Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I want GTA V but I want it on Steam so I guess i'll be getting it in a year or two since there is no way in hell I am giving them $60 for it.

money well spent.. rather that than 20 crap bundles from Groupees which you will never play

update: get it from nuveem.. around $20 :whistle2:
"This product is not available for purchase in your region."

and I don't have the energy to try and trick into thinking I'm South American.

It's not Steam there.
Got the retail version which has something like 7 DVDs, apparently, and I'm content to not double up on DRM.

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Just finished PoE tonight, biggest disappointment in years. I want my $200 back. PoE will be completely forgotten in a year, tops. It's only getting hype and praise because there's nothing to fill that classic crpg itch right now (and the gaming "journalists" are fucking idiots but everyone knows this already). Ugh.

Just finished PoE tonight, biggest disappointment in years. I want my $200 back. PoE will be completely forgotten in a year, tops. It's only getting hype and praise because there's nothing to fill that classic crpg itch right now (and the gaming "journalists" are fucking idiots but everyone knows this already). Ugh.
$200 wat?????
Just finished PoE tonight, biggest disappointment in years. I want my $200 back. PoE will be completely forgotten in a year, tops. It's only getting hype and praise because there's nothing to fill that classic crpg itch right now (and the gaming "journalists" are fucking idiots but everyone knows this already). Ugh.
Don't sugar coat it. Tell us how you really feel.
Just finished PoE tonight, biggest disappointment in years. I want my $200 back. PoE will be completely forgotten in a year, tops. It's only getting hype and praise because there's nothing to fill that classic crpg itch right now (and the gaming "journalists" are fucking idiots but everyone knows this already). Ugh.
What made it so bad

What made it so bad
So many things, first of all it was the buggiest game I've ever played. I was stuck in a certain area and couldn't do anything until the first patch was released. I had at least 10 people on my friend list playing it and every single one of them had encountered a major bug at some point.

The end of Act 2 will make you want to punch a puppy, can't explain why without spoilers but it's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a game that's supposed to be all about C&C.

The loot is HORRIBLE, really, it's BADDDDDD. None of the loot is unique and it's just a variation of the base items from the start of the game. Even the supposed named items are not unique and contain enchantments you can add yourself. It's NOTHING like IE games loot.

The writing is extremely dull and uninteresting, especially the NPCs which really surprised me since Obsidian usually does a great job here.

The pathfinding is terrible and your party will constantly do dumb shit to get to try to flank an enemy.

Ok, that's just a few things off the top of my head.

The end of Act 2 will make you want to punch a puppy, can't explain why without spoilers but it's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a game that's supposed to be all about C&C.

btw.. wtf is IE and C&C in his original comment?

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So many things, first of all it was the buggiest game I've ever played. I was stuck in a certain area and couldn't do anything until the first patch was released. I had at least 10 people on my friend list playing it and every single one of them had encountered a major bug at some point.

The end of Act 2 will make you want to punch a puppy, can't explain why without spoilers but it's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a game that's supposed to be all about C&C.

The loot is HORRIBLE, really, it's BADDDDDD. None of the loot is unique and it's just a variation of the base items from the start of the game. Even the supposed named items are not unique and contain enchantments you can add yourself. It's NOTHING like IE games loot.

The writing is extremely dull and uninteresting, especially the NPCs which really surprised me since Obsidian usually does a great job here.

The pathfinding is terrible and your party will constantly do dumb shit to get to try to flank an enemy.

Ok, that's just a few things off the top of my head.
outside of the loot i guess i'll have to see for myself on a lot of this. im sure the bugs will be mostly worked out by the time i buy this the pathfinding worse than the IE games? that always drove me nuts.

btw.. wtf is IE and C&C in his original comment?
Infinity engine (the engine most of those old crpgs were built on) and choices and consequences

is the pathfinding worse than the IE games? that always drove me nuts.
Outside of combat, I never really had any issues but in combat, UGH, the AI goes full stupid. For example, if I order an NPC to attack a target and the target is blocked on one side by an object, it can't seem to figure out how to go around the object to get behind the target. Instead it just ends up standing behind one of the other party members patiently waiting for someone to move out of its way.

