Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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That's a terrible fight to join. The game's only been out a month in Early Access.

I'm such a

I know I will get downvoted all to hell for this but their nonsense over at Reddit is just so ridiculous.

Don't they have better things to do than argue about the merit of 10% off RPG Maker 'deals', like go help some damned refugees or something?

I know I will get downvoted all to hell for this but their nonsense over at Reddit is just so ridiculous.
I've never understood Let's Play videos. I mean, I've heard the reasons and get what people are saying but I've never been able to watch them and the whole thing seems absurd to me. But then there's lots of popular things that I don't have any interest in: Big Bang Theory, Siracha, craft beers, Reddit... it's all just one big ole world out there.

I'm not overly a fan of the site in general but I have to admit it's useful at times if you're short on time and just want a really quick at a glance list of recent deals without looking at all the gibber jabber.

However, if they are going to post like 10 separate threads a day for 10% off shovelware bundle fodder then that severely limits even that sort of Cliffs Notes usefulness they have going on.

Bioshock Infinite ending was 2deep4me.

Also isn't logically consistent.
That's b/c you also do need to play both of the Burial At Sea Season Pass content.

They left some cliffhangers purposely at the end of Bs:I.

BAS: Ep 2 explains a lot more.

A lot of the Season Pass stuff ties into how Bs:I ended.

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That's b/c you also do need to play both of the Season Pass content.

They left some cliffhangers purposely at the end of Bs:I.

BAS: Ep 2 explains a lot more.
I wonder how 2k will continue the bioshock franchise after that BSI dlc (in the future, in space, underground?)

I wonder how 2k will continue the bioshock franchise after that BSI dlc (in the future, in space, underground?)
I'll be intrigued to see where they plan to take it, as well.

The possibilities are infinite - pun intended...

BS:I (Base-game) Spoilers

...especially with how the game set it up explaining that there's always being a man, lighthouse, and a city.

Multiple-worlds theory put to use.

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So DIG messed up and I don't have Ferrum's Secrets in my account because they didn't request enough. Simple error, should be fixed right? But apparently DIG can't get anymore keys because the Dev is refusing. Has anyone ever heard of this?

E-mail from DIG:


When we have requested keys from the dev, we understated the number required due to us running an incorrect query on our database.

This has left some of you without keys.

He now refuses to provide us with additional keys, which leaves us in an embarassing situation.

What we can do, is offer you one complete free bundle from the current selection on our website, at our expense, so feel free to pick one.

Your understanding of this situation is highly appreciated.

What the heck!?

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So DIG messed up and I don't have Ferrum's Secrets in my account because they didn't request enough. Simple error, should be fixed right? But apparently DIG can't get anymore keys because the Dev is refusing. Has anyone ever heard of this?

E-mail from DIG:


When we have requested keys from the dev, we understated the number required due to us running an incorrect query on our database.

This has left some of you without keys.

He now refuses to provide us with additional keys, which leaves us in an embarassing situation.

What we can do, is offer you one complete free bundle from the current selection on our website, at our expense, so feel free to pick one.

Your understanding of this situation is highly appreciated.

What the heck!?
I got two from them today so I guess I lucked out, except I already had it from another bundle anyhow. Anyway, sent you one of my extras but still take them up on that free bundle offer. :p

That's messed up the dev did that. Unless he thinks they are trying to grab extra keys or something. Who the hell knows?

These indie devs today. I tell ya!

I got two from them today so I guess I lucked out, except I already had it from another bundle anyhow. Anyway, sent you one of my extras but still take them up on that free bundle offer. :p

That's messed up the dev did that. Unless he thinks they are trying to grab extra keys or something. Who the hell knows?

These indie devs today. I tell ya!
Thank you! Yeah, I have no idea how a simple mistake would result in that response. I'm wondering if something else actually happened.

That's b/c you also do need to play both of the Burial At Sea Season Pass content.

They left some cliffhangers purposely at the end of Bs:I.

BAS: Ep 2 explains a lot more.

A lot of the Season Pass stuff ties into how Bs:I ended.
No, it's because it's bad.


Unless one of the twins recruited the current protagonist Booker from another dimension; how do Booker and Comstock exist in the same dimension at the start of the game (Booker doesn't start going all Sliders on us until he meets Eliza-bro).

If there are infinite dimensions how does drowning one Booker kill Comstock across all dimensions regardless of whether or not it was before his 'rebirth.' There are infinite other Bookers who they don't drown.

And even ignoring that... how can Eliza-bro exist to drown Booker if it presumably rids all of space-time of Comstock? Without Comstock there is no magical Eliza-bro with quantum leap powers. Moreover, I believe it's implied that Booker doesn't even father her until AFTER his rejection of baptism so drowning him at that point in time would preclude her from ever existing at all. It's a paradox.

The shame is the setting is cool enough but Levine goes one step too far trying to make things profound with this time looping crap.

Anyway, it's one of those 5-6 out of 10 games that gets an inflated score because (well, mainstream game 'journalists') of its crappy What-do-you-do-with-a-BA-in-English narratives. Gameplay wise it's one step forward two steps back from the first one. Does some things better but most things worse. Particularly the gun limit, the large amounts of downtime between action, annoying companion, etc. Enemy variety is a bit better and there are more useful plasmids this time around.

