Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Detroit: Become Human.

According to Steam, I'm some 6.7 hours into Detroit: Become Human over on Steam, from Quantic Dream and David Cage. I do indeed have some thoughts on this game, so let me press X to Share! Share! Share!

So, this games takes place in 2038, within the city of Detroit. Androids are everywhere and are an important part of human life, as lots of humans own them. Pretty much, androids are the slaves of human, doing all of their tasks for them - take out the garbage; clean up messes; do the laundry; babysitting; etc etc. CyberLife is a huge corporation, which makes all of these androids. Of course, things start to go wrong, as it seems like some androids are turning on their masters, malfunctioning maybe, and/or getting minds of their own (in a sense).

Similar to say Fahrenheit AKA Indigo Prophecy, you'll be playing a few different roles as the player here. In this game in particular you'll be taking on the role of a few androids, in their lives & stories; and also often deciding the fate of androids & mankind. In one story of one android, you'll be investigating some murders with a human police officer (which is played by Clancy Brown). In another android's story, you'll decide the fate of a little girl and her abusive father and what to do with that situation...and then some other stuff beyond that. In the third story as another android, you're helping out a painter (which is played by Lance Henrikson) with his life & his family issues, which eventually start off another chain of events.

As usual per Quantic Dream's mixture of their cinematic-style of adventure games and interactive movies here, there's going to be a lot of the typical Quantic Dream stuff here. You will have QuickTime events, here and there. Almost everything you interact with, also like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, is contextual and you will use the mouse and KB and/or Right Analog stick on the gamepad to do the actual motions to open doors, pick-up objects, open windows, etc etc - which also feels more important than ever for even some of the mundane stuff here, as not only does it try to make the mundane important & immersive, but it's also making a point about the theme of androids being slaves to humans, more or less. You will also do investigating into murders when you play as the android police officer, investigating scenes to gather evidence and whatnot. Since you're an android cop in one of the stories, you'll need to scan bodies, areas, crime scenes, and things of that sort...and some human cops and whatnot might not be thrilled with that, if you do your job more efficiently than them.

Regardless of which android you play as, there's also some adventure-style puzzles or figuring on what object to move, where to move it, pixel hunt type of puzzles, and other stuff we've seen before in adventure games - but never ever really trying to break the ebb, flow, and pacing of the game and its story/narrative. There's even scenes where the androids you play as, can possibly overlap into others' storylines, making this feel even more epic, grander in scale, and also possibly even more important to the decision-making process that takes place in the game.

As if the above and all wasn't enough here: after each Chapter of the game, you are given a Flowchart. It shows you all the possible storyline threads and scenes you could have taken, throughout the game. The Flowchart is certainly extensive as can, which I'm sure is going to cause gamers that see every locked thread...and likely replay the game to maybe try and get some more of them; and/or maybe all of them, if they feel the urge to. I can certainly tell you: this might be one of the smartest things that Quantic Dream has done, as someone who doesn't often replay games b/c they often unfold the same too much or close to the same - but, it's possible that scenes and/or endings in this game could be very wildly different, based on what you decided in the game and/or if you failed or succeeded in certain instances. This Flowchart and how possibly wildly different things could play out, this could make it possible that it's very worthwhile to replay the game.

Just like in Heavy Rain, in many instances here in Detroit: BH, you can say fail a mission/scene - and then the game is still planned to actually keep going (with or without certain characters), as events will possibly unfold differently b/c of this failure than say if you succeeded. Not only this, but you can also compares your choices w/ the percentages of other players making these decisions (or not) on the Flowchart w/ other players on a Global Level & also your Steam-Friends' Level here, seeing the percentages on those two different instances.

While the writing isn't certain spectacular here - i.e. it suffers from the usual stilt, camp, cheese, and whatnot in the actual writing & dialogue that comes w/ David Cage & Quantic Dream's games - this might be actually the most fitting setting & time period for their levels of stilt, camp & cheese, given that we are dealing often with androids & a crazy sci-fi type of future here; it just seems more fitting than ever here in this particular game than anything else they've done before. Regardless, in this ambitious & crazy Quantic Dream project - stars like Lance Henriksen, Clancy Brown, Jesse Williams, and Minka Kelly here, for starters - seem to give really good performances here voice-wise...and their looks & likeness here, too.

