Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Just because I know you guys are super curious, I spent 1.5 hours on ARK last night playing official servers trying to get loot drops and hopefully free ARK codes for some bros.  No such luck.  Sexy Jane died probably 50 times.  I did get to three loot drops, but only managed to get 2 thatch houses and a cloth outfit out of it.  Still had fun though.  The ARK Halloween world is pretty cool.  

She's a new character I made on the official servers who has her chest bumped up to the max and everything else bumped up to the skinniest. It is my pitiful attempt to have people hopefully not kill me because boobs.
How's it working out? Were the 50 deaths mostly not caused by other players?

She's a new character I made on the official servers who has her chest bumped up to the max and everything else bumped up to the skinniest. It is my pitiful attempt to have people hopefully not kill me because boobs.
It's surprising how well that works. I learned early on back in the Ultima Online days that when playing in games with PvP boobs get you killed less.

Yeah, but Ark is one of those games where nearly everyone who's a female with big boobs is actually a creepy old virgin who occasionally idles with their camera up their character's ass and some lube while fantasizing about touching a woman for the first time. Doesn't help that you start the game basically naked.


Looks like she shat her pants.


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Last Remnant for $2.50ish is a steal. If you have the patience for that sort of an RPG, you should buy it. The game needs a bit of tweaking but it's easy to fix since it's on Unreal Engine.

How's it working out? Were the 50 deaths mostly not caused by other players?
Yeah, most were suicides or piranhas.

It's surprising how well that works. I learned early on back in the Ultima Online days that when playing in games with PvP boobs get you killed less.
It did work, ran into a few other people, no one killed me.

Looks like she shat her pants.
Sexy Jane did defecate alot.

Arkham Knight refunds will be offered until the end of the year, regardless of playtime.

Just beware, if you request a refund Valve will add you to their e-terrorist watch list (card drop delay).
I just bought a bunch of stuff on the Halloween sale and a couple of bundles. It's taking me forever to complete the damned idling.

At this point I would happily give them back the $2 I saved refunding Space Hulk at 80% off and rebuying it on the daily at 90% off during the Summer Sale if it would get me off their damned No Fly List.

I just bought a bunch of stuff on the Halloween sale and a couple of bundles. It's taking me forever to complete the damned idling.

At this point I would happily give them back the $2 I saved refunding Space Hulk at 80% off and rebuying it on the daily at 90% off during the Summer Sale if it would get me off their damned No Fly List.
Just give it up and embrace E-TERRORISM!

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Anyone want a free one day Redbox DVD rental code? They expire today in a few hours but maybe you can still use them. I have two one, just quote me so I can send you one. This won't work on Blurays or games.

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No need to play Red Dead Redemption as Call of Juarez Gunslinger is a superior western game.
Doesn't matter what's better. They both belong on PC.

I'd even be happy w/ X360 Emulator thrown on Windows 10 to run old XBox original + X360 games. At least that could give me a worthwhile to force myself to move to Win 10 sooner and not later.

Anyone want a free one day Redbox DVD rental code? They expire today in a few hours but maybe you can still use them. I have two, just quote me so I can send you one. This won't work on Blurays or games.


Thanks. Much appreciated.

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I finished Life Is Strange just now. Thought episode 5 and the resolution was pretty much garbage. There's two possible endings and the "choices" you make throughout basically have nil impact just like Telltale games. The ending is a copout of epic proportions creatively and the gameplay execution in the final episode is mostly just time wasting hipster self-important nonsense. Disappointed as I felt the story up until the resolution was interesting espc after episodes 3 and 4 which I felt were strong. The one area the game got right up to the end was I felt that the characters were mostly strong and decently fleshed out (espc for a game), but I began to hate them all during the last episode lol.

I almost quit the game 2 or 3 times in this final episode simply because the gameplay mechanics and plot devices that were introduced were beyond annoying and the ending that I chose felt telegraphed. I just watched the other ending on Youtube and that one is even worse. Yea, fuck you DontNod.

I actually felt it was going to go somewhere interesting but nope, I wont even recommend it on the cheap. They had something but copped out at the end. I feel nothing and fuck this game.

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I finished Life Is Strange just now.

Thought episode 5 and the resolution was pretty much garbage. There's two possible endings and the "choices" you make throughout basically have nil impact just like Telltale games. The ending is a copout of epic proportions creatively and the gameplay execution in the final episode is mostly just time wasting hipster self-important nonsense. Disappointed as I felt the story up until the resolution was interesting espc after episodes 3 and 4 which I felt were strong. The one area the game got right up to the end was I felt that the characters were mostly strong and decently fleshed out (espc for a game), but I began to hate them all during the last episode lol.

