Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'm pretty sure the internet(that place where you can buy PC parts and have them shipped to your house) has made its way down to Florida by now.
Honestly, shipping is a hassle. Not always. But most times. For example, when I built this comp I had all the parts, but didn't foresee the extra cabling needed. When I upgraded to dual monitors and a 1070 I didn't expect that it wouldn't have enough HDMI (or microHDMI) ports, instead they've switched over to DisplayPorts. Which is fine.. but Best Buy wanted 40 bucks per cable. Amazon wanted like 10 bucks for 2 cables. If Microcenter was down here, I'd have had them same day no issue.

Soooooo... Steam is downloading super slow. I thought it was me but my Speedtest just came back (while DL'ing) at 200MBps... so Steam is screwing up... sucks. This is why they should have allowed pre-loading.

You know it sucks.. while I was in VA/MD I wrote Fry's off because we had Microcenter. And of the two.. Microcenter tended to have better PC deals.

Now that I'm back in FL... they ain't got crap down here. No TigerDirect (closed), No Fry's, No Microcenter. It's a wonder anybody down here even has computers. Best Buy is ludicrously overpriced and doesn't have half the stuff I need to build a PC.

Just silliness.

You know what else is silliness? No NMS preload. That's crap. So at 1pm... we're gunna crash steam ladies and gents. Or lightning is gunna strike my power lines and I'll be out of power all weekend. Either way.
Where are you in FL?

Tomasety, you know I hate arpgs! Why would you do this? Do I need to explain why I hate aprgs again in length so you can understand?

I find Fry's tend to be gifts and curses. Yeah, they tend to have sweet deals, but unless you live 5-10 minutes away they tend to be a real PITA to get to so I never tend to go. Case in point, for most of my life I have lived in a city with a Fry's technically in it. Here in Atlanta I have yet to go, even for free after rebate stuff. It's about an hour away with good traffic, close to two with bad traffic and not worth the time or effort. In Seattle, it was closer, but still in an odd fucking place near a mall, but of course not convenient to the mall because that would cost too much. I never went. In Fort Worth and Houston and Austin I at least would go because they were closer and better situated, but then again Texas cities are sprawling metro areas that never stop growing and driving a long time (distance wise) to get to places is just the norm.

Since Newegg came into prominence, Fry's is strictly if I ever need a lot of hardware and need it now and even then, a drive to Microcenter would probably be better investment in that case.
heaven help you if you ever need to return something to frys. There are 3 within reasonable driving of me and i havent been there in like 3 years.

Wish I hadn't activated my HB NMS key. Game is a complete mess and an embarrassment. Guess I'll keep playing my SUPERIOR console version.
You know what else is silliness? No NMS preload. That's crap. So at 1pm... we're gunna crash steam ladies and gents.
Less than 3 GBs, is your internet THAT bad that a 2.8 or whatever it was DL that it needs to be pre-loaded? I get the gripe if it was a massive game but damn. Metal Gear Phantom Pain didn't have a preload and that fucker was huge. NMS didn't need a preload.

I just played for a solid hour. Enjoyed the start. Got my ship fixed and discovered a bunch of plants and animals.

Have to go out into the maelstrom now though. Its unbelievably hot outside. I grew up in FL and I dont recall ever being in this type of heat even down there. Funnily enough, I'm supposed to be moving back to FL again soon, but the place we're moving into isn't ready yet so my entire life is basically on hold, you'd think NJ/NYC would be cooler. Its fucking hotter here lol.

Wish I hadn't activated my HB NMS key. Game is a complete mess and an embarrassment. Guess I'll keep playing my SUPERIOR console version.
Ive had no problems at all so far. Solid 60 FPS once I found the option in settings to up it from default 30, everything on high. Screen tearing was awful for a bit, but I turned Vsync on in Nvidia Control Panel and solved that.

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Ive had no problems at all so far. Solid 60 FPS once I found the option in settings to up it from default 30, everything on high. Screen tearing was awful for a bit, but I turned Vsync on in Nvidia Control Panel and solved that.
The game runs like crap even on beast PCs. It's horribly unoptimized :(

Even Gamepot who is TRYING to live stream it are having problems
Wish I hadn't activated my HB NMS key. Game is a complete mess and an embarrassment. Guess I'll keep playing my SUPERIOR console version.
That's what I'm currently doing, but only because my brother and I split the Amazon Prime pre-order price difference (I mean, I feel like I have to use my PS4 on occasion since I actually bought one). He quickly realized it's not his kind of game after all and said I could keep it. Being the nice brother that I am I gave him a 6-pack of Stone IPA, to let him drink away his disappointment after I picked it up from his house. He promptly opened one up, consumed half of it, and claimed it's superiority to NMS was unmatched.

