Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Wait.. so my spoilered non-offensive joke got pulled but the full page pedobear survived?  


Despite all the (admittedly hilarious) shit I'm being given over my choice of spelling, today I was reminded that this place is far better than Reddit. So cheers to not being the worst, guys.  :beer:

I'm giving away the last of my extra bundle/Steam keys (for real this time). Time to finally start playing and stop backlogging games--or so I keep telling myself, heh, meaning I have this OCD need to clean the rest of these out. Don't ask.

I'd do a more controlled giveaway, but I don't have time.

Canyon Capers:

I think this is the one I grabbed. Thanks for the Capers!


There are quite a few of us that appreciate your efforts Neuro5i5, but I must say it seems like this thread is just too 'Mega' for some people. :puke:

Edit: I didn't plan the puking after BobbyTastic's cheers. I can stand by, on, or within my alcohol. <I don't even know what that means.

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Steam updated trades again and somehow made it even more of a pain in the ass...  Now instead of a captcha they send you an email where you have to confirm what you're trading.  Good job listening to the community feedback guys.

Steam updated trades again and somehow made it even more of a pain in the ass... Now instead of a captcha they send you an email where you have to confirm what you're trading. Good job listening to the community feedback guys.
Next update: New feaure. You must now mail a urine sample to Valve in order to list items in the market.

Funny I haven't got the code yet but I got this email for the Workshop DLC Your Pre-Order of Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell qualifies you to receive the in-game Devil's Workshop DLC!
I won a Steam gift of the game a week or so back, it didn't say pre-order on the activation, I have no DLC owned or available for the game, or any other indication that I got the 2 pre-order items.

That is, except that after the initial tutorial to flying part of the game, it told me I had the Saints wings and Shakespeare skull. So, seems the only way to know if your key was well endowed is to play.

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Steam updated trades again and somehow made it even more of a pain in the ass... Now instead of a captcha they send you an email where you have to confirm what you're trading. Good job listening to the community feedback guys.
I just experienced this, and wanted to come join you guys in wondering just what the fuck they are doing.

I suggested an opt out to this garbage, just like we can with Steam guard, but of course they won't grant that.

When is the next big Steam sale? I really want to get the Talos Principle and that $26 price over on Nuuvem is starting to call to me.
if you want it and are going to play it just buy it. that game was just released, games get substantially cheaper within six months of release typically, so if you have no problem waiting that long then hold off and you can probably get it for 15 or 20 bucks by then. with how rare it is that i ever spend more than five dollars tops on a game i have no problem paying full price for a game i really want at launch.

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Instead of bitching you guys should be banging sluts in hunie pop
Not to discount your generous wisdom, but instead I've decided to compound my complaints towards Steam. Here is a follow up to an open ticket I have with support that they have been ignoring:

Hello Steam support employee,

I see that your company is on task adding and changing things to the way that Steam trades work. While I have no use for such encumberments, and would relish the ability to opt out of them, I see that it shows you folks haven't lost your ability to alter Steam as you wish to.
To that end, I again request some attention and resolution to my account's Groups functionality being broken. It is more than a mere inconvenience, and is rather detrimental to my ability to use your service. (which I'm over 2000 games invested into)

I don't know how relevant my words will be by the time you read this, but figured this ticket could use another bump after over ten days time has passed, with no response from your end.

faithfully yours,
a customer

Too much? Too soon? :whistle2: (not that I really give a fuck)
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Not to discount your generous wisdom, but instead I've decided to compound my complaints towards Steam. Here is a follow up to an open ticket I have with support that they have been ignoring:

Hello Steam support employee,

I see that your company is on task adding and changing things to the way that Steam trades work. While I have no use for such encumberments, and would relish the ability to opt out of them, I see that it shows you folks haven't lost your ability to alter Steam as you wish to.
To that end, I again request some attention and resolution to my account's Groups functionality being broken. It is more than a mere inconvenience, and is rather detrimental to my ability to use your service. (which I'm over 2000 games invested into)

I don't know how relevant my words will be by the time you read this, but figured this ticket could use another bump after over ten days time has passed, with no response from your end.

faithfully yours,
a customer

Too much? Too soon? :whistle2: (not that I really give a fuck)

I liked what I played of Betrayer, but I started playing it during the Steam Summer Sale, and that and other distractions kind of made me forget about it.

Yes, it's worth a buck, but it's been bundled before so keys are available.  Or at the very least, others buying the current bundle will have spares if that's the only thing you want out of it.

Not to discount your generous wisdom, but instead I've decided to compound my complaints towards Steam. Here is a follow up to an open ticket I have with support that they have been ignoring:

Hello Steam support employee,

I see that your company is on task adding and changing things to the way that Steam trades work. While I have no use for such encumberments, and would relish the ability to opt out of them, I see that it shows you folks haven't lost your ability to alter Steam as you wish to.
To that end, I again request some attention and resolution to my account's Groups functionality being broken. It is more than a mere inconvenience, and is rather detrimental to my ability to use your service. (which I'm over 2000 games invested into)

I don't know how relevant my words will be by the time you read this, but figured this ticket could use another bump after over ten days time has passed, with no response from your end.

faithfully yours,
a customer

Too much? Too soon? :whistle2: (not that I really give a fuck)
You're getting impatient after ten days? My last support ticket sat two days shy of a month before they responded with a very short "no, we can't do that."

