Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The internet likes to see lots of things in lots of places.


I have never done a Steam refund before.  If I request a refund, get CrossCode removed and refunded, and then attempt to buy it again through Humble will I have any issues or problems?  (adding the game to my account a second time)

I have never done a Steam refund before. If I request a refund, get CrossCode removed and refunded, and then attempt to buy it again through Humble will I have any issues or problems? (adding the game to my account a second time)
I hear every time someone does this, GabeN delays Half Life 3 another month.

I have never done a Steam refund before. If I request a refund, get CrossCode removed and refunded, and then attempt to buy it again through Humble will I have any issues or problems? (adding the game to my account a second time)
No, you won't have any problems (as long as the Steam purchase was within 2 weeks and doesn't exceed 2 hours playtime). You'll probably get a restriction placed on your account for card drops. It'll take 3 hours before cards start dropping for any games, but if you don't care about that it doesn't matter.

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Lowest Crosscode if you're a monthly sub. $11.99 - 2.40
I see that when you're logged out that its supposed to give you an additional $2.40 savings.

But mine is only taking 10% off the sale price for the monthly discount. It's $10.79. I think it might be a bug with the discount displayed.

Still not as cheap as when it was in Fanatical's Killer Bundle 6 a long time ago ($4.99):
This is really helpful when people post this.

Can we just get Spoder to post "Y u no bai wen"? His delivery is better.

I see that when you're logged out that its supposed to give you an additional $2.40 savings.

But mine is only taking 10% off the sale price for the monthly discount. It's $10.79. I think it might be a bug with the discount displayed.
I'm not a humble monthly sub and I wen'd the bundle so I don't know. Maybe try contacting Humble support... not that they'd get back to you before deal was dead. I guess $10.79 is still even with lowest according to ITAD.

Heh ten million.  How many copies of Control were the free ones given away with Nvidia video cards the past two+ months?

Heh ten million. How many copies of Control were the free ones given away with Nvidia video cards the past two+ months?
While I don't know how much Control's development did cost, I'm wondering how much of their actual development was paid for w/ Epic exclusivity, the NVidia promo's, and whatever/whomever else.

That's not really accurate. Epic didn't pay 10 million for exclusivity. They gave them a 10 million advance/guarantee on sales. The dev won't get another penny until Epic makes its 10 million back. That should happen given the critical reception. That's not even 500K copies.
I'm out of the damn loop but wasn't Metro Exodus an Epic exclusive? Could have sworn it was yet I just finished the PC version using Game Pass. I figured Control would be on Game Pass by the end of the year but I hadn't realized it was an Epic exclusive. But since Metro was added couldn't the same happen with Control? Either way, what an epic fucking mess. This shit is getting out of control and I hope they find a remedy soon. I'm steaming mad!

I'm out of the damn loop but wasn't Metro Exodus an Epic exclusive? Could have sworn it was yet I just finished the PC version using Game Pass. I figured Control would be on Game Pass by the end of the year but I hadn't realized it was an Epic exclusive. But since Metro was added couldn't the same happen with Control? Either way, what an epic fucking mess. This shit is getting out of control and I hope they find a remedy soon. I'm steaming mad!
Just an observation of mine, but it's not so much an Epic exclusive, as it is a non-steam game for 12 months. I hope that answer is satisfactory to you. The dauntless gamer marches on.

I'm out of the damn loop but wasn't Metro Exodus an Epic exclusive? Could have sworn it was yet I just finished the PC version using Game Pass. I figured Control would be on Game Pass by the end of the year but I hadn't realized it was an Epic exclusive. But since Metro was added couldn't the same happen with Control? Either way, what an epic fucking mess. This shit is getting out of control and I hope they find a remedy soon. I'm steaming mad!
This was very nice! Lol.
I'm out of the damn loop but wasn't Metro Exodus an Epic exclusive? Could have sworn it was yet I just finished the PC version using Game Pass. I figured Control would be on Game Pass by the end of the year but I hadn't realized it was an Epic exclusive. But since Metro was added couldn't the same happen with Control? Either way, what an epic fucking mess. This shit is getting out of control and I hope they find a remedy soon. I'm steaming mad!
Uplay games?


I'm out of the damn loop but wasn't Metro Exodus an Epic exclusive? Could have sworn it was yet I just finished the PC version using Game Pass. I figured Control would be on Game Pass by the end of the year but I hadn't realized it was an Epic exclusive. But since Metro was added couldn't the same happen with Control? Either way, what an epic fucking mess. This shit is getting out of control and I hope they find a remedy soon. I'm steaming mad!
Yep, Metro: Exodus was Epic Exclusive. Also played it on the XB for PC Game Pass...and it was awesome.

