Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Sounds like a combination of Just Cause 2 (harpoon, causing chaos, weak story but fun action) and Far Cry 4 (umpteen side objectives every twenty feet) with a dash of Batman combat and Fallout milieu.

Probably won't make anyone feel like a changed and better man for playing it but I'm guessing it'll hit the right sweet spots for me.

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To be honest, you could probably write such a review just by watching a stream on Twitch or a video on YouTube. I'm guessing everybody else will keep their reviews under wraps until the NDA is lifted.

Which will, amusingly, all be in the same region of 7.5.

So, MysterD will score it a 8.0-8.5 then...?

To be honest, you could probably write such a review just by watching a stream on Twitch or a video on YouTube. I'm guessing everybody else will keep their reviews under wraps until the NDA is lifted.

Which will, amusingly, all be in the same region of 7.5.

that is if the game evens run well on pc. probably run as well as arkham knight on pc

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GMG had that MADMAX-SAVE50-MADMAX code going which might still work. It says SAVE40 on their website but I think the SAVE50 version was only ever emailed and not "public" per se. That assumes you didn't already use the code for glitchy pre-orders when that was a thing.

Of course, that's still $30 but if you want your soul to be Rapture-ready, that's the best deal.
It doesn't work. I just tried it earlier today. Only the 40% off one works now.

And anyhow I don't think buying from GMG means a clean soul either. While they're a mostly legit retailer, they clearly have no qualms about skirting around publishers to source pre-orders cheaper either.
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I like how one of the cons in that Mad Max review is "boring scenery." I mean it's hard to really ding a Mad Max game for looking like a desert wasteland. It probably is boring to look at but at the same time it's like writing a Madden review and being like "man all these football fields look similar." 

I like how one of the cons in that Mad Max review is "boring scenery." I mean it's hard to really ding a Mad Max game for looking like a desert wasteland. It probably is boring to look at but at the same time it's like writing a Madden review and being like "man all these football fields look similar."
I remember back when New Vegas came out there were some Europeans over at RPG Watch bitching about the scenery. I was like uh, it's the southwest US after an apocalypse. You were expecting the Garden of Eden?
that is if the game evens run well on pc. probably run as well as arkham knight on pc
Why? Is Iron Galaxy listed as doing the port?

Avalanche has done fine when they released Just Cause 1+2 PC versions.

I know the new next-gen consoles are here + are upping the requirements quite a bit for many reason and we do have to deal w/ some growing pains here, but I don't think they'd botch the port totally if it was in their hands.

I remember back when New Vegas came out there were some Europeans over at RPG Watch bitching about the scenery. I was like uh, it's the southwest US after an apocalypse. You were expecting the Garden of Eden?
Bah @ those complaining about looks of a Wasteland.

I loved New Vegas. The story, characters, narrative, role-playing, and gameplay was excellent - a lot of it was expanded on quite a bit from Fallout 3. Fallout 3 just set such a great foundation for Obsidian to just go content-crazy with.

I'm betting Mad Max is just a gas of a game & lots of fun - just like anything else Avalanche has done (i.e. Just Cause series). I don't expect the moon from them with story + character stuff (i.e. usually, this stuff ain't that hot), but I have a feeling the game's going to look graphically really good technically & be tons of fun.

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I remember back when New Vegas came out there were some Europeans over at RPG Watch bitching about the scenery. I was like uh, it's the southwest US after an apocalypse. You were expecting the Garden of Eden?
yeah there should've been more varied environments such as jungles and snowy areas, maybe even some molten lava locations, like there is in the real southwest us

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Meanwhile in the civilized world where we left discs for PC games behind in the 90s we have to download the whole enchilada on release.
That's his point, there's literally nothing on the disc except a Steam installer.

Lack of a pre-load definitely stings though. The download is going to take hours and hours and they aren't even unlocking it early at NZ time or whatever they were claiming before.

Yeah, no way would it run well on my system, looking at how it runs on a Gtx 980 Ti. Ark looks like the perfect Youtube/Twitch game, seeing the number of daily Ark videos that have popped up. And what's with the hype surrounding early access games. Seems more people rush to buy them at fairly high prices, compared to fully released games that aren't just based on "potential."

I wonder how many off these early access games will fail, and subsequently end up in a Bundlestars bundle, like what happened to theHunter Primal or Plantery Annihilation. Although I think the odds are highly in Ark's favour, the risk is not lack of updates but rather a lack of vision about what the ultimate development goal is.
I can run ARK on medium settings just fine with a GTx 850M. High settings are also possible, but my laptop gets hotter than an oven if I play for longer than an hour or two.

And well, I can't say you're wrong about it being the perfect YT game or about people rushing to buy them at high prices. I fell in love with the game due to an LPer I've been subbed to for years. Unlike some other people, however, I was smart and traded keys for the game instead of buying it direct from steam. I think it cost me $10.80 in total because I already had some TF2 keys in my account.

