Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The Portal pinball table is pretty good if you like simple tables with fairly clear objectives. It's quickly become one of my favorite "one more game" tables. That said, all of the test chambers feel a bit samey, save for the ratman one, which I think is the weakest of the bunch anyway.
Oh right, I remember. Hatred is that game where you kill random people and don't stop until everyone's dead or you're killed by the police. Interesting, but I'll need to wait for a bundle or 80%+ off.

I'm hoping the rest of The Detail gets bundled eventually.

I really liked Episode 1.
Same, well though I'm really likely to end up buying all the episodes before they get bundled >.>. It and Life is Strange are two I'm pretty excited about, forced myself to hold of on Life is Strange so far (just to avoid the "play one episode, wait months for the next.")

I think the only difference is that you are literally just a psychopath. In GTA - your character is just a criminal, what you choose to do is on your own (although Trevor...). In CoD you're a soldier. State of Decay you are killing zombies, not people. I think that is the big difference, especially the crazy shit the Hatred character says.
I know what you mean, but I don't think that should be a difference. Criminals and soldiers can be psychopaths, too. People seem to think that having a reason to kill something makes it okay, which is hypocritical. Finding killing wrong means that all killing should be wrong; random acts of murder and premeditated murder are both still murder. None of us are omniscient, and games rarely give us that power, so how can we judge who lives and who dies? What if that German was recruited as a child soldier and brainwashed and had never touched a woman? What if the father of that family you just killed in Hatred was a child molester? Most games involving combat innately force us into mindlessly killing anything we come across. That monster spawning out of a hole in the ground in front of you might just be protecting her offspring, and you killed her for no reason. I killed people in Saints Row for being from a different part of town.

So yes, given that we have to accept that we mindlessly kill things in all games, the negative press around this game has to be to hype it into selling well.

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I don't even want porn games except to maybe laugh at for 5 minutes but if you're going to boot some stupid card game off Greenlight because it flashes a few titties then boot Hatred off for 5 minutes then cave because the gaming press makes a stink but then still not let the damned card game back in because no one made a stink it just all seems hypocritical and pandering.

If you're going to have adult/age warning etc games then have them. Or don't.
Oh right, I remember. Hatred is that game where you kill random people and don't stop until everyone's dead or you're killed by the police. Interesting, but I'll need to wait for a bundle or 80%+ off.
No, I think that you're thinking of grand theft auto five. I also won't be buying until it's at least 80% off

I don't even want porn games except to maybe laugh at for 5 minutes but if you're going to boot some stupid card game off Greenlight because it flashes a few titties then boot Hatred off for 5 minutes then cave because the gaming press makes a stink but then still not let the damned card game back in because no one made a stink it just all seems hypocritical and pandering.

If you're going to have adult/age warning etc games then have them. Or don't.
Which gaming press did that? Most of the gaming press I happened to see were more biased against Hatred.

PCGamer said:
Hatred, aka. Everyone Please Pay Attention To Me, I'm So Edgy And Controversial: The Game, was removed from Steam Greenlight earlier this week
rockpapershotgun said:
Destructive Creations’ Hatred looks horrid. There’s little doubt about that. It’s a mass-murder simulator, created seemingly in order to offend...

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No, I think that you're thinking of grand theft auto five. I also won't be buying until it's at least 80% off
Mm, no, that's just a small part of the fun you can have in the GTA games. It's not all that the game is about. But it sure is fun to wage a one-man war against the police of Vice City.

so, this game has me quite intrigued, for some embarrassingly lame reasons i shan't get into. i'm not a vn person by any means, but the art-style and female lead have me somewhat drawn. anyways, ES tells me its been in one bundle, IR, of all things. any chance this might get bundled again? or should i wait for SS? any help is appreciated.

It makes, Valve limits amount of "ReleaseStateOverride" (= access before it's out on steam) keys you can get and disallows selling those.

They've done other changes too, to prevent other sites having advantages over steam purchases.
They haven't limited me on "ReleaseStateOverride" keys.










Which gaming press did that? Most of the gaming press I happened to see were more biased against Hatred.
I happen to agree with the items you quoted here. It has no redeeming value of any kind and seems like a cheap way to get sales. But I don't really give a fuck whether it's on Steam or not. It's no less offensive than the suicide simulator, and it's just about as lazy.

I don't even want porn games except to maybe laugh at for 5 minutes but if you're going to boot some stupid card game off Greenlight because it flashes a few titties then boot Hatred off for 5 minutes then cave because the gaming press makes a stink but then still not let the damned card game back in because no one made a stink it just all seems hypocritical and pandering.

