Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Been taking up the mantle of playing my game library again. I'll spoiler in case you don't want to read.

This first one was Hero Generations Regen.

Played for about 45 minutes. Honestly this game has a pretty cool idea. You travel across the board a bit at a time leveling up and fighting until your generation gets old and you need to mate and move on. During that run you can get to new areas, complete quests, buy some equipment, buy some buildings that persist for a certain amount of time and can be upgraded, and eventually try to reach a goal that must be completed in some amount of generations. It has a good enough backing, but oh does it get repetitive. It's super obvious this was a mobile application at one point. The graphics and gameplay reflect this as they are basic. Also the UI is horrible to say the least. It's a pain to build stuff and look at your quests and all. Too many actions needed to do all this. Also the game is just not super fun. In battles you add up numbers randomly from 0 to the max value of your attack and then after that you add bonuses from weapons and such. It means you can have a 100 attack and still end up with a 0 attack in the end. Garbage system that is way too random. Also to use buildings is to just go into the space they have and collect the bonuses. I made it through 2 runs and I just didn't want to go back for more. The generations things has also been done better elsewhere such as Oreshika where you have RPG battles that aren't so random at least. The sound is unremarkable as well and I don't remember a single thing about the music and the normal effects sound just OK. 5.5/10

Next is Nyan Cafe Macchiato.

This one I can some in one word and that's boring. It's a very typical visual novel where we have a down on his luck guy who has to take over a cafe after his apartment burns down. He enlists the help of 3 students who of course are interested in him. After that you get a few choices of who to put on shifts and can get some endings according to that. The 3 girls are illustrated very well and everything looks nice even for an older game. There is a lot of comedy and hijinks that go on, and it's okay enough fun for the most part. There is a tiny bit of drama now and then, but for the most part it's very light hearted. The voice actors sound really good and the music is alright. It's not a very long game and it's easy to get all the endings and scenes. The main thing is not a super lot happens and most of the stakes are very low. It's still not terrible, but so many VNS are better. 6/10
Thanks for the reviews, don't think I have those backlogged yet. The latter sounds like it has high-priced cards, so I'm into idling it.

What are your thoughts about the games in the current Groupees hentai wincest bundle? (Yanni said he'd let Motoki out if I started mentioning Groupees again)

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Descent Bundle - Steam keys  = $3.99 (before vouchers):

  • The Descendants: Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)
  • XIII (Classic version)
  • Flashback (1993 classic version / remastered)
  • Showtime 2073
  • Toki
  • Red Riding Hood: Star-Crossed Lovers
  • Black Moon Chronicles
  • Salammbo
  • Steampunker
  • Garfield Kart
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Honestly with that bundle. It's decent enough. I have only played Harem Game which was very long for a Cherry Kiss Games title. It's also a bit more interesting than the usual just okay stuff they put out. Both of the days games are supposed to be pretty light and fun and one has someone who looks like Saber. A bunch of nukige but I think the price is pretty good. I did buy Harem Game on release for about the price of this bundle plus a bit more. I'm not much into the 3D type games but that one is well reviewed. I'd say go for it if you want those type of games. Only one of them seems like the weird kind of more brutal revenge and I'm sure lots of unwated sex. 

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Derp Rising sale on Steam.  Although I believe all of them have been in Humble Bundles by now.  If you don't own them then I'd highly recommend 1 and 2 OTR.  OTR is the same game as 2 with added content and Frank West instead of lame-o Chuck!  3 isn't bad, either.  4 is reportedly bad but I've yet to install it because they'll probably never remove Denuvo.

Derp Rising sale on Steam. Although I believe all of them have been in Humble Bundles by now. If you don't own them then I'd highly recommend 1 and 2 OTR. OTR is the same game as 2 with added content and Frank West instead of lame-o Chuck! 3 isn't bad, either. 4 is reportedly bad but I've yet to install it because they'll probably never remove Denuvo.
Can you include YooToob links so I can play the gamez for free?? Kthxbye
The bros played Remnant From The Ashes, a previously free featured title on the great Epic Games Store:

They are currently offering an EPIC deal where you can get the complete edition - base game with all DLC - for only $49.99.  It's practically free. 

I know others have sung the game's praises and I am just here to reiterate that it is a great game.  Probably not solo.  I imagine it would be very difficult solo (it's been compared to Dark Souls in difficulty). At its heart, this is a cooperative 3rd person shooter.  You can upgrade your gear and weapons, add mods/skills to weapons, etc.  It's a lot of fun and satisfying when you do beat a boss to progress. 

