Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Honest answer?

A Windows Vista, 7 or 8 key can be used with either a 32-bit or 64-bit install disc. If you don't have a 64-bit disc, you can buy one from Microsoft or download it from one of their official mirrors (though I think those are no longer available or something?)
Yeah. I was looking recently, but and it looks like Microsoft took them down. I believe Digital River (yes the company we all love) hosted the Windows 7 ISOs and they all are gone. Only way I was able to find one was through torrent which is not very much recommended.

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He is fully aware of that. His opinion is that it is better to be completely objective and label everything that runs at 30fps instead of trying to subjectively decide if it was due to laziness or technical issues or artistic vision or whatever else.
Ah, so he's just an asshole.

If I did reviews, I'd mention frame rates, and make sure people didn't see it as a reason to avoid a game. But what do I know?

Honest answer?

A Windows Vista, 7 or 8 key can be used with either a 32-bit or 64-bit install disc. If you don't have a 64-bit disc, you can buy one from Microsoft or download it from one of their official mirrors (though I think those are no longer available or something?)

Someone please explain to him that several games on that list are old as hell and the locks were not created by lazy developers. Oh wait, he's probably too busy feeling more important than everyone else to care. He should realize that the only thing he's going to do is hurt a bunch of indie devs because of who see him as the one and only source of info for a bunch of things will no longer buy the games, or start bashing them, because of a lock that was probably by design or necessity.
i don't fault him for doing it . that is how he makes a living, but promoting himself, and his brand. he wants the gaming industry to talk about him, so he can stay relevant

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You either die as a PewDiePie or live long enough to see yourself become a TotalBiscuit.

EDIT: Not that I like either of them, but one has to acknowledge that PewDiePie found a personality that all the idiots love and makes millions off of it; I'd whore myself out like that too if the opportunity arose. I'd also sit in my closet, cutting myself and listening to Morrissey, using my blood and tears to illustrate an imaginary paradise where I don't have to act retarded to become famous.

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Yeah. I was looking recently, but and it looks like Microsoft took them down. I believe Digital River (yes the company we all love) hosted the Windows 7 ISOs and they all are gone. Only way I was able to find one was through torrent which is not very much recommended.
I found this page with a link to torrents and step by steps on everything after the download completes. Thoughts on it's validity? Utorrent still shows at least 40 to 50 active seeders for the Win 7 Pro 64 bit, which is what I need.


Shit, forgot the link:

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I found this page with a link to torrents and step by steps on everything after the download completes. Thoughts on it's validity? Utorrent still shows at least 40 to 50 active seeders for the Win 7 Pro 64 bit, which is what I need.
prepare to get a trojan virus, or malware.

You either die as a PewDiePie or live long enough to see yourself become a TotalBiscuit.

EDIT: Not that I like either of them, but one has to acknowledge that PewDiePie found a personality that all the idiots love and makes millions off of it; I'd whore myself out like that too if the opportunity arose. I'd also sit in my closet, cutting myself and listening to Morrissey, using my blood and tears to illustrate an imaginary paradise where I don't have to act retarded to become famous.
As much as I loathe PewDiePie's "content", the guy doesn't really hurt anyone (except his viewer's ear drums) and he's helped charities quite a bit, so I can respect him for that.

Every time TotalBiscuit comes up, though... it's not usually because he's done something good.

prepare to get a trojan virus, or malware.
Ya know, ever since installing my torrented totes legit Win7 software some years ago, I've never had a single instance of malware, virus, trojan, or whatever else horrid, icky, sticky thing whose absence mac users always touted made their infallible macbooks far superior.

I've come to the conclusion that only the most special of Sadpandas experience anything of the sort.

As much as I loathe PewDiePie's "content", the guy doesn't really hurt anyone (except his viewer's ear drums) and he's helped charities quite a bit, so I can respect him for that.

