Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Taco Bell started 24 days of free food yesterday, Circle K started 31 days of freebies today and Mcdonalds is doing 12 days of freebies starting 12/13. For Mcdonalds and Taco Bell, I think you need to make a $1 purchase to get the free thing.
I will pay everyone here $1/day if they do not eat Taco Bell or McDonald's.

I am on the 2nd year of my all access series x loan/subscription so I have enjoyed Gamepass for the Xbox exclusive content. I intended to not renew it after it expires but the $25 for 3 mos stackable deal was too good to pass up. I think I ended up with 10 mos for $75 (bought 9 months and got 1 free for turning on auto renew temporarily). $7.50/month is totally reasonable for what you get.
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Titanfall 1 delisting.

EA and Respawn have delisted Titanfall 1:


- EA and Respawn have delisted Titanfall 1.

- This has came after all of the unsolved server, security & hacking issues; DDOS attacks; & whatnot...

- ...In which these above said issues have been on-going for years.

- The community has made petitions and asked for fixes to this for quite a while.

- More on those issues w/ both TF1 & Apex Legends issues here ->

- Servers will remain up (for now), for those that have already actually own the game.

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Battlefield Universe.

Major shake-up at EA on-going regarding the Battlefield Universe:


- DICE GM Oskar Gabrielson is leaving the company to pursue a new endeavor outside of EA. 

- Rebecka Coutaz, the former studio director at Ubisoft Annecy, is taking over for Gabrielson as GM of DICE going forward. 

- Gabrielson is staying on with DICE & EA for the rest of the year to help Coutaz with the transition to the role of GM. 

- Respawn's Vince Zampella is taking on a bigger role as the new overall boss of the Battlefield franchise

- Halo designer Marcus Lehto is building a new development team in Seattle.

- Letho's team will be focused on injecting more storytelling into the Battlefield universe. 

- Lehto, the man who designed Master Chief & played a major role in making Halo what it is today.

- Whatever Lehto's team creates, it will show up in "later seasons" for Battlefield 2042 and "beyond."

- Ripple Effect, the developer of Battlefield 2042's Portal mode, is developing a new Battlefield experience in the Battlefield 2042 universe; and they will continue to support Portal.

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Quake 1:

NEW Quake Remastered update on Steam and Epic.


- New Horde Mode by MachineGames w/ 1-4 player co-op for multiplayer & online modes.

- Hordes mode also has options to even play with bots. 

- New add-on called "Honey" from MachineGames.

- Users can claim via Bethesda.Net Log-In some skins: Ranger Slayer from DOOM Eternal....

- ...And also Quake Guy Ranger Skin with the Gladus Axe from Quake Champions.

- Other bug-fixes, additions, options, changes, improvements, etc.

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Quake 1:

NEW Quake Remastered update on Steam and Epic.


- New Horde Mode by MachineGames w/ 1-4 player co-op for multiplayer & online modes.

- Hordes mode also has options to even play with bots.

- New add-on called "Honey" from MachineGames.

- Users can claim via Bethesda.Net Log-In some skins: Ranger Slayer from DOOM Eternal....

- ...And also Quake Guy Ranger Skin with the Gladus Axe from Quake Champions.

- Other bug-fixes, additions, options, changes, improvements, etc.
Updates to a 26-year-old game get me more excited than most modern releases.

Updates to a 26-year-old game get me more excited than most modern releases.

Battlefield Universe.

Major shake-up at EA on-going regarding the Battlefield Universe:

- DICE GM Oskar Gabrielson is leaving the company to pursue a new endeavor outside of EA.
- Rebecka Coutaz, the former studio director at Ubisoft Annecy, is taking over for Gabrielson as GM of DICE going forward.
- Gabrielson is staying on with DICE & EA for the rest of the year to help Coutaz with the transition to the role of GM.
- Respawn's Vince Zampella is taking on a bigger role as the new overall boss of the Battlefield franchise
- Halo designer Marcus Lehto is building a new development team in Seattle.
- Leth's team will be focused on injecting more storytelling into the Battlefield universe.
- Lehto, the man who designed Master Chief & played a major role in making Halo what it is today.
- Whatever Lehto's team creates, it will show up in "later seasons" for Battlefield 2042 and "beyond."
- Ripple Effect, the developer of Battlefield 2042's Portal mode, is developing a new Battlefield experience in the Battlefield 2042 universe; and they will continue to support Portal.
Can you draw me the new org chart? Kthxbye
Battlefield Universe.