Everyone has an opinion.

[customspoiler="Early thoughts on No Man" s Sky']

So far from playing about 4-5 hours it's a little of what I expected overall. I like some of the survival games if they're unique enough and done well so you can get lost playing them for a few hours without realizing you are. Or get bored. I can see myself playing this for a bit longer, probably in the 20-25 hour range.

Some early impressions: The grind is real (if you don't take shortcuts/cheat), the controls are a bit awkward although probably a bit better for PC, the procedurally generated planets have been good so far with enough changes to make them seem different, and the lack of NPC depth & personality isn't good. Visually it's fine, but the console version lacks depth of field options (duh, completely expected). The lore or "story" if you're following the Atlas path is alright, but a bit generic so far.

Naming systems, planets, plants, animals, stations, etc... is kind of fun for creativity purposes, but kind of disappointing when you realize probably no one will ever visit these places. I don't entirely understand the CAG mom jokes, but I did name one very odd looking animal Weller's Mom. I totally didn't feed it because I didn't want it following me around wanting more.

Even though the price is AAA this is definitely not a AAA title as marketed, and I think the MSRP should've been closer to the $40 range at the very most. I'd recommend waiting for a big price drop and for it to be playable on a PC.

[customspoiler="TL:DR thoughts on No Man" s Sky']

TL:DR - You'll either hate it or like it based on your survival genre interests and if you like getting lost. Don't expect too much as it's not a AAA game and it's not worth $60, wait for a big price drop or deep discounted sale. Enjoy naming things after CAG's Moms, or after your favorite Beers, or places you wouldn't mind being destroyed by black holes or solar system collapses (I don't think that actually happens in this game though).[/customspoiler]

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The Stalker Complete mod helped me continue on cuz I'm a wuss. I'd recommend it...(being a wuss and the Complete mod both)
I know I'm in the minority but if you're looking for something different and a bit more authentic I'd really recommend Oblivion Lost (2.2 preferably) mod for Stalker: SoC. Faction wars, dynamic events, drivable vehicles (a bit basic), new weapons, changed endgame (possibility to join any faction after the campaign - bandits and (I think) monolith included, with their own traders as well), blowouts just like in the other games, NPCs become more experienced over time (though the rookie camp was rather weird after a while, with all the full body armor wearing veterans), improved AI, game balance, more realistic gunfights (deadlier for both sides, cover and flanking focused), new mutants, dynamic anomaly positions and movement, a lot of voices changed to Russian (or Ukrainian, I can't tell, I don't speak the language; the written dialogue is still in English) for that extra authenticity, added new campfire songs and performances, etc.

As far as I know, a lot of what I list are probably in Stalker Complete (not sure about the faction wars which was quite a major advantage for me), but from what I've read around, it seems like it's the less hardcore version of Stalker while my experience with Oblivion Lost indicates that you have to be tactful when traversing the surrounding exlusion zone of Chernobyl and in case of combat, a well executed ambush on your part can mean a much easier victory, all of which leads to a more realistic and immersive alternative history Chernobyl experience while retaining the fun element (depends on the person I guess) as well as improving the gameplay with both variety and depth. Also, the fact that an assault rifle bullet through a skull kills the barely armored bandit instead of just making him flinch.

Anyway, since FilePlanet croaked over, getting this mod has been quite a hassle (especially when I wiped my computer and didn't have a back up copy of the mod's installer). Since I recently had the urge to go back to the game to actually finish it (I'm pretty much at the end; vaguely know the ending and the big reveal due to some spoilers I snooped upon), I spent a few hours looking for the original 2.2 version (the newer ones (created by someone else) removed the faction wars I think) and the link I downloaded and installed from was

After looking around how trustworthy the download was (aside from the VirusTotal scan), it seems the download for the mod (as well as many, if not all, downloads) is by one of the admins of the GameWatcher site (who apparently used to be Strategy Informer before a rebrand; somewhat well known and reputable as far as I know). I haven't had any of my accounts jacked after setting it up (no exe, just a .7z with mod data and a readme) as well so I guess it's a good sign.

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As far as I know, a lot of what I list are probably in Stalker Complete (not sure about the faction wars which was quite a major advantage for me), but from what I've read around, it seems like it's the less hardcore version of Stalker
Complete mainly offers higher resolution environments, bug fixes, AI fixes, and cosmetic stuff like extra songs & chatter (Ukrainian/Russian) and renamed weapons (real names versus the slightly changed game versions) but is mostly just the core game as far as mechanics go. Only real departures are a sleeping bag ("Wait" function) and the ability to repair gear via the bartender and rarely dropping repair kits. But no big changes to factions, working vehicles, new creatures, new weapons, etc. The idea is to still keep a pretty vanilla experience, just fixed and with a few QoL enhancements.

