Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Free games that I don't want. Did that easter egg crap, gave me games I don't care for or already own. Enjoy.

Metal slug 2


Trainpunk Run


Snow White Solitaire Charmed Kingdom


Rescue Team 4


Alter Army









Lurked, would have liked Metal Slug 2. Oh well :cry:

The new A Hat In Time DLC has been announced.  The new area is called Nyakuza Metro.

It looks nice.  Unlike the Seal The Deal DLC this will not be free for everyone on launch day (only to Kickstarter backers).  For everyone else it'll be $6.99.

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Looks like one of the weekend deals is a general Capcom games sale. And I'm not sure if this is a price mistake or not, but it seems like the Deluxe edition of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has hit an all-time low.

The base game is $13.99 and the character pass is $9.89 if you buy them separately (65% off and 67% off respectively), but the Deluxe Edition is only $14.99 (75% off). According to ITAD the lowest recorded price before this was $23.99. Just a heads up for anyone who may have wanted to get the game at a low cost before it inevitably gets pulled when the license runs out.
Also worth probably noting this too, since it's also licensed w/ Marvel.

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is 70% off @ $7.49:

Historic low, according to ITAD -

That reminds me of the time they said they weren't going to continue buying exclusives for their store and then one or two days later they changed their mind.

[Sweeney on Steam not giving developers/publishers cut an 88% split from Twitter]
Epic still doesn't have even close to 88% of the amount of features (i.e. Big Picture Mode, Controller Support, Achievements, Shopping Cart, Cloud Save, User Reviews, Forums, etc) that Steam has.

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Look, I have zero interest in MK11 or defending devs just for the sake of it. I read the Polygon review. They said it was a good game and conceded it had grindy elements. From reading about the grindy elements it seems they are trying to add a grinding component to give people who want to play it over and over again some sort of goal. None of you nerds raging against it have been able to articulate anything actually wrong with the game.


My three favorite games in recent years are microtransaction farms. Do I rage like a toddler throwing a fit and review bomb PUBG, Killing Floor 2, or R6 because I know I'll never own every cosmetic in the game? No. I enjoy the stuff I get with my purchase because they are each damn good games. I also understand that even though I paid X amount for each game, it takes money and work to give me a game I can still play years later with new content. I've happily spent money on cosmetics for each game to keep supporting and because I like dumb shit like animal masks or cute gun charms.

I just don't understand the mentality some of you guys have. Sure, if they give you a shit game and charge full price and lock the good stuff behind a paywall, get mad. In this case they have you a good game, but you're mad you'll never own all the costumes. It's idiotic and why I have to assume there's more to all this outrage.
I guess this is basically a point I was trying to make as well. When I said I'd spent a little money on source crystals for Injustice 2, I meant just that, something on the order of $10 - $20. But I've put over 200 hours into that game on two different platforms, and I don't play games because I feel like I have to. If I'm not enjoying it, I quit. See my signature. No, I don't think that my small purchases are going to make or break Netherrealm's decision about making an Injustice 3, so I mostly just do it because I want to and I can. Heck, like hal said earlier, you get a crapton of stuff in that game just by playing it without spending any real money, so it doesn't feel like something the average user would feel all that compelled to do. As far as MK11 goes, I may buy one or two individual DLC characters if they interest me, but I'm not as personally invested in that fiction as I am in the DC Comics universe, so the Kombat Pack in general is of significantly less interest to me.

EDIT: I will add that I think it's a little shady for WB not to have pointed out to users that Frost is actually a free unlock when you complete story mode. This is something that's been reported in the media that just isn't readily obvious when looking at the game. I think it's perfectly fine to have this as an optional purchase, but they should be a little more upfront about the fact that you can unlock Frost through conventional gameplay--I'm confident that the other DLC fighters will not be unlockable in this way.

The only game with microtransactions that I've purchased stuff from is Dead by Daylight, but I play it frequently so I feel that my money isn't wasted. With DBD, the cosmetics help fund development. The problem is there are far too many bugs and balance issues with the game that haven't gotten fixed and in some cases they've made them worse since the game released. The funding that they get isn't being used efficiently , but I like the game and want to see more content added to it which the funding from microtransactions does provide.

I think I've spent $150 on "MTX", not including DLC purchases. I guess DBD is one of the better examples of MTX that doesn't screw over players though. All of it is cosmetics, and even all of the non-licensed killers/survivors can be bought with shards which you can earn from grinding. The only thing important locked behind a paywall is licensed DLC. Some of the cosmetics can be bought with shards as well so you can grind for them too.
NO! Stop accepting this as a thing. It's not a thing.

