Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Gems, schmems... all I know is that my backlog of overpriced cards (I put 'em a couple cents OVER the low) is selling down with a quickness so I'll take my loot in cold hard GabeN Funbux over riding the gem auction market.

I'm going to laugh when this ends up being about Bethesda announcing they're releasing remastered versions of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.


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It's as if they've become allergic to putting Black Flag at 75 percent off, not counting that 3 minute glitch price from last time it was on sale on Steam.
HAH! I got black flag for free, all I had to do was purchase
An Xbox 360 and buy Xbox live gold!
It's as if they've become allergic to putting Black Flag at 75 percent off, not counting that 3 minute glitch price from last time it was on sale on Steam.

Gems, schmems... all I know is that my backlog of overpriced cards (I put 'em a couple cents OVER the low) is selling down with a quickness so I'll take my loot in cold hard GabeN Funbux over riding the gem auction market.
I have been using idlemaster for the 1st time and it has been taking a long time to finish the drops i got 105 games left to idle lol

Gems, schmems... all I know is that my backlog of overpriced cards (I put 'em a couple cents OVER the low) is selling down with a quickness so I'll take my loot in cold hard GabeN Funbux over riding the gem auction market.
I still have 600 card drops remaining. And here is Mechanic Escape:

I'm going to laugh when this ends up being about Bethesda announcing they're releasing remastered versions of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

That involves actual work, and Bethesda would rather keep selling the same broken games and have users add the mods, rather than fix the problems themselves.

I still have 600 card drops remaining. And here is Mechanic Escape:
I finished idling all my cards again last night. I only managed to get like 40 sets of cards, so I might just sit out the whole metagame, and get a Level 1 badge. That's it.

That involves actual work, and Bethesda would rather keep selling the same broken games and have users add the mods, rather than fix the problems themselves.

I finished idling all my cards again last night. I only managed to get like 40 sets of cards, so I might just sit out the whole metagame, and get a Level 1 badge. That's it.
What is a good meta game lol??

Can somebody give/point me to a cliff's notes version of this whole gem and badging thing?  I thought one just collected the cards for their own amusement. Or sold the cards off to others who wanted them.  I dont understand *why* people would want the cards, but I dont judge.  I'm a bit surprised that CAGs are crafting badges/gems though. There must be profit involved, but I'm ignorant to what it is.
-signed, a recovering peasant

this is what sticks out most to me

We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price.

Can somebody give/point me to a cliff's notes version of this whole gem and badging thing? I thought one just collected the cards for their own amusement. Or sold the cards off to others who wanted them. I dont understand *why* people would want the cards, but I dont judge. I'm a bit surprised that CAGs are crafting badges/gems though. There must be profit involved, but I'm ignorant to what it is.
-signed, a recovering peasant
Crafting badges ups your Steam level (e-peen, plus more profile showcases and friend capacity along with an insignificant increase to booster drops).
Gems were made a form of currency to bid with during the winter auction and have become a form of currency for trading. They were also a good way to dispose of cards, backgrounds and emotes that otherwise would have netted $0.01 in profit if they sold at all. that Steam Return Policy new?

Cause 2hrs or less played, and 14 days within purchase window seems too good to be true.  Im also too lazy to read the whole thing.

Aw, just beat me to it. Here's the deets:

Deus Ex Collection (Includes Deus Ex Human Revolution - Director's Cut, Deus Ex The Fall, Deus Ex GOTY Edition, and Deus Ex Invisible War) - $8.24

Deus Ex GOTY - $1.74

Deus Ex Human Revolution - Director's Cut - $4.99

Deus Ex Human Revolution - Missing Link - $1.74

Deus Ex Invisible War - $1.74

Deus Ex The Fall - $2.49
Everybody should jump on Deus Ex the Fall. What a great game which wasn't at all panned by both users and critics. that Steam Return Policy new?

Cause 2hrs or less played, and 14 days within purchase window seems too good to be true. Im also too lazy to read the whole thing.
So basically you can buy Bird Story and short ass crap like that, play through it all and then get your money back.
So basically you can buy Bird Story and short ass crap like that, play through it all and then get your money back.
Well, once or twice. I'm sure that buying and returning multiple short-play games that you have 60-90 minutes in would get you flagged sooner or later.

Steam should give me a retroactive refund for all my Strategy First games.

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I wonder how long steam thinks about these before releasing them. If they put some of the time and effort into perfecting their issues as they apparently have with half lIfe 3 there'd be a lot less issues
I don't think most people Will be dicks and play a game and immediately refund it...could be wrong about that though. There has to be some work around for the shorter games to deal with it though
For anyone who bought the assassins creed rogue from amazon, the uplay client is shitty about spaces.  strip any spaces before and after, if you type them into the uplay client it goes to step 2 of activation and then fails in a little loop, you have to cancel out and re-enter the code without spaces.

I was really hoping to play rogue on PS4 since its a nice game to play with family on TV but i guess i'll be a yarrrr pirate matey on my gSync monitor.  Just watched black sails recently so I am in the mood for some booty

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As someone who has backed the last two Inexile projects, Wasteland 2 and Torment, I'm holding off on this one.

While Wasteland 2 was decent, it had some serious gameplay and balancing issues (some will be addressed in the GOTY version later this summer). I have a feeling Torment may have many of the same issues at launch. I hope they find success with Bard's Tale although it seems weird that they keep going to the Kickstarter well with every project.

bread's done