Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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While I'm neither a noob or seasonal, I randomly dump dozens upon dozens of shit game keys in this thread. Therefore I contribute and thus shall continue to fight for social justice less off topic spam. Deal wit it.
Speaking of which

Hopefully I won't have to get all SJW on the dev's ass to get keys in two weeks from now because that's how long it's going to take Indie Gala to get off their asses and put the keys up.


so the game got greenlit and its not finished because im a piece of shit p;

as some of you may know im pretty depressed and motivation comes and goes, thankyou everyone for your support. hopefully the fact this is greenlit now will help me really get back into it

as for progress on the game itself, ive recently ported it over to game maker studio from an earlier version of game maker and have fixed various bugs. the 2nd and 4th stage bosses im not happy with at all and need a complete rework. the final boss needs a lot of work too

Also from the main comments

tijit [author] Feb 22 @ 1:05am
nah im still me

in all seriousness im trying to port the game over to game maker studio atm so i can at least build it for win 8 but im am a really bad programmer damn
Alright Valve, stay classy with your quality control.

Capcom "forgot" to state that Resident Evil Revelations 2 has no local co-op, and they only just recently added that fact to the store page..

Console versions have local co-op, but PC version doesn't.

I don't normally care for local co-op in PC games, but the AI in Revelations 2 is so bad that any kind of co-op would be preferable.

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Capcom "forgot" to state that Resident Evil Revelations 2 has no local co-op, and they only just recently added that fact to the store page..

Console versions have local co-op, but PC version doesn't.

I don't normally care for local co-op in PC games, but the AI in Revelations 2 is so bad that any kind of co-op would be preferable.
It was the only reason I would have bought it. Luckily I had a hunch that it wouldn't be worth pre-ordering.

Wait, I mean...







It was the only reason I would have bought it. Luckily I had a hunch that it wouldn't be worth pre-ordering.

Wait, I mean...







Got this one : 7GR6B-LVHRC-DQRDY


- South Park: The Stick of Truth - 66% off - $13.60 (Steam)

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It was the only reason I would have bought it. Luckily I had a hunch that it wouldn't be worth pre-ordering.

Wait, I mean...






they are all redeemed but thanks for sharing


Daily Deals
75% off Rise of the Triad (Steam) - $3.75
75% off Rise of the Triad 4-Pack (Steam) - $11.24
75% off The Apogee Throwback Pack (Steam) - $2.50 [customspoiler=Includes]
  • Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
  • Blake Stone: Planet Strike
  • Rise of the Triad
  • Extreme Rise of the Triad

Weekly, Midweek and Weekend Deals
Ending 3/2
Up to 75% off Europa Universalis IV games and DLC
Up to 75% off GRID games and DLC

Ending 3/5
50% off Starpoint Gemini 2 (Steam) - $17.50

Thanks Tomasety for posting those deals. Here's the larger sales that they were extracted from:

Up to 75% off Best Seller Sale (ends 3/1)

Weekend Promo: Herzlich Willkommen! 97% off Deponia, 25+ More German games up to 75% off
It's been that price quite a few times already, I believe.  About time that game got a real price break.  I'm picking it up when it hits $7.50 in a Steam sale myself.

It's been that price quite a few times already, I believe. About time that game got a real price break. I'm picking it up when it hits $7.50 in a Steam sale myself.
On certain place is around 10$ right now. Haven't checked others places but I think on Amazon UK was the best place sometime ago, because that version aside from being the cheapest at that moment got the Pre Order version.

I don't normally care for local co-op in PC games, but the AI in Revelations 2 is so bad that any kind of co-op would be preferable.
I spent last night stuck at the big fight after you install the gear. It could be that I just suck (that's certainly part of it) but Moira's dumbassery in the "combat assistance" department doesn't help any.

Also, "I don't do firearms"? Bitch, we're trapped in some asylum/lab filled with axe-wielding zombies. I don't care if firearms broke into your house and ate your children, "do firearms".