It's "less hardcore" in comparison to the number of "super realistic hardcore" mods but pretty equivalent to unmodded Stalker in difficulty.

No problems with the PC version for me so far and I like what I have seen.
Same here. Was a bit alarmed when I first fired it up because the default settings looked and ran like crap but after I set everything to my liking and restarted the game it's been great. Still on the first planet and trying not to die (real life and in-game), but it's been fun so far.

"Complete" mostly advertises itself as cosmetic, but it makes significant changes to AI and gun mechanics that not only make combat easier but also makes it feel more generic. It's not a good way to experience the game for the first time.

Complete mainly offers higher resolution environments, bug fixes, AI fixes, and cosmetic stuff like extra songs & chatter (Ukrainian/Russian) and renamed weapons (real names versus the slightly changed game versions) but is mostly just the core game as far as mechanics go. Only real departures are a sleeping bag ("Wait" function) and the ability to repair gear via the bartender and rarely dropping repair kits. But no big changes to factions, working vehicles, new creatures, new weapons, etc. The idea is to still keep a pretty vanilla experience, just fixed and with a few QoL enhancements.

It's "less hardcore" in comparison to the number of "super realistic hardcore" mods but pretty equivalent to unmodded Stalker in difficulty.
"Complete" mostly advertises itself as cosmetic, but it makes significant changes to AI and gun mechanics that not only make combat easier but also makes it feel more generic. It's not a good way to experience the game for the first time.
Well, with said information, I guess if you want a more realistic (as in bullets are made of lead not rubber), immersive (weather improvements, advanced A-Life, dynamic anomalies, etc.) and a massive number of either new (but fitting) features (faction wars, new weapons, play after the completion of the main story (slight change of endgame), etc.) or features that were left in the source code but were never implemented/finished (drivable vehicles, regular blowouts, new mutant types, etc.), Oblivion Lost 2.2 is your mod. In fact, I'll let the readme (with occasional edits of mine) speak for itself (Ctrl+F if you don't want to go through the massive list and are wondering if it has some gun or feature):
[customspoiler="Oblivion Lost 2.2 features"]


What is the purpose of this mod?

The purpose of this mod is to get closer to the old Oblivion Lost, and give the best performance possible, while implementing the best mod features:

Total freeplay, modified A-Life, reality enhancement, better AI, faction wars with cooperative gameplay.

It is recommended to play in HELL difficulty! note: I'd disagree but whatever

After you complete the main story and go back from the Chernobyl NPP, you are able to join any faction. You can join factions at Pripyat trader, Military trader in Chernobyl, Lukash, Voronin, Sakharov, Barkeep. Of course, you can't join every faction - it's well-balanced and fits into the game.
If you join a faction, they will be friendly toward you. If you kill 2-3 stalkers from your faction, then the faction will be hostile toward you.
Though you can repair your broken relations through Sidorovich, Barkeep, and the Pripyat trader, it costs a huge amount of money.
You can hire all NPCs who are friendly. There is a dialog that appears, where you can ask him to follow you, or suggest him to wait here. You can even say that you don't need his help anymore, and he'll go away. You can't hire quest NPCs and faction leaders, nor snipers or guards.
There is a team coordinator NPC marks, so if you want to give a different command, then you have to ask one NPC only, not all of them, and they'll do the same. It's very useful for large groups.
The NPCs follow you to other levels, too, but their transition is a bit slower than yours, because they must take the path between the two levels.
Please be patient with them, it's not a long time, only 10-15 in-game minutes.
Sometimes they are a bit slower if they are going to the Bar from Garbage, and if you are going to Dark Valley from Cordon, they'll arrive from Garbage, and they won't follow you to underground levels. If the NPC doesn't follow you immediately, don't blame him, he will, he just may be busy with something else, but don't worry, it's rare.
When NPCs are in the "follow me" state, they don't loot corpses and don't collect items from the ground. If you tell them to "wait here", they will start to loot.
They don't loot stashes, only corpses and lying items.
All other NPCs are always looting if they are not in combat mode.
So the main purpose is that you can join any faction, hire the members, and lead against the enemy, even with huge groups; there is no limit on how many NPCs you can hire, but they need to have medkits, otherwise they won't accept your suggestion until you give them medkits.
Cooperative NPCs will heal you if you get wounded.
The interactive message system fits into your actual faction, for example if you are Bandit, then the Duty won't send you messages.
Added a Merc trader and a Bandit trader, but they appear only if you join them.