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No, it's because it's bad.


Unless one of the twins recruited the current protagonist Booker from another dimension; how do Booker and Comstock exist in the same dimension at the start of the game (Booker doesn't start going all Sliders on us until he meets Eliza-bro).

If there are infinite dimensions how does drowning one Booker kill Comstock across all dimensions regardless of whether or not it was before his 'rebirth.' There are infinite other Bookers who they don't drown.

And even ignoring that... how can Eliza-bro exist to drown Booker if it presumably rids all of space-time of Comstock? Without Comstock there is no magical Eliza-bro with quantum leap powers. Moreover, I believe it's implied that Booker doesn't even father her until AFTER his rejection of baptism so drowning him at that point in time would preclude her from ever existing at all. It's a paradox.

The shame is the setting is cool enough but Levine goes one step too far trying to make things profound with this time looping crap.

Anyway, it's one of those 5-6 out of 10 games that gets an inflated score because (well, mainstream game 'journalists') of its crappy What-do-you-do-with-a-BA-in-English narratives. Gameplay wise it's one step forward two steps back from the first one. Does some things better but most things worse. Particularly the gun limit, the large amounts of downtime between action, annoying companion, etc. Enemy variety is a bit better and there are more useful plasmids this time around.
That's too linear of a critique of the game. You'd rather be told to go and kill some Muslims with 25 weapons cuz 'Murica and Bush and crude oil? Don't hate on the game for being creative and deep, despite the end being paradoxical. You either get good games like the Bioshock series that force you to think, or you get stupid-as-shit, brainwashing propaganda games like Call of Derp and Derpstiny.

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(links removed)

I think that's from their voting campaing. Surprisingly I managed to get a key for RRR so you might be lucky as well.
... someone posted a screencap of the codes at GameTZ. I did a search and found those two same pages. So yeah... I don't really think we're supposed to use them. They may just get revoked since the list was accidentally (or stupidly) leaked.

The bit that is weird is that every key has a SteamID assigned to it. They should've just made a list of valid SteamIDs and kept the key list private / accessible some other way.

Seriously, who the hell posts sensible data like that as part of the site's source code? I can't code and I have better ideas to keep things secure than whoever did that.

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Unless one of the twins recruited the current protagonist Booker from another dimension; how do Booker and Comstock exist in the same dimension at the start of the game (Booker doesn't start going all Sliders on us until he meets Eliza-bro).
That's exactly what happened. Try and pay attention! :shame:

... someone posted a screencap of the codes at GameTZ. I did a search and found those two same pages. So yeah... I don't really think we're supposed to use them. They may just get revoked since the list was accidentally (or stupidly) leaked.

The bit that is weird is that every key has a SteamID assigned to it. They should've just made a list of valid SteamIDs and kept the key list private / accessible some other way.

Seriously, who the hell posts sensible data like that as part of the site's source code? I can't code and I have better ideas to keep things secure than whoever did that.
We're not. They're basically hacked/stolen. Those Brazilians shouldn't have posted that. For all the stink Booby made about Blade that's like Blade x1000000 and then posting it for all the world to have at.

That's exactly what happened. Try and pay attention! :shame:

Booker has to actually take the baptism to finally become Comstock.

If Booker doesn't take the baptism, he still is Booker.

And of course - Anna (the baby) eventually becomes Elizabeth, once Comstock takes her and decides to change her name.

Just reading you guys' overwrought discussion about this game's pretentious story exhausts me. I'm going to wreck some cars in the wastes, with my hunchback in tow.

Still doesn't change the fact she can't exist if Booker is drowned.

creative and deep
Come on... it's not deep. It's a bit creative although I'm sure he lifted the setting/events from stuff like Wild West West (the movie; turn of the century steampunk, Comstock is uh... Kenneth Branaugh's character and Slade is General McGrath), Stephen King's Dark Tower series, etc. Is it deeper than Cow-a-doody? Sure, but so is a puddle.

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something something someone drowned something something

Alright enough with the spoilerage. I'm trying to lie to myself here and pretend I will play it one day already.

No, it's because it's bad.

Yeah, there are some plot holes, but even with holes the story is leagues better than 99% of the stuff on the market. I really liked the story. Of course I'm not sure why I'm arguing the merit of the story of the game with Mr. I don't like 2deep4u things


Hey, I said the setting was good.  The story should have just stopped at Comstock being a steampunk Brigham Young.

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something something someone drowned something something

Alright enough with the spoilerage. I'm trying to lie to myself here and pretend I will play it one day already.
I mean I spoiled about 2 years ago or something that Tebow is the Songbird.

sorry not sorry

What I mostly liked about BS:I is the game world. I just loved it. Gameplay is not the big thing, but I'm glad it was shorter than BS 1
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Been playing Metal Gear and Metal Gear pretty much exclusively since it launched. It may end up being my favorite stealth game of all time and that is heavy praise from me considering my favorite genre is pretty much stealth action. Its absolutely killing MGS4 which I liked, mainly because its deeper gameplay and theres no 20 minute cutscenes at least not yet lol.