Outside of combat, I never really had any issues but in combat, UGH, the AI goes full stupid. For example, if I order an NPC to attack a target and the target is blocked on one side by an object, it can't seem to figure out how to go around the object to get behind the target. Instead it just ends up standing behind one of the other party members patiently waiting for someone to move out of its way.
Sucks. Although if there aren't any issues outside of combat it'll be nice to not move your party somewhere and have five of them arrive while the other decides to go hump a wall on the other side of the map

Hell, I don't even think I can hold out for that long of a wait...
You're just waiting 'till it hits $5, right? (That'd be 89% off)

Anyone else wondering if Bobby made it to the AoT thing?
It's cute that you worry about me. I did make it, just in time. Almost missed the ferry because the guy in charge of the group I met up with was completely clueless about how to get there and when to leave for our destination. This is why having me be in your group is a good thing, itineraries are my jam.

He went with some guys from Reddit, so he probably got murdered
Almost, but close. I think failing the game (which everyone but one group did) ended up getting murdered. In game of course. I don't remember what the imaginary stakes were.

God, I hope not because who will Like my posts if he's gone?
Makman, clearly.

Man, Spoder told me I like posts more than anyone here, I thought he was the only one who noticed. :oldman:

I hope u did Bobby.. I always want to see ur in cosplay :D/
My phone is a piece of shit with no memory and was basically half-dead, so I had a friend take the majority of the photos which he will hopefully e-mail me tomorrow. If you guys are good, I will post one.

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Was debating whether or not to reply, but meh. Why not.

The end of Act 2 will make you want to punch a puppy, can't explain why without spoilers but it's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a game that's supposed to be all about C&C.
I didn't have much of a problem with it, but it did make me go "Wat." when I saw it. I'll spoiler the next bit just in case, but I don't talk about what happens, just what I feel the narrative was trying to portray.

Sometimes there are things that are beyond your control because outside forces are orchestrating them with a broader overview on what's going on. This in turn gives them the ability to control it much better than the player. I felt it was meant to make you feel that the antagonist is someone who will do anything to get his way.

I guess you never played Mass Effect 3 though if you think this is the stupidest thing you've ever seen in a game because I don't really feel it comes close and I feel it makes sense in the narrative whether I liked it or not.

Overall, I felt the choice and consequence options were fairly well done and plentiful, but should have been expanded on for Act 3 a bit. I liked how I was able to get more options in some things by talking to other NPCs who opened up more options or learning something via a book/journal that opened up extra options as well. It felt like I always had an alternative and if I didn't at the time I could reload and find that option if I put in the work. It sounds like your issue is that consequence wasn't always apparent.

There was one thing I did hate about Act 2, but the most I can mention about it is the word 'factions', which will probably tell you what I'm referring to without giving anything away to anyone else.

The loot is HORRIBLE, really, it's BADDDDDD. None of the loot is unique and it's just a variation of the base items from the start of the game. Even the supposed named items are not unique and contain enchantments you can add yourself. It's NOTHING like IE games loot.
I'd say it's underpar, but I wouldn't say horrible. I have zero issue with uniques having normal enchantments. I do wish they handled uniques better where the unique traits didn't have any effect on the items enchantment total. That would have been the first step, while still allowing uniques found early to be upgraded to stay relevant.

Honestly, I don't like the idea where I find a unique early on in the game and it becomes completely useless a couple hours later with me not being able to do anything. There are exceptions to it, like if they had a system in place where they used more metal types for items and certain ones are better than others. They didn't go that route though.