Every time TotalBiscuit comes up, though... it's not usually because he's done something good.
For all the hate the guy (Pewdie) gets, I've never heard of an instance where he's actually done anything in poor taste.

The guy does what countless before and since have wished to be given the opportunity to do - play and get paid to freakin' do it. Without offering any time or research into my opinion, I've no doubt that the mass hate for the guy stems from jealous nobodies and that uber rare case of the internet following suit because they read a bunch of other nobodies telling them to.

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Ah, so he's just an asshole.

If I did reviews, I'd mention frame rates, and make sure people didn't see it as a reason to avoid a game. But what do I know?
He did an 8 minute video explaining it, why it isn't in the links on the curator page I have no damn idea. The idea is it'll let people who give a shit about 30fps locks know which games have it. IIRC he mentions it's a curator page to get around Steam banning the 30 fps tag, and ideally it'd just be tagged so people can search/filter it.

So yeah, it seems more a way to satisfy consumers who give some shit about "60fps or bust!" crap. Don't really see it as being an asshole *shrugs* (Also, tbf, the WTF Is... series I find to be pretty good and will usually seek out if there is one for a game I'm buying).

For all the hate the guy (Pewdie) gets, I've never heard of an instance where he's actually done anything in poor taste.

The guy does what countless before and since have wished to be given the opportunity to do - play and get paid to freakin' do it. Without offering any time or research into my opinion, I've no doubt that the mass hate for the guy stems from jealous nobodies and that uber rare case of the internet following suit because they read a bunch of other nobodies telling them to.
I don't dislike any of these people because I'm a jealous douche. I dislike PewDiePie because he has a stupid name and his "personality" is annoying as fuck, like spending time with a room full of 8-year-olds who just had their juice boxes. This other guy, well, I haven't really paid that much attention to him, frankly. I can't be arsed to pay much attention to any of them. The only reason I've even heard of PDP is because he's been featured as a "curator" for sketchy bundles and because he was in the news recently as a new internet billionaire (or whatever). People post TB reviews here periodically and that's the only reason I've heard of him.

TL; DR: I don't spend enough of my free time watching YouTube videos.

Another update: After being told that my refund was added to my account on June 19th by Steam support, I offered to show them my account details which proves that I have not been given the funds. Of course it's been about 4 or 5 days and I haven't gotten a response.

Thanks Steam! As a customer which has spent hundreds of dollars at your store I really appreciate being shafted for this refund.

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Some spanish guy says, Gamesplanet Stores UK/FR/DE  (They are europeans but keys are ROW), will have some sort of sales between 20th and 26th July.

I don't expect anything worthwhile in price, since they will be in €, but just in case so you know.

Another update: After being told that my refund was added to my account on June 19th by Steam support, I offered to show them my account details which proves that I have not been given the funds. Of course it's been about 4 or 5 days and I haven't gotten a response.

Thanks Steam! As a customer which has spent hundreds of dollars at your store I really appreciate being shafted for this refund.
Hey pasports.

I noticed about something new on my last refund while browsing with Enhanced Steam under my account and wallet amount, it shows some text which says: "pending : X$".

Did you see it by any chance? or did you have ever seen it?

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Some spanish guy says, Gamesplanet Stores UK/FR/DE (They are europeans but keys are ROW), will have some sort of sales between 20th and 26th July.

I don't expect anything worthwhile in price, since they will be in €, but just in case so you know.
Was it Jose Cuervo? It's good if it was, but I don't trust any other Spanish guys. Sorry to the other spanish-iards out there.

Hey pasports.

I noticed about something new on my last refund while browsing with Enhanced Steam under my account and wallet amount, it shows some text which says: "pending : X$".

Did you see it by any chance? or did you have ever seen it?
Nah, haven't seen anything like that

As much as I loathe PewDiePie's "content", the guy doesn't really hurt anyone (except his viewer's ear drums) and he's helped charities quite a bit, so I can respect him for that.