Major shake-up at EA on-going regarding the Battlefield Universe:


- DICE GM Oskar Gabrielson is leaving the company to pursue a new endeavor outside of EA.

- Rebecka Coutaz, the former studio director at Ubisoft Annecy, is taking over for Gabrielson as GM of DICE going forward.

- Gabrielson is staying on with DICE & EA for the rest of the year to help Coutaz with the transition to the role of GM.

- Respawn's Vince Zampella is taking on a bigger role as the new overall boss of the Battlefield franchise

- Halo designer Marcus Lehto is building a new development team in Seattle.

- Leth's team will be focused on injecting more storytelling into the Battlefield universe.

- Lehto, the man who designed Master Chief & played a major role in making Halo what it is today.

- Whatever Lehto's team creates, it will show up in "later seasons" for Battlefield 2042 and "beyond."

- Ripple Effect, the developer of Battlefield 2042's Portal mode, is developing a new Battlefield experience in the Battlefield 2042 universe; and they will continue to support Portal.
Now the company definitely will not operate with shareholders' interests first!

Interesting that you don't outright deny living in a flesh tent...
I'm more concerned with the tent and house part. Are they living inside a tent inside a house? Or a house inside a circus tent? Granted the place could being fumigated.

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Worth mentioning that XCOM Chimera Squad is $1.79 on Steam if you already have XCOM 1 and 2 with all the DLC (but you don't need the old classic XCOMs). It's one of those "complete the bundle" deal through Steam. I already had the two recent XCOMs with the DLC so Chimera Squad at that price is a no-brainer
Worth mentioning that XCOM Chimera Squad is $1.79 on Steam if you already have XCOM 1 and 2 with all the DLC (but you don't need the old classic XCOMs). It's one of those "complete the bundle" deal through Steam. I already had the two recent XCOMs with the DLC so Chimera Squad at that price is a no-brainer
A steal at $1.79. Easily worth it for XCOM CS.

So, I have XCOM 1: Complete and also XCOM 2 (base-game only) on Steam; I'm missing only Expansions and DLC's for XCOM 2.

My discount for XCOM Ultimate is set at 85% off for $11.52.

For me, it'd be namely to collect all of the XCOM 2 Expansions and DLC's.

If others are in a boat like yours or in a boat like mine - might be a good way to collect missing stuff.

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I haven't looked at anything I got from that one xbox heug bundle itch had a while back, but there's a smaller one...

66 games for $5.

Partial (maybe... I didn't count) list stolen from steamgifts.  I haven't double checked the list, so don't yell at me if the person that posted the list got something wrong.

List included steam links but the bundle doesn't include steam keys.

A Bird's Tale
A Forgetful Loop
A Garden On The Sea
A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build
A Lozenge
A Normal Lost Phone
And Yet It Moves
Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story
Beasts of Maravilla Island
Boo! Greedy Kid
Bury me, my Love
Catty & Batty: The Spirit Guide
Cloud Gardens
Coffee Talk
Cosmic Express
Danger Scavenger
From Head to Toe
Hidden Folks
Hive Time
How We Got Here - Free Full Game
Lieve Oma
Little Mouse's Encyclopedia
No Longer Home
Old Man's Journey
plant daddy
Quiet as a Stone
Samorost 2
Secrets of Raetikon
Shrug Island - The Meeting
Shutter Stroll
Signs of the Sojourner
Silicon Dreams | cyberpunk interrogation
Spring Falls
Sumatra: Fate of Yandi
Summer Gems
Teenage Blob
The Adventures of Wolf and Hood - a Jigsaw Tale
The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human
The Hex
The Rose Garden
The Stillness of the Wind
Un Pas Fragile
What Comes After
When The River Runs Dry
Wide Ocean Big Jacket

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Going to be playing some Gamepass games before it goes away beginning next month for me. Also going to be trying at most twice the MTG Arena Draft open. Hopefully I do good, as I generally average about 2 wins 1 loss playing best of 3. Best of 1 I average about 3 to 4 wins. So very average. Also played one newer Gamepass game.

