10 - GOAT
9 - Great
7-8 - Good
5-6 - Average
3-4 - Nope
1-2 - Sucks lemons
Regarding Playtime....since the xbox series X allows for 'quick resume'....I'm not absolutely sure these are truly accurate...but I will use them below with that caveat)
Completed Games from oldest played to newest played (where Completed = finished the main storyline, not every f-ing achievement like some Monk/Felix Unger hybrid...)
Assassin's Creed: Origins (Playtime: 138hrs)
Excuse me, is that peanut butter (Witcher) you have in my chocolate (Ass Creed)...yep.
We are moving away from Ass Creed modern day (fine by me...at this point the modern day storyline for AC is a dumpster fire), adding in 'levels/gatekeeping' to areas...and creating larger environments where it doesn't really make sense from a gameplay perspective to assassinate people.
I'm a big AC fan, I liked Bayek and his storyline, I liked the ideas around 'the origins' of AC. Game play was good and I enjoyed the storyline...even if it just sort of ended.
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (8)
- Graphics/Audio (8)
- Overall: 8 (Good)
NieR: Automata (Playtime: 79hrs)
Played through storyline A. Cannot stand the UI/gameplay that felt like it was ported from the '80s. Confirmed my dislike of JRPGs (exception...see Yakuza 0)
- Story (6)
- Gameplay (4)
- Graphics/Audio (6)
- Overall: 5 (Average)
Ass Creed: Odyssey (Playtime: 246hrs)
Um guys, I had enough peanut butter(Witcher) on my Hershey's Kiss (what remains of AC)...why you dump a whole jar of Skippy on my choc bar??? First off this game is huge...Gameplay is pretty good. Loot system is interesting. Looks good and Kassandra was a
good character to play. Having said that, this game could just be called Odyssey. It really has little to nothing to do with AC. The Kassandra story ending is just bonkers....Storywise it stinks...still pretty entertaining from a gameplay perspective
- Story (2)
- Gameplay (6)
- Graphics/Audio (8)
- Overall: 5 (Average)
Sniper Elite IV (Playtime: 43hrs)
This is the best Sniper Elite Game...ignore the hot garbage called SE V unless you don't want to snipe and just stab people in the jugular. When you absolutely have to shoot Hitler in the nuts from 1/2 mile away...accept no substitutes.
- Story (5)
- Gameplay (9)
- Graphics/Audio (6)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
Sniper Elite III (Playtime: ???)
Like SEIV above, but less UI/UX creature comforts....serviceable
- Story (5)
- Gameplay (7)
- Graphics/Audio (6)
- Overall: 6 (Average)
Dishonored: Definitive Edition (Playtime: ???)
Really interesting story and world...loved the Outsider. I feel like this game wanted me to play it like Thief...but instead I ended up murdalizing people as I could never quite not be detected....ah well, still a really good game
- Story (9)
- Gameplay (7)
- Graphics/Audio (7)
- Overall: 8 (Good)
Ass Creed: Valhalla (Playtime: 131hrs)
Sigh. I told you, enough with the peanut butter...stop backing the tanker truck of peanut butter (Witcher gameplay) up to my choc chip (AC). This game is like playing a James Bond game where you aren't James Bond, not even a secret agent. but like a street fighter just following him around to do stuff.
There's more 'moral dilemmas' (witcher interactive dialogs)...You will be saying WTF to the big twist at the end if you don't play the Asgard missions...this happened to me and I was like...where did this twist come from??? Hey Ubi, if
you're going to do something like this, maybe force me to do a few Asgard missions rather than making them entirely optional. So disappointed. I could be done with AC (who am I kidding, I'll check out the next one)
- Story (3)
- Gameplay (5)
- Graphics/Audio (5)
- Overall: 4 (Nope....the end of Ass Creed as we know it...the rise of Ass Witcher)
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY (Playtime: ???)
This was my second attempt at starting the game (I started pre GOTY and had to restart because my saves didn't carry over to GOTY). While the game certainly has quirkyness (combat, horse riding/pathfinding, etc).