The bros played Remnant From The Ashes, a previously free featured title on the great Epic Games Store:

They are currently offering an EPIC deal where you can get the complete edition - base game with all DLC - for only $49.99. It's practically free.

I know others have sung the game's praises and I am just here to reiterate that it is a great game. Probably not solo. I imagine it would be very difficult solo (it's been compared to Dark Souls in difficulty). At its heart, this is a cooperative 3rd person shooter. You can upgrade your gear and weapons, add mods/skills to weapons, etc. It's a lot of fun and satisfying when you do beat a boss to progress.
I'd like to thank Tim Sweeney for giving the base-game away for the beautiful & tremendous cost of $0.

I wish there was a Season Pass or something for all of the DLC's to purchase here...or DLC Compilation Pack.

Heads up for any PC Game Pass subscribers: Beta pricing ends September 17th.

I assume it jumps up to $10/month after that.


Yep, it's $10 month for PC Game Pass after Sept. 17th, once your next billing cycle begins:

Link here.

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More impressions from games in my library.

Deep Dungeons of Doom:

This one actually has some story and decent enough graphics outside of battle. There is pretty much a rhythm type game where you attack with right arrow, block with left arrow and can do a few other things on cooldowns. It's pretty basic and you can equip 1 thing and have one type of potion. It's kind of fun though I feel the graphics in the dungeons are a little lacking for your character and some of the enemies so I see myself not blocking that well. It has some quests you can do and you can unlock abilities. There seems to be a good amount to this game and after about 20 minutes I could see it being some fun. Still feel it's a bit lacking and probably too simple. It's obvious this is a mobile port. It even says swipe at some points. Decent enough, but nothing amazing. 6/10

Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus:

I'll put it lightly that this one is a mess. The graphics are somewhat OK animated and the game is trying to throwback to like the Dungeons and Dragons arcade games, but that's about the only positives I have about it. It controls horribly feeling very floaty with an XBOX 360 controller. Hit detection barely worked. The graphics while being OK are very zoomed out so you don't see a lot of details of the characters or enemies. They all look too small especially tiny enemies like kobolds. It is a parody type game and the voice acting is pretty bad. The story is also pretty sorry, but if the gameplay was good I could overlook it. I completed one level but couldn't stand it anymore. It felt like a bad game and played like a bad game. 5/10

Karradash - The Lost Dungeons:

This is honestly Gauntlet the roguelike. It's very simple sound and graphic wise. I remember a very basic introduction story and then you're thrown into the action. You have a few abilities than can help get through enemies. It feels like someone's first game, but it's honestly a bit of fun. I played it for about 15 minutes and had 2 runs. You can get skills and get new ones leveling up. You pretty much just go around shooting your weapon and using abilities until you can go down. I think their is a 100 levels. Unpolished but some fun still. 6/10

Paper Dungeons:

This one is too flawed to recommend. The graphics are somewhat nice. They look like papercraft and the animation for rolling are pretty nice. This one is a rouge lite dungeon crawler where you have 3 abilities for the character which help in battles and otherwise. You go and see what level a monster is compared to you (they have a number on them of their level) and you bump into them and throw some dice, which you choose 2 sets at the beginning of a dungeon and can switch them. I never really was explained well all the symbols on the dice so I got a little confused. Also the dice throwing is very slow and makes the dungeon last longer than it should. It's very basic otherwise and you try to reach the boss and kill it. I didn't hate it, but I was getting pretty bored already. There is also a very slight story that didn't matter much. Played for about 15 minutes. 5.5/10

Quest of Dungeons:

Way too basic for a rogue like. This one has very basic graphics and you can choose a few different classes. Each has a certain ability that is on cooldown as well as their normal attack. It plays like a rogue like and honestly is just simple. There is a massive flaw where money is not picked up automatically making it very tedious to pick it up. You just go around and dungeon and kill things with no story. You can equip stuff and use items though it's not a super clean UI. I don't even remember the music. It feels okay but there are so many better games in the genre. 5.5/10



Descent Bundle - Steam keys = $3.99 (before vouchers):

  • The Descendants: Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)
  • XIII (Classic version)
  • Flashback (1993 classic version / remastered)
  • Showtime 2073
  • Toki
  • Red Riding Hood: Star-Crossed Lovers
  • Black Moon Chronicles
  • Salammbo
  • Steampunker
  • Garfield Kart
Just how many extra keys of Garfield Kart do you think Fanatical still has knocking around?
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That loser BezosCat is having an EA Fall Action Sale but you can stick it to that other loser BillGatesCat by using your Bing Rewards to get yourself some Origin games with his money!

