Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I wish all of these microsoft game deals provided steam keys. I would be all over gears tactics for $5.
And I doubt Microsoft wants to give 30% over to Valve & Steam, when likely to put these keys in the Best Buy store digitally, who I'm sure they also are sharing some more cut of the money-pie with.

Plus, I'm sure Microsoft wants to try to drag more users over to Windows Stores, PC Game Pass (or Ultimate Game Pass), and/or their Xbox consoles - selling those versions, can get them that easier...maybe.

I know as consumers we'd rather have most of our stuff in one big-ass Steam basket since every other services pales in comparison by a bloody mile and then some - but I can only hope the Steam-versions of those were like many old G4WL Games (think like say GTA4, before the RSSC bullcrap was added), where CEG and/or any Steam DRM just flat-out isn't used...and you can just boot the game w/out the Steam running in the background. Or maybe, even better yet - some modder comes up w/ a Xbox-Less PC mods (like G4WL has Xlive-Less) and we can get around all of that bullcrap.

EDIT - Syntax a few post down cleared-up some stuff and I quickly Googled around it. Yeah, that's all very interesting that Steam does NOT take 30% from 3rd party keys and 30% only comes from the Steam-store. So, post edited w/ strike-out just to properly reflect this excellent information, which I should've probably already knew.

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And I doubt Microsoft wants to give 30% over to Valve & Steam, when likely to put these keys in the Best Buy store digitally, who I'm sure they also are sharing some more cut of the money-pie with.

Plus, I'm sure Microsoft wants to try to drag more users over to Windows Stores, PC Game Pass (or Ultimate Game Pass), and/or their Xbox consoles - selling those versions, can get them that easier...maybe.

I know as consumers we'd rather have most of our stuff in one big-ass Steam basket since every other services pales in comparison by a bloody mile and then some - but I can only hope the Steam-versions of those were like many old G4WL Games (think like say GTA4, before the RSSC bullcrap was added), where CEG and/or any Steam DRM just flat-out isn't used...and you can just boot the game w/out the Steam running in the background. Or maybe, even better yet - some modder comes up w/ a Xbox-Less PC mods (like G4WL has Xlive-Less) and we can get around all of that bullcrap.
Yeah I understand the reasoning, it is just me whining about having the best of both worlds.

Yeah I understand the reasoning, it is just me whining about having the best of both worlds.
Yeah, I love Steam. I'd rather use Steam than any other service, in most instances - namely games that only use Steamworks and/or games lacking any real DRM protection secretly over there (like say Larian games, DOSBox games, and others might have over there).

I like GOG Galaxy - but damn, that program's now feeling slower and more bloated than Steam. I don't think it's as optimized and probably don't help that I tied almost all my client-app using games and client stuff to it.

I think the double client-app crap is one of the reasons I ain't bought say RDR2 from Steam or Epic, as those versions also use RSC crap; you're stuck w/ both. At this point, I'd rather just have that from Rockstar directly from retailers of distributors digitally selling it (like say Gamersgate), as likely that version's cheaper b/c there's less middle-men involved when they are selling that version to digital distributors. Steam-versions of games from AAA's at other stores often seem to be more expensive b/c of Steam's 30% cut and b/c they know the units & volume are normally over at Steam - and they also are still using their own annoying junk-service too b/c they build the game from the ground-up to require and use that garbage.

And sometimes, I wonder if they - Q&A and/or the dev's - even test the damn thing when they say toss Steam client-app on top of their already-used client-app required-stuff. It's not like they bring it over to Steam and make a straight-up Steam-version that uses only Steamworks - as they (Microsoft, UbiSoft, and EA) are often lazily porting stuff to as many places as they can, utilizing also their own client-app that seems to be built in from the ground-up unfortunately....and then Steam-version might have extra bugs b/c they didn't test stuff properly.

With the way this is going - I dunno, I'll probably just buy Gears 5 and Gears Tactics Windows-store version, whether from Best Buy digitally now or maybe even later. I already played Gears 5; it's awesome. But I really would like to get also the Hivebusters campaign DLC at some point.

About Forza Horizon 4 - definitely want that at some point. I'd probably go Standard, if it was say $10 or less. If it was $15 for Ultimate, I'd go all in. It might take it going End of Life again, like FH3 and Forza MS7, for be to just go all in and go Complete (or close to it at least, to get Main Base-Game and Important Expansions) on it - as it gets to a "Buy It Before It's Forever Gone" scenario b/c of car-license & music-license expiration & nightmarish bullcrap.