Archvale I wanted to love. I like to call this one generic grindfest the game. It wants to be like Enter the Gungeon, but feels so generic. I wanted it to be a better Iron Fisticle as well, and it came out short. In short you go area to area clearing junk, gathering junk to build more junk and eventually gather all the pieces of an arch defeating bosses along the way. Also not as good as any Legend of Zelda game. Just felt like it was missing something, although it controlled decently well with the Xbox Series X controller. The graphics feel a bit generic as well and the music just kind of sucks. Some noises pang too high pitched as well, so music and sound were reduced to 50% loudness to save my ears. I didn't hate this, but I got bored after getting 2 pieces of the arch I believe. If you love grinding items for equipment and going around a relatively lifeless feeling world here you go. Also never figured out if there was a fast travel, as the towns are where you have an ingot to craft your equipment. 6/10

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Another surprise DLC launched for Titan Quest: AE out of nowhere!
You got to give THQ Nordic credit. I never thought we would see expansion come out for a game aquire a decade after its release let another expansion 5 years after that.

Someone high up most love themselves some Titan Quest.
Archvale I wanted to love. I like to call this one generic grindfest the game. It wants to be like Enter the Gungeon, but feels so generic. I wanted it to be a better Iron Fisticle as well, and it came out short. In short you go area to area clearing junk, gathering junk to build more junk and eventually gather all the pieces of an arch defeating bosses along the way. Also not as good as any Legend of Zelda game. Just felt like it was missing something, although it controlled decently well with the Xbox Series X controller. The graphics feel a bit generic as well and the music just kind of sucks. Some noises pang too high pitched as well, so music and sound were reduced to 50% loudness to save my ears. I didn't hate this, but I got bored after getting 2 pieces of the arch I believe. If you love grinding items for equipment and going around a relatively lifeless feeling world here you go. Also never figured out if there was a fast travel, as the towns are where you have an ingot to craft your equipment. 6/10
It sounds like you started playing before the first patch. I assume you started Thursday? Because the initial build that showed up on GP was unpolished and unbalanced according to the dev. No idea how or why this happened. But I started playing Thursday and couldn't figure out how to fast travel either. Then the patch came out Friday and I restarted from scratch, and I immediately got a pop-up saying I could fast-travel between fountains. Maybe you could still fast travel prior to the update and the game just failed to explain it, but it significantly cuts down on the grinding and back-tracking.

Anyways, I finished it up today and had a very positive impression. Really enjoyed the combat and bullet-hell dodging, and loved that the game just plops you down and lets you try to go pretty much anywhere you want right from the start regardless of how under-powered you are. One of the biggest surprises of the year for me.

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Another charity bundle for the World Land Trust.  Five bucks for 66 games; approx. 60% of which you own if you bought the Racial Justice & Palestine bundles.  These look to be all actual video games, no tabletop RPG rule sets or asset packs, etc.  Don't ask me what the "good" stuff is.

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Detroit: Become Human.

According to Steam, I'm some 6.7 hours into Detroit: Become Human over on Steam, from Quantic Dream and David Cage. I do indeed have some thoughts on this game, so let me press X to Share! Share! Share!

So, this games takes place in 2038, within the city of Detroit. Androids are everywhere and are an important part of human life, as lots of humans own them. Pretty much, androids are the slaves of human, doing all of their tasks for them - take out the garbage; clean up messes; do the laundry; babysitting; etc etc. CyberLife is a huge corporation, which makes all of these androids. Of course, things start to go wrong, as it seems like some androids are turning on their masters, malfunctioning maybe, and/or getting minds of their own (in a sense).

Similar to say Fahrenheit AKA Indigo Prophecy, you'll be playing a few different roles as the player here. In this game in particular you'll be taking on the role of a few androids, in their lives & stories; and also often deciding the fate of androids & mankind. In one story of one android, you'll be investigating some murders with a human police officer (which is played by Clancy Brown). In another android's story, you'll decide the fate of a little girl and her abusive father and what to do with that situation...and then some other stuff beyond that. In the third story as another android, you're helping out a painter (which is played by Lance Henrikson) with his life & his family issues, which eventually start off another chain of events.