Since I mentioned how these voice-actors look like their actual real selves and likenesses, onto graphics. They graphics: they look really good here & this game runs very well here on my PC. With it running at 1080p60fps easily here, maxed-out at Ultra overall settings & also even cranking to 1.50 resolution quality increase over 1080p. Not that it's really necessary to run at 60fps here, as this isn't a crazy fast-paced action game - as even locked at 30fps, it will extremely rarely dip even below 30fps on my rig (10700KF; 16 GB RAM; RTX 3070 with 8 GB of VRAM; W10 x64).

There's tons of details everywhere in the game-world and environments here in these scenes and stories, making it feel like this could be a very well be a very believable and "not too far in the distance" version of Detroit that you can really live in. So, as usual - yes, the immersion factor's very high here in another Quantic Dream game. And yes, there's even Lore and stuff to pick-up in the game-world that's also worth reading - often IPad-like tablet devices, where you can read the important news and (which often can be actually based off your decisions!) articles online. There's even TV's to watch with news and even some sporting events, which make it really feel like you could be watching these shows.

Regardless, so far, after some 6.7 hours - I'm hoping this game really keeps this up. While it ain't the greatest with the writing and all, it still is obvious to me that is a really good Quantic Dream style cinematic adventure game & interactive movie of sort. This maybe even Quantic's best, provided it doesn't pull a Fahrenheit (which fell apart in the last Act). I'm hoping it goes that way here with Detroit: BH, similar to that of Heavy Rain & Beyond: Two Souls - well, at least with the endings that I received in those two games - as those two in the final Act turned out very well & they really stuck the landing there at the very end.
How are the pc controls? I didn't last long in the PS4 version demo. I should at least give it a try though via PS+.

You're probably better off getting a console unless you have interest in other, more PC-centric, games.  Which... I know... don't really exist anymore on a AAA level.

On the desktop front, I'm just gonna say to stay away from the Alienwares.  I briefly had one pass through my possession (dude bought for the GPU, sold remainder to me) and it was terrible.  Super noisy with inadequate fans churning in a case with terrible airflow, mediocre performance and no upgrade paths at all due to the amount of proprietary parts.  Mobo isn't usable without the awful case, PSU is only usable with the Mobo, the BIOS flips its shit if you're not using one of a very small number of allowed fans/coolers, etc.  If you could buy it and add a new cooler and some fans, maybe it'd have an argument but it's intentionally designed to prevent that very thing.  I eventually just sold it off on eBay at a slight loss to be rid of it and because $280 is better than a $300 piece of junk in the corner in the room.

Thanks for the responses. Given Steam Deck wont be out for a while, I was considering the Dell G15 and Acer Nitro 5, both sub-$1k from best Buy, but I hear the GPUs may just be decent at best.

Thanks for the responses. Given Steam Deck wont be out for a while, I was considering the Dell G15 and Acer Nitro 5, both sub-$1k from best Buy, but I hear the GPUs may just be decent at best.
The G15s I saw for around $1k have a 3050 or 3050ti in them instead of the 3060. the Nitro 5 looked like a GTX 1650? The MSI GF65 and Gigabyte G5 KC both come with an RTX 3060 inside though I'm offering them as something to look into, not a recommendation. The G5 KC supposedly has noisy fans under load and low battery life but how much that matters depends on your use case (plugged in on a desk and with a headset on, you might not care)

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The G15s I saw for around $1k have a 3050 or 3050ti in them instead of the 3060. The MSI GF65 and Gigabyte G5 KC both come with a 3060 inside though I'm offering them as something to look into, not a recommendation. The G5 KC supposedly has noisy fans under load and low battery life but how much that matters depends on your use case (plugged in on a desk and with a headset on, you might not care)
From what I’ve heard, it’s really best not to game on a gaming laptop without it being plugged in. Not only does it eat through battery faster than a Game Gear, most gaming laptops throttle performance hard when not plugged in.
How are the pc controls? I didn't last long in the PS4 version demo. I should at least give it a try though via PS+.
I'm not using the KB/mouse here. I'm using the old Xbox for Windows USB-based gamepad here. Most of the time, you're just walking around or running around; and then you're doing QTE's, contextual stuff, and/or hitting a button to make a decision anyways - so it controls just fine. Camera angles ain't weird, awkward, or any of that mess that can happen in adventure games most of the time here in this one. Anyways, you can always hit Right Button and switch the camera around anyways, to different angles - and there's usually a "behind the character" camera anyways. Nothing really odd or awkward w/ the gamepad here.