I'm downplaying the fact that Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is $3.99 and Need for Speed Rivals is $4.99 as I don't want anyone to panic buy them!

That loser BezosCat is having an EA Fall Action Sale but you can stick it to that other loser BillGatesCat by using your Bing Rewards to get yourself some Origin games with his money!

I'm downplaying the fact that Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is $3.99 and Need for Speed Rivals is $4.99 as I don't want anyone to panic buy them!
This is for if you don't have Bing Points for Amazon GC's and you are a Humble Sub.

So, if currently some of you guys are looking for EA Fall Action games...

Also check Humble, b/c if you ARE a Choice sub, some of these games (if Humble has them) are cheaper price-wise b/c you HAVE the Humble Choice/Monthly Discount applied.

With Humble Discount applied:

All are Origin-required games:

Anthem = $7.91

Battlefield 1 = $4.39

Battlefield: Hardline = $4.39.

Battlefield 4 = $8.79 for Standard / $10.99 for Premium

NFS: Payback = $8.79

NFS: Heat = $21.11

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Middle-Earth: Shadow of War - Definitive Edition -> Steam [online game code] = $9.59 with Promo code

(check your NewEgg E-mail for PROMO CODE).

This package includes:

  • Shadow of War base-game
  • And ALL of the DLC's.
This is for if you don't have Bing Points for Amazon GC's and you are a Humble Sub.

So, if currently some of you guys are looking for EA Fall Action games...

Also check Humble, b/c if you ARE a Choice sub, some of these games (if Humble has them) are cheaper price-wise b/c you HAVE the Humble Choice/Monthly Discount applied.

With Humble Discount applied:
All are Origin-required games:
Anthem = $7.91
Battlefield 1 = $4.39
Battlefield: Hardline = $4.39.
Battlefield 4 = $8.79 for Standard / $10.99 for Premium
NFS: Payback = $8.79
NFS: Heat = $21.11
Or, you know.... Subscribe to Xboner Game Ass PC and get access to these games now.
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Hey guys, hey.

While you are at the wonderful EpicGamesStore - - claiming your awesome free games this week (Railway Empire and Where the Water Turns to Wine) be sure to check out the amazing CREATOR'S CHOICE SALE?!?!?!?!

Epic has teamed up with the coolest content creators among all platforms to give us sales on the game they love!  Be like your favorite tiktokker!  Highlights include Untitled Goose Game for $14.99 ($4.99 after coupon if you still have any lingering from the sale earlier this year).  Dread Nautical is $9.99.

So many deals.  Too many for me to type up since I am not being paid or sponsored by the amazing Epic Games Store in any way. 

Weekly Steam Sale Update:


Free Weekends for:

Conan Exiles

Dead By Daylight

Conan Exiles was supposed to be free on the angelic Epic Games Store, but the SHADY devs reneged at the last minute.  Cannot be trusted. 

Other games on sale at high prices.  Not worth listing.  What a dump of a store. 

It's been a year or two since Divinity 2 got any cheaper.   That's a great deal. 

I highly recommend the Disgaea games too.  The writing can be kinda cringe inducing, but the gameplay and leveling up your equipment is very addictive and satisfying.  They've been some of my favorites on PS3 and PS4, though I wouldn't recommend #5;  it took a step backwards imo.  Disgaea isn't for everyone but it's the leading (JP) Strategy RPG franchise, and the natural evolution of Final Fantasy Tactics grid based battle strategy.  People need to at least check out the genre so that they can see if they'd be interested in similar games.

Everyone talking about Divinity OS 2 here...and I still got the original D:OS backlogged and unfinished.

I still can't wait til D:OS2 winds up in a HB Choice.

Also, while I'm at it - Divine Divinity was great (RPG with real-time combat that felt a bit Diablo-like with a story and a few choices); Beyond Divinity was good (2-person real-time RPG); Divinity 2: DKS was great (that felt more Fable and Oblivion/Skyrim).

Never got around to Dragon Commander, though; it's backlogged.

Everyone talking about Divinity OS 2 here...and I still got the original D:OS backlogged and unfinished.

I still can't wait til D:OS2 winds up in a HB Choice.

Also, while I'm at it - Divine Divinity was great (RPG with real-time combat that felt a bit Diablo-like with a story and a few choices); Beyond Divinity was good (2-person real-time RPG); Divinity 2: DKS was great (that felt more Fable and Oblivion/Skyrim).