After you complete the storyline, the A-Life will be changed.
As time progresses, NPCs' ranks increase, and they'll become veterans, masters, and so on.
You'll be able to meet highly skilled NPCs in certain levels (for example veteran and master bandits advancing from Dark Valley, Exo and Seva loners in Cordon, etc.). They also have very good equipment, for example you may meet enemies in earlier levels with LR300, AS Val, etc. Their goodies are random, so now you can forgot about the usual stalkers with novice suits and sawn-off shotguns.
You can meet certain factions anywhere you go, but it's balanced. There will be a lot of unexpected situations, and probably most of them will be dangerous.
It depends on which faction you are in. NPCs looking for artifacts and doing transmutations, using GPS markers, although you won't see this, but you can loot them from corpses or buy from NPCs if they sell it.

I would note that the autoquests have been disabled, and most of them turned into normal side-quests.

- Well, it was a very rare event in the previous version, now you have events probably every day, maybe twice a day, it's random, but it won't mess up the storyline, it's based on that and fits into it. It means there are some restrictions which block some events at the earlier stages of the game.
The AMK Offline Alife inspirated me to make this feature, but it's very different, it's main purpose is the battles between factions and mutants. For example you are in Cordon, you have an onscreen message about an event from the Bar.
You go to the Bar, and fight with Duty against their enemies, or maybe you will loot their corpses if you go to there too late. So events will happen in the another levels, where you aren't there.
Helicopters and BTR's are also added to the random events.
A lot of faction wars stalkers wear new weapons, so if you are lucky, there is a chance to obtain new weapons, instead of buying them from traders. There is a chance to meet a rare stalker in certain levels. Of course, the whole game is rebalanced and fit into these features.


- The dynamic anomalies feature was already included, but only after blowouts. Now the anomalies are moving during day, they are aggressive, and don't accept artifacts for transmutations, but at night they become calmed down, don't move out from their positions, and the artifact transmutation works until the next morning, they accept them.
Of course, you can disable this feature manually in olp_mod.script, set the anoms variable to false, and it will stop their movement at day and the transmutation will work during the whole day, not only at nights.
There are anomalous zones where they can appear, not everywhere, so it won't kill important npc's and won't block important pathways.


- Now there are 3 weather presets, not only one, and it's random. Also after blowout you'll have massive fog and storms, but this will switch back to normal weather after a while. Of course, you'll never see suddenly sky switches, and also added more fog and rain, but those are also random.


- ZM LR300 ML, Benelli M3 Short, Bizon, P90, FN2000 prototype, Kriss Super V, Ingram MAC10, MG3, MP7, OTS-33, PKM, PPSH-41, Saiga12c, Steyr TMP, TEC-9.
Most of them not available at traders, you need to find them somewhere in the Zone.



- All traders reworked, the repair prices based on your rank, added a new trader to Pripyat, balanced the spawning rates, fixed the insane respawn issues in the Sarcophagus and in Chernobyl NPP, and the mutant spawns rebalanced in the whole Zone.
Random types of mutants will appear on the ground and random types of artifacts will birth from anomalies after blowout, also in random places, and there is 25% chance to have a rare artifact in the later levels of the game.
Also probably you'll have better performance, some stutterings has been successfully eliminated.
I fixed the death on sleep issue by hunger, although it's still highly recommended to eat before sleep, because I didn't disable the hunger, just delayed it a bit.
And also all OL2.0-related bugs have been fixed, for example the controller issues at the Barrier, Skinflint's error, some annoying anomalies in the Dark Valley, etc, etc.
The damages of the blowout rebalanced, now it's possible to survive closer to the center of the Zone, but still very dangerous. Also some players reported the blowout disappeared after you completed the main story, now it's fixed, also sometimes the blowout interval was felt a bit constant, now it's more randomized and fixed.
Restored the Duty and the Loners to Wild Territory, also some of them unique.
The alcoholism feature has been disabled, but you can re-enable it in olp_mod.script by setting the alkohol variable to true.

- Some recipe descriptions were broken and messed up, now all of them fixed, no bugs anymore. But remember, not every anomalies accept the artifacts, if one of them doesn't, then try with an other.
Also now if the recipe giver stalker die before he can give it to you, then you can loot the recipe from his corpse, so you'll be sure to have all recipes.
Do not forget about the day-night cycle anomaly behaviour, if you kept that enabled.