Man, the story and feeling of the world are just great. NPCs feel real and choices to be made feel like the had impact to the story. I'm not sure I agree with the games decision on how it picks 'the ending', but hey, I'm not
going to take it to task over that. Also, I'm not a big DLC missions fan (Never get any for AssCreed, etc). This game has THE best DLC mission I've ever played. Hearts of Stone was amazing. I'd say better than the orig game story.
Blood and Wine is good, but not great. Both worthwhile to play and you'd be doing a big disservice if you don't play Hearts of Stone.
- Story (9 (10 - For Heart of Stone Expansion))
- Gameplay (8)
- Graphics/Audio (9)
- Overall: 9 (Great)
Red Dead Redemption (Playtime: ???)
Fairly predictable story, but John Marston shines along with the other NPCs. Voice acting is great. I played this game 11 years after it was released..while not cutting edge graphics, the graphics and gameplay still hold up (or at the very least don't get in the way).
I was wrong to dismiss this as GTA in the Wild West...it rises above that.
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (8)
- Graphics/Audio (9)
- Overall: 8 (Good)
Red Dead Redemption II (Playtime: 237hrs)
It's probably been about a year (or more) since I
finished this game. I haven't uninstalled it yet. I still think about it occasionally. Just riding on my white horse, going hunting...fishing...shooting people in the face that look at me wrong. Man, this game has just stuck with me.
I'm not a big fan of games that take a few hours to 'pull you in'. This was one of those games. I started it once on Game Pass...I'm on my horse...just pressing the button to advance some long drawn out convo through a blizzard...eh...
Arthur Morgan seems kinda like a dink....this sucks...delete. Then, I play RDR 1...hmm...curious how John Marston's story started....maybe I should try it again? Re-install. Make it past the initial jibba-jabba...man, the voice acting
is just top notch..and the amount of it. I really got invested in Arthur's story and other members of Dutch's gang. I could go on but...just play it...especially if you like/love Westerns...Man, really, really good.
- Story (9)
- Gameplay (8)
- Graphics/Audio (10)
- Overall: 9 (Great)
Hitman 1-3 (2016) (Playtime: 59hrs??)
I played 1, then took a break and played 2-3 back-to-back...probably not a good idea...best to give some space between these....The 'story' just gets worse as you go....Gameplay remains constant, I think. Really like the big environments.
Liked the story initially, then pretty much ignored it...mid 2. Works as a AssCreed replacement for me since AssCreed is going 'Full Witcher' (well was, maybe they're going 'Full MTX' now...(MTX reference was for MysterD)
- Story (7)
- Gameplay (8)
- Graphics/Audio (8)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
GTA: San Andreas - Definitive Edition (Playtime: 63hrs)
Really liked the voice acting, story was servicable. Graphics were atrocious for a 'definitive edition'. Not bad, but definitely showing it's age.
- Story (7)
- Gameplay (7)
- Graphics/Audio (5) (9 for voice acting)
- Overall: 6 (Average)
GTA IV (Playtime: ???)
What if we got unknown voice actors, made the main character kinda bland....and the story/music average??? Well, you get GTAIV. I made it to the last mission which bugged out (on the xbox) and said...done. Not good, Not bad....
just sort of there....
- Story (6)
- Gameplay (6)
- Graphics/Audio (5)
- Overall: 5 (Average)
GTA V (Playtime: 58hrs)
I started off disliking some (most?) of the characters...and the fact I had to switch off between the 3....but after playing for a bit, they kinda grew on me...not the kind of people I'd want to go have a beer with...but entertaining to
watch, I guess. I liked the Heist missions as a change of pace.
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (7)
- Graphics/Audio (9)
- Overall: 8 (Good)
Sniper Elite V2 Remastered (Playtime: 28hrs)
Like SEIII above, but less UI/UX creature comforts....serviceable
- Story (5)
- Gameplay (5)
- Graphics/Audio (5)
- Overall: 5 (Average)
Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Playtime: ???)
