Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, it's getting close to the anniversary of their release on Epic. Really hope it was a 1 year exclusivity deal and that they come to Steam
Same, hope it happens for that, FF7R, and Neo The World Ends With You. Also been waiting on another Epic exclusive not by Square (Monkey Barrels), and that didn't make it to Steam even though it's now past the one year mark.

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Square Enix wasn't exactly known for good discounts on PC even before Sweeney acquired exclusives, but damn, 20% off on many of those KH games on Epic is a rotten deal considering how cheap they've been on consoles. FF7R has also been $25 on PS5.
It's been $20 at Walmart in the past, that's when I bought it. I think the PC version of FF7R is a shit port anyway unless it got updated recently? The full kingdom hearts collection has been $20 on ps4 and regularly goes for $30. Probably a better to deal to just buy a used ps4 or invest in a PS5 than buy kingdom hearts or FF7R on epic
Ff7r I believe i got it for 15 but that might have been ymmv clearance at Walmart. But yeah we also got the free version for ps4 via plus iirc.
Grabbed the two charity bundles, but forgot that Steam has a limit on key redemptions. 

So, now we play the waiting game...

Square Enix wasn't exactly known for good discounts on PC even before Sweeney acquired exclusives, but damn, 20% off on many of those KH games on Epic is a rotten deal considering how cheap they've been on consoles. FF7R has also been $25 on PS5.
FF7R was on PS+ last year if I remember right.

This War of Mine

Metro Exodus
PGA Tour 2K21
Ring of Pain
It's been $20 at Walmart in the past, that's when I bought it. I think the PC version of FF7R is a shit port anyway unless it got updated recently? The full kingdom hearts collection has been $20 on ps4 and regularly goes for $30. Probably a better to deal to just buy a used ps4 or invest in a PS5 than buy kingdom hearts or FF7R on epic
Don't have it on PC yet, too pricey to suit me. Will buy later, when it gets cheaper.

Basically, you got to find a way to weed out the micro-stutters; that's its biggest problem. Damn typical UE problem; this crap has been lingering for an eternity on that damn Engine. This engine always had micro-stutters, textures pops, texture streaming issues, etc etc - especially since Gears 1 PC.

Supposed, there's a few things you can do to fix FF7R PC.

See this -

Force DX11 in the Command Line and you can do some Nvidia stuff in the Panel.

Info in this thread on Reddit on how to fix the PC version:

Basically, if you know how to mod - use either of these mods and configure them:

FF7R Hook -

FF7R Dynamic Res Disabler -

Knowing Square, they'll fix it a few years from now (i.e. see Nier Automata PC) and/or when they finally have no choice to fix it when they drop it on Steam b/c a broken PC port like this would likely get Reviewed-Bombed on Steam.

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You can get a free PS5 upgrade that way, but it'll be missing the Yuffie DLC. If you buy the PS5 version you get the Yuffie DLC. Epic version has the DLC. Doesn't excuse the price though
Companies when porting to PC always seem to charge full-price ($60-70 MSRP) or close to it, when it's already been on other platforms. I dunno, Square must be going after whales and/or those who - for some reason - really need to have the game ASAP on PC. [shrug]

Yet, on a regular basis - Square has been porting things to PC, even more so worse since Nixxes is now a part of Sony. Certain PC ports like many Hitman games, Tomb Raider titles since Crystal took over w/ TR Legend, and most Eidos Montreal ports (Deus Ex title) - were great, in most instances. A lot of their re-ports on Day 1 like FF13, CT, FF6 (Not Pixel Remaster), and other FF's - yeah, not been so hot. Really, Square should try to hire QLOC or something; they know what they're doing w/ PC ports.

I could understand a bit more on the high-price, if they say ported it properly (or hired someone like QLOC) got all of the UE issues out of the PC version, had additional high-end textures not found on PS4/PS5, extra graphics bells & whistles; and/or anything else to "justify" the price-tag.

But, this FF7R PC really looks to be such a bare-bones port to PC - unlike say what Sony themselves did w/ HZD PC port (excellent port, since the first few patches) and Days Gone PC port (which DF loved as a technical port, more so than the actual game).

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Scarlet Nexus - PC / Steam.