- Although you can follow the storyline, it is not necessary, you can explore all levels without completing them, but you must have the decoder to be able to get to Monolith Control and NPP Stancia2.
- Removed the scripted blowout from Stancia1 and the dead zone from Stancia2, so you can explorate the whole Power Plant.
- The last portal teleports the actor to the court, so the game is open-ended, you can make your way back to the previous levels.
- New level changers (NPP Stancia2 to Control Room, Control Room to Sarcophagus, Sarcophagus to NPP Stancia1, NPP Stancia1 to Pripyat, Cordon'to Dark Valley).

- Now almost everything can happen, there's a chance to meet any NPC on any level.
- Sometimes the army raids, sometimes they don't, this is totally random, too.
- The mutants are making their way through the Zone in big hordes.
- The mutants are entering places where they could not enter before, so there's an increased chance to meet them in npc populated areas.
- Sometimes you may happen upon unique situations, it can be very hard or even funny.
- You will not have the same situations 2 times on the same level.
- The respawn can be very random, there's a chance to meet different types of mutants then before.
- The bugs of the older versions and the vanilla bugs have been corrected, now you won't see any failed quests and Quest NPC's who die before you can complete their quests, also the vanilla respawn is working properly and balanced.

- There's a chance to meet any faction in any level, also it's totally random.
- A message will give you notice about the random events.
- The Military attacks the bandits in the carpark.
- The Military attacks the loners and the bandits in the Hangar.
- You can meet Mercenaries in Agroprom.
- The Duty and the Military attacks Borov's base.
- The Freedom attacks the Duty base.
- The Military sometimes attacks Rostok Wild Territory.
- The Duty attacks the Freedom base.
- All factions try to reach the center of the Zone, and there's a chance to some of them become zombified by the Psy Emission.

- All weapons are stronger and well-balanced.
- Almost to all weapons are able to attach addons.
- Added realistic sounds to the weapons, rounds, ammos, materials and environment.
- NPC's can bleed, if they are hurt they fall down to the ground and if they don't receive any medkits within a minute, then they die.
- Bandages and foods don't heal the actor.
- The average bleeding doesn't stop by itself, only the minor.
- Added realistic head-bobbing to the actor when he is heavily wounded.
- Well-balanced armor degradation.
- The crosshair is reduced to a dot.
- New sniper weapon scopes.
-There is a huge difference between day and night, you can sneak in the pitch black, but it's not very easy, I had to make a compromise between a good stealth and bugfree npc behaviour.
- If the actor turns on the flashlight at night, then his enemies spot him immediately.
- Reduced the sound volume of the Knife, now it's a dangerous and invisible weapon during night, presumably the NPC's won't notice the actor if he is smart enough.
- The quality of the weapons which are looted from corpses is generally very bad.

- BM16 Long Rifle
- M-134 Minigun
- AK-47

- The npc's can avoid anomalies.
- The npc's can throw grenades.
- The npc's can use medkits, heal themselves and each other.
- The npc's can upgrade and replace their armor and they will collect suits and weapons found laying about.
- There are no dead npc's around campfires, but if someone dies near one, the campers will drag the corpse away.

- The controller can take control on the npc's and lead them against his enemies.
- If an npc is inside the controller's aura, then he will immediately become zombified.
- When the controller dies, then "controlled" npc's will return to normal.

- There are 24 hour cycle weathers in all levels.
- The night is dark and scary.
- Restored the Sun and the Moon.
- Atmospheric sky textures.
- In NPP Stancia2 the weather is always rainy and cloudy, it fits in to the atmosphere of the Nuclear Plant.

- The blowout is totally random, you never know when it will happen.
- So there are many hideouts in each level, but carrying antirad is very important.
- The npc's are running to hideouts, while being attacked - they fire back, at the end of blowout - they return to usual places. They protect the hideouts from enemies.
- The strength of the blowout is always stronger and stronger if you are closer to the NPP. In the NPP blowouts are deadly, you must runn down to the Sarcophagus as soon as you can.
- The mutants lie on the ground during the high radiation sequence of blowouts, they feel pain from that.
- More mutants will appear after blowout and give madness to the environment.
- Artifacts will birth from anomalies after blowout.
- The blowout will continue if you save and load the game or move to an other level, you can't bypass it.

- The anomalies change their positions after blowouts.
- Stronger anomalies can appear and they will be very deadly.
- Be careful of them if you are driving cars, now the routine which you learn in the vanilla game is useless.

- Player's field of view lowers when you wear suits with masks, condensation effect (glass becomes covered with moisture)

- It's a kind of alchemy, as you can see in other rpg games. You can modify artifacts by placing them in the proper anomaly, but be careful, you can ruin them too. There are "recipts" hidden in the zone, and you need to find them, or get them with completing quests. These papers contain the solution for creating unique items, so you should carefully read them. There are different levels for artifacts, each with new features. If you are lucky, you will be able to create a new artifact with unique properties.