On another news...

Coincidence or not, being so close the GDC conference, it's a pity

The only thing Stick of Truth had going for it was the humor, everything else was mediocre at best. If you're a big fan of the series and can listen to fart jokes for several hours, great, go for it, but I got bored of it after a couple hours. 

The only thing Stick of Truth had going for it was the humor, everything else was mediocre at best. If you're a big fan of the series and can listen to fart jokes for several hours, great, go for it, but I got bored of it after a couple hours.
not sure how you can get bored of fart jokes

I spent last night stuck at the big fight after you install the gear. It could be that I just suck (that's certainly part of it) but Moira's dumbassery in the "combat assistance" department doesn't help any.

Also, "I don't do firearms"? Bitch, we're trapped in some asylum/lab filled with axe-wielding zombies. I don't care if firearms broke into your house and ate your children, "do firearms".
It's ridiculous, the AI barely fights at all, and when they do fight they melee. I don't think I've seen the AI shoot.

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The only thing Stick of Truth had going for it was the humor, everything else was mediocre at best. If you're a big fan of the series and can listen to fart jokes for several hours, great, go for it, but I got bored of it after a couple hours.
I saw it on sale for $10 at K-Mart for the PS3 several months ago. I couldn't muster enough giving-a-rat's-ass to buy it because I find the source material tedious and stupid. I see my initial assessment was vindicated.

From what I've seen of it, South Park averages about 1 out of 10 episodes that is worth watching, which is about where The Simpsons is now, but at least the latter had a good run of about 10-15 years before it turned mediocre. My experience with South Park suggests that it started out somewhat mediocre and went downhill from there.

It's ridiculous, the AI barely fights at all, and when they do fight they melee. I don't think I've seen the AI shoot.
It doesn't that I've seen. I thought I could use Moira instead and do some flashlight blinding and crowbar attacks while Claire did the bang-bang work but she's retarded on her own. Using Claire, you have Moira derping around with her crowbar but at least you're not giving up Claire's shotgun/pistol to do it.

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I saw it on sale for $10 at K-Mart for the PS3 several months ago. I couldn't muster enough giving-a-rat's-ass to buy it because I find the source material tedious and stupid. I see my initial assessment was vindicated.

From what I've seen of it, South Park averages about 1 out of 10 episodes that is worth watching, which is about where The Simpsons is now, but at least the latter had a good run of about 10-15 years before it turned mediocre. My experience with South Park suggests that it started out somewhat mediocre and went downhill from there.

I saw it on sale for $10 at K-Mart for the PS3 several months ago. I couldn't muster enough giving-a-rat's-ass to buy it because I find the source material tedious and stupid. I see my initial assessment was vindicated.

From what I've seen of it, South Park averages about 1 out of 10 episodes that is worth watching, which is about where The Simpsons is now, but at least the latter had a good run of about 10-15 years before it turned mediocre. My experience with South Park suggests that it started out somewhat mediocre and went downhill from there.
neither of them are anywhere near the comedy genius of family guy


It's ridiculous, the AI barely fights at all, and when they do fight they melee. I don't think I've seen the AI shoot.
There's a skill you can unlock that allows Claire or Barry to fire if you're controlling Moira or Natalia. Low damage, but doesn't take away from your ammo reserves. Also, take advantage of the fact that the AI doesn't actually lose any HP if attacked; they make great shields.

I've found a fair amount of success in blinding enemies with Moira's flashlight, letting Claire run in with a followup kick, and then stabbing them on the ground with the crowbar. Likewise, I'll stun an enemy with Natalia's brick, then switch to Barry for the kill.

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I saw it on sale for $10 at K-Mart for the PS3 several months ago. I couldn't muster enough giving-a-rat's-ass to buy it because I find the source material tedious and stupid. I see my initial assessment was vindicated.