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And I doubt Microsoft wants to give 30% over to Valve & Steam, when likely to put these keys in the Best Buy store digitally, who I'm sure they also are sharing some more cut of the money-pie with.
Valve doesn't charge for 3rd party generated keys. They only take the 30% off stuff sold through Steam.

Valve doesn't charge for 3rd party generated keys. They only take the 30% off stuff sold through Steam.
Interesting! Thanks for clearing that up.

So, hmmm....does this practice also happen across other stores like Epic too w/ 3rd party keys? Does Epic take $0, when a game I buy from GMG or Humble say is an Epic key? Same I guess is probably true w/ GOG too, for say even when 3rd parties like Amazon had GOG keys for Control: Ultimate?

So, I'd bet for many digital stores then if they are using just their own keys and say not Steam (and other stores, if that all works the same w/ $0 taken from 3rd party keys) - they'd just want to push their store-front & client-app for owning games & subscriptions first and foremost, to try to keep people locked into their own service. They're trying to then undercut Steam, in other ways, if that's the case - to get people over to their own store...or someone else they're deeply involved with (like Rockstar does, as GMG sells Epic keys for RDR2).

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Interesting! Thanks for clearing that up.
Sure. Honestly, a number of people I've told that to didn't believe me. But I guess Valve considers it worth getting/keeping people in the Steam ecosystem and spreading their reach by putting their keys in other stores. Plus it probably helped squash competing client platforms like Impulse, Capsule, etc and stop Origin and uPlay from growing too much. So money well spent from their perspective.

Steam keys are meant to be a convenient tool for game developers to sell their game on other stores and at retail. Steam keys are free and can be activated by customers on Steam to grant a license to a product.

Valve provides the same free bandwidth and services to customers activating a Steam key that it provides to customers buying a license on Steam. We ask you to treat Steam customers no worse than customers buying Steam keys outside of Steam. While there is no fee to generate keys on Steam, we ask that partners use the service judiciously.
I remember they did start limiting keys when "developers" were flooding Steam with free keys for shitty games that existed only to generate cards. The "game" was worthless; the devs were only in it for those penny fees on the card transactions. But for legitimate and normal use, it's free key generation all around.

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Right.  Valve always had an interest in bringing people to their platform.  Most gamers aren't going to be scrutinizing prices so when they see a five year old game selling at 30% off they think it's an amazing deal.

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Right. Valve always had an interest in bringing people to their platform. Most gamers aren't going to be scrutinizing prices so when they see a five year old game selling at 30% off they think it's an amazing deal.
Right, here on CAG, we scrutinize prices...b/c we want more +1's! ;)

And I think it's possible Steam Deck is going to have more gamers that never flocked to Steam to finally flock over to Steam (if they haven't before); and meanwhile those who were already on Steam that were looking for a Switch to go portable might pass that Switch up when, they see they can take their huge Steam backlog anywhere w/ Steam Deck.

It's as if Steam Deck's stop people from going to the Switch and/or stop gamers from going anywhere else, keeping the gamers on the Steam Train no matter where they go.

It's as if Steam Deck's stop people from going to the Switch and/or stop gamers from going anywhere else, keeping the gamers on the Steam Train no matter where they go.
I have put a halt on buying games for Switch (aka portability) as soon as I got a reservation for the Steam Deck. Unless they're Switch exclusive, I will be using the Deck for all my needs.

I also don't mind using other stores (except Epic...) if the deal is good enough. I will grab Gears 5 and Forza Horizon 4 because those are both historic lows for those games. I doubt you see Steam getting that cheap ever, but I may be wrong.

I do have to wonder if Switch games will be better optimized, though. It’ll depend on the developer, but in general big name PC games don’t really try to optimize very well.

Not that a lot of multiplat Switch games are super well optimized, either.
I have put a halt on buying games for Switch (aka portability) as soon as I got a reservation for the Steam Deck. Unless they're Switch exclusive, I will be using the Deck for all my needs.

I also don't mind using other stores (except Epic...) if the deal is good enough. I will grab Gears 5 and Forza Horizon 4 because those are both historic lows for those games. I doubt you see Steam getting that cheap ever, but I may be wrong.
Gears 5 was free in November. I think that's a historic low for Forza Horizon 4 (windows/xbox version)

RE: FH4, I've gone back to it a bit after putting all that time into FH5 and while it still has a bunch of annoyances (that menu interface will never not be the worst), I'm generally far more positive about it now than I was a year or two ago. Still doesn't grab me the same way but it's the superior game in at least a couple ways, namely optimization and overall snappiness.