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The G15s I saw for around $1k have a 3050 or 3050ti in them instead of the 3060. the Nitro 5 looked like a GTX 1650? The MSI GF65 and Gigabyte G5 KC both come with an RTX 3060 inside though I'm offering them as something to look into, not a recommendation. The G5 KC supposedly has noisy fans under load and low battery life but how much that matters depends on your use case (plugged in on a desk and with a headset on, you might not care)
Yeah, both of those dont have the most flattering reviews. I am at the points now where I want a 3070 or a 3060. Maybe I should just suck it up and get a PC. Looking at a small footprint tho, like this:

I am at the points now where I want a 3070 or a 3060. Maybe I should just suck it up and get a PC. Looking at a small footprint tho
Be aware that a build of that size comes with the following tradeoffs:
1. external psu, which to me eliminates the point of building sff.
2. limited air cooling performance
3. integrated graphics. If you see something (like in your link) saying "great at esports!", avoid at all costs. I've seen some mini 3060's but even then you'll need more room for the card and room for adequate power delivery.

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Yeah, both of those dont have the most flattering reviews. I am at the points now where I want a 3070 or a 3060. Maybe I should just suck it up and get a PC. Looking at a small footprint tho, like this:
I had a SC15 laptop with a 1060m inside and it was great...while it lasted. I fried the mobo on it; it got hot, in its last day of working. Keep in mind, I do game pretty heavy and for long time periods on my rigs.

So, if you do have room in the apartment or house and you just ain't going mobile all the time - yeah, you'll be better off with a desktop gaming rig and catching a sale there; especially in this crummy market right now. Plus, desktop rigs are easier to work on and open-up, if you need to clean, switch parts, and/or replace parts.

Also, I'd avoid 3050 Ti's on laptops - as I don't like the lack of VRAM. I had 4GB on my old 960m (that laptop still works), for crying out loud; and even 6gb on my now-dead 1060m. Nvidia should've designed those 3050's around 6GB VRAM, even if it performs way weaker than a 3060m. RT also is a VRAM hog, so you'll want a bigger pool of VRAM just to do RT, if you're wanting to do RT - plus, the new consoles (PS5 and XSS/XSX) support RT also.


About that mini-PC - "Ewwwwwww" @ it having integrated GPU. No. Just no.

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I bought a Dell G15 Ryzen 7 5800H with a 6GB 3060, 512 GB NVME, and 16 GB RAM for $927 on July 6th of this year. The laptop design is pretty retro, but the components have played everything I've thrown at them so far. Only caveat is that default resolution is 1080p, rather than 2K or 4K. Everything still looks great. I don't sit close enough to notice pixellation for instance.

My SFF attached to my TV is a Ryzen 5 PRO 4650GE with integrated VRAM  (I believe it scores slightly higher than a 1080ti). It plays a few mainstream games without issue. Primarily use it for 4K video, though. That one only cost about $560 last year.

Not saying you should get older tech, but the prices on those should be lower than when I bought them. Both keep me satiated when I'm not in my office at my desktop...

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Finished Archvale. Thanks for the tip on Nessie. I forgot about that since I saw that creature a while back. I still stand it's a 6/10 but it has an OK grind that at least shows in your power and all. The story is whatever, as are most of the characters, but the gameplay is aight enough and some of the dungeons are decent. The ice one was pure torture with I think 3 or 4 rooms in a row where dashing needed to be done very well to get through. I almost gave up then. It's worth playing though at least to see if you'll like it. Controls well and you can get good armor that helps with all the bullet hell you'll be living at times.

Thanks yall. Here's to hoping Christmas gifts and laptop deals are generous this year so I can find something with a 3070 under $1500 (wishful thinking? I can live with that lol)

Yeah, both of those dont have the most flattering reviews.
I'd be surprised if any $1,000 gaming laptop had particularly flattering reviews. Either it has a better GPU and cheaps out somewhere else to make up for it or else it has a fairly mediocre GPU to make up for overall build quality at that price.

I played a few demos (no real standouts), but I did start Divinity Original Sin 2 EE.