If you're going to have adult/age warning etc games then have them. Or don't.
All these people assmad that Gabe won't give them porn. B-b-but he allows violence. M-m-muh hedonism! fuck ing libertines
We've probably beat this horse enough for an entire herd but, yes, Americans are stupid when it comes to sex and nudity. You can slowly eviscerate someone in a game or torture a person for information but have "adult" situations and we all become Puritans again. It's as though no one understands that, by and large, kids aren't really the ones playing games anymore.
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Maybe I missed it but a Russian Steam leaked the summer sale as from June 11-20 with a day or two of encore.  I know you guys were speculating the other day sometime from June -> July but we'll see.

Still don't think there'll be anything non-glitchy to talk about though.  So fingers crossed.

Edit:  Nope Foxhack got to it yesterday.  I did in fact miss it in the banter.  Nevermind then.  Move along.


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I want Hatred, but not until bundle and then tremorbro.

I play survival games a lot.  They are all kill on sight.  I mean no matter what.  You see someone you try to kill them.  Are they naked?  Do they have no weapons?  Are they frantically yelling in voice chat that they are friendly?  Kill Kill Kill.  That's probably more disturbing than anything in Hatred. 

I think most of us stopped getting excited over Steam sales a year or so ago.  Unless you can't wait for those 60% off deals and feature slots being taken up by bundle fodder indie games.  I'd grab Watch_Donks, Endless Legend, and Risen 3 if they were around $10-15 but I won't hold my breath.  Dead Rising 3 will probably be $20+ again.

While checking out the Hatred page, I saw that this game was listed as being related and comes out today.  They gave away a bunch of desura keys for it last year, no idea if they'll add steam keys though.

BLADESTORM Nightmare is great port with some very minor things missing, such as mouse support, and proper button prompts.

I mean why would you want to control camera using mouse?

I play survival games a lot. They are all kill on sight. I mean no matter what. You see someone you try to kill them. Are they naked? Do they have no weapons? Are they frantically yelling in voice chat that they are friendly? Kill Kill Kill. That's probably more disturbing than anything in Hatred.
Maybe you're just a terrible person. Also, this adds a whole new dynamic to Costume CAG-Fest.

Not sure why everyone is so surprised that Hatred is on steam but they don't allow porn games; like I said in the BGCQ thread, being OK with violence but not sex is standard operating procedure for American media companies.

Not sure why everyone is so surprised that Hatred is on steam but they don't allow porn games; like I said in the BGCQ thread, being OK with violence but not sex is standard operating procedure for American media companies.
Not sure anyone is surprised; just commenting on the stupidity and hypocrisy.

And it's not just American media--it's the American public too.
Not sure why everyone is so surprised that Hatred is on steam but they don't allow porn games; like I said in the BGCQ thread, being OK with violence but not sex is standard operating procedure for American media companies.
But, what about violent sex? I'm just sayin', hypothetically. Is that OK?

Don't judge.
Dying Light worth playing? I'm thinking about picking this up during the Steam Summer Sale.
I have 2 hours into the game and I have enjoyed them fully. If you liked Dead Island this is like Dead Island meets Mirrors Edge and then they have sex and Dead Island pulls out but not in time and they reluctantly have a baby that was unplanned and unwanted, but you learn to love it anyway.

Dying Light worth playing? I'm thinking about picking this up during the Steam Summer Sale.
I enjoyed it. Alot of the missions get a bit samey, but thats for most open world games when they eventually boil down to fetch/kill quests. It also seemed a bit short to me, it didnt really take that long to get through the main story and even most of the side quests. Once your sufficiently leveled up and reach a certain level of weaponry the zombies just become like bushes in the way you have to hack through and the only real fights are at night.

IMHO those are the only real downsides, it was still fun, and really fun in co-op

Millennium Franchise (80%) on Steam Store

Millennium – A New Hope - $1.19
Millennium 2 – Take Me Higher - $1.19
Millennium 3 – Cry Wolf - $1.59
Millennium 4 – Beyond Sunset - $1.59
Millennium 5 – The Battle of the Millennium - $2.39
Millennium Franchise (80%) on Steam Store

Millennium – A New Hope - $1.19
Millennium 2 – Take Me Higher - $1.19
Millennium 3 – Cry Wolf - $1.59
Millennium 4 – Beyond Sunset - $1.59
Millennium 5 – The Battle of the Millennium - $2.39
Now Bobby can finally finish his collection.
bread's done