The writing is extremely dull and uninteresting, especially the NPCs which really surprised me since Obsidian usually does a great job here.
What? I completely disagree. Unless you're talking about the NPCs that you could walk up to and read their souls? In which case, those are backer NPCs who put in enough money to have an NPC character put into the game where they wrote what they wanted. Obsidian had absolutely nothing to do with those ones. It's stupid that most of those backer NPCs are Godlikes and I ignored them pretty early on.

I really enjoyed companion dialogue and many of the sub-characters as well. For the most part, everybody felt like they should be where they were and helped make the world feel alive.

The pathfinding is terrible and your party will constantly do dumb shit to get to try to flank an enemy.
Yeah, it's not great. I take it you never queued up commands with shift? This works with things like movement as well, allowing you to control your allies better. It's unfortunate there's no mention that this is possible in the game though. Their queueing system kind of sucks though as you can't see what you queue, making it a bit annoying.

IE games had bad pathing too though. I think it's more noticable in PoE because you tend to have more melee attackers in a typical party. This will obviously cause more notice to the pathing issue, but once I started queueing up movement commands it became a non-issue.

I suppose this also let you exploit the enemy pathing as well where one would go in the middle of a doorway that would normally fit two enemies side-by-side. Thus preventing any of the other enemies to enter in doorway because the one guy is in the way.

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Divinity: Original Sin is on clearance at Best Buy for $21.xx, $17.59+tax with GCU if you are sitting on a ton of BBY credit

Amazon reviews seem to indicate you get a steam key along with the physical DVD game, but its possible Best Buy may have a different version
Looking at ITAD, that's the cheapest that has been - whether w/out GCU or with it:

Still - not cheap enough to suit me. Pass.

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Ugghhh.. now I want POE... though admittedly, I can't tell you the number of times my characters got turned to stone in BG... that stupid basilisk...

Time to bust out the old BG/ID disks and see if they run on modern computers.

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How do you trick Nuuvem into thinking your in SA?  Would like to grab gta at that price if there isnt too many hoops to jump through. 

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Outside of combat, I never really had any issues but in combat, UGH, the AI goes full stupid. For example, if I order an NPC to attack a target and the target is blocked on one side by an object, it can't seem to figure out how to go around the object to get behind the target. Instead it just ends up standing behind one of the other party members patiently waiting for someone to move out of its way.
Pretty much the same thing happened to Alpha Protocol

extremely bad pathfinding

brain-dead companion AI

skip to 13min 46 sec mark

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I don't want double DRM.... besides, $20 at launch for a triple A game with proven quality and most major bugs ironed out (thanks to console pissant 1 yr ago).

better than to spend on Poopees pre-order on indie junk that I don't even touch
I figure a majority of us would prefer to download the game directly through Steam so we don't have to deal with Rockstar's flaky servers. Because you know they'll be overloaded on release day.












I am normally at church on Sunday's so miss quite alot of your drops Carl. This time though I managed to get some ones I actually wanted. I got Caslte, Corona Motorsport , Gun World and The slaughtering Grounds. Thanks as I really do appreciate the +1's to my ever growing library.

I figure a majority of us would prefer to download the game directly through Steam so we don't have to deal with Rockstar's flaky servers. Because you know they'll be overloaded on release day.
downloaded fine man.. you do realize that you play via Rockstar server whether you bought it from Steam or not, right?

I am normally at church on Sunday's so miss quite alot of your drops Carl. This time though I managed to get some ones I actually wanted. I got Caslte, Corona Motorsport , Gun World and The slaughtering Grounds. Thanks as I really do appreciate the +1's to my ever growing library.
I hope this taught you a valuable lesson on your priorities.

downloaded fine man.. you do realize that you play via Rockstar server whether you bought it from Steam or not, right?
You misunderstood me. I'm aware that you have to sign into Rockstar Social Club to play. But their download servers will likely be overloaded on release day, which is when some people, especially those that bought the game retail in Europe, will be registering the game, creating a new account, or downloading updates... which will cause everything to be slow as hell if not outright broken.

So I'm hoping you'll have no issues, but considering how many people bought the damn game...

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bread's done