First, where for the love of God is Michael Ironside?!?!?!? Eh, anyway...the more cinematic/shooty Splinter Cells are more my speed...so, overall I liked this one
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (7)
- Graphics/Audio (7)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut (Playtime: ???)
Ok, this game still holds up in 2022...Interesting story, cool skill developments....interesting world/characters.....I really liked this one for more of a heavier rpg....Many ways to tackle different missions....Would recommend
- Story (9)
- Gameplay (8)
- Graphics/Audio (8)
- Overall: 8.75 (Goorate/Grood)
Mafia: Definitive Edition (Playtime: 18hrs)
Really liked this game...looks great, I'm a sucker for mob stories....until I got to mission 16 and I COULDN'T SHOOT DOWN THE DAMN PLANE!!! Apparently Definitive version changed the mission and on the xbox, there are some timing issues which can f-up the attempts to shoot the plane down...
Apparently if I drop/lock it to 30fps, I can make it past??? Ain't nobody got time for dat!!!
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (6)
- Graphics/Audio (8)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
The Gunk (Playtime: 7.5hrs)
Pretty quick palate cleanser...cute story, graphics....don't regret playing it
- Story (6)
- Gameplay (7)
- Graphics/Audio (7)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
A Plague Tale: Innocence (Playtime: 30hrs)
Sigh.....How did I give this a 7???...hmmm...I guess it was ok...I mean good....The story was the best part of this game...the gameplay frankly sucked...between hauling your sibling along with you....and the downright shitty auto-aim...
give me a break.....so yeah, Good, I guess...
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (5)
- Graphics/Audio (7)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin (Playtime: ???)
Really liked this one....Spooky, atmospheric....really liked the gunplay....I would recommend if you like shooty horror....
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (5)
- Graphics/Audio (7)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
Saints Row 2 (Playtime: ???)
I enjoyed this one...I really enjoyed making my pc sound and look like Crocodile Dundee....you know an Original Gangster from...uh....the hood? Still, lots of silly missions...gameplay is a bit dated...but if you're hungry for GTA...
well, this isn't quite it...but it's good....
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (5)
- Graphics/Audio (7)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
Saints Row: The Third (Playtime: ???)
3rd vs same and the 2nd....More of the same....wacky missions....dunno...It was good for a GTA with the serial numbers filed off...and I got to continue the legacy of O.G. C(rocodile) D(undee) from the 2nd....
- Story (8)
- Gameplay (5)
- Graphics/Audio (7)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
Far Cry 6 (Playtime: 114hrs)
Strongly disliked FC5....this however, wasn't bad....Liked the Banana Republic theme....Is Far Cry becoming like Star Trek, but instead of even numbers being good, it's the Far Cry's that are tropical? Dunno...I liked this one...Although
I can really do without all the crafting....I feel like the devs spend more time on shit like crafting and fetch quests that the actual story line these days....
- Story (7)
- Gameplay (6)
- Graphics/Audio (8)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
Yakuza 0 (Playtime: 94hrs)
- Started twice, the second time I've taken to it. I'm not really a fan of JRPGs, this one kind of grew on me...I still don't really care to do all the mini-games...(disco dancing/karaoke...I'm looking at you). The story is wack (I think I follow it?...Maybe??), but I paid 5 dollars for this game and this game has tons of content...
I paused this one for a few months and came back and was pretty lost....finished it and don't regret it...even though towards the end my thumb was getting tired of mashing the 'A' button to get through the 30min cutscenes....
- Story (7)
- Gameplay (6)
- Graphics/Audio (8)
- Overall: 7 (Good)
In Progress Games
- Saints Row 1 (Original) - I've given up on this one....Checkpoint system has caused me to lose forward progress multiple times....I'm not that desperate to find out what originally happened to the saints...maybe I'll go back to SR2...
- Vampire Survivors - Great, addictive palate cleanser...
