Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I really hope Code: Veronica gets the same Remake treatment as 2 and 3.
Do the remakes still have limited saves like the originals?

Also, for the few who care the Division 2 starts a new apparel event today.. No more randomness. You get one key every three caches. (I don't think my odds were bad enough ever that I was doing anywhere close to 1 key every 3... Should be interesting.

Lost that shit in the divorce 2 years ago. FeelsBadMan
Sorry to hear that.

In other shitty news, I got fired from my job yesterday. A coworker would often say that she gets depressed not having any local friends, so I invited her out to have lunch, go hiking, watch movies and the like. She wouldn't say no, but rather ignored me, then ignored me in person. She was very talkative to my other coworker, but wouldn't talk to me. I would feel bad and message her, saying I was sorry for bothering her and I was just trying to be friends.

HR said that I tried to force her to speak to me, I intimidated her so she wouldn't report me, and then I lied to them about wanting a "relationship" with her. instantly sacked. I think this will ruin my chances of getting any other jobs, so I'm not sure what to do now.

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Not to sound sexist... but I've found that when chicks whine about not having friends, there's a good reason: no one wants to be their friend. So avoid them like the herp.
Sorry to hear that.

In other shitty news, I got fired from my job yesterday. A coworker would often say that she gets depressed not having any local friends, so I invited her out to have lunch, go hiking, watch movies and the like. She wouldn't say no, but rather ignored me, then ignored me in person. She was very talkative to my other coworker, but wouldn't talk to me. I would feel bad and message her, saying I was sorry for bothering her and I was just trying to be friends.

HR said that I tried to force her to speak to me, I intimidated her so she wouldn't report me, and then I lied to them about wanting a "relationship" with her. instantly sacked. I think this will ruin my chances of getting any other jobs, so I'm not sure what to do now.
Are you being serious?

If so, I'm incredibly sorry. I can't believe the society that we live in today.

Lost that shit in the divorce 2 years ago. FeelsBadMan
Sorry to hear that.

In other shitty news, I got fired from my job yesterday.
:grouphug: Sending out some support to my CAG homies.

Blade, have you considered speaking with a lawyer? If you have records of the messages you sent, showing that they were platonic and not intimidating/aggressive, maybe you would have a case for wrongful termination? I'm not an expert about this stuff - that is a really shitty situation.

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I'm going to talk to a lawyer tomorrow, though I was stupid and didn't save any of the messages. She reported me either Thursday or Friday, and I was fired Monday by a fill-in HR rep because the normal one is on vacation. The girl was not friendly to me, but was super friendly to my coworker, and it was just us three on the team. Lesson learned about being friendly to people who don't deserve it.

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Sorry to hear that.

In other shitty news, I got fired from my job yesterday. A coworker would often say that she gets depressed not having any local friends, so I invited her out to have lunch, go hiking, watch movies and the like. She wouldn't say no, but rather ignored me, then ignored me in person. She was very talkative to my other coworker, but wouldn't talk to me. I would feel bad and message her, saying I was sorry for bothering her and I was just trying to be friends.

HR said that I tried to force her to speak to me, I intimidated her so she wouldn't report me, and then I lied to them about wanting a "relationship" with her. instantly sacked. I think this will ruin my chances of getting any other jobs, so I'm not sure what to do now.
You will be able to find other jobs. My wife has been a Human Resources Officer for over 10 years. If another job calls this current place they can only verify your employment. They can’t disclose why you were let go. So if you have someone that can write you a recommendation there you’re good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm going to talk to a lawyer tomorrow, though I was stupid and didn't save any of the messages. She reported me either Thursday or Friday, and I was fired Monday by a fill-in HR rep because the normal one is on vacation. The girl was not friendly to me, but was super friendly to my coworker, and it was just us three on the team. Lesson learned about being friendly to people who don't deserve it.
You should be able to find the messages in any app unless you actively deleted them. There are also ways to retrieve deleted messages.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry to hear that.

In other shitty news, I got fired from my job yesterday. A coworker would often say that she gets depressed not having any local friends, so I invited her out to have lunch, go hiking, watch movies and the like. She wouldn't say no, but rather ignored me, then ignored me in person. She was very talkative to my other coworker, but wouldn't talk to me. I would feel bad and message her, saying I was sorry for bothering her and I was just trying to be friends.

HR said that I tried to force her to speak to me, I intimidated her so she wouldn't report me, and then I lied to them about wanting a "relationship" with her. instantly sacked. I think this will ruin my chances of getting any other jobs, so I'm not sure what to do now.
I work in the corporate world. I'm sorry to hear that man. Sadly its a side effect of the retarded times we live in. Like someone else pointed out already- HR can only verify that you use to work there, they cannot say why you no longer.