As someone who just got off the first with 100+ hours, I can already say that first 5 hours in that it the sequel is already significantly more intriguing and has better characters.  The two main characters of the first being relatively blank slates is just a step above silent protagonist, whereas playing as an "origin story" character gives you, yah know, a role to play.

The combat is also more interesting, so far.  Getting used to the armor system versus the dice rolls percentage-based status ailment system is a bit tricky because of learned habits. 

The granularity of the new character system is more robust and feels much more like a translated tabletop to video game experience versus the more clunky system of the first.  Having awareness of how the game mechanics work from the past game (i.e., crafting, spell interaction, talents, general game flow) still applies, but everything is just faster

You could fee the internal rhythm of the games workings in DOS1EE, something like turns took 5 seconds or so?   Simply things like casting heals on your party after combat took tedious amounts of time, and DOS2EE cuts it in half or more.  Perhaps it's still tedious for newcomers, but to me, it's a breath of fresh air.

Everything feels just better, more engrossing, and engaging.  I am following character build guides, because I treat these games like digital pen and paper RPGs with all the resource books in front of me.  Blind playing just frustrates me, but I don't really look up game guides, just how to build effective characters to navigate the game, if that makes sense.

So far, enjoying it.  I can see how some folks say its the pinnacle of this specific sub-genre, so I have high hopes for the next 70~90 hours...

Ended up just seeing a Dell G5 SE 15 - AMD version for $600 before tax and just nabbed that. From what I saw from YouTube reviews (Dave, Mobile Tech, Jarrod's) and Tom's Hardware, it looked too good to pass up. At least I can stop the annoying XSX hunt for the time being, if not forever.

Ended up just seeing a Dell G5 SE 15 - AMD version for $600 before tax and just nabbed that. From what I saw from YouTube reviews (Dave, Mobile Tech, Jarrod's) and Tom's Hardware, it looked too good to pass up. At least I can stop the annoying XSX hunt for the time being, if not forever.
Specs on the CPU? GPU? RAM? SSD or HDD space? Windows 10 or 11?

Specs on the CPU? GPU? RAM? SSD or HDD space? Windows 10 or 11? Mouse selfies?

I was going to ask if you had gotten an open box or refurb - that seems to be the case. Nice find.

Also found a SD thread with the same pricing from Dell Outlet, but with Intel/Nvidia.

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I was going to ask if you had gotten an open box or refurb - that seems to be the case. Nice find.

Also found a SD thread with the same pricing from Dell Outlet, but with Intel/Nvidia.
It was open box, probably a display unit but from everything I read the AMD version is the way to go on this model.

Edit: just picked it up during my lunch break, and now that I'm opening it at home, they forgot my charger, so that's fun...

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Looking at benchmarks, the 5600M is comparable to a 1660 Super. That's tempting.
for the price, the reviews i saw made it a no-brainer, but I am also just tired on XSS and didnt want to wait for XSX availability..I also have a decent PC gaming library of retros, etc that I want to get back into.

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If anyone is interested, Assassins Creed Odyssey Gold (Season Pass + Assassins Creed 3 remastered) is on sale for $14.99 ($11.99 for Humble Monthly Subs) over at humblebundle.  Pretty sure it's an error, as it is the same price as the base game.

for the price, the reviews i saw made it a no-brainer, but I am also just tired on XSS and didnt want to wait for XSX availability..I also have a decent PC gaming library of retros, etc that I want to get back into.
If you can, at some point: add more SSD space and add 8GB RAM more (for a total of 16GB and to make it dual-channel)....and you'll be golden for a while.

If you can, at some point: add more SSD space and add 8GB RAM more (for a total of 16GB and to make it dual-channel)....and you'll be golden for a while.
oh for sure. probably doing it today if there's a good sale since I have to go back for the charger anyway. any SSD you would recommend w/ 512GB? I kinda want an external HDD but I know the speeds of most might not be good enough for bigger games.

My preferred SSDs are likely Samsung 970 Evo Plus/980 Pro. Expensive, but I didn't see one fail in the many computers I had to build that used them. I use a WD Black one myself 500GB SN750. I'm not an expert on them, but the WD is being used fine in my main computer. 