Every time TotalBiscuit comes up, though... it's not usually because he's done something good.
I can say the same about PewDiePie: neither he nor TotalBiscuit ever come up in conversation because they've done something good... it's almost always because someone says "X just did <something neutral/negative>", or posts a negative comment about one of them.

Re: Framerate discussion

He did an 8 minute video explaining it, why it isn't in the links on the curator page I have no damn idea. The idea is it'll let people who give a shit about 30fps locks know which games have it. IIRC he mentions it's a curator page to get around Steam banning the 30 fps tag, and ideally it'd just be tagged so people can search/filter it.

So yeah, it seems more a way to satisfy consumers who give some shit about "60fps or bust!" crap. Don't really see it as being an asshole *shrugs* (Also, tbf, the WTF Is... series I find to be pretty good and will usually seek out if there is one for a game I'm buying).
There is no doubt about it: TB does say it in his video that he prefers 60 FPS. He even mentions b/c he's used to high framerates (probably b/c he has a Titan card), he doesn't even care for 30 FPS.

I think most of us (PC Gamers) probably do prefer a 60 FPS cap, in most instances. I do know that I certainly do myself - especially in game w/ fast-paced action. Though, I do like to know when a game's capped at 30 FPS and if I can get around it. If I can't - well, ain't the end of the world. If I can - sweet, I'm gonna mess around and see what I can do, if need be.

If I can't remove the cap, I'd like to know - it could be b/c the dev's decided to animate everything to 30 FPS and some things like hit-detection go out of whack if you uncap it like in Dark Souls 1 PTD; or the game's speed, controls, & physics go out-the-window like in NFS: Rivals. If I can't run it above 30 for whatever reason, then if it runs stable at 30 FPS - if there's higher settings, I'll just crank it up if my rig can handle it. Screw it; might as well at that point, right?

I have no real problem w/ a 30 FPS cap - as long as it stays stable, doesn't drift too far from that, take big framerate hits, or (worse than that) it just keeps bouncing around all over the place. If it's locked at 30, IMHO - it better stay around it. With 60 FPS, same goes. Hell, with any cap - same goes, TBH.

I have no real problem w/ framerates say moving around 5 frames above or below a cap. I don't notice much difference then. It's when it goes beyond that, I can feel differences in gameplay (feels like it speeds up or slows down and framerate goes up and down majorly); the game might stutter (especially if it takes a major hit - think from say 60 frames it just gets slapped in half to 30); or feel clunky and not smooth at all.

One of my annoyances w/ games is there's no real built framerate cap within most games' Options menu. And the caps they have, if they actually have it in the in-game menu: they are either 30 FPS or 60 FPS, so there's no in-between. You can't just say type in an old number in a framerate cap, if the game Options actually provides a framerate cap - it's just often 30 or 60; and that's it...ain't that right, Witcher 3? Me, I don't like that I just can't say cap a game at 35 frames, 40 frames, 45 frames, 50 frames, 55 frames, or whatever number that I see fit.

And b/c of games often wanting to cap at 30 or 60 FPS, if they even give you that option - or vid-card drivers/software only allowing VSync to go at a Regular Refresh (60 FPS max) or Half-Refresh Rate (30 FPS max) - then I have to do other things. Hell, even vid-card drivers/software (like NVidia Control Panel) really don't allow for explicit framerate capping, if you find it necessary. B/c of this, I have to use programs like EVGA Precision X (that allow for framerate locking at any number) just to lock down a framerate to where I actually see fit, if for some reason it's not consistent for me.

For me, more so than anything - I just want smoothness + consistency. Just give me a framerate it will stick around consistently that's around 30 frames or above/better - and that's fine for me.

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I found this page with a link to torrents and step by steps on everything after the download completes. Thoughts on it's validity? Utorrent still shows at least 40 to 50 active seeders for the Win 7 Pro 64 bit, which is what I need.