As usual per Quantic Dream's mixture of their cinematic-style of adventure games and interactive movies here, there's going to be a lot of the typical Quantic Dream stuff here. You will have QuickTime events, here and there. Almost everything you interact with, also like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, is contextual and you will use the mouse and KB and/or Right Analog stick on the gamepad to do the actual motions to open doors, pick-up objects, open windows, etc etc - which also feels more important than ever for even some of the mundane stuff here, as not only does it try to make the mundane important & immersive, but it's also making a point about the theme of androids being slaves to humans, more or less. You will also do investigating into murders when you play as the android police officer, investigating scenes to gather evidence and whatnot. Since you're an android cop in one of the stories, you'll need to scan bodies, areas, crime scenes, and things of that sort...and some human cops and whatnot might not be thrilled with that, if you do your job more efficiently than them.

Regardless of which android you play as, there's also some adventure-style puzzles or figuring on what object to move, where to move it, pixel hunt type of puzzles, and other stuff we've seen before in adventure games - but never ever really trying to break the ebb, flow, and pacing of the game and its story/narrative. There's even scenes where the androids you play as, can possibly overlap into others' storylines, making this feel even more epic, grander in scale, and also possibly even more important to the decision-making process that takes place in the game.

As if the above and all wasn't enough here: after each Chapter of the game, you are given a Flowchart. It shows you all the possible storyline threads and scenes you could have taken, throughout the game. The Flowchart is certainly extensive as can, which I'm sure is going to cause gamers that see every locked thread...and likely replay the game to maybe try and get some more of them; and/or maybe all of them, if they feel the urge to. I can certainly tell you: this might be one of the smartest things that Quantic Dream has done, as someone who doesn't often replay games b/c they often unfold the same too much or close to the same - but, it's possible that scenes and/or endings in this game could be very wildly different, based on what you decided in the game and/or if you failed or succeeded in certain instances. This Flowchart and how possibly wildly different things could play out, this could make it possible that it's very worthwhile to replay the game.

Just like in Heavy Rain, in many instances here in Detroit: BH, you can say fail a mission/scene - and then the game is still planned to actually keep going (with or without certain characters), as events will possibly unfold differently b/c of this failure than say if you succeeded. Not only this, but you can also compares your choices w/ the percentages of other players making these decisions (or not) on the Flowchart w/ other players on a Global Level & also your Steam-Friends' Level here, seeing the percentages on those two different instances.

While the writing isn't certain spectacular here - i.e. it suffers from the usual stilt, camp, cheese, and whatnot in the actual writing & dialogue that comes w/ David Cage & Quantic Dream's games - this might be actually the most fitting setting & time period for their levels of stilt, camp & cheese, given that we are dealing often with androids & a crazy sci-fi type of future here; it just seems more fitting than ever here in this particular game than anything else they've done before. Regardless, in this ambitious & crazy Quantic Dream project - stars like Lance Henriksen, Clancy Brown, Jesse Williams, and Minka Kelly here, for starters - seem to give really good performances here voice-wise...and their looks & likeness here, too.

Since I mentioned how these voice-actors look like their actual real selves and likenesses, onto graphics. They graphics: they look really good here & this game runs very well here on my PC. With it running at 1080p60fps easily here, maxed-out at Ultra overall settings & also even cranking to 1.50 resolution quality increase over 1080p. Not that it's really necessary to run at 60fps here, as this isn't a crazy fast-paced action game - as even locked at 30fps, it will extremely rarely dip even below 30fps on my rig (10700KF; 16 GB RAM; RTX 3070 with 8 GB of VRAM; W10 x64).

There's tons of details everywhere in the game-world and environments here in these scenes and stories, making it feel like this could be a very well be a very believable and "not too far in the distance" version of Detroit that you can really live in. So, as usual - yes, the immersion factor's very high here in another Quantic Dream game. And yes, there's even Lore and stuff to pick-up in the game-world that's also worth reading - often IPad-like tablet devices, where you can read the important news and (which often can be actually based off your decisions!) articles online. There's even TV's to watch with news and even some sporting events, which make it really feel like you could be watching these shows.

Regardless, so far, after some 6.7 hours - I'm hoping this game really keeps this up. While it ain't the greatest with the writing and all, it still is obvious to me that is a really good Quantic Dream style cinematic adventure game & interactive movie of sort. This maybe even Quantic's best, provided it doesn't pull a Fahrenheit (which fell apart in the last Act). I'm hoping it goes that way here with Detroit: BH, similar to that of Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls - well, at least with the endings that I received in those two games - as those two in the final Act turned out very well & they really stuck the landing there at the very end.

