Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I don't already own Stardew Valley, so I'm checking the Barter cesspool. Third tier Humble Bundle titles remain in relatively low supply.
I'm of the general belief that if a game takes 10+ hours to finally start becoming enjoyable, it's probably not that good of a game to begin with. The lone exception to that was Stardew Valley. Those first 10 hours were such a boring, tedious grind-fest but the next 109 hours were pretty cool.

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First gameplay trailer for Huniepop 2: Double Date

Can't wait. It's a shame they still haven't given a release date yet.

I played 3 new games on game pass this weekend. I was really looking forward to Lonely Mountain Downhill since it had gotten some acclaim and it sounded like my kind of game. It's cool, but the presentation is a little lackluster and the perspective is kind of a cool choice, but I feel like it makes the game overly difficult to play. Not that the game is hard, but with the low quality visuals and the game focusing almost entirely on you navigating terrain, choosing that camera angle seems like a bad idea.

While that was a bit of a disappointment, the other 2 were nice surprises. My Friend Pedro is a side-scroller shooter/platformer with the vibe of Hotline Miami mixed with Deadpool. It's not a really hardcore game like Hotline though; it's more of a casual shooter so far and I'm really enjoying the gameplay and tone.

Played a game of Frostpunk and lost because I didn't know what to prioritize. Started another game and ended up winning on Monday night. Pretty surprised I won my second game, but there's other scenarios, difficulties and an endless mode so there's definitely more to do although I feel like I might've seen most of the game in that 1 playthrough. I really enjoyed it, but strategy games can get repetitive so fast.

I'm of the general belief that if a game takes 10+ hours to finally start becoming enjoyable, it's probably not that good of a game to begin with. The lone exception to that was Stardew Valley. Those first 10 hours were such a boring, tedious grind-fest but the next 109 hours were pretty cool.
I think a lot of this long games that take a bit going - once, they (dev's realize) it's an issue, they really should supply a save, chapter start, or something...just to get past the boring and/or tutorial parts.

I'm sure games like DA:I (i.e. Hinterlands problem); ME:A (has the Hinterlands problem AGAIN on first planet!); Witcher 1 (the game & story takes a bit to get going); Assassin's Creed 3 (base-game) [it gets going once Connor gets older]; FF13-1 (takes a while to teach you the game's lingo, tutorials for game systems, etc); and probably numerous others that are loaded w/ tons of systems, content, story, backstory, complexities, and/or anything of that sort....could really use this.

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Finally got off Game Pass and bought a game. Picked up God of War (2018), pretty good stuff. Think I might have posted in the wrong thread. 

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Cyberpunk 2077 delayed until September 17, 2020.

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Well that is some crazy news of the week regarding Cyberpunk. That affects a lot of people's PC hardware purchasing decisions over 2020 as well.

Seems like the delay might be to put it more in-line with the new console launch windows
Doubtful. There has been nothing confirmed about Cyberpunk coming out on the new consoles. It's very much a current gen PS4 and XB1 release, and been in development for years.

Wait a minute, are we supposed to be playing these things? Thought it was a Pokemon situation and just have to collect them all.
I think a lot of this long games that take a bit going - once, they (dev's realize) it's an issue, they really should supply a save, chapter start, or something...just to get past the boring and/or tutorial parts.

I'm sure games like DA:I (i.e. Hinterlands problem); ME:A (has the Hinterlands problem AGAIN on first planet!); Witcher 1 (the game & story takes a bit to get going); Assassin's Creed 3 (base-game) [it gets going once Connor gets older]; FF13-1 (takes a while to teach you the game's lingo, tutorials for game systems, etc); and probably numerous others that are loaded w/ tons of systems, content, story, backstory, complexities, and/or anything of that sort....could really use this.

I'll be the guy to take the unpopular position on this. If you're playing a long-ass game, there's not necessarily any reason to expect that it won't have a "slow start," especially the type of RPGs you mentioned here. If there are many complex systems and there is a lot of lore and backstory, and if this issue is a concern to you then such games are, perhaps, not for you. I don't see why companies should invest millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours in developing new worlds in which to set adventures and then be forced to cater to people who want to jump into something in five minutes. 10 hours out of 100-hour experience is 10%, and that's not that much time in my view.

Cyberpunk 2077 delayed until September 17, 2020.
Good on CDPR for not releasing a buggy mess before its time.

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I'm sure games like DA:I (i.e. Hinterlands problem)
The only thing wrong with the Hinterlands is that it was played by knuckleheads who couldn't grasp the concept of "Gee, I'm level 7 now so maybe I should move on from this level 1-6 zone instead of chasing every fetch quest on the map then whining about being bored."

That wasn't a game design problem, it was a brain-damaged player problem.

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H:ZD to pc is amazing news.  It's an excellent game marred only by the low framerate at which i was forced to play on console.

I'm in the middle of Death Stranding right now.  This will be a similar title where I do a light playthough on console and then really enjoy it later on pc.  It starts with gameplay so dull I almost put it down.  However things really open up after the story's 3rd chapter.