I almost quit the game 2 or 3 times in this final episode simply because the gameplay mechanics and plot devices that were introduced were beyond annoying and the ending that I chose felt telegraphed. I just watched the other ending on Youtube and that one is even worse. Yea, fuck you DontNod.

I actually felt it was going to go somewhere interesting but nope, I wont even recommend it on the cheap. They had something but copped out at the end. I feel nothing and fuck this game.

And now you know why Episode 5 was named "Polarized." Besides the polaroid double-meaning here (obviously) with that sub-title, it's as if also they knew they were going to polarize some fans here and piss them off - but screw it, they decided to end it the way they did anyways; and tried to railroad you down one path anyways that looks like it could be canon, if they do decide on a Season 2.

Most polarizing ending since Mass Effect 3, as far I am concerned.

And of course, the horrible time-padding stealth-sequence didn't help matters, either. This is pretty much the point when gamers should just shut the game off and invent their own ending.

I'd recommend people to take the journey from Eps 1-4 and part of Ep 5 - but the last half hour is predictable as crap; and the lack of closure or lack of set-up for another Episode or Season just sucks.

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And now you know why Episode 5 was named "Polarized." Besides the polaroid double-meaning here (obviously) with that sub-title, it's as if also they knew they were going to polarize some fans here and piss them off - but screw it, they decided to end it the way they did anyways.

Most polarizing ending since Mass Effect 3, as far I am concerned.

And of course, the horrible time-padding stealth-sequence didn't help matters, either. This is pretty much the point when gamers should just shut the game off and invent their own ending.

I'd recommend people to take the journey from Eps 1-4 and part of Ep 5 - but the last half hour is predictable as crap; and the lack of closure or lack of set-up for another Episode or Season just sucks.
OMFG that nonsense stealth portion and the crap with the doors and the looking for the combination and all that useless nonsense, hate hate hate hate hate, it almost felt like Return of the King with all of the false endings and clearly time filling shit. Yea, I think the episode's title is not meant to be subtle, but both endings sucked as far as Im concerned. The worst part about the whole thing was that I enjoyed the majority of the "season". The story was relatively engaging, the twists were interesting and then we get that horseshit of a resolution. Nothing at all in previous games mattered which they stressed throughout the game's development that they would. That's not unexpected really, but it "stings" worse with the way it ended.

OMFG that nonsense stealth portion and the crap with the doors and the looking for the combination and all that useless nonsense, hate hate hate hate hate, it almost felt like Return of the King with all of the false endings and clearly time filling shit. Yea, I think the episode's title is not meant to be subtle, but both endings sucked as far as Im concerned. The worst part about the whole thing was that I enjoyed the majority of the "season". The story was relatively engaging, the twists were interesting and then we get that horseshit of a resolution. Nothing at all in previous games mattered which they stressed throughout the game's development that they would. That's not unexpected really, but it "stings" worse with the way it ended.
Once the stealth part happened, it just went downhill from there on. It literally just all fell apart and came all undone.

I didn't watch the other ridiculous ending choice (well, I probably should now watch it, eh?), which I'm betting very few took on the 1st time around b/c that's just ridiculous - who would make that decision? Decision B, the thought of it's ridiculous. And it's obvious, what route the game wants you to take, given how adamant a certain character is in the last few moments about what Max should decide. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.

Yeah, I loved a lot of the game's journey. Even most of Ep 5, I loved - but, that stealth-sequence and final choice can just jump off a cliff; and it pretty much did. It's railroading garbage and belongs right next to ME3 as one of the biggest letdowns in gaming history for an actual end b/c the rest of the game's so great. It's also as if their second option was there to "just be an option" to check a check-box for multiple endings (oooh, binary choice!), given the way a certain character eggs you on to take a certain path.


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I just bought a bunch of stuff on the Halloween sale and a couple of bundles. It's taking me forever to complete the damned idling.

At this point I would happily give them back the $2 I saved refunding Space Hulk at 80% off and rebuying it on the daily at 90% off during the Summer Sale if it would get me off their damned No Fly List.
Even if you haven't refunded, it's hit & miss.

Like half of my alts are on the list, despite never having refund.

Supposedly developers have something to do with it too.

it's just pubic hair, dude
Anal pubes? Huh, you learn something new every day.