- Now Marked One gets tired after 30 hours of action: it begins to double your vision, etc. If you continue to play and will not sleep, Marked One will fall asleep approximately after 6 hours.
- You can't sleep for a while if you had an energy drink.
- You can't sleep during blowout.
- To sleep, use the sleeping bag in your inventory..

- Added all cutout mutants (Dwarf, Chimera, Cat, Zombie, Izlom)
- They have many different types of skins.
- Added the Psy Dog as a new mutant (with attack effector).
- Two boss enemy characters (Burer and Koshei) - they are tougher and have stronger attacks then the usual mutants.

- Added all drivable vehicles (Niva, Zaz, Kamaz, Tractor, UAZ, BTR, Moskvich).
- The vehicles don't float.
- Well-balanced driving properties.
- Added realistic engine and gear sounds to the UAZ.

- Replaced main menu music.
- Main menu from the 2215 beta.
- Added the "Turn on the engine" to the options/controls.
- Added the AMK Options menu, you can disable the Suit HUD visors.
- NPC's can buy anything from the actor but in very low prices.
- All traders can repair.
- New stalker and weapon textures.
- Additional skins for stalkers and bandits.
- Traders sell their supplies at very high prices, but they pay very low prices for everything, now they are well-balanced.
- Finding a medkit is not so easy, also it's very expensive to purchase them.
- Shootable crows.
- You can place markers on the pda map with GPS.
- Reworked the helicopter AI. Now they use rockets and will sometimes use evasive maneuvers. If the pilot loses the player from it's FOV (Field of Vision), then it will halt it's attack and fly away.
- Antigas armors enabled.
- The npc's can play the harmonica.
- Alcolholism, don't drink too much vodka.
- Replaced some dialog sounds to russian.
- Added some songs to the camping stalkers.
- Sidequests and autoquests have no time limit.
- You can obtain the quests again after 1 day.
- In standard task of the "Kill stalker" type, now, there are several ways to end task - victim can pay for its life.
- A lot of vanilla bugfixes.
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"It's not a good way to experience the game for the first time."
I don't think anyone up-thread said immediately after install, apply the "Complete" mod. Only that if you aren't enjoying the vanilla experience, because you are tired of dying constantly (e.g. you are a me), you may want to apply the Complete mod and see if you enjoy it mo betta.....or play it vanilla like a "Real Man(tm)" would!!!!

P.S. Thanks for the info on the Oblivion mod...after I play Clear Sky and Pripyat, I may swing back to try out "Super Real Man(tm) mod"....

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P.S. Thanks for the info on the Oblivion mod...after I play Clear Sky and Pripyat, I may swing back to try out "Super Real Man(tm) mod"....
It really isn't that hardcore - the gunfights are just shorter and more intense (unless you're like me and enjoy hugging a wall, occasionally popping out to put a bullet in a skull of a bandit who got a bit too cocky in his approach or toss in a grenade to weed out bandits employing techniques similar to mine) and it has a ton more added features that were either cut or never implemented in the vanilla game. I suppose the mod tries to recreate what the devs originally set out to do - create a deep and immersive experience in the alternative history version of the Chernobyl exclusion zone - before they understood their limitation in budget, the massive scope of such project and had to strike a deal with THQ, who apparently told the devs to cut a lot of features and content for the game to be fit for western audiences (or so I've heard).

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You say this every time they have this deal... I got to ask why are you still checking their ads? You're just torturing yourself. (and me... I have no Fry's near me either.)
B/c I do sometimes actually buy from them when they also have their online deals. I've gotten some hard drives from them before.

Tried Panda Express's General Tso Chicken today, it's pretty much Orange Chicken with a bit of spice and some veggies.

Also Project Highrise is available for pre-order. Might be one of a few Kalypso published games that doesn't suck. Thinking about getting that and Crookz, since Crookz is at a historic low ($4.99) and also supposed to not suck.
Tried Panda Express's General Tso Chicken today, it's pretty much Orange Chicken with a bit of spice and some veggies.

Also Project Highrise is available for pre-order. Might be one of a few Kalypso published games that doesn't suck. Thinking about getting that and Crookz, since Crookz is at a historic low ($4.99) and also supposed to not suck.
Weird, I just picked some up too. Don't have high hopes. Panda Express is bottom of the barrel. I prefer the chinese places at the mall not named panda express.

Also Stalker is plenty hardcore as is. Not clue how you guys handle it even more hardcore. The dogs kill me at the beginning every time I start a new game. Does the hardcore mod give the dogs a gun?

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Lego Star Wars Force Awakens is like $11.87, $19.79 for Deluxe on CDKeys now.

