Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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drama aside, rebel galaxy outlaw looks pretty good. the combat seems fast and exciting. there also seems to be more stuff to do besides shootin' and space truckin'. anyways, if it ever goes on sale, might consider picking it up.

Showing $110 now, but as great as this deal is it'd have been even better if that PSU were fully modular instead of semi modular.

NightDive on Twitter announces System Shock 2: Enhanced Edition:
Looking forward to Night Dive announcing remakes of their System Shock and SS2 remakes, as well as a retro de-make of Otherside's in-development System Shock 3.

Showing $110 now, but as great as this deal is it'd have been even better if that PSU were fully modular instead of semi modular.

Looking forward to Night Dive announcing remakes of their System Shock and SS2 remakes, as well as a retro de-make of Otherside's in-development System Shock 3.
What about the remaster of the demake of the original remake?
Showing $110 now, but as great as this deal is it'd have been even better if that PSU were fully modular instead of semi modular.
nah. Semi-modular just means that the motherboard power connector is always-on equipped.

how so?

my only gripe is that the cords are not braided on this model, which makes them look cheaper.

But there have been very few PSU sales throughout all of 2019 so far. WAY less compared to previous years. An amazon sale like this is a vendor closeout. Also, motherboards have nearly dried up at my local Microcenter. Apparently they are in negotiations to try to get cheaper wholesale pricing on their components. The new AM4 X570 motherboards are especially expensive compared to their Intel and previous-gen counterparts, about $80-100 more on avg among the mid to high-end units. Although the Ryzen 3000 processors have been well-stocked since release date (the 3900x just went OOS recently) the Chinese tariffs are starting to hit home finally and some of this stuff could start getting more expensive (have fewer sales rather). That latest round of tariffs seems to have especially impacted things.

RAM and SSDs are going to continue to get cheaper. But PSUs and mobos are holding steady or going up in price, with fewer sales. Which is important to note when you buy a single on-sale component every couple of months.

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You're not cool unless you have fully modular, breh.  Got the 750 Gold G3 version in November for about $70.  And, fortunately, it has a ten-year warranty.  Even when I upgrade other stuff I don't I'll ever have a need for more than 750.

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Looking forward to Night Dive announcing remakes of their System Shock and SS2 remakes, as well as a retro de-make of Otherside's in-development System Shock 3.
I'm curious how this is going to work w/ SS2: Enhanced.

Is SS2: EE going to be a free update for SS2 owners on Steam?

Do SS2 owners get a reduced price/loyalty discount for the new version?

Or do we flat-out just have to buy the new version of SS2: Enhanced?

No matter which of the 3, I'm very curious how this will go and be very interesting in this.

Any of you kewl dewds playing Classic WoW?
Nay. Just sounds like a big timesink in an outdated game. I hated doing classic-era content when I was playing in TBC. I'll stick with FFXIV or even go back and catch up on LotRO content before this tempts me.

What about the remaster of the demake of the original remake?
That's coming after they reboot the series with a spinoff from the second remake.

(Night Dive please stop remaking System Shock games and just find a way to negotiate the rights to a digital release of the Westwood Blade Runner adventure game.)

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That's coming after they reboot the series with a spinoff from the second remake.

(Night Dive please stop remaking System Shock games and just find a way to negotiate the rights to a digital release of the Westwood Blade Runner adventure game.)
I bought a pristine copy of that at a thrift store a couple years back for like $3. I'm too lazy to plug in a disc drive to install/troubleshoot it to work on Win10/play it, though.
I bought a pristine copy of that at a thrift store a couple years back for like $3. I'm too lazy to plug in a disc drive to install/troubleshoot it to work on Win10/play it, though.
There are some patches out there to help the game run on modern systems, but as of a few months ago it can be played with ScummVM. You'd just need to copy some files from each CD, as specified in the ScummVM wiki.