Here are some non-spoilery things so far:

- 34 Hours played, around 30% completion. 

- Up to story mission 17 (out of 31). I've only been disappointed by one mission, just because I found it stupid.

- I'm doing a TON of side ops which is adding to my playtime. They're repetitive as hell in terms of what you're doing (extracting this guy, hunting this squad, etc.) but you're not graded on them, so you can go sneaky or you can kill everyone and it doesnt affect you. Its just a way to give you a reason to explore and try out different tactics.

- The basebuilding/team building thing is a bit eh as there's basically nothing to do on the base itself, but its important to do so you can keep upgrading things and developing new weapons.

-  Enemy AI is okay. Nothing revolutionary. Standing 5 feet from a guy pointing a pistol at him and he never looks your direction is a bit silly.

- The "buddy" system in the game is awesome. Really allows you to approach missions/ops in different ways espc when you get the hot chick buddy. 

My biggest knock so far would be the enemy AI (its not bad, but it could be better) and the lack of locations thus far. Many missions/ops in one of two AOs, but I imagine there could be a third, I just havent reached it yet.

So yeah, loving it so far. I have Mad Max too, but Ive not even installed it yet. 

Enough of this shit. MGS V talk now.

Early on, fulton-ing seems like a crapshoot. Despite there being a percentage of success listing over the target, usually 90% if you're out in the open, I lose more than a few recruits for whatever in the Hell reason. "Looks like that fall killed him." fuck off!

I lost the interpreter you're supposed to extract in the 1st side op because of "bad weather". I looked up and that fuck ing sky was clear! It wouldn't annoy so much if it didn't cost to fulton and, in the occasion above, I didn't have to do the op all over again.


Wow. archbishopthedoge must've been reading my mind. Better plug it in the second controller port.

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What I mostly liked about BS:I is the game world. I just loved it. Gameplay is not the big thing, but I'm glad it was shorter than BS 1
The setting was good and the world was well done. The flow as better than the first as there was less backtracking and tedious fetch/assemble X/Y/Z quests.

No, it's because it's bad.
It is kinda bad. I was all angry about the game when I finished it because I felt like the whole thing was Deus Ex Machina.

But seriously, play the DLC. It at least attempts to bring things full circle and it makes me hate BioShock: Infinite slightly less.

It is kinda bad. I was all angry about the game when I finished it because I felt like the whole thing was Deus Ex Machina.

But seriously, play the DLC. It at least attempts to bring things full circle and it makes me hate BioShock: Infinite slightly less.
Will the circle be unbroken?

While I appreciate you guys trying to get people to fakeybro MGSV, it's an old series, people know what to expect, and horse pooping wasn't enough to bring the fakeybros out so no amount of praise is going to help it at this point.  

I need to hear about more people caving on Mad Max!

It is kinda bad. I was all angry about the game when I finished it because I felt like the whole thing was Deus Ex Machina.

But seriously, play the DLC. It at least attempts to bring things full circle and it makes me hate BioShock: Infinite slightly less.
Already spoiled the DLC by watching them on YouTube. Didn't look like something I'd pay for as they seem relatively short and story/walk-around heavy.

Now Irrational is closed I dunno if there's going to be another Ken Levine Bioshock... probably for the best. I think he's making a game about a blind woman eating pudding or something equally as deep.

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Getting rid of some Steam keys. Post if you get one.

industry transporters - HM6LY-WD5P3-LPZ3K
Project Tarvotan - FHBEY-7C6IC-2HY0N
Wild Island Quest - JIE2C-HVDYC-5GGAB
:speaktothehand: Most of youse guys just don't appreciate a good tactical sandbox.

spodered this one: JIE2C-HVDYC-5GGAB


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I hope you guys who don't like BS:I are equally as unimpressed with Mad Max, which is Just Cause and all these other open-world games but set in Australia where there's no o-zone and you go crazy.


Wow, I just made Mad Max sound a lot better than it is. It can't possibly as good as I'm thinking it is, where you're slowly going crazy and seeing things because your brain is frying from unfiltered solar radiation. The Just Cause people aren't that creative.

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More Steam Keys. Hope regulars get them.

F-1 Chequred Flag - BB0R0-DZIJV-E0IWF
Shadowgate 2014 - 4T8LT-YW0LC-AN5JP
Survivors - JLAK2-GTLP4-A22BC
Incognito - JZET3-VGNJC-C48DN
Build 'n Bump - JZEH8-0VMNA-4J7BR
Siege of Inolia - 7KMP8-EE5G8-MMLJZ
Sirius Online - 9VRP8-782M2-N0E66
I hope you guys who don't like BS:I are equally as unimpressed with Mad Max, which is Just Cause and all these other open-world games but set in Australia where there's no o-zone and you go crazy.
The thing with Mad Max is it doesn't pretend to be deep. You buy a Mad Max game to blow p00p up.

It seems like you buy this Mad Max game to drive through the desert and do fruitless side missions.

I could have made it a lot better.

bread's done