Great deal.  Was waiting for sub $20.

"Complete" mostly advertises itself as cosmetic, but it makes significant changes to AI and gun mechanics that not only make combat easier but also makes it feel more generic. It's not a good way to experience the game for the first time.
Over the last two days, I played unmodded from start to the Bar and then played Complete start to the Bar (in other words, I played a night before remembering that I never installed mods this time) which includes a few sizable fights (Agroprom research & Agroprom military) and combat* and difficulty felt the same to me. Your mileage may vary, pick the mods you want, etc etc yadda yadda.

*Main combat difference that Complete fixes the AI bug that prevents enemies from using their grenades

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Finally got around to making use of the 3 refurb HDDs I got from eBay.  Installed 600GB of games yesterday and today.  It is nice to actually have room to install whatever you want rather than pick which games to keep and which to delete when you want to install another big game.

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This is neat:

Head of Failbetter Games (Sunless Sea) is going to be writing for Stellaris.  Probably will be DLC content, and I will probably buy it.  I checked out after 100 hours, but will gladly jump back in if this somehow adds in new mid-lategame story arcs.

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i've tried starting stalker like 3 times and each time i can't make it past like 25 minutes. im guessing the game grows on you
STALKER series is fantastic, except for Clear Sky.

I did like Clear Sky - but let's be honest; it's a remix and revamped SoC. Has some experimental things (Factions Wars) that were [unfortunately] half-baked idea. Still good, though - but nowhere as great as the other 2. SoC has the freshness of being something new and amazing, while CoP feels like a much more polished SoC + CS.

On default difficulty on any of them, they are just tough-as-nails and are not really for everybody. If you want a challenge where AI doesn't miss often, even from crazy distances - yet often you will miss or your gun will jam + you have to un-jam it - yep, STALKER is where it's at. You will have to bandage yourself if you get cut too bad - or you die.

And that's not even getting into the excellent & cool-as-can be atmosphere; the crazy anomalies; crazy stories + walls of texts of dialogues to read; scary + twisted monsters & events that can happen (scripted stuff); and tons of random things that can happen w/ the AI & A-Life System. A lot of this stuff can be filled with tension + be very off-putting, which makes the game quite special.

Even if players have a tough time w/ the game on its Default setting b/c of its difficulty - I recommend even going an it even on its Lowest difficulty, if you just happen to have a brutal time on its Default. Even on its Lowest setting, it still can be difficult - even more so than most games on their normal or default setting.

And I've never-ever even touched any of those mods for these games - I fakey-bro'd all of these games pretty much, a little bit right after their release day (SoC from retail + CoP on Impulse) or right on their release day (Clear Sky from retail).

So glad to also have most of these on Steam and GoG, as well.

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I think I'll wait for the VD Health Clinic DLC

Weird, I just picked some up too. Don't have high hopes. Panda Express is bottom of the barrel. I prefer the chinese places at the mall not named panda express.

Also Stalker is plenty hardcore as is. Not clue how you guys handle it even more hardcore. The dogs kill me at the beginning every time I start a new game. Does the hardcore mod give the dogs a gun?
Y u no lernz how 2 kook?

fast food =


No one really cares:

NMS 4 hrs played.  Only had one blip but I think that was my network.  I played both on my 1070 desktop and streaming on my laptop.  I think the Kb/M is better than the controller.  I'm on planet 2.  Frankly it's gotten better now that I know what the heck I'm doing.  Still not enough storage but I feel like I'm getting somewhere.

Otherwise... no bugs.. people just being pissy I think.

not to piss anyone off or anything but how is this thread still here and not moved. obviously there are no deals here. 

the mods are extremely good about being on top of things but not this thread for some reason. they must be apart of the conversations. 

i would really like to see a real steam thread with deals because i just started an account and would like to find some deals.

im not trying to be an ass. i personally don't understand and its probably because i haven't given the thread any thought to go back and read through the pages but i guess i, just wondering whats going on here

not to piss anyone off or anything but how is this thread still here and not moved. obviously there are no deals here.

the mods are extremely good about being on top of things but not this thread for some reason. they must be apart of the conversations.

i would really like to see a real steam thread with deals because i just started an account and would like to find some deals.

im not trying to be an ass. i personally don't understand and its probably because i haven't given the thread any thought to go back and read through the pages but i guess i, just wondering whats going on here
This hasn't been moved because if this wasn't here, all of this would just cascade down to the bundle threads. And the other storefront threads. (Which it does sometimes, especially when there are gaps.)