Shit, forgot the link:
I have not idea. Never tried those. I have used this one since I have seen it recommended on reddit before:

I didn't have any issues with the Windows 7 Professional 64-bit image here. Hope this helps.

NewEgg has certain video-cards on sale + a promo code for an extra 10% off.

Extra 10% off is listed actually on the card's page & in the link provided in your e-mail from NewEgg.

This goes on until next Thursday on 7/23.

Since CAG often breaks links, for the vid-card sale - just search for "PPSSLSRDVZEIQA".

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Whenever I hear people talk about TB it's just people posting links to one of his videos or people saying "he's an asshole. he's ALWAYS an asshole." without ever mentioning anything specific that he's ever done. I always find that kinda hilarious.

Whenever I hear people talk about TB it's just people posting links to one of his videos or people saying "he's an asshole. he's ALWAYS an asshole." without ever mentioning anything specific that he's ever done. I always find that kinda hilarious.
I didn't get it, either. I like TB and his stuff, so... [shrug]

Often, when reviewers (especially bigger outlets like GameSpot or IGN) look at a game for a preview, Quicklook, or review a game and whatnot - they often ain't handling the PC version or showing that off.

TB does - and at least speaks from a PC gaming perspective.

Whether you agree w/ TB on matters (like 30 FPS vs. 60 FPS, games lacking PC features, Paid Mods, and other topics) - well, that's just a whole another ball of wax entirely.

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Whenever I hear people talk about TB it's just people posting links to one of his videos or people saying "he's an asshole. he's ALWAYS an asshole." without ever mentioning anything specific that he's ever done. I always find that kinda hilarious.

He's an asshole because that's what he plays. That's his character. It's built into his moniker even, The Cynical Brit. He is the one portraying himself as an asshole, or trying to at any rate. It's a schtick. Just like Pewdiepie's is pretending to be really immature and childish for (attempted) humor.
He's an asshole because that's what he plays. That's his character. It's built into his moniker even, The Cynical Brit. He is the one portraying himself as an asshole, or trying to at any rate. It's a schtick. Just like Pewdiepie's is pretending to be really immature and childish for (attempted) humor.
Do you know him in person? This seems to be a very strong statement to make about someone without some degree of proof.

Do you know him in person? This seems to be a very strong statement to make about someone without some degree of proof.
Motoki is saying that the character is an asshole, and TotalBiscuit is the character. If he was talking about the real person, you'd have a point. We don't say that John Lithgow is an asshole because of the incredible villain he played in Dexter.

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Whenever I hear people talk about TB it's just people posting links to one of his videos or people saying "he's an asshole. he's ALWAYS an asshole." without ever mentioning anything specific that he's ever done. I always find that kinda hilarious.
I like his Youtube channel b/c of the WTF series. It helps me quickly look at new game and decide if it's for me or not. And most of the time, he is right on point and blunt. Too blunt that he offended many indie developers for releasing shitty games.

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Motoki is saying that the character is an asshole, and TotalBiscuit is the character. If he was talking about the real person, you'd have a point. We don't say that John Lithgow is an asshole because of the incredible villain he played in Dexter.
Exactly. I'm sure he's a decent enough guy and clearly a very shrewd one at that, but he's playing a character. Like I said it's a schtick, an angle, a gimmick and it clearly worked and got him attention.

Oh and thank you random lurker person for pointing out that cynical and asshole have different dictionary definitions. I never would have known that.
so what's the verdict on the F1 series? the 2015 is obviously tone down and barebone

When ashes was here, she mentioned that 2013 is the best one to own right? Or was its 2011?
I believe the consensus was 2013 deluxe, if I recall correctly. That's the one I've been waiting for, anyway. Although to be honest, for me racers have now fallen into the same category as fighters and shmups, that is, "genres I like to collect and never play."