Get to it if you never played Blade Runner. It truly is an amazing game and one of the best point-and-clicks.

If a Blade Runner game were made today it'd probably be a battle royale set on Mars with each person playing as a replicant. :(



More THQ Nordic news than we know what to do with:

  • Volition is deep into development of a new Saints Row game
  • DamBuster Studios (Homefront: The Revolution's dev's) is now working on Dead Island 2
  • TimeSplitters' co-creator Steve Ellis joined DamBuster Studios and will work on a new TimeSplitters game
  • Nordic acquired GunFire Games (makers of Darksiders 3)

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There are some patches out there to help the game run on modern systems, but as of a few months ago it can be played with ScummVM. You'd just need to copy some files from each CD, as specified in the ScummVM wiki.

Get to it if you never played Blade Runner. It truly is an amazing game and one of the best point-and-clicks.

If a Blade Runner game were made today it'd probably be a battle royale set on Mars with each person playing as a replicant. :(
That actually sounds like a game I would want to buy. Oddly, blade runner is one of my favorite films but I never played the games.

More THQ Nordic news than we know what to do with:

  • Volition is deep into development of a new Saints Row game
  • DamBuster Studios (Homefront: The Revolution's dev's) is now working on Dead Island 2
  • TimeSplitters' co-creator Steve Ellis joined DamBuster Studios and will work on a new TimeSplitters game
  • Nordic acquired GunFire Games (makers of Darksiders 3)

I wouldn't hold out hope for Derp Island 2, that project has been passed off to three or four developers.

Also just read Borderlands 3 will be using Denuvo.  Take-Two/2K going full scorched earth policy on this one.  Maybe by the time it releases on Steam they'll remove Denuvo.  Probably not, though.

i'm surprised they went the denuvo route rather than make it online only, like the division or mmo's, cuz now they have an even bigger bullseye on their backs for groups to crack it asap. hope it doesn't become a shitshow like fallout 76 or anthem.

Also just read Borderlands 3 will be using Denuvo. Take-Two/2K going full scorched earth policy on this one. Maybe by the time it releases on Steam they'll remove Denuvo. Probably not, though.
Considering its only releasing on Epic Denuvo being in the game makes perfect sense to me.
i'm surprised they went the denuvo route rather than make it online only, like the division or mmo's, cuz now they have an even bigger bullseye on their backs for groups to crack it asap. hope it doesn't become a shitshow like fallout 76 or anthem.
Let's keep in mind, when Borderlands 1 launched, nobody wanted Securom's Internet activation DRM; nobody wanted that crap either. Even the DLC's had it. Even on the Steam version (which gave it both Steam & Securom-required). At least Securom crap later got removed.

Why does every game need to go always online? I don't want my game's future to be stuck with always online, if it's still built for me to be able finish it solo-style.

We don't need another ARPG (and any other type of game, for that matter) to go always online like FO76, Diablo 3, ESO, The Division series, Destiny series to go always online - especially in games where previous titles didn't pull that crap (except Division and Destiny, as their series launched with always-online requirement). When nobody's playing the game on the servers anymore - this game's going to be a rental and a coaster, if they don't pull the always-online account-based DRM crap off their game.

At least the game (BL3) has on offline mode; and the DRM will likely get cracked by a 3rd party or hopefully they (2K and/or Gearbox) officially removed later (like they did w/ Borderlands 1).

Regardless, I ain't dropping big $ on this game. With likely DLC-City here; Denuvo DRM; all the shenanigans from 2K & Gearbox over this game; my huge backlog; and still not finished BL2 DLC's and all of BL:TPS & its Season Pass - why should I drop $60 on this game?

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i'm surprised they went the denuvo route rather than make it online only, like the division or mmo's, cuz now they have an even bigger bullseye on their backs for groups to crack it asap. hope it doesn't become a shitshow like fallout 76 or anthem.
Always online is more involved than anything I would ever trust Gearbox (or take2 with) and I think people would demand more... Like PvP that gets reasonable balanced and that would in my mind destroy a lot of what makes BL so great. A billion weapon combinations, overpowered character skills, etc.