From what I've seen of it, South Park averages about 1 out of 10 episodes that is worth watching, which is about where The Simpsons is now, but at least the latter had a good run of about 10-15 years before it turned mediocre. My experience with South Park suggests that it started out somewhat mediocre and went downhill from there.
Honestly, I have nothing against South Park (the show). I mean, I enjoyed the first couple hours of the game. What I don't like are video games that are carried on the weight of the franchise alone. It's like they took a mediocre RPG, slapped the South Park name on it, and BOOM. Millions of copies sold. If the game didn't have an already established, major franchise backing it up, I doubt it would be able to stand on it's own two legs. Then again, I guess you could say that for a lot of games nowadays.

Honestly, I have nothing against South Park (the show). I mean, I enjoyed the first couple hours of the game. What I don't like are video games that are carried on the weight of the franchise alone. It's like they took a mediocre RPG, slapped the South Park name on it, and BOOM. Millions of copies sold. If the game didn't have an already established, major franchise backing it up, I doubt it would be able to stand on it's own two legs. Then again, I guess you could say that for a lot of games nowadays.
I think if the RPG in question had that production value and that caliber of writing, it would still get noticed.

Stick of Truth looks phenomenal and the writing, which you will still hate if you hate South Park, is pretty on the ball.

It's not that the franchise was slapped on that people liked, it's that they did the attached franchise justice completely, which is pretty unheard of in licensed games (especially games licensed from comedy or television properties).

I will say this regarding South Park The Stick of Truth on PC.Once you get to the
alien probe when your character gets abducted
You absolutely MUST have a controller to proceed with the game.
Screw these humorless jerks who wouldn't know a good RPG if the Kodex bit them in the tukhus.  Stick of Truth was my GOTY for 2014.  It's not just fart jokes, it has Nazi jokes as well!

It also has nice character customization, acceptable party mechanics, and decent action RPG button mashing combat to go with a well written plot.  And you can stick pubes onto your weapon to make your enemies throw up.  Sure, it's not a 100 hour epic story, but my playthrough took about 22 hours to do most of story and side content.

Personal gushery aside, if you haven't bought it yet, you probably should wait for 75% off or a sub $10 price point.  I recently double-dipped on the PS3 side and realized after a couple hours that I really wasn't interested in replaying the entire game as a different class, although it's worth it to at least try out all of the classes just to check out the unique special abilities.

Also, Butters is fuck ing awesome.

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I think if the RPG in question had that production value and that caliber of writing, it would still get noticed.

Stick of Truth looks phenomenal and the writing, which you will still hate if you hate South Park, is pretty on the ball.

It's not that the franchise was slapped on that people liked, it's that they did the attached franchise justice completely, which is pretty unheard of in licensed games (especially games licensed from comedy or television properties).

I mean, if it wasn't painfully obvious before, it's a game you will enjoy the most as a fan of the series. Not like the RPG of the future Skyrim killer.


I mean, if it wasn't painfully obvious before, it's a game you will enjoy the most as a fan of the series. Not like the RPG of the future Skyrim killer.
Eh, it was pretty obvious before; that's why I passed on it and will likely continue to do so. I like Obsidian, but the IP in question, well, not so much.

The search function on this new board is shit. The results seem to be some sort of popup and when I do control+f and move my cursor to the find bar of my browser to type in a word, the results disappear from the screen. I like to search the search results to find what I'm looking for. This is some shitty design, anyone else notice this?

The search function on this new board is shit. The results seem to be some sort of popup and when I do control+f and move my cursor to the find bar of my browser to type in a word, the results disappear from the screen. I like to search the search results to find what I'm looking for. This is some shitty design, anyone else notice this?
If you click "find more results" or whatever it is, it will bring up the search results in the actual window so you can then ctrl-f them.

I end up opening the post I want to read in a new browser tab so I don't have to find it again when I move off the search results.  Very annoying.

bread's done