Never got around to Dragon Commander, though; it's backlogged.
I'd recommend playing Divinity 1 before playing the sequel. It was great. I put 130 hours into it last year. These are the best modern CRPGs imo. They're the best representation of D&D in video game form. D:OS 2 isn't even very different and it's more or less an extension of the gameplay from the first game with a few improvements and quality-of-life adjustments. They are very similar.

So maybe a person who isn't that into these types of games should play #2 if they were only going to play one of them. But start with the first one if you know that you have a huge interest in this genre. i.e. Baldur's Gate fans. The framing of the story will make a tiny bit more sense too.

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Is it too much to hope that with EA Play or whatever it’s called joining Game Pass that Origin could just be merged with the Xbox Store on PC and permanently shutdown 🤔
Is it too much to hope that with EA Play or whatever it’s called joining Game Pass that Origin could just be merged with the Xbox Store on PC and permanently shutdown
No way.

We still don't have enough control over our PC Game files/folders on Windows 10 OS's. It's a pain in the neck for backing up and whatnot. Until Microsoft makes it easier to manipulate those files and folders for Windows App's for their PC Games - hell no!

Origin games are easier to deal w/ than Xbox for PC titles from that damn Xbox PC App. At least I can access, copy, and manipulate folders easy w/ Origin.


No way.

We still don't have enough control over our PC Game files/folders on Windows 10 OS's. It's a pain in the neck for backing up and whatnot. Until Microsoft makes it easier to manipulate those files and folders for Windows App's for their PC Games - hell no!

Origin games are easier to deal w/ than Xbox for PC titles from that damn Xbox PC App. At least I can access, copy, and manipulate folders easy w/ Origin.
This. HUGE fuck ing pain in the ass.

No way.

We still don't have enough control over our PC Game files/folders on Windows 10 OS's. It's a pain in the neck for backing up and whatnot. Until Microsoft makes it easier to manipulate those files and folders for Windows App's for their PC Games - hell no!

Origin games are easier to deal w/ than Xbox for PC titles from that damn Xbox PC App. At least I can access, copy, and manipulate folders easy w/ Origin.
At least the Xbox App doesn’t log me out after every use 😜😉

I did notice that when I was trying to move an install between drives though ... clearly room for improvement on the Xbox/ Game Pass side.
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I did notice that when I was trying to move an install between drives though ... clearly room for improvement on the Xbox/ Game Pass side.
But, this is Microsoft. Seems like they are trying to bolt stuff down more and more.

Since W8, they have this whole annoying thing they've done w/ Apps for their crummy Windows Store and Service. WindowsApps folder is pretty much bolted-down, unless you grab ownership of it....which isn't the easiest thing to do in the world either.

And even then after you got still might not have entire control!

This also makes games hard to mod too; and tougher to preserve their legacy down the line in future years.

Hell, it's still easy enough to try to mod even old G4WL games b/c you have full blown access to these game-folders and can do what you need to w/ that folder; especially if you need to use something like XLive to disable that crummy G4WL (to get a game going), a Source Port or Reverse-Engineered Port, or get the game going.

Just about every other PC gaming service that I've dealt w/ over the years, past & present - Origin, Steam, GOG, Direct2Drive, Gamersgate, Humble, G4WL, GreenMan with Capsule, Stardock Impulse, GameStop Impulse, UPLAY, etc - yeah, we've had access to the files to do whatever we want.

With Xbox for PC Games, it's annoying how to do so. It's definitely better that I can now mod and certain games this can work with...but why do I have to use Xbox for PC Game App to let this damn game be moddable? Check this -

No wonder we buy our games everywhere else we can, when we actually can...

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No wonder we buy our games everywhere else we can, when we actually can...
speak for yourself. keep your mods. let me pay a dollar, soon to be ten, but that's besides the point, to play a game for a few days rather than paying full price. yes, i know this is CAG, but i'd rather pay a buck now without access/mods than wait for a game to be bundled.

Hey guys, hey.

While you are at the wonderful EpicGamesStore - - claiming your awesome free games this week (Railway Empire and Where the Water Turns to Wine) be sure to check out the amazing CREATOR'S CHOICE SALE?!?!?!?!

Epic has teamed up with the coolest content creators among all platforms to give us sales on the game they love! Be like your favorite tiktokker! Highlights include Untitled Goose Game for $14.99 ($4.99 after coupon if you still have any lingering from the sale earlier this year). Dread Nautical is $9.99.