I'm going to talk to a lawyer tomorrow, though I was stupid and didn't save any of the messages. She reported me either Thursday or Friday, and I was fired Monday by a fill-in HR rep because the normal one is on vacation. The girl was not friendly to me, but was super friendly to my coworker, and it was just us three on the team. Lesson learned about being friendly to people who don't deserve it.
You should definitely do that and talk to a lawyer. Not sure if you are in CA but more or less the rules apply to the US. Companies that have 50 or more employees have to provide Sexual Harassment Training. Also even if you did "ask her out on a date" for example, you are are allowed to ask a person once and if he or she rejects the offer then one must stop. Asking a person on a date once is not sexual harassment. Secondly, your employer must provide a full investigation from you and the accuser, and it has to be based on facts, not hearsay. Unless something one does is horrendously a sexual act, then your employer should at least issue a warning to the accused , separate the two in the party, and then discharge the harasser if it continues.

Your lawyer will be able to provide you with proper resources and what actions to take next.

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It also comes with the original Wasteland from 1988. You have to go to your GOG library, click on Wasteland 2: Director's Cut, click on "More", then click on "Serial Keys". You should see a GOG code for a Wasteland 1 gift to add to your library.

Also 4 titles were added to GOG Connect:

Age of Wonders: Planetfall
Galaxy Trucker: Extended Edition
Through the Ages

Well, fuck.

Remember, ask a lawyer for pro bono and not Sonny Bono. The former gets you free(sometimes-ish) legal services, while the latter gets you strange looks.
As an addendum:

  • Also do not ask for Bono, although he is available, the waitlist is long
  • Also do not ask to get Boned, this is a built in feature when speaking to a lawyer, AMIRITE?!?!?!?!?
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If I want a free wasteland, I usually just come to the CAG forums.....AMIRITE??!?!?!?!?!?

MLB: The Show to be released for more than PlayStation platforms in 2021:
Engadget -
Tweaktown -
- MLB and Sony signed a deal, to bring MLB: The Show franchise to more than just the PlayStation.
- Non-Playstation versions of MLB: The Show could hit those platforms in 2021.
- Both Nintendo and Microsoft tweeted out the news, so it could be coming to Switch and XBox.
- Sony is publishing Predator: Hunted Grounds for Epic Game Store, so maybe MLB: The Show could be going to the Epic Store...?
OMG I've been invited to the GoG Galaxy 2.0 beta!  First of all I'd like to thank the man above, God.  I'd also like to thank MysterD and InmateofArkham, without whom, none of this would be possible.   Finally I want to thank my step sister for her brave attempt at opening a bottle of champagne.  A whole new world of all-in-one PC game browsing awaits me.

Sorry to hear that.

In other shitty news, I got fired from my job yesterday. A coworker would often say that she gets depressed not having any local friends, so I invited her out to have lunch, go hiking, watch movies and the like. She wouldn't say no, but rather ignored me, then ignored me in person. She was very talkative to my other coworker, but wouldn't talk to me. I would feel bad and message her, saying I was sorry for bothering her and I was just trying to be friends.

HR said that I tried to force her to speak to me, I intimidated her so she wouldn't report me, and then I lied to them about wanting a "relationship" with her. instantly sacked. I think this will ruin my chances of getting any other jobs, so I'm not sure what to do now.
Have you considered paying her $130,000 to drop the complaint? It works, believe me. Trust me, just pay her the $130,000. It's not that much money when you think about it. It's not even enough for a yuge beautiful portrait of me.

OMG I've been invited to the GoG Galaxy 2.0 beta! First of all I'd like to thank the man above, God. I'd also like to thank MysterD and InmateofArkham, without whom, none of this would be possible. Finally I want to thank my step sister for her brave attempt at opening a bottle of champagne. A whole new world of all-in-one PC game browsing awaits me.

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Also, if you like to use a controller on your PC if you're playing Mechwarrior 5 Mercs the idiots didn't make it so you can use just a controller.  You'll find that you have to CONSTANTLY switch back to mouse/keyboard so if you're on a gaming laptop... it's problematic.  Might as well just not have included controller support at all.

MLB: The Show to be released for more than PlayStation platforms in 2021:
That would be the most amazing thing ever if it released on PC... The Show is legitimately one of the biggest exclusives that Sony has. I can only fathom how much MLB is paying them to go multi-platform.

OMG I've been invited to the GoG Galaxy 2.0 beta! First of all I'd like to thank the man above, God. I'd also like to thank MysterD and InmateofArkham, without whom, none of this would be possible. Finally I want to thank my step sister for her brave attempt at opening a bottle of champagne. A whole new world of all-in-one PC game browsing awaits me.
That's awesome! I'm loving it though its recent problem with the Steam plugin crashing constantly was annoying but they got it fix reasonably quick. I even have a 3rd party plugin to track PoE stuff and it works great. It not tracking time is on GGG not sharing such info.