I recently bought the $20 Humble Bundle that contained this game (Scarlet Nexus) recently. I can't wait to give my impressions, when I feel like going in depth & typing these thoughts of mine up. So far, I absolutely LOVE this game, after being some 7 hours or so into this. I so hope that this doesn't fall apart and/or get too repetitive, as this game's so far just a stylistic & gorgeous cel-shaded anime beauty here...with an awesome combat system. Combat's similar to DMC games & Bayonetta; and also has some stuff like Telekinesis powers from Control where you can toss almost anything in the game-world, while this game's also mixed with some third-person ARPG & JRPG elements. So far, I'm having a blast with this game. More to come on this game, at some point.

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You didn't mention the story or characters so I'm assuming someone has amnesia, maybe a brother and sister duo and revenge. Also I need to get stronger! Maybe they might add in the only way to get stronger is to use some armaments that are likely illegal or mess up your body. I don't know anything about it, but just throwing out tropes.

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You didn't mention the story or characters so I'm assuming someone has amnesia, maybe a brother and sister duo and revenge. Also I need to get stronger! Maybe they might add in the only way to get stronger is to use some armaments that are likely illegal or mess up your body. I don't know anything about it, but just throwing out tropes.

There are some cut-scenes in classic style, but most aren't. Cut-scenes are done often in the visual novel format very stylistically. So, you've got moving & flying panels like a comic book often all over the screen, often animated here and there, with boxes on top of boxes & panels on top of panels w/ different characters & whatnot - which may or may not be in the same room and/or area - since they all are linked via E.S.P. and technology. A cyberpunk type of future of sorts - so, I guess....brain-punk? Personally, I love its style; feels unique and cool, compared to most games that I've played. The voice-acting, even in English, here is actually good. Writing of the dialogue seems very solid - even though some might not like that it can sometimes be very verbose, wordy, long-winded, descriptive and/or do exposition galore.

There are two characters here you can play as here. You can play as either the lead boy (Yuito) or the lead girl (Kasane) here - but their stories do run parallel. Everybody in this Elite-squad; they're like in the Highest of the Order type...or training to get there. Think like a high-end military-style Navy Seal type of squad. Everyone is brain-linked via their E.S.P. abilities and also technology, in this dystopia - which means you can basically talk to other characters telepathically and in combat you can basically borrow other characters' super-powers too.

Some characters you can link-up w/ might be able to see invisible monsters, some might cloak and go invisible so you can sneak & do backstab attacks, be masters of fire, etc etc - and they can help you out in your mission in your party in they are physically in your group; and/or you can borrow their skills all for yourself when you're in combat as your lead character.

A group of monsters called The Others is causing all kinds of problems in this futuristic-seeming utopia, which really ain't that; it's really a dystopia underneath it all. So basically, you're trying to save the world from this group of monsters called The Others - but of course, there seems to be a lot more than meets the eyes to this story, especially after a big twist in the story occurred & a certain reveal just happened (in Chapter 2). I'm only some 10 1/2 hours in or so now.

But, sure; there's a few tropes I've seen here. Certain tropes we know from a lot of these Elite Government Groups as an Agent you work for, Conspiracy type of dystopian stories is here. For relative type of tropes - Yuito's dad pretty much runs this Elite Group of Agents you work for. Also, even a relative of a certain character is a certain key to all of this story it looks like too. Wouldn't surprise me to see more tropes - but regardless of some of the tropes, I've still really enjoying this game; the combat's just excellent and I love this game's artistic-style graphics with its cel-shaded anime-style.

Keep in mind, I'm playing as Yuito on my first go around here. Here & there, as Yuito, you'll run into Kasane - and probably the vice-versa's true w/ Kasane's Story too. From what I know about the game, most say to play as Yuito first b/c you know less and there's later on some twist & turns in this Story...and then play Kasane's Story later. Kasane's Story supposedly fills in a lot of blanks & it also assumes you've played Yuito's Story already...and it's said that her story can ruin some twists and turns early, if you ain't done Yuito's Story first. You would think b/c the game does in depth explaining a lot of the characters, story, and whatnot in depth & with all kinds of grave details - the game, at Character Selection Time, would mention something like this.

This game also - yes, especially early on in the Prologue - has no w/ throwing tons of Tutorials, tons of characters entering the story, and whatnot. Ain't always easy to keep up w/ all of this either. Also, this game has no problem w/ having long-winded cut-scenes and/or comic-book panels like that a visual novel w/ tons of voice-acting going on...which can easily from anywhere from 5-15 minutes or more; similar to like say what Yakuza 0 does.

