Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The rapid fire questions interview by IGN was funny. Almost every answer from the devs was "well...this is a PC so...".
So, will this hand-held support RT? ;)

Will it support FSR?

How well or poorly will Metro Exodus EE run on it, if it'll actually even run that RT-only version of the game?


I'd also be curious how poorly or well it'd run Cyberpunk 2077 also.

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I can count on one hand the number of games I use a controller to play on PC... not seeing the mass appeal on this one.
Ummm, really?!?!? What era of gaming are you from, since tons of console games are now getting PC Ports? :p

Off-hand, here's some games that I'd play w/ controller:

Mortal Kombat games, Street Fighter games, Yakuza games, and/or any fighting games for the most part (especially to do Z motions, half-circle motions, full circle motions); brawlers like River City Ransom Underground; any games w/ vehicle driving (i.e. GTA-likes, Far Cry series, Cyberpunk 2077) when you're NOT on-foot [i.e. in games w/ both shooting and car/vehicles, I switch b/t control-pad and KB/mouse all the time]; Tony Hawk games; numerous Souls-likes; Witcher 1 & 2; DMC series; Bayonetta; Madden games; Madden games; WWE games; NBA games; Mega Man games; Castlevania games and Metroidvania games; games mostly designed w/ consoles & controller originally in mind; etc etc - all those would probably be pretty good w/ any sort of controller.

I use a controller a lot on those type of games; namely a old-school XBox 360 for Windows controller - i.e. also known as the S controller.

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So, will this hand-held support RT? ;)
Will it support FSR?
"Valve said the Steam Deck will have ray tracing and variable rate shading support. And since it's essentially a tiny gaming PC, you can go in and tweak graphics settings like you would any PC game."

"Being powered by an AMD Van Gogh APU that features the RDNA 2 GPU architecture also means that Steam Deck will get full leverage from AMD FideilityFX Super Resolution (FSR), providing even higher performance boost in titles that utilize the feature set."
"Valve said the Steam Deck will have ray tracing and variable rate shading support. And since it's essentially a tiny gaming PC, you can go in and tweak graphics settings like you would any PC game."

"Being powered by an AMD Van Gogh APU that features the RDNA 2 GPU architecture also means that Steam Deck will get full leverage from AMD FideilityFX Super Resolution (FSR), providing even higher performance boost in titles that utilize the feature set."
Oh, that's all awesome & interesting! Now I'm VERY curious about this thing.

Hopefully, more games opt into using FSR.

I use them for Dark Souls and the like. Also the occasional platformer I play. Seems like a lot of people are excited about the portability of this device but II really don't play games anywhere other than my home... but maybe I'm just an old geezer in that respect and everyone plays games on public transportation or while taking a dump.
That's the other thing with me... I'm an old man yelling at a cloud because mobile gaming irritates me.

Ummm, really?!?!? What era of gaming are you from, since tons of console games are now getting PC Ports? :p

Off-hand, here's some games that I'd play w/ controller:

Mortal Kombat games, Street Fighter games, Yakuza games, and/or any fighting games for the most part (especially to do Z motions, half-circle motions, full circle motions); brawlers like River City Ransom Underground; any games w/ vehicle driving (i.e. GTA-likes, Far Cry series, Cyberpunk 2077) when you're NOT on-foot [i.e. in games w/ both shooting and car/vehicles, I switch b/t control-pad and KB/mouse all the time]; Tony Hawk games; numerous Souls-likes; Witcher 1 & 2; DMC series; Bayonetta; Madden games; Madden games; WWE games; NBA games; Mega Man games; Castlevania games and Metroidvania games; games mostly designed w/ consoles & controller originally in mind; etc etc - all those would probably be pretty good w/ any sort of controller.

I use a controller a lot on those type of games; namely a old-school XBox 360 for Windows controller - i.e. also known as the S controller.
I got into PC gaming with DOS/3.1.

Modern fighting games I'd play on PS4 (via PS+ free games), but not really into them. I did play some PC MK port back in the day with keyboard.