SecuRom was on the retail version of BL1 but not the Steam version.  For whatever reason, it was also on the first DLC (Zombie Island), maybe the Moxxie DLC, but not on the General Knoxx DLC.  It was later removed from the Zombie DLC.

SecuRom was on the retail version of BL1 but not the Steam version. For whatever reason, it was also on the first DLC (Zombie Island), maybe the Moxxie DLC, but not on the General Knoxx DLC. It was later removed from the Zombie DLC.
Thanks for the clarification.

I had BL1 base & First DLC Pack from retail; then got GOTY on Steam when it got dirt-cheap from Amazon Tony.

welp I only earned 17/40 apparel caches from Divsion 2's Heat Wave event.  Someone at microcenter told me it started on July 30 so I was a week late getting started on them.  Only played a couple times on each of the final two weeks.  They rejiggered things this time around too so that you only get an event cache key once out of every three player levels.   On previous events it used to be that I'd get two keys every three levels, or one key every two levels at the worst.  You only get 4 keys from each weekly project so they made it much more time consuming to get all 40 apparel cache keys this time around.  I didn't have it in me to try and farm them all.  How about you guys?

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I installed Derpvision after getting it for free but haven't even launched it once.  Bleh.

In other news, a couple of deals from one of my favorite developers grabbed my attention:

Ys VIII is a doing a free weekend.  I played it some on console but decided I really needed better performance to enjoy the arpg.  This ended up being a bad decision since the NISA pc port was butchered at launch and the game has been / still is way too expensive.  But I guess it's a good time for me to check in to see if it's still broken or if they managed to make it playable.

Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is $9 on fanatical.  Solid game..  it's like taking the arpg gameplay from Ys, putting it in self-contained dungeon areas, and connecting them with a world and social context similar to something found in Trails of Cold Steel  (though in a modern Tokyo setting with paranormal anime nonsense). This one has English subtitles only.

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Also just read Borderlands 3 will be using Denuvo. Take-Two/2K going full scorched earth policy on this one. Maybe by the time it releases on Steam they'll remove Denuvo. Probably not, though.
oh sweet, i was lukewarm on bl3 but now that i know it has denuvo i am IN

I'd be down for a Saint's Row 3 kinda game, but Saint's Row 4 just went full-on stupid.
That's exactly what I liked about SR4.

And for that matter, most of the series in general.

I never played the original SR (never hit the PC), but SR2 felt like an over-the-top GTA game.

SR3 got...even more so ridiculous, over-the-top, and even further into the world of parody & jokes - even further and into the direction GTA would never go (especially as GTA was getting more realistic with GTA4). For me, I think this is where it really found its identity.

SR4...abandoned even more rules. As if SR3 couldn't be any more over-the-top, enter SR4. It took things even further & entirely into another land and galaxy...and into the Matrix basically; and also into Superhero-type of direction - i.e. Prototype 1+2.

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I installed Derpvision after getting it for free but haven't even launched it once. Bleh.

In other news, a couple of deals from one of my favorite developers grabbed my attention:

Ys VIII is a doing a free weekend. I played it some on console but decided I really needed better performance to enjoy the arpg. This ended up being a bad decision since the NISA pc port was butchered at launch and the game has been / still is way too expensive. But I guess it's a good time for me to check in to see if it's still broken or if they managed to make it playable.

Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is $9 on fanatical. Solid game.. it's like taking the arpg gameplay from Ys, putting it in self-contained dungeon areas, and connecting them with a world and social context similar to something found in Trails of Cold Steel (though in a modern Tokyo setting with paranormal anime nonsense). This one has English subtitles only.
Was excited to play Ys this crashes on boot. Yep, they still haven't fixed it in how long?


welp I only earned 17/40 apparel caches from Divsion 2's Heat Wave event. [...] How about you guys?
Got them all in about a week and a half. Couple other CAGs got them all as well (and others didn't depending on how much they played). I didn't notice any significant change in key drops but RNG is RNG and one person's experience isn't statistically significant against however many thousands of keys dropped game-wide that day.