Okay, that should be plenty on this game, for now. More to come.

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Grand Theft Auto 5 - On PS5, XSS & XSX.
This is for PS5, XSS, and XSX owners of GTA5:
Players that have been playing GTA5 Story Mode...have been getting bans from GTA Online and Red Dead Online:
- Owners of PS5, XSS, and XSX have been getting bans from RDO and GTAO...for playing GTA5 Story Mode.
- DO NOT launch GTAO from within the GTA5 Story Mode section via the In-Game Phone; that's what seems to be getting players bans.
- This ban actually is for your entire IP, not just GTAO; that is why players are also getting banned from RDO.
- For now, ONLY launch GTA Online from the Main Menu.
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Grand Theft Auto 5 - On PS5, XSS & XSX.

This is for PS5, XSS, and XSX owners of GTA5:
Players that have been playing GTA5 Story Mode...have been getting bans from GTA Online and Red Dead Online:

- Owners of PS5, XSS, and XSX have been getting bans from RDO and GTAO...for playing GTA5 Story Mode.
- DO NOT launch GTAO from within the GTA5 Story Mode section via the In-Game Phone; that's what seems to be getting players bans.
- This ban actually is for your entire IP, not just GTAO; that is why players are also getting banned from RDO.
- For now, ONLY launch GTA Online from the Main Menu.
I enjoyed Sims 2 when I played it forever ago... wanted to try one of the newer ones but the $500 in DLC is ludicrous.

Well... let me correct myself:  apparently you can get a bundle of Sims 3 DLC for like $66 while the base game is another $10.  Sims 4 base is cheap but it has like 50 DLC.  Also Sims 4 is tied to the EA client.

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I enjoyed Sims 2 when I played it forever ago... wanted to try one of the newer ones but the $500 in DLC is ludicrous.

Well... let me correct myself: apparently you can get a bundle of Sims 3 DLC for like $66 while the base game is another $10. Sims 4 base is cheap but it has like 50 DLC. Also Sims 4 is tied to the EA client.
Sims 3 DLC is pretty easy to, uh... well, find for basically nothing these days, and from everything I’ve heard, for every improvement Sims 4 made to the formula, it took two or three steps back from Sims 3, so I personally wouldn’t say that one’s worth it.
Crying Suns

Popup Dungeon
Expeditions: Viking
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Drawful 2
911 Operator
Radio Commander
Amnesia: Rebirth
Amensia: The Dark Desecent + Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Kingdom Two Crowns
West of Dead

I enjoyed Sims 2 when I played it forever ago... wanted to try one of the newer ones but the $500 in DLC is ludicrous.

Well... let me correct myself: apparently you can get a bundle of Sims 3 DLC for like $66 while the base game is another $10. Sims 4 base is cheap but it has like 50 DLC. Also Sims 4 is tied to the EA client.
Sims 2 was good and I played the full pack with all the DLC. I also enjoyed the original. 3 I played a bit, but didn't get too into expansions. 4 I think I got the base cheap somewhere, but way too much DLC. I would only get in a big bundle with most of the DLC.

You didn't mention the story or characters so I'm assuming someone has amnesia, maybe a brother and sister duo and revenge. Also I need to get stronger! Maybe they might add in the only way to get stronger is to use some armaments that are likely illegal or mess up your body. I don't know anything about it, but just throwing out tropes.
What about you as the brother being the ham in a mother/sister sandwich?
I wouldn't usually ask, but does anyone have an extra key/link for Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 that I can buy?

I already looked in the cesspool and didn't see any but figure some people don't use/update it super frequently.

Steamgift giveaway winner claims the link was already redeemed.