Yakuza, if that's like Shadow of Mordor or Batman Arkham games, I played those with keyboard.

I haven't got into RCRU yet, but I've played some similar style games with keyboard.

Driving games, mostly get played on PS4 (again, PS+), but I've played some random indie racers with keyboard.

I don't play sports games, but I used to play baseball games with keyboard.

I was playing Bayonetta with keyboard earlier this year.

Metroidvania... I played (not finished all... I tend to not finish games) Hollow Knight, Sundered, Shovel Knight, Wonder Boy, Bard's Gold, A Robot Named Fight, etc... all with keyboard.

But you do you... I do what works for me.

I play most racers w/ gamepad also - so that's namely the Forza Horizon games, TDU2, and NFS games.

Also, for games like Batman Arkham games, Shadow of Mordor and AC games - especially those type of games w/ platforming elements and/or some brawling/fighting elements - yeah, I'd mostly play those w/ a gamepad.

FPS's and TPS's - when on foot, keyboard and mouse all the way. Can't beat the mouse's precision, when aiming and firing.

Old-school style CRPG games like DAO, DAI, NWN1, NWN2, BG series, PST, Divinity: OS1, Witcher 1, and whatnot - keyboard & mouse all the way.

I don't play many strategy games - but yeah, stuff like XCOM games from Firaxis & old-school Black & White games from Lionhead get the keyboard/mouse treatment from me.


And yeah, whatever works for you, go for it. One great thing about PC is it is the land of mostly choice, in most  cases. That's fair; if you're good at this and can perform it well - well, awesome. :)

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Is there any real, tangible reason to get anything but the cheapest version of the Steam Deck? Performance is identical, no matter the size of internal storage you choose and there's the option for expanded memory cards or a USB-C drive. The only real difference, however vague it seems, is the bullet point on the $649 version:

"Premium anti-glare etched glass"

To which I'd retort, "I'll just get a screen protector, anyway... so there."
You know you want that exclusive carrying case and virtual keyboard theme, don't lie. For me, the glass screen makes a small difference because at this point if I'm paying so much I'd rather get the nicest screen possible, but since it doesn't seem to have upgradeable storage I think 512gb is a must. 256gb is nothing, it's way too easy to fill up.. so unless you have faith in how games will run on an SD card then I think the 512gb is the safest option

Ummm, really?!?!? What era of gaming are you from, since tons of console games are now getting PC Ports? :p

Off-hand, here's some games that I'd play w/ controller:

Mortal Kombat games, Street Fighter games, Yakuza games, and/or any fighting games for the most part (especially to do Z motions, half-circle motions, full circle motions); brawlers like River City Ransom Underground; any games w/ vehicle driving (i.e. GTA-likes, Far Cry series, Cyberpunk 2077) when you're NOT on-foot [i.e. in games w/ both shooting and car/vehicles, I switch b/t control-pad and KB/mouse all the time]; Tony Hawk games; numerous Souls-likes; Witcher 1 & 2; DMC series; Bayonetta; Madden games; Madden games; WWE games; NBA games; Mega Man games; Castlevania games and Metroidvania games; games mostly designed w/ consoles & controller originally in mind; etc etc - all those would probably be pretty good w/ any sort of controller.

I use a controller a lot on those type of games; namely a old-school XBox 360 for Windows controller - i.e. also known as the S controller.
The era where we used M+K for anything that isn't a platformer or side-scrolling beat-em-up. I haven't played a Madden or sports game in decades (since original Sega Genesis). We're basically in agreement other than the oddity of using both M+K and a controller for the driving sections of open world action games. Seems way too tedious and I don't see a huge advantage to using a controller as those aren't pure racing games.

Given all of that, the question is will someone pay $400+ just to play those platformers and beat-em-ups 'on-the-go' (assuming they won't be playing FPS or third-person action games with twin stick controller/thumb pads)?

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Double-post b/c this forum is currently running like molasses.  Also no clear way to delete a post.  Derp.

