Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Slain was released today and is getting, well, Slain in the reviews.



Time for the dev to ragequit because of negative reviews.
Or just proclaim the whole world doesn't get his art because we've gone soft and become entitled and want easy games with responsive controls and have everything handed to us etc etc.

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Yeah, I was looking at that too, aesthetic looks awesome, but all the reviews say the gameplay and controls just ruin it.

Ah, I remember doing the whole, "nobody wants me here anyway, I'm leaving and you guys will never see me again! *sniff sniff*" thing on a message board once when I was a dumb teenager. Needless to say nobody cared and I felt like a complete dumbass.

You're barking up the wrong tree man. People come to these types of forums to get away from their own problems, not take on other peoples. Save that shit for facebook/tumblr/etc.

How much is fallout 4 on amazon?

What video card should I buy?

What game is newegg giving away today?

Anything to derail "This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by lostnumber. View it anyway?"
Why you no buy Fallout 1+2 instead?

Might be worth getting a 64 MB GeForce 2 MX 400 card.

NewEgg is "giving away" Fallout 4 for $30 w/ a coupon code (check e-mail for code).

If you need a derailing, check out this.

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Anyone know if we can still ask Origin support to add games to our accounts if we have valid product codes? Apparently the old activation methods no longer work, and I have a Mercenaries 2 key I would like to add to my account.

Medal of Honor™ Pacific Assault Free on Origin
So I was poking around the Origin site to grab this and I noticed this in my Origin client:


Has anybody had an Origin game expire before? It looks like this means I won't ever be able to play it? I didn't think Darkspore was an MP-only game?!

Oh, crap.
Now that you bring up LoTF from BundleStars - I fell asleep behind the PC (nothing new); woke up; and pulled a Gilby last night on LoTF (forgot to buy it)!


I will have to wait for a killer deal on LoTF again. Oh well.
Well, actually, I gilby'd this one myself. Thought about asking around about whether anyone had snagged an extra, but I didn't think that was very likely, so I figured I'll just wait for it to turn up in a bundle.
Ah, I remember doing the whole, "nobody wants me here anyway, I'm leaving and you guys will never see me again! *sniff sniff*" thing on a message board once when I was a dumb teenager. Needless to say nobody cared and I felt like a complete dumbass.
Yea, back when we had chatrooms not filled with pervs and people paid for internet by the minute so you only got on to try to get some ASCII porno or pick up women who, back then, you had a far higher chance of finding an actual female who wasn't just some A/S/L person catfishing you.

Ahhhh those were the days...

My Darkspore is the same.  They pulled the plug on the servers a month or two back and the game no longer functions as far as I know.  I might actually have it installed but haven't tried launching it.

Edit: Just gives you this --


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Has anybody had an Origin game expire before? It looks like this means I won't ever be able to play it? I didn't think Darkspore was an MP-only game?!
I posted about it here a week or so before they shutdown the servers for Darkspore last month. It wasn't MP only, but it was online only and required you to constantly be connected to their server. It honestly had no reason to be online only, but no one complained about it when it came out, because no one bought it.

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If anyone's on the fence about Enter The Gungeon, get it. Its so damn good. I havent played anything else besides a little NBA since I started playing it earlier this week. Its up there with Shovel Knight, Hotline Miami, Rogue Legacy and the other "great" indie games of recent years.

My Darkspore is the same. They pulled the plug on the servers a month or two back and the game no longer functions as far as I know. I might actually have it installed but haven't tried launching it.

Edit: Just gives you this --


I posted here about it here a week or so before they shutdown the servers for Darkspore last month. It wasn't MP only, but it was online only and required you to constantly be connected to their server. It honestly had no reason to be online only, but no one complained about it when it came out, because no one bought it.
Huh. Well, that blows. I would have played it somedayTM.

I posted here about it here a week or so before they shutdown the servers for Darkspore last month. It wasn't MP only, but it was online only and required you to constantly be connected to their server. It honestly had no reason to be online only, but no one complained about it when it came out, because no one bought it.
As opposed to Sim City where they said 'We can't make it playable without a constant connection because reasons' but people pissed and moaned and screamed and pitchforked constantly for so long even EA got worn down.

They have a habit if not ever fixing their unpopular shit. Like Sims Medieval to this day never did get patched to work properly with Windows 8 (and I assume now 10 as well) when it was a simple fix to update or remove their shitty old version of securerom. They never bothered because like 3 people bought that game so no one complained.
Has anybody had an Origin game expire before? It looks like this means I won't ever be able to play it? I didn't think Darkspore was an MP-only game?!
They took the servers down a while back and I believe it was one of those early ones that required all the time authentication.

Despite all that, the value of the copy of Darkspore that I have sitting in my steam inventory keeps going UP, UP UP!

...and then I woke up.

That involves paying someone to fix the game. I think the developer no longer exists, so... nope.
Maxis was closed.
But, that doesn't mean EA can't hire someone to institute an offline mode.
More to the point it involves a significant amount of loud, vocal persistent people to give a shit about the game and repeatedly lament the lack of an offline version and call them on their shit.

Most likely it also involves 'gaming press' covering the story and embarrassing them and making them look bad. That always seems to motivate Valve when nothing else does.
Despite all that, the value of the copy of Darkspore that I have sitting in my steam inventory keeps going UP, UP UP!

...and then I woke up.
Lol, if if the value keeps going up im suddenly glad i have I have 2 copies of Darkspore in my inventory, sitting right next to a copy of rift and dead island epidemic. I l think I will start refeering to them as my retirement bundle.

Well I guess I installed Windows 10. I had to. Everything got destroyed. Nobody will probably see this so I have no idea why I'm bothering typing this. I probably shouldn't bother. Whatever. Sorry to bother the one or two people who don't already have me on ignore.
Maybe I'll just stop posting here if people want me gone. I never really posted much over the last year anyway so maybe I shouldn't bother anymore . No hard feelings though guys and girls.
I hear that Hot Topic is hiring.

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You're looking at it, boss... (Not that I agree with it.) But if the spore franchise is ever revived they have less competition now.
So technical. :p

I mean "an offline mode that can let the game run w/out the servers so you can play the game, single-player offline style."

It's not like I played the game w/ other players online. I played it solo mostly.

Like SimCity (Reboot) supposedly did - let the game work offline.

Like Uru did when it 1st closed Uru Online and chucked the game-world/content into the SP portion (can't recall if they did that with an expansion pack or in a free patch - either way, I wound-up w/ Uru Complete from retail a bit later).

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Anyone know if we can still ask Origin support to add games to our accounts if we have valid product codes? Apparently the old activation methods no longer work, and I have a Mercenaries 2 key I would like to add to my account.
I wouldn't mind knowing this as well. I've got a decent stack of EA games on disc that I would like to relocate to storage.

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If anyone's on the fence about Enter The Gungeon, get it. Its so damn good. I havent played anything else besides a little NBA since I started playing it earlier this week. Its up there with Shovel Knight, Hotline Miami, Rogue Legacy and the other "great" indie games of recent years.
will be bundled. thx for ur sacrifice

If anyone's on the fence about Enter The Gungeon, get it. Its so damn good. I havent played anything else besides a little NBA since I started playing it earlier this week. Its up there with Shovel Knight, Hotline Miami, Rogue Legacy and the other "great" indie games of recent years.
Game looks great, heard it's a lot like Nuclear Throne (which I loved). How did you get it, I thought I doesn't come out until the 5th?

...and how can I get it? :whistle2:

bread's done