Wouldn't surprised me if more games end up on the XB for PC Game Pass, even if they are Epic Exclusive...since Metro: Exodus pretty much set the standard.

Just....don't expect any games that is supposedly "Epic Exclusive" to wind up on Steam. Right now, Epic's at war w/ Steam...and the 30% cut Steam takes.

Just an observation of mine, but it's not so much an Epic exclusive, as it is a non-steam game for 12 months. I hope that answer is satisfactory to you. The dauntless gamer marches on.
Bingo. This is exactly it. If it's Epic Exclusive, it's not hitting Steam for that time, pretty much. Epic's at war w/ Steam.

Some of the major AAA publishers are not putting their games on Steam any more (EA, UbiSoft, Blizzard/Activision, etc) b/c they want a better cut (i.e. UbiSoft has been skipping Steam and putting titles now on Epic instead) and/or they would rather take 100% of sales by putting it on their own service.

There's also EA, who has tried to buy-out Steam a few times.

It's also going to get very interesting, as Rockstar launched their own Rockstar Game Launcher. You don't throw out a major Game Launcher, unless you got big plans or a killer app/game going. Maybe...RDR2 is coming to PC?

Also, they (Rockstar) just fixed a bug...where after the RGL update, you could only run GTA5 PC online only.

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Outerworlds is also on Gamepass.  Borderlands 3 is coming to Google Stadia.  

I don't know what the specifics are behind that, but I just assume MS' subscription service and Stadia's streaming service aren't seen as legitimate competition for people who want to purchase and own the PC version on EGS. Gamepass has been the most pleasant surprise in PC gaming for me this year. 

Outerworlds is also on Gamepass. Borderlands 3 is coming to Google Stadia.

I don't know what the specifics are behind that, but I just assume MS' subscription service and Stadia's streaming service aren't seen as legitimate competition for people who want to purchase and own the PC version on EGS. Gamepass has been the most pleasant surprise in PC gaming for me this year.
Playing very recent to brand-new games like Metro: Exodus, Wolf II: TNC, The Unavowed, and Gears 5 each within the $5 per month has been great.

If this M$ XB for PC Game Pass always stayed at $5 per month and they keep putting up big titles like these all the time (which is what they've been doing), I'd seriously never be able to stop subscribing.

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Even if it wasn't for the 30% cut I'm pretty sure Timmy would find another "reason" to be at war with Steam.
The "Pro-Competition" Pedo Face vs Digital Distribution's Fattest Man... FIGHT!

couldn't find a pic or gif of their faces pasted over characters from Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter or some such shit

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280mm Corsair AIO cooler reportedly ringing up at only $99.99 in-store at BB. Most locations have just 1 unit available.
Whoa, I've been in the market for a better AIO cooler since I started getting into PC gaming. I saw your post, looked into it, and raced over the Best Buy. Got the last one in-store.

As a thanks, let me know if you want one of these Steam Keys:

Lust for Darkness
The Town of Light
Thunder Wolves
Badminton Warrior
Deep Sky Derelicts
Super Splatters
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection

Just let me know and I'll PM the Steam key to you. Thanks again!

Whoa, I've been in the market for a better AIO cooler since I started getting into PC gaming. I saw your post, looked into it, and raced over the Best Buy. Got the last one in-store.

As a thanks, let me know if you want one of these Steam Keys:

Lust for Darkness
The Town of Light
Thunder Wolves
Badminton Warrior
Deep Sky Derelicts
Super Splatters
Spiritual Warfare & Wisdom Tree Collection

Just let me know and I'll PM the Steam key to you. Thanks again!
Deep Sky Derelicts. Thanks.

Hmm. So Larian Games is an indie studio. You know what to do Tim Sweeney.
Part of me hates you for even thinking this let alone writing it. The other part of me would greatly enjoy the salt, the endless endless salt and rage this would create.

Go for the eyes Boo!

Part of me hates you for even thinking this let alone writing it. The other part of me would greatly enjoy the salt, the endless endless salt and rage this would create.

Go for the eyes Boo!
The only things I would like if Epic Games got a Larian game as an exclusive: Epic would be basically handing Larian some money to help fund the game/pay for some sales; and that Larian's game could maybe wind-up as an Epic Weekly Freebie.

I'm kicking myself for not buying kingdom come deliverance for $12 bucks on the humble monthly.  It should go that low again on the christmas sale or show up on a regular humble bundle in the next 6 months right?(it's more of a rhetorical question as there is no way of knowing what it will get reduced to)  I played it a little when it was free for a weekend on steam and now I'm like "wtf I should have just bought it"

I've found with doing the XB for PC GamePass, I really want to finish stuff up that I start that is in the Pass.