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The era where we used M+K for anything that isn't a platformer or side-scrolling beat-em-up. I haven't played a Madden or sports game in decades (since original Sega Genesis). We're basically in agreement other than the oddity of using both M+K and a controller for the driving sections of open world action games. Seems way too tedious and I don't see a huge advantage to using a controller as those aren't pure racing games.

Given all of that, the question is will someone pay $400+ just to play those platformers and beat-em-ups 'on-the-go' (assuming they won't be playing FPS or third-person action games with twin stick controller/thumb pads)?
Could also depend on price too.

PC games are often much cheaper, when on sale, than console games - and often get Bundled too. Games like Yakuza have been bundled before.

I think the cheapest I've seen MK11: Aftermath Edition (for PC - with MK11 and all Expansions/DLC's) was around $23 or so on NewEgg before.

We'd also have to ask the question of how cheap controller-based games have been on PC, if they been bundled, and/or if they been on Game Pass - stuff like Forza Horizon 3 & 4; NFS: Heat; any other racers on PC (vs. consoles); etc etc.

So the other question would be - for PC Game Pass or Ultimate Game Pass owners, how easy is it to run say your PC Game Pass stuff on SteamOS as is on SteamDeck? Or how easy is it to install Windows OS's (like W10 or W11) for a dual-boot with SteamOS on the Steam Deck?

I also think for games that are too floaty & loose on car controls - i.e. like Cyberpunk 2077, GR: Wildlands, and Watch Dogs games - they just play better w/ a gamepad. They just feel odd w/ KB/mouse, when the controls ain't tight for driving. Also, CP 2077 has the problem that the cam, when in 3rd person, isn't always behind the car when you turn the car left or right; it takes a few seconds before it resets itself behind your car. Easier and smoother to use the gamepad, in that case.

80% - 90% off sale on BeamDog Games on Steam.

Beamdog Sale on Steam on many classic games, DLC's, expansions, etc etc - for NWN EE, BG1 EE, BG2 EE, PST EE, etc.

BeamDog Sale:

BeamDog Infinity Collection Bundle - (Complete A Bundle?):


NWN EE Digital Deluxe - (Complete a Bundle?):

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Saw this article this morning regarding the Steam Deck not being as good as Game Pass Ultimate for Android/smartphone:

Is there a reason why these dipshits are comparing a device that has your full Steam library available and can run many games natively to some app that STREAMS a video feed of a list of about 100 curated games and only works when you have a good internet connection?

Saw this article this morning regarding the Steam Deck not being as good as Game Pass Ultimate for Android/smartphone:

Is there a reason why these dipshits are comparing a device that has your full Steam library available and can run many games natively to some app that STREAMS a video feed of a list of about 100 curated games and only works when you have a good internet connection?
They're dipshits?
I'm also curious: how many people that have never jumped into PC gaming that been wanting to jump in, actually might jump in now.

I do wonder how many who were turned off by say the price of good gaming laptops (i.e. these are often $1000 and up, before sales pricing) - just might jump in on this thing.

Having FSR and RT support - well, that's big. I'd like to see where performance goes w/ this thing.

$400 is very affordable. Mind you, you ain't got much space there at 64GB. You probably should jump to higher-end models of this, for more space and speed internally, if that's in your budget.

I also wonder how many into emulation might buy this....for doing both the SteamOS/Stea Library and also some emulation purposes.

Mind you, this system ain't that powerful, when compared to high-end desktops and high-end laptops - but this isn't entirely about that. You can probably always expand out w/ say space - but if you already have save USB-based devices, USB hard-drives, USB-based SSD's, and other stuff of this sort - since this basically is a hand-held PC and you can even install Windows - yeah, sky can be (close to) the limit here w/ what you're given here; and what you can do to make it PC-like.

You can even install say other stores on this; this is basically an open-platform, whether you use SteamOS/Linux or Windows, or maybe even dual-boot the two OS's.