So if it ultimately does fail, it's no skin off my nose. That said, I think the game is far enough along in its development that it won't fail easily as long as the devs keep in mind that cracking down on cheaters is not only necessary, but mandatory if they want to keep the rest of the playerbase happy.

I remember back when New Vegas came out there were some Europeans over at RPG Watch bitching about the scenery. I was like uh, it's the southwest US after an apocalypse. You were expecting the Garden of Eden?
Ironically, the NV Mojave had more varied greenery than the FO3 eastern seaboard. You had different desert plants, the Sierra Mountains location with conifers, that overgrown garden vault, etc. FO3 just had brown dried grass and grey dried sticks.

Although I think the odds are highly in Ark's favour, the risk is not lack of updates but rather a lack of vision about what the ultimate development goal is.
That's what happened to Rust, I think. The game had no real goal or purpose beyond killing people and stealing their pants. Once you felt you had enough pants, you were kind of done. I believe they've been trying to add a bunch more stuff to the game but it's gone from 60,000 players at-once to 20,000 which is still respectable but I don't see them ever getting back to where they were and I actually assume they'll just slide further with all the competition.

Anyway, I need everyone's support: I was making room in my surplus computer parts bin and felt that maybe it was time to say goodbye to the 170W PSU and 1156 stock CPU cooler. I know it was the right choice but I'm feeling some separation anxiety right now. I'm keeping the AGP graphics card though :nottalking:

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I feel like that should be in another overpriced Poopees bundle that no one buys and Jonny whines about. Sandwiched Between My Mom and My Sisters.

So, wait... am I agreeing that there was an error or what?


People need to stop buying these Early Access survival/open world games.  The reason developers make them is because it's easy and relatively cheap coding-wise.  I doubt many of them go in with a 'vision' or goal.  They get something workable together, plop it on early access, and watch people throw in their $15-25 in droves.  There's no obligation to finish the product or deliver anything with polish.

I feel like i got my moneys worth with 7 Days to Die. My gut tells me ARK will be decent eventually. But yeah other than that it has been pretty much nothing but dross.
That's what happened to Rust, I think. The game had no real goal or purpose beyond killing people and stealing their pants. Once you felt you had enough pants, you were kind of done. I believe they've been trying to add a bunch more stuff to the game but it's gone from 60,000 players at-once to 20,000 which is still respectable but I don't see them ever getting back to where they were and I actually assume they'll just slide further with all the competition.

Anyway, I need everyone's support: I was making room in my surplus computer parts bin and felt that maybe it was time to say goodbye to the 170W PSU and 1156 stock CPU cooler. I know it was the right choice but I'm feeling some separation anxiety right now. I'm keeping the AGP graphics card though :nottalking:
I think Rust died down a ton when they overhauled the game shortly after we stopped playing. From what I've seen the new ui and building aspects look much better now. I'm sure it's still just a panty raid sim though.
Without EA survival games and RPG Maker games the indie bundle industry would implode.
Well there would drastically less of them at any rate because people would have to do some thought and planning and get off their ass and do some actual work.

But really if Valve lets these games in and people buy them there's not much incentive to work their ass off when they can make money phoning it in and being lazy.

I'm sure it's still just a panty raid sim though.
Don't even joke about that. I can see someone making a hentai survival game. It's about the only genre I think that hasn't been Sakura'ed.
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I can run ARK on medium settings just fine with a GTx 850M. High settings are also possible, but my laptop gets hotter than an oven if I play for longer than an hour or two.

And well, I can't say you're wrong about it being the perfect YT game or about people rushing to buy them at high prices. I fell in love with the game due to an LPer I've been subbed to for years. Unlike some other people, however, I was smart and traded keys for the game instead of buying it direct from steam. I think it cost me $10.80 in total because I already had some TF2 keys in my account.

So if it ultimately does fail, it's no skin off my nose. That said, I think the game is far enough along in its development that it won't fail easily as long as the devs keep in mind that cracking down on cheaters is not only necessary, but mandatory if they want to keep the rest of the playerbase happy.
highly doubt it, you are better off playing on a rented server, by mooching off one of your friends

i will end up similar to reign of kings

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Wait ... wut?!? I'm trying to buy a second copy of Rocket League on GMG and it won't let me!

GMG -->
<-- Me
GMG only allows 1 copy of games per account, or at least its some games that have that limitation. Ive had the same issue before. Back when Elder Scrolls online was dirt cheap a few months ago it wouldnt let me buy more than one of each package as I was getting them for trade purposes.

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GMG only allows 1 copy of games per account, or at least its some games that have that limitation. Ive had the same issue before. Back when Elder Scrolls online was dirt cheap a few months ago it wouldnt let me buy more than one of each package as I was getting them for trade purposes.
Yeah, it seems hit and miss. A bunch of the games I've bought from them will let me buy another copy.

The last time I bought something there, I got a prompt asking me how many copies I wanted to buy. So maybe if you can buy more than one copy the first time, there's no limit.

bread's done