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oh for sure. probably doing it today if there's a good sale since I have to go back for the charger anyway. any SSD you would recommend w/ 512GB? I kinda want an external HDD but I know the speeds of most might not be good enough for bigger games.
Old-school Externals HDD's w/ large amounts of space are great for storage purposes, if you want to back-up games and just stick them somewhere, so you don't gotta re-download anything. Yeah, especially great for huge-sized games - those 100+GB games.

About SSD's - eh, I got a WD SSD one on my main 3070 rig and it's fine. I also have a Crucial MX 500 SSD and that's fine too. I really don't have anything special for SSD's, TBH.

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Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy


Chicago 1930 : The Prohibition


? = Roman numeral of the movie that came after Rocky IV

(hint - it's not Rambo III)

Haegemonia: Legions of Iron


Nostradomus: The Last Prophecy


@ =

oh for sure. probably doing it today if there's a good sale since I have to go back for the charger anyway. any SSD you would recommend w/ 512GB? I kinda want an external HDD but I know the speeds of most might not be good enough for bigger games.
Major SSD brands that are generally considered the best are Samsung, WD, and Crucial. Samsung EVO's are good overall drives, the Pro models are overpriced for what most people need. WD Black over Blue drives for OS/only drive in a laptop. I'd avoid QLC drives if its the only drive in a system.

SSD info guide:

oh for sure. probably doing it today if there's a good sale since I have to go back for the charger anyway. any SSD you would recommend w/ 512GB? I kinda want an external HDD but I know the speeds of most might not be good enough for bigger games.
I went with SK Hynix Gold P31 SSD on the gaming laptop I got this year. High gen 3 performance (3500/3200 r/w) with low power and temp.

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based on the G5's build, it will require a special ordered heat sink from Dell to switch to a standard size NVMe drive so Im gonna use some gamestop points and get an external SSD (Samsung T7?) and call it a day for now.

This December I'm going to try to play some out of backlog to see what I really want to play. Going to aim for about 5 games a day for about 5 minutes each at the least unless it sucks.

Kingdom Two Crowns - Less than 5 minutes. I just didn't get this much. You are a king and go around by a ghost saying build this and hire this and I was bored out of my mind early on. I ran out of money and just rode my horse on the 2D plane wondering what the heck I should be doing, so I quit it. Had decent graphics. 5.5/10

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - A bit over an hour. This one felt OK. Felt like any Diablo clone I've ever played though I felt the clicking and attacking on things wasn't as clean. The skill allocation was boring IMHO, as you had a class level and skill levels. You had to level both with the limited number of level up points. I got a few skills and mainly did my master class. Just felt outdated though the graphics were OK. Aiming skills, such as the knife throw I had just felt clunky. Not amazing, but not a terrible game. New expansion immediately deleted from the wish list. 6/10

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This December I'm going to try to play some out of backlog to see what I really want to play. Going to aim for about 5 games a day for about 5 minutes each at the least unless it sucks.

Kingdom Two Crowns - Less than 5 minutes. I just didn't get this much. You are a king and go around by a ghost saying build this and hire this and I was bored out of my mind early on. I ran out of money and just rode my horse on the 2D plane wondering what the heck I should be doing, so I quit it. Had decent graphics. 5.5/10

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - A bit over an hour. This one felt OK. Felt like any Diablo clone I've ever played though I felt the clicking and attacking on things wasn't as clean. The skill allocation was boring IMHO, as you had a class level and skill levels. You had to level both with the limited number of level up points. I got a few skills and mainly did my master class. Just felt outdated though the graphics were OK. Aiming skills, such as the knife throw I had just felt clunky. Not amazing, but not a terrible game. New expansion immediately deleted from the wish list. 6/10
I am looking forward to your reviews as I do always do. However I will say putting only 5 minutes into a game generally won't give you a good grasp on what a game has to offer. I think this is apparent with your thoughts of Kingdom Two Crowns.

I've also played some games recently, but for at least six minutes each. Here are my detailed thoughts:

Archvale - Mhmm

Exo One - Whoa

Halo Infinite - Bleh

Lawn Mowing Simulator - Meh

Mortal Shell - Ugh

Undungeon - Oof

Forza Horizon 4 - Vroom

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I say 5 minutes at least. Some like Titan Quest I'll give more time. I just didn't get Kingdom at all and was bored out of my mind. It felt like an idle game, which I'm not a fan of. I just didn't get it and was tired of it before 5 minutes. Just my honest opinion. Felt too simple. I probably need to watch a tutorial or something.