In other words, Steam support works on Valve time and your support ticket will probably get a good answer when they announce the release date of Half Life 3.

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You're getting impatient after ten days? My last support ticket sat two days shy of a month before they responded with a very short "no, we can't do that."

In other words, Steam support works on Valve time and your support ticket will probably get a good answer when they announce the release date of Half Life 3.
What'd you ask for in your support ticket?

Betrayer is fairly boring. You get sucked in by the 'unique' art style but the world is fairly barren and empty.
I agree with this. The game has an interesting premise but it's 95% walking around and backtracking super slowly looking for various items or locations. If they had included more features on the map, like tagging important locations, it would have been easier to navigate.

You get random side or fetch quests, but it's mostly just aimless wandering until you find whatever you need. Combat is decent but annoying at times, due to binary behavior of the AI. Very difficult to sneak up on baddies, and they'll attack immediately if you're detected instead of giving you a chance to hide again. They're either running at you full steam or completely clueless to your presence - no in between.

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Despite all the (admittedly hilarious) shit I'm being given over my choice of spelling, today I was reminded that this place is far better than Reddit. So cheers to not being the worst, guys. :beer:
I have been a 4channer for a decade now, and I refuse to go to Reddit. Some things in life are just too morally disgusting., in conclusion, "better than Reddit" isn't really much of a compliment.

As long as it's not the Steam version. I'm so annoyed with Steam right now that I'm playing Theme Hospital on Origin out of spite. :shame:
People don't play games on Steam, don't be ridiculous.
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You're getting impatient after ten days? My last support ticket sat two days shy of a month before they responded with a very short "no, we can't do that."

In other words, Steam support works on Valve time and your support ticket will probably get a good answer when they announce the release date of Half Life 3.
In my limited experience with Steam support, I'm used to them at least saying something, even if it is nothing helpful or progressing, within about a week. My fastest response from them is under 24 hours, back in 2011.

Silly me, I actually forgot how long it took them with the ticket I had last year, for almost the same exact issue I'm having now. That one was about 21 days until first and last contact.

Guess I'll just be trying to forget this ticket exists for a while.

I just experienced this, and wanted to come join you guys in wondering just what the fuck they are doing.

I suggested an opt out to this garbage, just like we can with Steam guard, but of course they won't grant that.
This is their pathetic fix for the flaw that is in their client that allows people to steal inventories behind your back .. well if you happen to foolishly click that link that has been going around through chat and users profiles.

So instead of fixing it they put a band aid on it.

I have been a 4channer for a decade now, and I refuse to go to Reddit. Some things in life are just too morally disgusting., in conclusion, "better than Reddit" isn't really much of a compliment.

People don't play games on Steam, don't be ridiculous.
Leddit Reddit's only ever been good for a few things. An abridged list of deals, user guides, people who aren't total cheapasses, giveaways, and other things I'd rather not say publicly.

Whatever you say, Alien Destroyer Scorch
Whoever stole my username on Origin is going to die a slow, painful death. :bouncy:

Speaking of Origin, I was snoopin around on some of y'all and damn Indef been gettin busy makin friends on Origin.

*Edit: And MysterD loves Origin so much he needed to make two IDs.

*Edit2: Neuro is ashamed of his Origin achievements!

Neuro5i5 has elected to make their achievements private.

Have you tried BoobyTastic? :D/
I need to dig up that Boobytastic Avatar someone made a long time ago.
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What'd you ask for in your support ticket?
I was trying to get them to delete the untradeable, unmarketable items that Sins of a Dark Age stuffed in my inventory on the grounds that deleting those items wouldn't have any impact on the Steam economy at all, since there's no way to do anything with them. I even mentioned that they could delete the game off my account along with the items if that would make them feel better about it.

No good.

You rang?

Jeez motoki make up your mind. Do you want me posting pics of boobs or not?
I think these's a bit of a difference between a teeny, tiny image of stuffed dragon toy wearing a quite PG SFW non-animated bikini top and 6 hi-res pictures of anime girls or Asian women with DDDDD breasts jumping and rapidly flopping them all over the place.

TL;DR - No, I don't want you posting boobs.

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I think these's a bit of a difference between a teeny, tiny image of stuffed dragon toy wearing a quite PG SFW non-animated bikini top and 6 hi-res pictures of anime girls or Asian women with DDDDD breasts jumping and rapidly flopping them all over the place.

TL;DR - No, I don't want you posting boobs.
It's not NSFW unless there's visible nipples. I don't post fully nude breasts. Also they aren't all hi-res. This forum won't let me post in a resolution with any credible fidelity.

I hate to be that guy, but there is no clear cut definition of what NSFW means. It is completely subjective. What you think isn't NSFW may be deemed NSFW by someone else. Just to keep it simple, just use common sense.
Common sense should dictate that breasts are not sexual organs and should not be consided on a higher level of obscenity than a males chest. However it would appear that society on a whole does not work on common sense.

I'll be sure to tell my boss that next time they get mad after catching me checking out some jiggling boobies
So there were no complaints about the half naked men? I'm sure pics of half naked effeminate men in homoerotic poses would have at least raised an eyebrow. I'm sure there would be some hushed hurried talk around the water cooler.


Trading now requires email verification.
(can be disabled)
Disabled - You will not be required to confirm trades and will not receive email about trades. Steam Support will also not provide you with any assistance in recovering items that were stolen from your account, for any reason.
bread's done