But, being similar in power to somewhere b/t a PS4 and PS5 in terms of TFlops here, that's going to appeal to many.

Steam-users - this could be great for you. If you have a big library or are starting to get one from buying all the time from Steam; 3rd party sites like Humble & Fanatical; etc - this makes a lot of sense to you. This thing is small, can take this anywhere easily. You don't have to throw this is a backpack like you would say a laptop, as you'd probably easily fit this Deck in your pocket. That's the Switch's appeal; gaming on the go that can fit in your pocket.

If Steam ever say did a Steam Game Pass for some list of curated/supported games list in a Netflix-style monthly or yearly fee like Xbox PC or Xbox Console does; and/or a Steam-Cloud like Xbox has the XCloud or say GeForce has NVidia GeForce Now - my gosh, this would be even more "off to the races".

I also wonder w/ EA Pass on Steam, if say Xbox PC Game Pass ever hits Steam, or if ever say UPlay+ hits Steam - if that could also make Steam Deck take off even more so.

I see on my Activity a lot of people putting $ down on this - so, that's cool. I'll be curious to see how many new Steam-users this thing generates (i.e. those who namely did only consoles); and/or PC gamers didn't really like the price of good laptops (i.e. often $1000 & up) that might pony up for this.


Digital Foundry w/ their analysis & thoughts on the Steam Deck on its specs, Proton, and SteamOS:

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My wife and I ordered the 512gb Steam Deck within 5 minutes of each other. She got in first and her Order Availability is Q1 2022. Mine is Q2 2022. /grumble

I love my Switch. Pair it with this and I'll feel like I have all my portable gaming bases covered.

Definitely plan to add emulation to the device.

Very excited. I hope it lives up to the hype.

Maybe this SteamOS will make it's way to hacked Switches?
It could, the problem is running anything. Switches are just basically generic arm boxes (well generic as in its a mass produced chip by nvidia without much custom architecture going on), its a clocked down nvidia shield stuck in a handheld format. The deck on the other hand is x86, runs linux, and then just uses wine plus valves proton work to run windows programs within it. Wine does no cpu emulation at all, so you wouldnt be able to run any of the actual games. So while arch linux (the distro behind steamos) supports arm, you wouldnt be able to run any of your steam games on it

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"Valve’s Steam Deck uses a socketed M.2 2230 SSD, which could potentially be upgraded to a higher-capacity version. The M.2 2230 socket is obviously present on the 256GB and 512GB models, and an update to the tech specs states that it will be present, but unpopulated on the lower cost eMMC model. This could mean that eMMC owners may be able to add faster internal storage at a reduced cost."


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Gotta love how companies continue to use easily-customizable storage in order to profit on their hardware, and purposely dilute the messaging. 

I just want to know if I can add an M.2 stick in there or not.  So do half of other people.  That's what caused me to close the order page last time.  There's a big difference between a $399 model and a $649 model. 

Steam Deck seems interesting, but I'm in absolutely no rush to grab one. 

I'm pretty sure I'll eventually grab one, but that have far more to do with having over 6,000 games on Steam rather than the device itself.  Access to that sort of library on even a halfway capable device would be worth the spend. 

(Sigh, look at what a 10-15 years of hanging around you people has done.)

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Gotta love how companies continue to use easily-customizable storage in order to profit on their hardware, and purposely dilute the messaging.

I just want to know if I can add an M.2 stick in there or not. So do half of other people. That's what caused me to close the order page last time. There's a big difference between a $399 model and a $649 model.
They already updated the specs to state its a socketed 2230 (your pc uses the larger 2280 form factor). So yes you can find them, but they will cost more (the ones I see that are actually NVME and not just sata interface on an m.2 cost 150-200$ for a 512gb) so its not some huge cost savings by doing it yourself, and thats also if its actually easy to open and get to the socket and you feel like possibly breaking it in the process

They already updated the specs to state its a socketed 2230 (your pc uses the larger 2280 form factor). So yes you can find them, but they will cost more (the ones I see that are actually NVME and not just sata interface on an m.2 cost 150-200$ for a 512gb) so its not some huge cost savings by doing it yourself, and thats also if its actually easy to open and get to the socket and you feel like possibly breaking it in the process
There are 128 GB options that are considerably cheaper ($20-25), but if you're gonna pop it open and use up the one available slot, 128 GB doesn't seem worth the trouble. And at that point, considering the costs of the larger drives, then yeah, you're better off just paying more up front.

