the enemies are at a higher difficulty and certain things are randomized (location of alarms/package). For the outposts you also get more alarms as the difficulty increases. I got so caught up on the outposts and expeditions at around 33% of the story that by the time I picked up the story again I was way OP and it wasn't really difficult for me, which was fine because that's not really why I play FC games and the story missions are just so so compared to the outposts and expeditions.

I mean, ultimately "pizza" is just flat bread with toppings. A BBQ pizza goes so far away from the core idea of pizza that it can work as its own thing, almost like an open face BBQ sandwich: you've got crispy bread, BBQ sauce, meat, and whatever else seems to fit with that. Green onions and/or cilantro? Sure. Peppers? Depends on the type and how they're cooked. Fried onion strings? Absolutely. Cole slaw? If you're into that. Smoked cheese? Ehhh, maybe.

But no, not fuck ing pineapple.
What's the core idea of pizza? Again, look at the menu I posted. Some really out there pizzas on that menu, but they all seem like pizza to me, even the ones that might not have a marinara sauce.

And yes, of course no fuck ing pineapple.

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What's the core idea of pizza? Again, look at the menu I posted. Some really out there pizzas on that menu, but they all seem like pizza to me, even the ones that might not have a marinara sauce.

And yes, of course no fucking pineapple.
I guess what I mean by that is pretty typical pizza dough crust, some sort of tomato-based sauce, and at least one or more toppings that are traditionally associated with pizza (including, but not mandating, cheese). I mean, you can mess with that formula a bit, and it'll still seem like pizza (white pizza, for instance), but the further away you get from it, the less "pizza"-like it gets.

There's a circular flatbread I like to get frozen from Trader Joes with onions, prosciutto, and gruyere, but I don't really think of it as pizza, even though it's superficially similar and mostly contains ingredients you could find on something I would think of as pizza. I'm not sure where exactly the line is, mind you, nor would I presume to dictate it; but at some point between a neapolitan and a tostada, you stop eating "pizza" and start eating some other flat food.
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New Dawn definitely looks more interesting to me. I found Far Cry 3 fairly tedious and empty. Never played 4 but I expect it's the same.
What did you think of Far Cry 2?

I liked FC2 - but eh, was disappointed w/ it. Like AC1, it felt like there were tons of cut & paste side stuff everywhere (which hurt the game, IMHO), even though the main missions were quite good.

Personally, I loved Far Cry 3. I never finished FC4, but I did like it quite a bit - just not as much as FC3. There's a lot "more of the FC3 type of same" type of gameplay and whatnot in FC4, TBH. To me, I dunno if they (UbiSoft) will ever re-create the magic that they created w/ FC3 and Blood Dragon.

New Dawn definitely looks more interesting to me. I found Far Cry 3 fairly tedious and empty. Never played 4 but I expect it's the same.
fc4 and fc3 are essentially the same game, although i liked 3 better overall (i liked the environment better, and fc4 is basically the exact same game as fc3 and blood dragon in terms of gameplay loop and overall feel). far cry games in my experience are fine enough/competent, but it's hard to believe people buy those games on launch. the whole game it just feels like you're going through the motions, but different people like different things i guess

bread's done