Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I just assumed you bought it at 50% off already
You lose, again. See you at 4k, right after my divorce is finalized.


X-Blades has cards, 6 drops and 11 total.  Prices have already tanked to $0.05 for the most part.

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Evolve tomorrow anyone ?
I will likely be waiting for price-drops on Evolve (base-game), Season Passes, and any other DLC's, GOTY Pack, Maybe Complete Pack, Hopefully Ultimate Edition, or whatever else they decide to bundle for this one..

With Evolve, I just smell another Titanfall here - i.e. game might be tons of fun, but base-game lacks content to keep me wanting to keep playing after a few hours.

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Dark Forester is $0.02 in Indonesia for those interested.

Use your VPN skills.
Two problems.

A) All gift copies on Steam are now region-locked.

B) Using a VPN to purchase something through Steam directly is a bannable/account-lockable offense and they don't look the other way like they do for key activations.

Sucks that these kinds of glitches are now basically useless though. Thanks for the heads-up to the people in Indonesia.

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I see that Lords of the Fallen is $18,

Anyone have experience with the game? If so is it worth that pricetag?
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Idk if listed or not.

Lords of the Fallen is $18 after 10% coupon at Gamersgate.

Anyone have experience with the game? If so is it worth that pricetag?
It's a Dark Souls "inspired" game made by Polish devs, so it has just that little bit of "wtf? jank", but mostly an enjoyable-ish experience. steam says I've put 12 hours into it.

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I would buy Evolve for... $5... maybe.  It's like they had a meeting to brainstorm how they could make a crappier version of L4D.

Life Is Strange complete season for roughly $11 on Nuuvem

Confirmed working in the UK and US at least, and well worth it at this price. First episode is really good so if you're interested this is a good deal.
I thought it was terrible and I love both Remember Me and Telltale stuff. Go figure.

I guess if you have a high tolerance for emo-ness, misunderstood teen cliches and forced over done dialogue about teenage girls in the Pacific Northwest written by adult Frenchmen it could be okay.

It's like Hasselhoff, really popular in Europe, and maybe barfing up drunk BK on the carpet.

As for me, I give it 5 Mooby Derps and a heavy dramatic sigh.
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I thought it was terrible and I love both Remember Me and Telltale stuff. Go figure.

I guess if you have a high tolerance for emo-ness, misunderstood teen cliches and forced over done dialogue about teenage girls in the Pacific Northwest written by adult Frenchmen it could be okay.

It's like Hasselhoff, really popular in Europe, and maybe barfing up drunk BK on the carpet.

As for me, I give it 5 Mooby Derps and a heavy dramatic sigh.
this makes me want it

I guess with booze it could be amusing so sure, go buy it and get lit and tell me what it was like playing some old French guy's exaggerated stereotype of some Seattle/Portland teenage girl.

Actually maybe I just need to get tore up and replay it. I bet that's my problem.
You know, it's the times that I just really hate some game that everyone else adores that makes me glad Mooby exists.

Except if it's some old farty style RPG and then I need to find someone more contemporary to commiserate with.
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I guess with booze it could be amusing so sure, go buy it and get lit and tell me what it was like playing some old French guy's exaggerated stereotype of some Seattle/Portland teenage girl.

Actually maybe I just need to get tore up and replay it. I bet that's my problem.
I'm surprised you didn't like the hella awesome dialogue.

The 1990s called. It wants its slang back.

And yes they really do say hella and other similarly anachronistic terms in that game.
It's pretty awful. The rewind mechanic is also pretty dull and the story seems stupid, based on the 1st episode alone. I'm willing to give it another episode, but I think this game is a step back after Remember Me.

Giving keys for voting? Well that only makes it harder for a game to get greenlit.

Well maybe people should, you know, vote for what they actually think looks good and would actually buy without a bribe.

I mean I've done it plenty of times, most of us have, but it's always been kind of a schiesty thing that made me feel like I need to take a shower after I make that vote.

That being said, with the sheer volume of games they are letting in now and complete lack of any quality control it seems a bit like closing the barn door after the horse got out. At this point why bother?

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Giving keys for voting? Well that only makes it harder for a game to get greenlit.
how does it make it harder? They greenlight a set number of games normally..basically it makes it so a lot of the trash stays off steam

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Well maybe people should, you know, vote for what they actually think looks good and would actually buy without a bribe.

I mean I've done it plenty of times, most of us have, but it's always been kind of a schiesty thing that made me feel like I need to take a shower after I make that vote.

That being said, with the sheer volume of games they are letting in now and complete lack of any quality control it seems a bit like closing the barn door after the horse got out. At this point why bother?
I'm only saying that games that use that tactic get looked over.

I've only done it for one game - Gurumin - because it's an okay game. Pretty much every other game that had to resort to this had no chance of ever getting greenlit by normal means. I don't get why they went with the free game for voting tactic since it's a game from an established developer... it didn't need to give free games for votes. *shrugs*

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I would buy Evolve for... $5... maybe. It's like they had a meeting to brainstorm how they could make a crappier version of L4D.
They claim that the idea for Evolve came up before L4D and that some of the concepts from L4D really solidified the direction they wanted to go with Evolve. Sounds more like an attempt to cover up the unoriginality of Evolve.
Well maybe people should, you know, vote for what they actually think looks good and would actually buy without a bribe.
I'm probably in a minority of people for who the "free game for votes" thing actually works as marketing since I'll take a look but won't bother voting unless it actually looks like something I might entertain playing. Sometimes the WGN updates say "Hey, keys are out for this game if you voted" and I look for my key and realize that I passed on voting for the game because it looked like ass.

I do like how Valve's been saying that Greenlight is garbage that needs to be reworked for over a year now and we're still getting "Well, we know it's shit but it's the shit you gotta deal with..."

Who has played Teslagrad and how is it? 2.50 seems to be the lowest it's been, and only been in a $10 tier Humble. I am starting to think bundles only add crap games and maybe I should pick it up now.

I do like how Valve's been saying that Greenlight is garbage that needs to be reworked for over a year now and we're still getting "Well, we know it's shit but it's the shit you gotta deal with..."
Just like every big company that borders on evil, Valve is going to say what everyone wants to hear and do whatever it is that continues to make them money.

And, I can't really fault them for that. i mean, he may turn out to be Satan himself, but who could ever stay mad at this face...


Aww, wook at that wittle face.

I'm only saying that games that use that tactic get looked over.

I've only done it for one game - Gurumin - because it's an okay game. Pretty much every other game that had to resort to this had no chance of ever getting greenlit by normal means. I don't get why they went with the free game for voting tactic since it's a game from an established developer... it didn't need to give free games for votes. *shrugs*
Um, 6 months ago much?

They've Greenlit over 500 games since the beginning of the year. There are now about twice as many games Greenlit than there are waiting. At this point it seems like everything is going to get in no matter what.

It really is a non issue. No one is complaining about it being hard to get in anymore free votes or no because it's not. And Valve can't put the genie back in the bottle when they're Greenlighting 500+ games a month without care toward the quality, even when you've got very obvious bullshit games like Soda Drinker Pro.

Seriously, the whole Won't Somebody Please Think of the Indies! is just not even a thing anymore. They'll be fine and their shit games might get in a week or month later without bribes but they will still get in.

I do like how Valve's been saying that Greenlight is garbage that needs to be reworked for over a year now and we're still getting "Well, we know it's shit but it's the shit you gotta deal with..."
Pretty much. It's not a new thing so I don't know why they're talking about it now. Most likely some gaming press site ran an article on it that embarrassed them I'd imagine.

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bread's done