They're not on top of this because this thread is the honeypot, and the mods have been here long enough and are smart enough NOT to screw with this thread.

not to piss anyone off or anything but how is this thread still here and not moved. obviously there are no deals here.

the mods are extremely good about being on top of things but not this thread for some reason. they must be apart of the conversations.

i would really like to see a real steam thread with deals because i just started an account and would like to find some deals.

im not trying to be an ass. i personally don't understand and its probably because i haven't given the thread any thought to go back and read through the pages but i guess i, just wondering whats going on here
Well, ever since Motoki took over the thread, he's just been shitting all over it, only posting match-em's and granny hidden object games.

Then, whenever someone posts something useful, like hours played in their favorite games or sale hauls, he blows a gasket.

You should go yell at him.

Here - here's his steam profile

im not trying to be an ass. i personally don't understand and its probably because i haven't given the thread any thought to go back and read through the pages but i guess i, just wondering whats going on here
Whenever you lead with that sentence, you are. Just sayin'. Your post didn't contain any deals and was just as useless.

Pot meet kettle.

And because you clearly don't know anything... Steam posts deals for the weekend and for the week.. they aren't really deals. They have quarterly sales and again, not really deals. And lately even the big winter/summer sales aren't beating the best prices you can find elsewhere. Feel free to use if you want to know.

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Think I've had my fill of Goat Sim after about an hour.  Would have to be in the $1 tier of a bundle or come with some pretty good BTA stuff for me to consider buying it.

As far as the guy wanting to move this thread... lol... it's one of like two PC game deals threads on CAG.  Maybe the 50+ shitty threads on books, overpriced collector editions, pokemon underwear, and other non-game crap should be moved?

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not to piss anyone off or anything but how is this thread still here and not moved. obviously there are no deals here.
the mods are extremely good about being on top of things but not this thread for some reason. they must be apart of the conversations.
i would really like to see a real steam thread with deals because i just started an account and would like to find some deals.

im not trying to be an ass. i personally don't understand and its probably because i haven't given the thread any thought to go back and read through the pages but i guess i, just wondering whats going on here
Add me on steam. We can cyber and talk deals 75% off or better
Whenever you lead with that sentence, you are. Just sayin'. Your post didn't contain any deals and was just as useless.

Pot meet kettle.

And because you clearly don't know anything... Steam posts deals for the weekend and for the week.. they aren't really deals. They have quarterly sales and again, not really deals. And lately even the big winter/summer sales aren't beating the best prices you can find elsewhere. Feel free to use if you want to know.
I'm pretty sure you didn't understand.
I wasn't posting deals because I was here looking for them. It's not "the pot" ...
Obviously you missed out and it's over your head but thanks though for trying to be helpful. I think you were trying anyways
I'm pretty sure you didn't understand.
I wasn't posting deals because I was here looking for them. It's not "the pot" ...
Obviously you missed out and it's over your head but thanks though for trying to be helpful. I think you were trying anyways
So then, what would YOU suggest we do when there aren't particularly notable deals to be had? Become a silent monastic order?
Most of the people here are pretty helpful, but they've also seen that there's a bunch of idiots that ruin the particularly good stuff by being dumb.

VPN'ing into other regions storefronts for better deals... but enough people got wise and now those storefronts don't take take Paypal, deal more in region locked titles. You can't scream "Hey! South American pricing on titles! Everyone go get them" without the game makers pulling rank with the vendor and saying "Stop these sales from happening OR we'll stop working with you.

So those are dead.

Steam sales are a joke because any sale that goes up has to be that sale for two weeks solid. That means no more 8 hour crazy prices.
Now the ONLY big steam deals are glitches. And guess what. Shout about that and make those obvious enough and they disappear like a fart in the wind.

Talk too much about using SAM or something to make Playfire give you lots of credit and oh look, bannings. AND Playfire goes away.

Talk about Tremor Games? Oh look, some tool just bought out 20 copies of one Steam game. Awesome.

Drop keys in a cut/pastable format? Some random lurker grabs them all. Yay.

There are still deals, but for all the best ones, you have to be able to read the tea leaves. So you sit and chat, you figure out what people are talking about and oh, look... people actually share lots of really solid knowledge. So long as you take the time to actually listen.

Why do you think Motoki is here all the time? This whole thread is one giant meta hidden object game.


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I'm pretty sure you didn't understand.
I wasn't posting deals because I was here looking for them. It's not "the pot" ...
Obviously you missed out and it's over your head but thanks though for trying to be helpful. I think you were trying anyways
People post deals here all the time but the reality is the days of quality Steam deals have long since passed. Unless you think 30% some five year old indie game is a good deal. Anyway, there are tons of websites on the internet where you can find 'pure' lists of deals without any discussion -- CAG is not the only resource.

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bread's done