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Detroit: Become Human.

Regardless, so far, after some 6.7 hours - I'm hoping this game really keeps this up. While it ain't the greatest with the writing and all, it still is obvious to me that is a really good Quantic Dream style cinematic adventure game & interactive movie of sort. This maybe even Quantic's best, provided it doesn't pull a Fahrenheit (which fell apart in the last Act). I'm hoping it goes that way here with Detroit: BH, similar to that of Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls - well, at least with the endings that I received in those two games - as those two in the final Act turned out very well & they really stuck the landing there at the very end.
One thing that I was impressed by with Detroit: Become Human is how much of Detroit is actually in the game... or at least recognizable attempts at it. (Henry the Shoeser storefront is actually Henry the Hatter ( But the same green awning and font is used in the game.)

It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine because so often when Detroit gets used in games or movies, it's generally either generic stuff or obviously filmed in Chicago. (Or Dallas, in the case of Robocop.)

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I was playing an old version of Archvale. In the one I was playing there was no fast travel and all badges where turned on automatically after acquiring. I did get the newer version and with fast travel it helps a bit. Still really generic overall and the gameplay is just pretty aight. Sticking to my 6/10, but it's a stronger one. I'm about 60% through the game, but reached a part I don't know what to do. Also the one ice temple or whatever it was with the precision dashing was near torture.

I was playing an old version of Archvale. In the one I was playing there was no fast travel and all badges where turned on automatically after acquiring. I did get the newer version and with fast travel it helps a bit. Still really generic overall and the gameplay is just pretty aight. Sticking to my 6/10, but it's a stronger one. I'm about 60% through the game, but reached a part I don't know what to do. Also the one ice temple or whatever it was with the precision dashing was near torture.
Did you talk to the Nessie creature in that one village that asks for something? There are maybe three spots that require you to either visit other areas first or boost your stats enough before proceeding. But otherwise the game lets you go where you'd like and pinpoints the location of each archstone right from the beginning.

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Ok it’s time for me to replace my 10 year old gaming desktop. Anyone have what the best value I can get for about $1500? I was informed this wasn’t a bad deal. Thoughts?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Rough time to buy. On occasion I see a prebuilt deal with a 3070 under $1500. I don't think they last very long but I would try to catch one of those. I also wouldn't bother with an 120mm aio cooler. Either go air or 240+. Ram or ssd shouldn't factor in too much as they're easily replaceable. ddr4 and high-tier pci-e 3.0 drives are easy to find cheap right now.

I bought a prebuilt with a 3070 for $1150 in January. Since there was no end in sight, I was sick of wasting time trying to get a card and viewed it as a better alternative than resellers.

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I bought an iBuyPower desktop a couple years ago … it’s ok but I’m not in love with the brand. It has power but it hangs at weird times doing basic things like browsing the internet.

Could completely be user error that’s causing some of the odd hiccups I’ve experienced .. but compared to the HP desktop I replaced (one of their bigger customizable tower desktop systems, not the home consumer babies first PC HP stuff) and the Dell / ASUS laptops I’ve owned, I found iBuyPower to be sort of meh.

I would say either go with one of the more established, polished brands or just build it yourself. But, with that said, if you’re busy and want something OK … you could do worse than iBuyPower.
Ok it’s time for me to replace my 10 year old gaming desktop. Anyone have what the best value I can get for about $1500? I was informed this wasn’t a bad deal. Thoughts?

I'd watch a few videos from GamersNexus first such as:

Steve reviews this type of Walmart or prebuilt hardware all the time and deep dive explains why you are getting ripped off.

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I realize that's not much help for 'what to buy'.   But its hard to recommend any prebuilt unless its from a higher quality brand, and then you have to pay so much more.  The hard truth is that this stuff is built with disposable 'junk drawer' parts, and could fail at any one of the several weak points in the chain-link of hardware components. 

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Question for the PROS!

Will this increase my RAM and floppyflops for an extreme gaming experience?


Answer only if you're a pro gamer please.  :speaktothehand:

bread's done