And now you know why Episode 5 was named "Polarized." Besides the polaroid double-meaning here (obviously)...
Ugh, don't remind me. Those polaroids are so fucking hipster. Between that and selfies (because all teenagers are obsessed with selfies of course, hey that's what the media tells us so it must be true) and the oh my gawd I'm sooooo misunderstood and the Twin Peaks rip off plot I just couldn't stomach that damned game.

So I'm happy to know the ending is shit and glad that I didn't bother.

Even if you haven't refunded, it's hit & miss.

Like half of my alts are on the list, despite never having refund.

Supposedly developers have something to do with it too.
Which is odd because I've seen different people alternately reporting getting and not getting the two hour waiting period for the same game. You'd think if the devs were involved it would be more standardized.

I don't know, maybe Valve changed something and have no fucking clue what they did and are so out of touch they don't even realize it's going on. Wouldn't be the first time.

I still haven't had a single game give cards in under two hours since the change though some I'm sure whether accidental or on purpose my account is shitlisted. Or at least not whitelisted.

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I didn't watch the other ridiculous ending choice (well, I probably should now watch it, eh?),
Watch it. Its literally like 3 minutes long (the actual content, not the nonsense before the choice) and its like they put it together as an afterthought because they assumed they knew everyone was going to pick A, so thats the longer more fleshed out ending, well as fleshed out as a plate of shit can be. Its absolutely ridiculous. Just search Youtube for "Life Is Strange Ending Arcadia Bay"

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Hey bros, just wanted to bro you up by saying that the all-night horror movie marathon at my apartment is going so well that I'm posting about it on here. Someone brought a stupid Syfy movie called "Bigfoot" with Danny Bonadouchey and one of the Brady Bunch guys. Had to drink a lot for that one. The awful movies have calmed down now. We watched Creepshow, Splinter, The Babadook, and now it's onto Martyrs. Theme is that the movies get more disturbing throughout the night. I'm thinking the Tetsuo trilogy will be shown last. Has anyone seen the last one? Tetsuo 1 is super fucked, only watched a little of 2, dunno how good 3 is being American.

Really though I think everyone else is too far under the influence of magic cookies and alcohol to comprehend what's happening.

Happy Halloween!

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We played Killing Floor 2 on Halloween night.  Hadn't played it in a while so was looking forward to the new stages.  Had a new bro join us, welcome Archbishopthedoge!

We started out on a high note with the Paris Burning map and actually beat the Patriarch on Normal.  Hadn't done that yet!  

Then it went to crap.

Catacombs were all dark and cramped so we lost.  Then we did the Outpost and everyone died but me and I actually did decent surviving from 30 zeds down to 3, but I was out of armor and almost out of ammo, and 2 of the three were husks or fleshpounds or scrakes or whatever the really hard ones are.  Either way, I died, it was all Parallacks fault, but we had fun.

Also, as promised here is my Zoe as a dinosaur in honor of ARK.  Costume didn't fit very well and she doesn't like to stand still so this is the best I got:




We played Killing Floor 2 on Halloween night. Hadn't played it in a while so was looking forward to the new stages. Had a new bro join us, welcome Archbishopthedoge!

We started out on a high note with the Paris Burning map and actually beat the Patriarch on Normal. Hadn't done that yet!

Then it went to crap.

Catacombs were all dark and cramped so we lost. Then we did the Outpost and everyone died but me and I actually did decent surviving from 30 zeds down to 3, but I was out of armor and almost out of ammo, and 2 of the three were husks or fleshpounds or scrakes or whatever the really hard ones are. Either way, I died, it was all Parallacks fault, but we had fun.
Sounds fun! I was watching to see if anyone started playing KF2 tonight, but didn't really see anyone from the group. If you all play again, I'm going to try and join. I've got some level 22-25 perks that might be helpful.

Too lazy to check if it's been posted already.

Today is the last day to get the free Phoenix merc in Dirty Bomb. You can get him just by logging into the game.
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Were you engaged in shady Putin-purchasing or writing copy and pasted reviews?

Were you engaged in shady Putin-purchasing or writing copy and pasted reviews?
Tomasety would never copy a review from elsewhere in perfect English and pass it off as his own.

But yeah, he's been doing Putinesca stuff too I bet. His buddy Panda offers now regularly posts a guide in Spanish on how to Putin buy @ GG. I suspect Toma tipped him off about it after hanging around here and now it's spreading. :p

Eventually they'll probably catch on, but it might take two years like it did for Desura to figure out that people were easily duping keys due to their buggy setup.

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bread's done