Motoki is saying that the character is an asshole, and TotalBiscuit is the character. If he was talking about the real person, you'd have a point. We don't say that John Lithgow is an asshole because of the incredible villain he played in Dexter.
Yes but you're saying that he is clearly playing a character. Which means, to me, the things he says in character are not things he truly believes and are merely a work. Lithgow being the final excellent bright spot on a rapidly deflating show is irrelevant. TB is putting on a show where he professes to offer his own opinions on the vidya, at least going off my experience with the WTF is videos.

Which I suppose might mean I'm suggesting you're offering a stronger conclusion than what I am suggesting you are, but that is how it comes across to me. I could be off base. Am I so?

Yes but you're saying that he is clearly playing a character. Which means, to me, the things he says in character are not things he truly believes and are merely a work. Lithgow being the final excellent bright spot on a rapidly deflating show is irrelevant. TB is putting on a show where he professes to offer his own opinions on the vidya, at least going off my experience with the WTF is videos.

Which I suppose might mean I'm suggesting you're offering a stronger conclusion than what I am suggesting you are, but that is how it comes across to me. I could be off base. Am I so?
Lol, I've only seen a few of his videos. I don't watch video game stuff on Youtube unless there's a contest involved. So yes, it's just an assumption that his character is a cynical snob spewing out belittling paragraphs and compounded thoughts and he's not really like that in real life. Was he the one who has/had cancer? If so, then maybe he really is that cynical and bitter.

Yes but you're saying that he is clearly playing a character. Which means, to me, the things he says in character are not things he truly believes and are merely a work.
So now you're all flustered that Motoki is saying that TB might not be an asshole? Man, I can't figure the YouTube generation out.

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So now you're all flustered that Motoki is saying that TB might not be an asshole? Man, I can't figure the YouTube generation out.
My point must be going over your head. Perhaps I should record a video and tweet out the answer.

The theoretical as I see it: A man provides his opinion. The critic says "Oh, he's just playing a character. That is not his true opinion." To me the critic has not only insulted the man but also irreversibly shut off all thought and discussion. The man may be making millions and not really care what the critic says but hardly excuses the critic.

That may not be what Motoki is saying, which is why I asked for clarification.

My point must be going over your head. Perhaps I should record a video and tweet out the answer.

The theoretical as I see it: A man provides his opinion. The critic says "Oh, he's just playing a character. That is not his true opinion." To me the critic has not only insulted the man but also irreversibly shut off all thought and discussion. The man may be making millions and not really care what the critic says but hardly excuses the critic.

That may not be what Motoki is saying, which is why I asked for clarification.

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My point must be going over your head. Perhaps I should record a video and tweet out the answer.

The theoretical as I see it: A man provides his opinion. The critic says "Oh, he's just playing a character. That is not his true opinion." To me the critic has not only insulted the man but also irreversibly shut off all thought and discussion. The man may be making millions and not really care what the critic says but hardly excuses the critic.

That may not be what Motoki is saying, which is why I asked for clarification.
I think you worry more about YouTube personalities than Motoki and myself combined so I don't know if you'll ever get a satisfactory answer. Good luck though.

Edit: Against my better judgment, I'll point out that your offense on TB's behalf doesn't even make sense. Motoki never said that his opinions were false, he said that the presentation of them was a persona. Dennis Miller is being sincere when he complains about something but the rapidfire esoteric references are all pre-written and rehearsed; it's a character. Bobcat Goldthwait doesn't really speak like that around his house (in fact, he doesn't at all any more because of the pain it causes) which doesn't mean that his views on politics were disingenuous; it's a character. Lewis Black's barking, shouting and finger shaking doesn't define how how he orders a hamburger nor does it mean he's lying about his opinions; he's presenting them as a character. If I was to talk about loving ice cream while speaking in an outrageous accent and spinning a parasol around, it wouldn't mean that I really dislike ice cream nor would it mean that my day-to-day demeanor involves an accent or a parasol; it's a character.

In short, your offense is misplaced and also retarded.

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bread's done