Was probably posted a few pages back but Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is currently free to add to your Steam account:

There's a promo on other Techland stuff, too.  I already had the original Call of Juarez from a Fanatical bundle but it was so buggy and unrefined I gave up.  Debating whether Bound in Blood is worth the $1.79ish or wait for a Fanatical appearance.  Never mind, apparently I already own it as part of Fanatical's Killer Bundle 16...

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Was probably posted a few pages back but Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is currently free to add to your Steam account:

There's a promo on other Techland stuff, too. I already had the original Call of Juarez from a Fanatical bundle but it was so buggy and unrefined I gave up. Debating whether Bound in Blood is worth the $1.79ish or wait for a Fanatical appearance. Never mind, apparently I already own it as part of Fanatical's Killer Bundle 16...
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is tremendous! Can't recommend it more highly

I oddly enough think I already got call of juarez free before from somewhere. Completely blanking on when an where. I feel ready for the retirement home when I go to snag something on sale or for free and I already own it. 

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Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is FREE to claim on GOG for the next 48 hours:

The claim button is on the front page of the site.  Should be up for the next two days.  And apparently GOG is planning to do three more giveaways during their Winter Sale.

"It’s gifting season, so expect a few nicely wrapped & merry presents from GOG! Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun will be waiting for you as a gift until the 15th at 2 PM UTC. And three more giveaways will be coming your way to cheer up your days, so make sure to keep checking our hub and the calendar!"

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Where? I don't see any deals.
Just b/c a sale's going, doesn't mean there's any real "deals" going on for us CAG'ers. ;)

I'd guess most buying from GOG, they are trying to get DRM-FREE games and are paying that DRM-FREE Tax. GOG doesn't have deals like they used to, since they ain't even making profits and since Steam-keys from Humble, Fanatical, and others been killing them.

I just prefer older games on GOG. For the most part they work aight enough and you can fiddle with them if they have some issues. Some games on Steam just run like poop like the Commando's Pack (train wreck not the #2 remaster) or don't work period. I still support GOG but they need new sales prices on some games. I'm waiting for some Sierra releases that have been stuck in 30-40% off limbo for a while.

It'd be nice if they put some of the better, newer titles on sale and not the same old same old. I've got $18 on that account and I haven't touched it for months because of their lackluster deals.

RE: FH4, I've gone back to it a bit after putting all that time into FH5 and while it still has a bunch of annoyances (that menu interface will never not be the worst), I'm generally far more positive about it now than I was a year or two ago. Still doesn't grab me the same way but it's the superior game in at least a couple ways, namely optimization and overall snappiness.
I still think FH3 was/is my favorite. It likely shipped in the worst state of the three but I really loved the map, it had the best race circuit, and a ton of stuff to do... FH4/5 have both shipped with less and less to do with an increased focus to login weekly to unlock cars that are basically hidden BY RNG.

FH5 also has numerous bugs that never should have shipped. There whole weekly content stuff can be impossible to get the reward if you've done it before.

Taken a picture of that car? Guess what you're SOL! Did you do all of those trailblazers events? Well, you're not getting that reward either.

I know bugs can happen, FH3 my controller wouldn't work but it would for every other game, FH4 no sound outside of cut scenes, but the fact you're whole reward system shipped in such a state just means you didn't do shit for QA.

Still think FH5 is better than FH4 but I've done all the content... and that's fairly sad.
FH5 also has numerous bugs that never should have shipped. There whole weekly content stuff can be impossible to get the reward if you've done it before.

Taken a picture of that car? Guess what you're SOL! Did you do all of those trailblazers events? Well, you're not getting that reward either.

I know bugs can happen, FH3 my controller wouldn't work but it would for every other game, FH4 no sound outside of cut scenes, but the fact you're whole reward system shipped in such a state just means you didn't do shit for QA.

Still think FH5 is better than FH4 but I've done all the content... and that's fairly sad.
Doing the weekly rewards started to feel rough quickly. Horizon Arcade is near impossible to complete since so few people play it. The PvP team-based events are annoying if you lose the first round because then half your group bounces immediately. And like you said, some things flat-out won't pop once you complete them. I thought it was something I could see myself going back to for 3-4 hours every week but new cars aren't enticing enough of a reward when I already have ~200 of them.

Fabulous experience if you treat it as a single-player game with finite content. I did all the included SP content and am satisfied enough to call it quits. But it immediately becomes a chore when you treat it as the intended GAAS it's meant to be.

Doing the weekly rewards started to feel rough quickly. Horizon Arcade is near impossible to complete since so few people play it. The PvP team-based events are annoying if you lose the first round because then half your group bounces immediately. And like you said, some things flat-out won't pop once you complete them. I thought it was something I could see myself going back to for 3-4 hours every week but new cars aren't enticing enough of a reward when I already have ~200 of them.