I'd be down for a Saint's Row 3 kinda game, but Saint's Row 4 just went full-on stupid.
Yeah, this. SR4 jumped the shark for me going from silly self-aware crime game to just a mash of "lolrandumkewl" nonsense. Never even bothered with Gat Out of Hell after that.

Got them all in about a week and a half. Couple other CAGs got them all as well (and others didn't depending on how much they played). I didn't notice any significant change in key drops but RNG is RNG and one person's experience isn't statistically significant against however many thousands of keys dropped game-wide that day.
Is it really random? I had no idea. Because I've had a distinct, repeating pattern in key drops during the last two events. This time it was every third level, like clockwork.

Got them all in about a week and a half. Couple other CAGs got them all as well (and others didn't depending on how much they played). I didn't notice any significant change in key drops but RNG is RNG and one person's experience isn't statistically significant against however many thousands of keys dropped game-wide that day.

Yeah, this. SR4 jumped the shark for me going from silly self-aware crime game to just a mash of "lolrandumkewl" nonsense. Never even bothered with Gat Out of Hell after that.
For me, SR3 was when it really jumped the shark. And I loved every minute of it, as the game series to me finally found its identity.

With SR2, it was still a GTA clone - but didn't have the storytelling, narrative, etc it needed to be much more than a GTA clone. It had parody, jokes, etc - but it didn't go off the rails yet. SR3 took all of that stuff mentioned in this paragraph to another level, IMHO.

SR4 just took it even further to another level of over-the-top and ridiculous-ness. While I do prefer SR3 overall over SR4, I still had a blast w/ SR4 even despite its rehashing and remixing of some of the game-world.

Plus, VP Keith David as Keith David rules.

welp I only earned 17/40 apparel caches from Divsion 2's Heat Wave event. Someone at microcenter told me it started on July 30 so I was a week late getting started on them. Only played a couple times on each of the final two weeks. They rejiggered things this time around too so that you only get an event cache key once out of every three player levels. On previous events it used to be that I'd get two keys every three levels, or one key every two levels at the worst. You only get 4 keys from each weekly project so they made it much more time consuming to get all 40 apparel cache keys this time around. I didn't have it in me to try and farm them all. How about you guys?
Just RNG. I got my 40 caches quicker than ever before and I'm sure I wasn't as glued to the game as much as before.

I didn't even run the last weeks event cache mission.

Edit: I wouldn't mind seeing a SR1 remaster for all platforms. In someways it's still my favorite.
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welp I only earned 17/40 apparel caches from Divsion 2's Heat Wave event. Someone at microcenter told me it started on July 30 so I was a week late getting started on them. Only played a couple times on each of the final two weeks. They rejiggered things this time around too so that you only get an event cache key once out of every three player levels. On previous events it used to be that I'd get two keys every three levels, or one key every two levels at the worst. You only get 4 keys from each weekly project so they made it much more time consuming to get all 40 apparel cache keys this time around. I didn't have it in me to try and farm them all. How about you guys?
I got all mine and it is RNG like the other said. Some nights I would level up 3 times and wouldn't get a single key, other nights I'd get a key with every level up. Once I hit 36 and I was working on finishing the last project I didn't get a single key even though I leveled up 3-4 times. Now that almost felt like the game was withholding because I was close to finishing the project, but I know that's not the case.

Now that almost felt like the game was withholding because I was close to finishing the project, but I know that's not the case.
Yeah, I was trying to finish that last project, had much of it completed, but kept getting keys with proficiency caches and just never needed to finish it... So, yeah, total RNG.

bread's done