Looks like one of the weekend deals is a general Capcom games sale. And I'm not sure if this is a price mistake or not, but it seems like the Deluxe edition of Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has hit an all-time low.

The base game is $13.99 and the character pass is $9.89 if you buy them separately (65% off and 67% off respectively), but the Deluxe Edition is only $14.99 (75% off). According to ITAD the lowest recorded price before this was $23.99. Just a heads up for anyone who may have wanted to get the game at a low cost before it inevitably gets pulled when the license runs out.
Eh, if this is the same game I played on XBONE, it's not really worth it.

His point is that Epic's store doesn't really justify its existence at this point. If all it has to show for itself is giveaways and a few timed exclusives, then it's missing a whole lot of what makes Steam a great platform for gaming for users. In general, users are more interested in the user experience as opposed to how fair the platform is perceived to be for developers. There are no Epic Store forums, achievements, screenshot libraries, user reviews, et cetera. In short, as a platform, it's not a serious competitor at the moment. I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist about the existence of the Epic Store because if I did, it wouldn't really change anything. Epic has managed to secure as a timed exclusive exactly one game that I have a serious interest in, and I will probably buy it through Epic rather than wait 12 months for it to turn up on Steam. But as a user, Epic's not doing me any favors if its primary reason for existing is to cater to developers' needs or desires.

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His point is that Epic's store doesn't really justify its existence at this point. If all it has to show for itself is giveaways and a few timed exclusives, then it's missing a whole lot of what makes Steam a great platform for gaming for users. In general, users are more interested in the user experience as opposed to how fair the platform is perceived to be for developers. There are no Epic Store forums, achievements, screenshot libraries, user reviews, et cetera. In short, as a platform, it's not a serious competitor at the moment. I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist about the existence of the Epic Store because if I did, it wouldn't really change anything. Epic has managed to secure as a timed exclusive exactly one game that I have a serious interest in, and I will probably buy it through Epic rather than wait 12 months for it to turn up on Steam. But as a user, Epic's not doing me any favors if its primary reason for existing is to cater to developers' needs or desires.
I have no problem w/ Epic Store's existence. Steam needs competition so that we as consumers get better pricing (from price wars) and all so these guys fight for the best price and/or give buyers options, but Epic Store severely lacks features for the user.

Sure, Epic does a great job w/ giving benefits to developers & publishers (important to keep those guys in business), but it doesn't seem to offer up the amount of features Steam has for the gamer; it ain't even damn close. A lot of these Steam features, I do use - screen shots, Big Picture, Steam Link via my Samsung TV, Forums, Achievements, Cloud saves, etc etc.

I also severely dislike exclusive stuff to a specific platform as a PC gamer (b/c I want all games everywhere so everyone can play a game, regardless of PC store and/or what console they own), so I don't really like this exclusive 3rd party stuff to Epic Store. I want, again, games everywhere and a want price wars where everyone (Steam, Epic, Origin) is battling to give me, the consumer, the best price. I get why Epic's doing this (to force people to try their store), but it doesn't mean that I have to like it.

I have no problem w/ Epic Store's existence. Steam needs competition so that we as consumers get better pricing (from price wars) and all so these guys fight for the best price and/or give buyers options, but Epic Store severely lacks features for the user.

[MysterD mini-rant]
Fair enough. I shouldn't put words in your mouth.

I try not to drink many diet soft drinks because of all the chemical shit in them, but I like Coke Zero and the Cherry variant and they have some new varieties so I thought I'd try them.  Vanilla Coke Zero is really good.   Orange Vanilla Coke Zero didn't taste remotely like orange soda.  It wasn't awful, just not any better than a normal Coke Zero or Vanilla.

Also they changed the name to Coke Zero Sugar, I guess people were too dumb to realize it was a diet drink.   I have not had pizza in quite a while so cola discussion is the best I can offer.

You guys haven't had Soda until you get Derka Dew.  I have no idea what it really is but when we deployed to the Middle East their soda SAYS it's Mountain Dew, but it tastes like someone pours straight cane sugar down your throat.  I imagine it's what it would be like to drink the original Coke... with its... *ahem* original contents.

Coke Zero really is damned good though.  