Epic Games Store wins again!
That's actually awesome news. Highly recommend this game to anyone on PC who hasn't played it.

It's prolly the best open-world game I've played in the last several years besides Witcher 3 and God of War.

That's actually awesome news. Highly recommend this game to anyone on PC who hasn't played it.

It's prolly the best open-world game I've played in the last several years besides Witcher 3 and God of War.
It's one of the few games I went start to finish and then 100%'d. That NEVER happens. I didn't like W3 or GoW though so I can't speak to them. (I got as far as a gryphon hunt?)

If they pull off the rumor of a fully BC console, I'd buy it for that alone. Been holding onto a PS3 fat forever just because it's the only way to play the rest of my games.
Of all the notoriously abundant "next gen playstation will have ..." rumors throughout 25+ years of history that never pan out, this one has to be the least likely I've heard yet.

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That's actually awesome news. Highly recommend this game to anyone on PC who hasn't played it.

It's prolly the best open-world game I've played in the last several years besides Witcher 3 and God of War.
Man, I hope Sony decides to bring God of War (Reboot) to the PC too.

And, of course, to my Epic Store.


Good on CDPR for not releasing a buggy mess before its time.
Real transition from CDPR: Yeah, we (at CDPR) will & might as well take more time to polish so we don't compete & release too close and around FF7 Remake....which we're sure everyone will buy & play up until Cyberpunk's new September release.

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Some tremendous games added to the latest Fanatical Staff Picks bundle. I myself picked up

Out of Reach

The King's Bird
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 2!!
Angry Video Game Nerd II: ASSimilation
Masquerada: Songs and Shadows
for $3.99 ... although I barely know these games at all, you'll have to ask GiulianiCat about them  :speaktothehand:
Horizon, a game I actually didn't backlog.  Dumb with my list of games I need to play but I will probably buy it again if it shows up on Steam and is a good port just to play it at 1440 with higher frame rate.  I loved it.

HZD was fine. Never played the DLC so hopefully that's included in the PC version. Found the story and characters exhaustingly bad/cliched/grating. The gameplay was fine as long as they kept having new Dinobots to throw at you. After you'd figured them all out it was really uninteresting and they didn't do much at all with any of them other than just placing them in open fields to go kill.

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Epic Games Store wins again!
Nice, HZD is a very good game imo although based on what Ex~ just posted ymmv, i guess.

I think the game overstays its welcome a bit too long if you tend to try to complete everything (particularly if you have the dlc as well, although it adds a few new robots), the combat does start to get a bit repetitive and as you progress through the game a little too easy iirc (i played it a year ago), that's the risk of making a game like that where the draw is really fighting the enemies, there isn't really much to keep you really engaged when you get a little overpowered and you've seen all the different variations of robots. Still really enjoyed it overall

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I'm rooting for a Sony Exclusive PC Client.  All the Epic fans say "another client doesn't matter anyway" and the Epic detractors won't have to buy from Epic.  Everyone's a winner.

I'm rooting for a Sony Exclusive PC Client.
If it's like MS and lets me play my games either on PS4 or PC (and therefore wouldn't have to double dip) I would be all for it... but that's not going to happen and not just because Sony likes money... but because I doubt they're smart enough to make it work. PS4 MP is still a behind what the 360 offered over a decade ago.
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Horizon was solid and I'll double dip if only to encourage them to bring more games to PC. Bloodborne is the real prize and I'll gladly kill whoever I must to make it happen.

The Cyberpunk news was also a bit surprising to me but only because I didn't think it was coming out this year in the first place.
The only thing wrong with the Hinterlands is that it was played by knuckleheads who couldn't grasp the concept of "Gee, I'm level 7 now so maybe I should move on from this level 1-6 zone instead of chasing every fetch quest on the map then whining about being bored."

That wasn't a game design problem, it was a brain-damaged player problem.
This has long been my view on these situations--if there's more stuff to do than you want to do . . . don't do it.

Man, I hope Sony decides to bring God of War (Reboot) to the PC too.

And, of course, to my Epic Store.


Real transition from CDPR: Yeah, we (at CDPR) will & might as well take more time to polish so we don't compete & release too close and around FF7 Remake....which we're sure everyone will buy & play up until Cyberpunk's new September release.
Perhaps so, but I think more time in the oven can only be a good thing for a CD Projekt RED title.

Will be cool to not buy a PS5.
Between actual ports and PS Now, it seems like Sony's definitely moving in the direction of getting its "exclusives" out to the PC market. Ironically, this reduces the value of their consoles because there's not that much of a reason to get a PlayStation if not for the exclusives, and Sony has had the market cornered on quality exclusive titles for some time. Microsoft has never really made much of an effort in this department, and the advent of the Game Pass and the fact that it's now choosing to do ports of its own previously-console-only titles like the Halo series is actually a solid argument against any console, unless you just can't be arsed to build or buy a PC. All of the popular games appear to be slowly migrating to the PC space.

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bread's done