So many deals. Too many for me to type up since I am not being paid or sponsored by the amazing Epic Games Store in any way.
Untitled Goose Game is tempting with the coupon (which I still have). No telling what other games will be on sale before the coupon expires. The only downside is I'll be reminded that I missed my chance to get it free (I didn't start claiming the free Epic Games until GTA V this past May). :oops:

Untitled Goose Game is tempting with the coupon (which I still have). No telling what other games will be on sale before the coupon expires. The only downside is I'll be reminded that I missed my chance to get it free (I didn't start claiming the free Epic Games until GTA V this past May). :oops:
Untitled Goose Game I don't believe ever was free on EGS so far. Otherwise we'd have many more happy CAGs who claim it and never play it.

Untitled Goose Game I don't believe ever was free on EGS so far. Otherwise we'd have many more happy CAGs who claim it and never play it.
Play it on Xboner Game Ass..


it's actually a fun little game, I recommend it... Especially if you have some down time between heavier sessions... with MysterD's mom...
speak for yourself. keep your mods. let me pay a dollar, soon to be ten, but that's besides the point, to play a game for a few days rather than paying full price. yes, i know this is CAG, but i'd rather pay a buck now without access/mods than wait for a game to be bundled.
If Vampire: Bloodlines 1 was on Microsoft Store - yeah, it would never work, without modding allowed, game comes attached w/ Wesp's patch, or brand new official fixes from Activision. It just doesn't work out-the-box on W10. Unless it came attached w/ Wesp's unofficial patch; Activision went in and officially fixed it themselves; or whatever the case - good luck getting it going on W8 and W10.

Though, I'd also probably guess - and I could be wrong on this one, who knows [shrug] - if a game's on PC Game Pass, Microsoft likely curates this more than Steam and would likely make sure it works, out-the-box before putting it up there on Game Pass.

I definitely get wanting access to games NOW for much cheaper (i.e. $1 first-month, $5 in Beta Phase, $10 in Official phase starting Sept. 17th). At $5 - for me, it's a no brainer; it's worth it. A pain in the neck to deal w/ its restrictions - but still, worth it. I easily get $5 a month worth here.

At $10 - eh, maybe I'll sub a month here or there, depending if there's really something I want to play ASAP is in there and can marathon it if it's a longer title, when I have say vacation time, days off, and whatnot.

But I do also wonder about save files and folders; especially in case DLC's aren't in the Game Pass version. RAGE 2 on Game Pass and Outer Worlds do NOT have the DLC's attached right now (man, I wish Gorgon was on Game Pass right now, I'd so play it) - meaning, you want them, you might have to wait for them to hopefully end up on the Pass; or go buy the game & its DLC's somewhere.

I also don't think all versions seem to be the same on Game Pass and other versions (Steam, GOG, etc). For short games - eh, this might not matter that much; since they're short and quick & easy enough to re-run through.

Though, this really could be important for long games, especially RPG's of that sort - as I don't think some of these, I can just finish in say one month's time. Some of these games are royal time-sinks - talking 40-50 hours at least.

My saves/profiles from Night Call Xbox PC Game Pass version (played on Game Pass), for example, just DO NOT work on Steam-version (wound-up owning the game from one of the Humble Bundles).

Though, my RAGE 2 save from Xbox for PC Game Pass....that save works in the Bethesda version of the game - which is great. :) Was easy enough for me to pick up where I left up, basically.

And we all know Metro: Exodus (when it was on Game Pass) had all kinds of other issues that weren't in Epic version too. So, until I get Metro Exodus on say Epic, Steam, GOG - who knows if PC Game Pass/Xbox version's save will work w/ that too.

Also, I'm on Game Pass playing Wasteland 3. Some 20 hours in or so. Hopefully, I get this game done soon...before Oct. 8th (next billing cycle). If not, well - hopefully, when I likely buy the game, saves from Xbox for PC Game Pass work on other versions of the game (Steam, GOG, etc). Or, or course, when I do re-sub, I'll just finish it up then.

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The Division 1 Season Pass is $5 on Uplay in case you got it for free the other week and wanted an excuse to spend five bucks.  If you're going to play the game, it's a worthwhile investment.

I look at anything on Microsoft Game Pass as being inherently disposable.  I don't own it and I'm not going to worry my pretty little head with whether or not my saves can be transferred or mods can be installed, etc.  It's a service that allows me to play games that I have moderate interest in for a fairly moderate price and it has already earned its keep by informing me that several games I thought I wanted to own aren't really games I should spend money on.

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bread's done