Has anyone been playing Baba is You? I keep hearing great things and it appears to be an early GOTY contender. Def going to be keeping my eye on this one.
Yes. I like it but only to play for an hour here and there since my brain turns to mush after a while. I have most of the map unlocked but only one area fully completed. Every area has at least one puzzle that has me stumped and I refuse to look up solutions, although I might do so just to move on at some point.

Yes. I like it but only to play for an hour here and there since my brain turns to mush after a while. I have most of the map unlocked but only one area fully completed. Every area has at least one puzzle that has me stumped and I refuse to look up solutions, although I might do so just to move on at some point.
Git gud, newb.

Am I saying that right?

Oh, man. Cheery Coke is good.

I also love Mountain Dew (regular), Code Red Mountain Dew, and Dr. Pepper.

Recently, we got some old school Mountain Dews in the can that have sugar instead of fructose and the old can style/look.

Looks like this:


Ths sugar-based MD is so much better than the newer fructose version of MD.

Fair enough. I shouldn't put words in your mouth.
Oh, it's not a problem, bro.

I agree w/ most of what you said - i.e. namely the important stuff: the stuff about Steam being a much better service (over Epic) and how Steam treats the end-user much better.

It's hard for me to say though if Epic is real competition to Steam. I'm not sure on that one. It could be from one these stand-points: by picking those specific exclusives that they have (which could pull some users over who really just care about getting their hands on some certain games ASAP like Indies like Hades and some of the bigger titles like Metro: Exodus and those Quantic Dream former-Playstation exclusives) & also by having the huge Fortnite fan-base that's generating for Epic that Fortnite crazy-type of MTX $$.

But, I also don't know all of that is or will be enough to sway the hardcore Steam fan-base. They're going to have to adhere to the roadmap and insert more and more user-friendly Steam-like features, to sway that hardcore Steam fan-base over.

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Through their VIP-whatever-it-is, GMG has Kingdom Come for $19 and change. Just thought I'd share that "deal" so we can still pretend this thread is about games at a discount.

Despite some technical issues at launch Kingdom Come: Deliverance was my GOTY last year so it's absolutely worth it at that price.  I haven't bought and played any of the DLC yet though.  I was going to wait until the final one comes out next month before I get them and do another playthrough of the game.

Also, it looks like that Marvel vs Capcom Infinite: Deluxe Edition pricing I mentioned yesterday was a mistake.  It's now 70% off instead of 75% off (jumped from $14.99 to $18.00).  Not a huge difference, but figured I'd mention it.

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Heard you legit play for 5hrs and have maybe 3 battles...spend the rest of the time running errands for people...if I want a walking/errand simulator I'll stick to real life

Also, it looks like that Marvel vs Capcom Infinite: Deluxe Edition pricing I mentioned yesterday was a mistake. It's now 70% off instead of 75% off (jumped from $14.99 to $18.00). Not a huge difference, but figured I'd mention it.
Good call on that. Thanks for posting it.

I think it'll inevitably be that price during the pre-delisting fire sale though which I predict will be around December unless they're working on MvC4.
Also, it looks like that Marvel vs Capcom Infinite: Deluxe Edition pricing I mentioned yesterday was a mistake. It's now 70% off instead of 75% off (jumped from $14.99 to $18.00). Not a huge difference, but figured I'd mention it.
Now I'm even more so glad that I grabbed it yesterday when it was $15.

Heard you legit play for 5hrs and have maybe 3 battles...spend the rest of the time running errands for people...if I want a walking/errand simulator I'll stick to real life
Not at all. There's not much combat in the very beginning of the game, that's true. You literally start out with no combat experience whatsoever and can't really fight properly until you advance the main story far enough (where you'll be officially trained in combat).

Once that happens, though, you'll have plenty of combat in the game which can range from fairly easy (one on one) to fairly difficult (fighting three or more enemies at one time). Once you level up enough, though, even the tougher combat situations aren't TOO bad.

That being said, yes there are plenty of errands you can run in the game. But there's also plenty of combat.

Despite some technical issues at launch Kingdom Come: Deliverance was my GOTY last year so it's absolutely worth it at that price. I haven't bought and played any of the DLC yet though. I was going to wait until the final one comes out next month before I get them and do another playthrough of the game.

Also, it looks like that Marvel vs Capcom Infinite: Deluxe Edition pricing I mentioned yesterday was a mistake. It's now 70% off instead of 75% off (jumped from $14.99 to $18.00). Not a huge difference, but figured I'd mention it.
Does the game have MTX's?
bread's done