- Yakuza Kiwami 1 - Ehhh....wha? what did they do to Majima....I...I don't know that I want to continue this game....feels worse that Yakuza0....someone either tell me to continue or not....I can't decide.....really want to bail....
Started, but.....
- The Outer Worlds - Started twice, looks ok...hasn't really pulled me in....having started twice, odds stacked against completion
- Battlefield Hardline - Eh, Started once, made it a bit into it....dunno
- Dead Rising - Started once...eh....I think I'm good
- Hitman: Blood Money HD - Started once...gameplay feels really archaic....I may be good on this one
- The Evil Within - Started once, not a huge survival horror fan....didn't really like the game play....
- Doom Eternal - Remember Doom (2016), this is Doom (2016) with everything added into the game that you never wanted: tons of ammo farming, platforming, etc. Really disappointing...I'm done
- Carrion - Interesting game and gameplay...no map and mucho backtracking is a no bueno for me
- Dishonored 2 - Corvo takes a backseat to the other main character...not what I asked for....may pick up again
- Dark Alliance - Yuck, next...
- Curse of the Dead Gods - Interesting...not sure how into roguelites I am....might pick it up again in the future
- Prey - Started twice....just don't like the combat...gameplay....I might be done with this
- Mortal Shell: Enhanced Edition - Started once, why do I feel like I've been doused in molasses and walking in quicksand....nope, done.
- Anal(Alan) Wake: Wanted to play this before Control....eh, lot's of jibba jabba....my best weapon is a flashlight....I don't think I'm going back
- Star Wars Battlefront II: Started to play the campaign...quit when I got to ship combat...The Force is not with me...
- Mad Max - Started twice, I really want to like this game....I just hate the combat engine....god I hate it....I can tolerate it in Batman....but here, sorry, I didn't survive Thunderdome....
- Batman: Arkham City - Started once...it's ok...I just flail around like a monkey on crack....thumb hurts from button mashing....not sure if I'll go back
- Far Cry: New Dawn - Oh, hell naw!!!
- Sleeping Dongs Definitive Edition: Started once, liked it...probably about 75% of the way through....checkpoint system screwed me over a few times with losing progress....I'm still salty
- Watch Dongs: Legion: - Started once...yeesh....take what little character WD1 and WD2 had, strip that away and let you play Grandma Moses on the street....I could be done with this one...
- Greedfall - Started once...can't stand the combat...didn't make it out of the tutorial area....may have had my fill
- Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - Played after a bunch of the changes 'improved' it. Man, I loved Wildlands. Breakpoint is way to generically repetitive....I could be done.
- Dark Souls - Started once....ain't nobody got time for 'dat!!!
- Crackdown - Generic open world shoot....I'm good...done
- Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy - This game looks awesome...This game sounds awesome....Dialog is humorous....Gameplay...sucks....I'm about 80% through and I just can't stomach the bullshit gameplay any longer...
- Chorus - Supposed to be like Freelancer....eh, not to me....looks good...story/gameplay not pulling me in...
- Maneater - The pork rinds of gaming...ok for a little bit but then you have that first belch and you feel like you should probably put the bag down
- Homefront: The Revolution: Started twice....Your generic run-of-the-mill 'open' world shoot with missions, side missions, etc. Combat is weirdly spongy....weapons feel and sound off....may go back if I'm incredibly bored.
- Sniper Elite 5: Someone thought that it would be great to remove much of the sniping from Sniper Elite and add in the need for more close combat kills...ok...but maybe change the name to Commando Elite...or something...God what a disappointment...go back and play SE4....I'm deleting this game
- Deathloop: You can feel some of Dishonored seeping in...Man...I dunno...the gameplay is just boring.....I'm done....
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected: How about we use all the assets from SR3..and...um...I dunno...add Aliens!!!!! Yeah, that's the ticket!....nope
- Stranded Deep: I keep getting knocked off my raft ever 20 seconds by a shark......homie don't play dat!
On Deck
Bioshock Remastered - ???
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Really liked Human Revolution...this has to be good...right?? RIGHT?????
Divinity Original Sin 1