There's a small part of me that feels like, if I hadn't just bought a new CPU/motherboard/SSD back in December, I might have waited on the Steam Deck and a dock to use that as my main computer. Could probably get away with playing indies and older games on a 1080p monitor without issue. I've always had a desire to go with a more compact setup and that's one interesting way to go about it. But I still feel like I'd run into problems using it as a handheld (my hands cramp up after ~30 minutes on the Switch).

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Sounds like a poor choice on storage.  And really poor value for having to pay +$250 in order to get a mere 512gb in storage. 

PS5 is suffering the same issue.  I can't believe that we've entered a territory where upgrading to a larger NVMe SSD costs +40% to +60% the cost of the entire system hardware.  It's also causing systems to launch with unacceptable amounts of storage. 

If money, or value/satisfaction over time, is any factor at all then the answer is that a prospective customer should wait.  Or else buy the base system and deal with the shortcoming. 

Steam Deck, VR, Next Gen consoles, hyper fast solid state storage...$$$

I'm just happy I was able to upgrade two of my household computers running Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10 for free (because I didn't realize that was still a thing).

Steam Deck, VR, Next Gen consoles, hyper fast solid state storage...$$$

I'm just happy I was able to upgrade two of my household computers running Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10 for free (because I didn't realize that was still a thing).
I was surprised and pleased a couple years ago when my Windows 7 key worked to activate Windows 10 on my new Macbook that was “too new” to run Windows 7.
I went ahead and ordered a Steam Deck... The high end version because I know I'm not going to want to dick around to save a few bucks.

Not sure if ill actually keep my order come 2022 Q3 but if it shipped today it would likely be a great purchase. A year from now? Hopefully, it will look like an expensive toy that I don't really need but it could also be a godsend and I could easily be extremely annoyed that I didn't jump in line.
The 20th Eelyear Collection is on sale on for $1.

It includes DRM-free downloads of the following games from developer/publisher Digital Eel Games:


Strange Adventures in Infinite Space

Big Box of Blox

Dr. Blob's Organisms

Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space

Soup Du Jour

Brainpipe: A Plunge to Unhumanity

Datajammers: Fast Forward

Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars


The listing just says that the bundle will be on sale for a few days, so I'd hop on it soon if you're interested.

Cyberpunk 2077 ( PC / GOG ) - More Thoughts/Review.

So, I finished-up the main quest and a good deal of the side-jobs (i.e. actual real side quests, most of there are listed there - not in Rides or Gig section), after a little over 50 hours of this.

A lot of the actual real side quests are really good, to say the least. Not sure how much of these have different choices and how some of them might tie into the main quest - there's a few side quests I did, that obviously were important to the way my game ended, in the long-run - but it was really good, even if there's possibly not a ton of choices in missions and the final outcome of the game. I'll have to run different paths, endings, and through the game again myself, to see that - if I even go down that route of actually replaying this.

Regardless, if you're looking a mix here of FPS, ARPG's, looter-shooters, RPG's, and open-world games - think of a combo of these franchises: Deus Ex, GTA, Borderlands, Far Cry, and other UbiSoft games - you can't go wrong w/ Cyberpunk 2077, provided you have the horsepower to run this and can run it at a decent framerate & with worthwhile graphics settings you can actually run this at.

In the end, it might not live up to the ridiculous & insane amount of hype it originally had and a ton of features got cut from the game (i.e. wall-running, longer life-paths, etc); some areas really don't have nowhere as much content and stuff to do as others; and even some story stuff some possibly chopped-up and rushed here - but it's still, even despite all of that, really good; and it might even be possible that patches, expansions, and/or DLC's could bring this game into the land of greatness.

