Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Damn! I missed the GMG Deus Ex: MD glitch.  :whistle2:(

I probably would've bought it at that price and played it on release. Oh well. Now I'll have to wait like everyone else for the next round of opportunity on an AMD Newegg glitch. Although, even that seems less likely with how they've priced it. So now I'll have to wait for the Squeenix price drop off. What a world, what a world.

Damn! I missed the GMG Deus Ex: MD glitch. :whistle2:(

I probably would've bought it at that price and played it on release. Oh well. Now I'll have to wait like everyone else for the next round of opportunity on an AMD Newegg glitch. Although, even that seems less likely with how they've priced it. So now I'll have to wait for the Squeenix price drop off. What a world, what a world.
Yeah, that price will prevent glitches being useful .

New avatard Dick? thats a really good picture of Fox's mom
Isn't it, though? She had just finished drinking from the river and the way the water glistened on her whiskers projected a melancholic sense of longing that I felt needed to be shared with the community that has come to know her so well and love her so dear.
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It's annoying how expensive Square Enix games seem to have gotten now. Just Cause 3 is 50% off on Steam at a similar time frame when Just Cause 2 had not only gotten a price drop, but was 75% off as well. 

Facebook to launch gaming platform for Motoki

Facebook may try to compete with Steam, or at least win back revenue lost when casual gaming shifted to mobile. Today Facebook formally announced it’s working with game engine Unity to build a dedicated, downloadable desktop gaming platform, plus it’s broadening the experience for gamers.

Both will allow publishers to offer their iOS and Android games on desktop in addition to the casual games Facebook is known for, while the desktop PC app could support more hardcore games.
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Both on sale on Steam:

Just Cause 3 XL vs Far Cry Primal Apex

Probably going to purchase one.

Both of those games are too expensive to sit in your library, unplayed, for the next 10 years. Never pay more than $18 for a game you know you won't play for at least a decade. $18 is where I draw the line for a game that I know will bring me comfort to have in my library, but that I also know full well that I won't play it until I'm a little closer to being dead.

But those are both solid titles to not play! However, at current Steam prices I'd highly recommend buying and not playing Dragons Dogma instead.

Edit: be mindful that your price point for games you must own but will never play could be different than mine. For many I imagine that point would be $5 or less, while for others it could be as high as $30! In any case, just find a number that feels comfortable for you and stick with it. GOD BLESS!
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I didn't really care for FC: Primal which was disappointing because I liked 2, 3 & 4 (never played 1).  But Primal felt like FC 3/4 but without any sort of charismatic antagonist, a worse than usual story and I discovered that I liked shooting stuff more than chucking spears and clubs at it.  Watching you and the other cavemen all make ooga-booga noises to one another gets old after approximately ten seconds.

Never played JC3 which is silly because I pre-ordered it for $30.  But it came out along side of Fallout 4 and so FO4 got all my time and JC3 got backlogged.

Agreed that Dragon's Dogma is a solid game.

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Damn! I missed the GMG Deus Ex: MD glitch. :whistle2:(

I probably would've bought it at that price and played it on release. Oh well. Now I'll have to wait like everyone else for the next round of opportunity on an AMD Newegg glitch. Although, even that seems less likely with how they've priced it. So now I'll have to wait for the Squeenix price drop off. What a world, what a world.
Wait a sec - what GMG Deus Ex: MD glitch did I miss? :(

And doesn't that $10 work only on mobile games anyway. :p
Nah, I tested it to see if it works on pc games. as long as it's from amazon digital services

we might be talking about 2 different $10 promotions.

Thanks for reminding me cause i think i still do have that amazon app store $10 promo as well

Does Amazon even do sales on Steam games?

I still have this dang $10 from that promo and can't find anything good that's $10 or on sale
That credit should work on anything. I used it to buy a BR/DVD drive for my desktop when I upgraded it a few weeks ago.

That credit should work on anything. I used it to buy a BR/DVD drive for my desktop when I upgraded it a few weeks ago.
Yeah; the days of great Amazon DVG deals since Tony left that division are very far and few between.

These days, yeah - you can get much better deals for hardware on Amazon.

3GB? Did we lose a war or something? :speaktothehand:
You'd figure they'd have opted for a 4GB version of the 1060 for $200...

...Not split the real 1060's VRAM (6 GB, in which that version goes for about at least $50 more) in freaking half.


Even the 960 has 4GB VRAM.
Yeah, no crap - tell me about!

NVidia going with 4GB for the 1060 at $200 probably would've got more purchases. I still think the 6GB 1060 or those willing to aim for the 1070 are the better buys here.

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nice.. now we are on the path of regression. Even the 960 has 4GB VRAM.
Really dumb, overly simple explanation: The amount of memory is based on the memory bus width, which ties in to the number of ram chips. The 960 had a 128bit memory bus, so it could only take ram in increments of 2gb, hence 2gb and 4gb cards. The 1060 has a 192bit memory bus, so it can take increments of 3gb, so 3gb and 6gb cards.

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I was idling that game just now when I got the notice. At least I got 1 card to drop, but the drop rate was far too slow. 

Dead by Daylight is free on Steam for the weekend if anyone wants to check it out. I might take a gander myself if I find some spare time.


I think it's to promote the new (free?) content for the game.

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Oh, it's already on Steam then. Of course the person I thought of would know though.

Edit: I didn't actually watch the trailer.

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Thanks Savage Resurrection Dev for that account alert pop-up! I guess that's one way to end the Beta.

We did contact Valve, who organised the beta keys and later revoked the beta keys on our behalf. Unfortunately there was no way to change the wording on this announcement and no other way to end the beta. We now know for next time to use a separate product id for our beta tests, but it was too late to change it for this case.
EDIT: I did manage to get two $0.05 cards to drop before the dev smashed the revoke button.


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Yeah, but imagine the jealous rage around here if Fox's Mom was on PC and it was announced she'd ALSO be coming to PS4.
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Thanks Savage Resurrection Dev for that annoying pop-up! I guess that's one way to end the Beta.
So far I think only one publisher has used the revoke feature on one of my keys properly.. and that would be Paradox (Warlock 2 GG glitch). Drunk Wizards, Day of Infamy, Hardcube, and now Savage Resurrection devs don't know wtf they're doing.

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If I get dumped into the pierat pool of delayed card drops because of a revoked game that spoderman shamed me into playing, I shall become quite displeased and possibly reference that action for the rest of my digital life.

Both on sale on Steam:

Just Cause 3 XL vs Far Cry Primal Apex

Probably going to purchase one.

Easy answer from my perspective.

Go with Just Cause 3.

FC Primal is not a bad game. Its definitely the weakest of the recent (since 3) Far Cry games, but its hard to become immersed in as so much of it is silly. The bigger reason is the fact that its an Ubisoft game, so regardless of whether you get the Steam or uPlay only version, you're going to need to use uPlay. There's a very high likelihood of the non-Steam version getting a bigger % off at some point. Unless you must own everything on Steam, it just provides more future options for a larger discount. I personally don't give a shit if a game I own is Steam or not. Id prefer a Steam version always, but if I can get the uPlay only much cheaper, than I go that route.

bread's done