Also, if you like to use a controller on your PC if you're playing Mechwarrior 5 Mercs the idiots didn't make it so you can use just a controller. You'll find that you have to CONSTANTLY switch back to mouse/keyboard so if you're on a gaming laptop... it's problematic. Might as well just not have included controller support at all.
Wait. Does this problem occur on a gaming desktop?

I have a regular-sized gaming mouse and regular-sized gaming keyboard plugged into a USB hub connected to my laptop anyways. Never was a fan of track-pads and/or most laptop's more compact KB.

Also, what's w/ the controller and KB/mouse issues? Is this an issue w/ in-game menus being mostly supported by only KB/mouse? I remember a lot of older PC titles, you'd need to switch b/t controller and KB b/c the menus were supported for KB/mouse, yet the gamepad's better suited for gameplay (often the case in console-to-PC ports).

Is the controller/KB situation an issue while you're playing the actual game itself, that one style might be better suited in certain situations? Maybe a controller is better when walking around, but the KB/mouse is better for aiming & shooting (i.e. the old GTA-style game problem)?

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Wait. Does this problem occur on a gaming desktop?

I have a regular-sized gaming mouse and regular-sized gaming keyboard plugged into a USB hub connected to my laptop anyways. Never was a fan of track-pads and/or most laptop's more compact KB.

Also, what's w/ the controller and KB/mouse issues? Is this an issue w/ in-game menus being mostly supported by only KB/mouse? I remember a lot of older PC titles, you'd need to switch b/t controller and KB b/c the menus were supported for KB/mouse, yet the gamepad's better suited for gameplay (often the case in console-to-PC ports).

Is the controller/KB situation an issue while you're playing the actual game itself, that one style might be better suited in certain situations? Maybe a controller is better when walking around, but the KB/mouse is better for aiming & shooting (i.e. the old GTA-style game problem)?
I haven't used my Desktop on this but from what I gather on the forums it's basically something like:

None of the menus allow for any controller support (so the minute you hit the start buttton... you're back to KB/M)

The first person stuff (walking to your mech, all the repair options, etc) don't work with the controller. When they programmed it, apparently it's mapped to throttle... it doesn't realize it switched to FPS, so all walking around is done with KB/M. Otherwise you can only strafe using the controller.

In the mechs, I like controller but then I still have to hit buttons like V to switch to Third Person (I've been eyeballing changing the shortcuts on the buttons). Throttle works like you would think.

I've HEARD people are having the same issue with HOTAS but I don't know. I haven't pulled mine out. I just played through the starter area and first couple of missions so far. I've been busy. But the switching KB/M and Controller thing are mind blowing because I'm just thinking... did anyone test this?

EDIT: This is mostly a problem for me because my laptop is running a 1070 I use for Rift. So I typically have it plugged into a TV so I can be in my recliner. This game... well it's presented a problem as I might have to dust off my bluetooth KB/M. I don't think I've used my Razer without it's cord. And my G602 is on my desktop.

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Steam Game Festival

Bunch of demos for upcoming indie games that are available to play for the next 48 hours. Lots of stuff in there that I'm personally interested in trying out, specifically System Shock, Spiritfarer, Carrion, and SkateBIRD.

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Only Epic freebie I played all the way through was Axiom Verge. I put a good 10-15 hours into The Witness before I lost my save and couldn't be bothered to start over. One of these days I'll finally play Celeste.

FWIW, they still say there's more free games (plural) coming on the 19th but don't specify what exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if they put up a bunch of past games to end the whole promotion as a sort of "Last chance".

Have you considered paying her $130,000 to drop the complaint? It works, believe me. Trust me, just pay her the $130,000. It's not that much money when you think about it. It's not even enough for a yuge beautiful portrait of me.
Meet me at the bike racks, 3:00 high!

I played a game!

Played though Blair Witch via Game Pass. As much of a fan of the horror genre as I am, I think that most "horror" games are not my thing. BW was decent, but I'm glad I didn't actually buy it off my wishlist. Flashbacks were over done as were looping areas; the final chapter lasted ten times longer than it should have.  The story was competent enough, if not a bit cliche. I enjoyed the narrative and setup in Until Dawn better, though the games are really in differing styles. 

Meet me at the bike racks, 3:00 high!
It's Sleepy Joe Cat! He's a low energy individual people. I'm going to beat him to a pulp, at the bike racks AND IN THE NEXT ELECTION!!! Everyone says so. It's true!

Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition is 75% off for a couple of days:

I'm pretty sure it's a historical low.

I highly recommend it if you're into metroidvanias. For the record, I liked it more than Hollow Knight and on par with Axiom Verge...not as much as Bloodstained, but close.
Future monthly bundle material. Everyone knows it.

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bread's done