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It's posts like these that makes me wish CAG expanded the general like button on posts to a reaction button. Freaking hilarious  :rofl:

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I've also played some games recently, but for at least six minutes each. Here are my detailed thoughts:

Archvale - Mhmm

Exo One - Whoa

Halo Infinite - Bleh

Lawn Mowing Simulator - Meh

Mortal Shell - Ugh

Undungeon - Oof

Forza Horizon 4 - Vroom
Single word (or sound) reactions to games should totally be a thing going forward.

I literally wrote a single sentence (or less) review for every game demo I played during the fall Next Fest on Steam...

Starship Troopers RTS - No
Warmongrels - Yes, but kinda
Hunt the Night - Strong Yes
Disciples Liberation - Strong Yes
Fallen Aces - Pretty good
Young Souls - Strong Yes
Diplomacy is Not an Option - Yes, but play more?
Inscryption - WOW
Zoeti - Not bad
Terror of Hemasaurus - Silly Fun
Forgive Me Father - Not bad
The Hero We Need - Forgettably Bland
Decision: Red Daze - I'd Play That...
Gamble Tower - Underdog Goodness
Cid the Snail - No.
Kaiju Wars - Spunky, but lacking
Mahokenshi - Interesting, but runs super bad
Aztecha - Nah
March March - Neat, but not for me?
Trinity Archetype - Could be good? Tedious...
Serpent Rogue - Not for mess
Evertried - Not bad, but not for me.
Dread Delusion - Let down.
Peglin - Very cute, PEGGLE!
Ultra Age - Mmkay, pretty good one of those (DMC clones)
Timemelters - Interested but hard
Giants Uprising - SMASHING!
Delphyq - Don't like the real time w/ pause
Blackwind - It's just okay
Airport Renovator - Cute time waster, but I got feedback,...
The Last Campire - Definitely on sale, but great
Exo One - That was cool!
Griftlands - Will get! (Likely bundled?)
Justice Sucks - Recharged - Too much!
Tavern Master - That's neat
Heaven Dust 2 - RAD Resident Evil Isometric Clone
Legend of Homebody - Nah
The Signal State - I guess I need to play Shenzen I/O
Kitari Fables - Nah
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes - Nah
Storyteller: Good puzzling fun! LITERARY!
Pawnbarian: Great chess puzzler
Butcher: BONERZ AND HURDDDD ... no, controls suck
Atomic Cards: Too jenky
Songs of Syx: Interesting to watch...
Samurai Warriors: YEP!
Priest Simulator: Backwoods Poland Vampire Letterkenny with Blasphemy?
FIST: Good fistin' time.
Spark in the Dark: Interesting but too buggy
Undying: Not my thing, low rent?
Sannabi: Hard, but good
Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars: Yes, please!
Bots are Stupid: Great programming game!
Lumencraft: A diamond in the rough (hah, get it?)
Midnight Protocol: GREAT programming puzzle game!
Instruments of Destruction: One of those games, not bad, too much bloom
Urban Strife: I could play more of this...
Monster Hunter Rise: Interesting, but CRASHES
Sword & Faires 7: Gorgeous, could give it a go for cheap
The Lord of Parties: NOPE
Unsighted: Seems good, but Humble game... so wait for bundle!
Absolute Tactics: Has potential, heart, but maybe not

This December I'm going to try to play some out of backlog to see what I really want to play. Going to aim for about 5 games a day for about 5 minutes each at the least unless it sucks.

Kingdom Two Crowns - Less than 5 minutes. I just didn't get this much. You are a king and go around by a ghost saying build this and hire this and I was bored out of my mind early on. I ran out of money and just rode my horse on the 2D plane wondering what the heck I should be doing, so I quit it. Had decent graphics. 5.5/10

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - A bit over an hour. This one felt OK. Felt like any Diablo clone I've ever played though I felt the clicking and attacking on things wasn't as clean. The skill allocation was boring IMHO, as you had a class level and skill levels. You had to level both with the limited number of level up points. I got a few skills and mainly did my master class. Just felt outdated though the graphics were OK. Aiming skills, such as the knife throw I had just felt clunky. Not amazing, but not a terrible game. New expansion immediately deleted from the wish list. 6/10
Honestly, if you are not having any fun, why even make an effort at all

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bread's done