Especially important stuff like Gears 5, Metro: Exodus, Wolf II: TNC, etc. Especially since it feels like a limited time rental, until you stop subscribing.

It's like: "I have to run through this before the month ends!"

Meanwhile, I still should go back and finish Vampyr...which I own on Steam already, even though it's now also in the Pass. Since I own it on Steam, it's like: "I'll finish Vampyr up, when I finish it up."

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Borderlands 3 the fastest selling game in 2K's history

Borderlands 3 has managed to sell over five million copies in its first five days - doubling the amount Borderlands 2 sold in its first week of release and making it the fastest-selling game 2K has ever made.

The Borderlands franchise has now generated over $1bn in sales, becoming only the second 2K franchise to do so.

These aren't the only records the game has broken however. With 70 per cent of players buying Borderlands 3 digitally in the first five days, it's also enjoyed 2K's highest percentage of digital sales for a cross-platform title.

It's even become 2K's highest-selling title on PC in a five-day window, which is of note given the PC version of Borderlands 3 is an Epic Games store timed exclusive.
Da Steam fanbois and Epic haterz be like:


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Random, but I have been replaying Fallout 4 the last few weeks. I've been enjoying it a lot more than the last time I played it, I think enough time has passed where the disappointment over what it's not has subsided and I can enjoy it for what it is (that being said, I always liked the game). It still leaves me with a desire to just boot up New Vegas, though.

All this just has me really hoping The Outer Worlds is awesome. 

I've found with doing the XB for PC GamePass, I really want to finish stuff up that I start that is in the Pass.

Especially important stuff like Gears 5, Metro: Exodus, Wolf II: TNC, etc. Especially since it feels like a limited time rental, until you stop subscribing.

It's like: "I have to run through this before the month ends!"
The secret is to pre-purchase through 2021 so you still don't feel any pressure to play anything.

PC gaming picked up so much since BL2 came out. BL3 being bigger on PC is obvious.

The question is, would it have been bigger on Steam?

the answer is yes, by a lot. my source is me, i'm awesome

Random, but I have been replaying Fallout 4 the last few weeks. I've been enjoying it a lot more than the last time I played it, I think enough time has passed where the disappointment over what it's not has subsided and I can enjoy it for what it is (that being said, I always liked the game). It still leaves me with a desire to just boot up New Vegas, though.

All this just has me really hoping The Outer Worlds is awesome.
Yeah, I always liked Fallout 4 - but FO4 ain't as great as FO3 in the choices department; and especially NV in the character, story, narrative, writing, dialogue, and/or voice-acting. Seriously, Obsidian is just flat-out better at that stuff; no comparison.

But, yes - FO4 really improved the ARPG elements and gun-play. I also enjoyed the open-world of Boston, too.

Special mention for FO4: Far Harbor DLC, as I thought that was more of what I was looking for FO4....w/ choices/decision-making, story, characters, and personality.

It's almost as if FO4 base-game got the foundations down of majorly improved gunplay, gameplay, and ARPG-upgrading equipment...whereas Far Harbor DLC was what we all really wanted out of FO4 content.


Oh, yeah; definitely looking forward to The Outer Worlds. Sounds and feels like to me a spiritual successor to FO: NV with a similar type of sci-fi Borderlands-like future/universe (where mega-corporations rule).

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Yeah, I always liked Fallout 4 - but FO4 ain't as great as FO3 in the choices department; and especially NV in the character, story, narrative, writing, dialogue, and/or voice-acting. Seriously, Obsidian is just flat-out better at that stuff; no comparison.
last year i made the mistake of replaying fo3 immediately after nv, the dialogue in three is kinda tough to get through after playing nv

Fallout 4 is fun in the same way Skyrim is fun.  The writing and quests are terrible but you just treat it like the shallow dungeon/world crawler it is and have fun.

Not sure why they would do it when they have a PTS for major changes going on but... Well, it is Massive/Ubisoft and they constantly step on their own game's toes by scheduled multiple events/betas at the same time.

Anyhow, a new Apparel Event started in the Division 2 today...  (I guess I'll be playing the Division for the next couple of weeks.)

Not sure why they would do it when they have a PTS for major changes going on but... Well, it is Massive/Ubisoft and they constantly step on their own game's toes by scheduled multiple events/betas at the same time.

Anyhow, a new Apparel Event started in the Division 2 today... (I guess I'll be playing the Division for the next couple of weeks.)
I think Syntax mentioned there seemed to be less items this time around.
The prematurely Tweeted announcement from Europe/Asia showed four costumes. Could be more, but four would match the first Event (the enemy factions one); the others were more like 5-6 outfits.
Three costumes sets, 30 keys total needed (which is what I think the last one ended up being), and one costume for getting it all.

bread's done