I ended up getting the Ukraine Humble Bundle even though I already had a few of the games. If anyone wants to trade for something hit me up, I'll trade for pretty much any Steam game I don't have (like if you got any extras from the Fanatical bundle). Or I guess currency or PayPal. My extras:

- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- Wargroove
- Drawful 2
- Driftland: The Magic Revival
- Book of Demons
- Broken Age
- GameGuru
- All the other stuff that wasn't games
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Ghostwire Tokyo - PC:
Digital Foundry with their...
Ghostwire Tokyo PC Tech Review: PC vs PS5, Performance Analysis, Optimised Settings:
"Ghostwire Tokyo's utilisation of Unreal Engine 4 delivers some excellent visuals and accomplished ray tracing support, while the implementation of Temporal Super Resolution offers up a compelling alternative to DLSS without the need for an RTX GPU. Unfortunately, Alex's #StutterStruggle" - Alex B. of DF.
To add to the stutter problem in UE4-based game: it's basically b/c of "shader compile stuttering problem" generally found in UE4, so the game has micro-stutters almost every time it loads a new shader in-game.
Just give players the option to precompile shaders already.  We get it, you want people into the game quickly and looking at the flashy bits fast.

But I'd rather click the option during install or first launch and go do something else.

Just give players the option to precompile shaders already. We get it, you want people into the game quickly and looking at the flashy bits fast.

But I'd rather click the option during install or first launch and go do something else.
Yes. In general, this definitely should be an option from the UE4 Engine itself by default.


MSI Katana Gaming Laptop Model GF66 11UE-031 w/ coupon = $800.


- In store deal w/ coupon only.

- Only for New customers.

Coupon & Link to the laptop:

Coupon from Microcenter - and follow instructions.

Link to the actual laptop on Microcenter.


  • Intel Core i7 11th Gen 11800H 2.3GHz Processor
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 6GB GDDR6
  • 16GB DDR4-3200 RAM installed already
    (Side note - Max. RAM allowed in this laptop = 64GB RAM)
  • 1TB Solid State Drive
  • Microsoft Windows 10 Home
  • 10/100/1000 Network
  • 2x2 Intel WI-Fi 6 AX201
  • Bluetooth 5.1
  • 15.6" Full HD IPS Display
  • HDMI port
    (Side note - No Displayport port here).
  • 1x USB 2.0 (Type-A)
  • 2x USB 3.2 (Gen 1 Type-A)
  • 1x USB 3.2 (Gen 1 Type-C)
  • 720p webcam
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Epic Store - Freebies:

This Week:

-> City of Brass

-> Total War: Warhammer and some of its DLC's.

-> Notes on Total War: Warhammer DLC's:

- Check DLC's/Add-Ons section; a bunch of them are actually Free... (and some aren't).

- Samnite's PSA: "Add the free DLC to your wishlist first so that it is easier to add them all to your cart from the Wishlist screen." 

Next Week:

-> Rogue Legacy

-> The Vanishing of Ethan Carter


-> Updated post w/ PSA on TW:WH DLC's from Samnite into here.

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B&H Photo & Electronics.

Intel 1TB 670p NVMe M.2 Internal SSD for $70.

-> Free Standard Shipping
Warning: QLC product. Other much better ssd's are also dropping pretty low right now.

512GB Samsung EVO Select has the same rating (symbols on the card) as the SanDisk Extreme for slightly cheaper

I have used these Samsung microSD cards for other devices and they are trustworthy too
I'm using the 512 evo select in my deck currently. No problems other than it filling up ridiculously fast.

Where did you hear that? I'm in that bracket and it's sooner than I expected. Still not sure if I want one or not. Is the Microcenter laptop posted here much more powerful than Steam Deck or no?
Where did you hear that? I'm in that bracket and it's sooner than I expected. Still not sure if I want one or not. Is the Microcenter laptop posted here much more powerful than Steam Deck or no?
It's way more powerful than the steam deck. But they both serve completely different purposes and the deck is optimized for 900p or whatever, not your typical desktop resolution so it requires less power. I'd buy that laptop if I had a microcenter closeby but I don't. I consider a laptop or desktop as more of an essential item, and the steam deck as a luxury item. Still undecided if I'll order a steam deck when my turn comes around.
Seems like the resale prices on eBay make picking up a Steam Deck sort of a no-brainer since you could always resell a new or used one there or locally (FB Marketplace, NextDoor, etc) for quite a bit more than you paid simply because of the scarcity caused by the reservation system.
Endless Space 2

112 Operator

Book of Demons

Iron Danger

Fury Unleashed

Prime Gaming update hit.  Free Oblivion GotY on GOG is nice.

I also wanted to play Guild of Ascension, so double nice.

For those who didn't get Turnip Boy before, it's a great little 2~4 hour game.

bread's done