It's certainly not perfect - but it's still pretty good overall, none-the-less.

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Selling remasters on PC to people who already own the games is a non-starter, so I don’t know why they’d target mods. Take Two even did the right thing and upgraded the Bioshocks for people who owned them for example.
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I don't like this whole ordeal either with Take 2 DMCA'ing mods b/c....well, it can cause all kinds of problems w/ what mods are allowed, not allowed, etc etc.

On the remaster subject - some of these mods, they brought older GTA's into the newer engines. If say the mod doesn't check you own all games - then, yeah, Take 2 Might have a point here: that you should own all content you're playing. But, the thing is: there's probably a good chance, most people already own all of these GTA3 Trilogy Games already - these are often dirt-cheap on Steam; you own these on disc from retail; and/or have been given away from Rockstar Store before in other promotions.

Basically, the above's also modders doing their own remaster, of sorts, if you want to look at it that. Thing is: Take 2 might see this as modders getting in the way of Take 2 and Rockstar trying to Remaster or Remake the game officially; and getting in the way of sales since they ain't done it themselves officially. Why buy these Remasters, Remakes, or Conversions...if someone already done the conversion and/or remastering themselves?

I'm still waiting for Red Dead Redemption 1 to hit PC - but Rockstar even DMCA'd someone from porting it themselves to PC, back in 2019.

Still, gamers making new content for these old games and targeting that - yeah, they shouldn't go after that. I get it, that they don't want people making new content without them, since they own the IP - but it doesn't mean that I don't like this. I mean, It's not like we're likely getting GTA: Vice City 2; GTA3: Part 2; or GTA: San Andreas 2 any time soon. Probably not getting GTA6 anytime soon either, I'd guess.

I can see Rockstar's point w/ targeting say some of the portable GTA's to PC, since they never did that in the first place. I don't recall say GTA: Vice City Stories or GTA: Liberty City Stories ever ported to PC - and honestly, they should've done that officially years ago; and/or they should do that officially soon. Especially if all the rumors are true w/ GTA6 might have both Lib. City and Vice City locations in there.

Also, who knows if they'll try and put all of the GTA Cities in GTA Online at some point too.

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I guess it depends on how much 'remastering' is going to be done.  If they're going to remake the games in a newer engine, by all means charge for it.  But I doubt we'll see more than a few minor tweaks or something ludicrous like people wanting to run these old games in 4K.

I guess it depends on how much 'remastering' is going to be done. If they're going to remake the games in a newer engine, by all means charge for it. But I doubt we'll see more than a few minor tweaks or something ludicrous like people wanting to run these old games in 4K.
I guess we could see Rockstar aiming for 60fps in a lot of the GTA3 Trilogy (since those are 30fps out the box) - but Silent Patch already does all of that.

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Just got a message from Steam that the game 'x-note' was removed from my account. I activated it July 9, 2015 (over 6 years ago!!).

After doing some digging on the games discussion forums on Steam, looks like I got the key from the Indiegala - Every Monday #66 bundle. I did a group buy here so I'm guessing some of you may have it as well.

Absolutely crazy that the developer can just revoke keys from a bundle 6 years after the fact. And Steam just...lets it happen? I obviously don't give a shit about this game but that kind of stuff worries me. Mind boggling. 

Just got a message from Steam that the game 'x-note' was removed from my account. I activated it July 9, 2015 (over 6 years ago!!).

After doing some digging on the games discussion forums on Steam, looks like I got the key from the Indiegala - Every Monday #66 bundle. I did a group buy here so I'm guessing some of you may have it as well.

Absolutely crazy that the developer can just revoke keys from a bundle 6 years after the fact. And Steam just...lets it happen? I obviously don't give a shit about this game but that kind of stuff worries me. Mind boggling.
You only own a subscription/license with the SSA. Anything is subject to change.

You don't own games on Steam; this isn't GOG.

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bread's done