Fabulous experience if you treat it as a single-player game with finite content. I did all the included SP content and am satisfied enough to call it quits. But it immediately becomes a chore when you treat it as the intended GAAS it's meant to be.
The single player is probably while I liked FH3 so much.

Snyhow, tips... The stupid games. You don't have to win you just have to finsh. So if your team wins the first keep trying to win. If you your team lost? Sabotage and just get it over with.

Trial, (the race against the unbeatable AI) it gets easier if you lose players. If you're by yourself you just need to finsh 3rd.

Arcade, I normally skip it. I don't understand the population issues.

As for the cars... The AMG 63 thats one of the rewards for this week is an amazing car. I already had one from a wheel spin so its unneeded for me but now I can have a race ready one at a different PI.
RE the population and arcade issues, I think they actually fixed this. A week or 2 ago they started scaling the arcade requirements based on number of participants, so you can actually complete an arcade solo pretty easily. I did it just last week for one of the weeklies

The Forza Horizon template is getting old. They kept getting better and then peaked with FH3. I thought FH4 was fine but now FH5 just feels like a re-skinned version of the same game. The main way they could save the series would be by making it feel more like an adventure game with meaningful single-player content, and the main way they could ruin it would be by making it more like a GAAS. Hmm, I wonder which way they'll go with the next one? Smart money says they will run this series into the ground. Also, the radio stations keep getting worse.

Meanwhile, I've been consistently playing Dragon Quest Builders 2 with my son over the past 6 months and that game is pretty great. If you're looking for something to play on GamePass that isn't shit, that is certainly an option.

I thought they had a lot more SP content with this one. All those side characters and their large 12 part story arcs? Seems like a lot more than the previous games had

I thought they had a lot more SP content with this one. All those side characters and their large 12 part story arcs? Seems like a lot more than the previous games had
That's true. I guess asking for more single-player content is a bit of a two-edged sword since the characters in these games annoy me so much that I find myself subconsciously avoiding those side mission markers even when I'm actively looking for stuff to do. Just the thought of having to listen to any of these people speak is very upsetting. The perfect side quest is a lot like the perfect life partner--it provides excitement and intrigue but without ever actually having to listen to anyone talk.

There's only one likeable character with a voice in the Forza Horizon series, and that's Anna.

BTW, all this stuff is coming to Game Pass in two days:

The Gunk

Mortal Kombat XI



Broken Age

Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth

Ben 10: Power Trip

PAW Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay

Race With Ryan

Transformers: Battlegrounds

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Heck yes Race With Ryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I do want to try Record and Lake though. This stuff doesn't stand up to that Yakuza stuff leaving though :whistle2: .

I'd hesitate to say "has to be an error" considering it's ubisoft.  But maybe?  I bought it around $7 after the egs $10 coupon nonsense a while ago.  Which added to my ubi library so pretty much the same in the end.

is this worth it if you weren’t looking to play it initially? Last one I played was FC3 and that was fun but I could never get through it
Probably not. It does some things better than FC3 but it also has some annoying mechanics like forced plot-based kidnappings that really mess with the game pacing and, unless you're committed to the idea of playing it, I expect you'll drop off by the second or third time it happens.

Probably not. It does some things better than FC3 but it also has some annoying mechanics like forced plot-based kidnappings that really mess with the game pacing and, unless you're committed to the idea of playing it, I expect you'll drop off by the second or third time it happens.
fair enough, I’ll save that $ for something else then. Thank ya much
Probably not. It does some things better than FC3 but it also has some annoying mechanics like forced plot-based kidnappings that really mess with the game pacing and, unless you're committed to the idea of playing it, I expect you'll drop off by the second or third time it happens.
That's my biggest problem w/ the plot-based kidnappings, too - they can literally come out of nowhere, when you're just in the midst of going to do a mission or in the midst of a side-quest.

There really should've just been one specific spot on the map you have to go or something, once you do enough to get them to come after you...and then YOU initialize the "Advance the plot" story kidnapping stuff with a warning that "You won't be able to do anything else, once you initialize this main quest kidnapping, until you're done w/ this mission."

This randomized kidnapping stuff can get in the way of an otherwise good open-world FC game.

Also, the FC5 ending is "meh" and cliffhanger-style in so many ways. New Dawn wraps up a fair amount of leftover stuff from FC5 also, plot-wise & charatcer-wise.

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Low risk, for me.
bread's done