Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Those assholes invited me to play Dead by Daylight last night, then wouldn't let me play as the killer, then trolled me all night with the killer. Only way I'll play that game again is if you or Weiler are the killers.
never give in to the bros. They are only trolling you for their amusement. They are running a long con on you. By not letting you play killer they are making you want to play killer. Its all so they can troll you when they do let you play killer.

Ive suddenly came into a lot of extra free storage space, whats the next game?

SeasonalCAG Hardware Update Pic aka My Wifey Is Going To Kill Me aka My UltraWide Is 2x Wider Than Yours:


For the long winded MyD (Your my boy blue) post and more pics check out the Show your build! thread:

SeasonalCAG Hardware Update Pic aka My Wifey Is Going To Kill Me aka My UltraWide Is 2x Wider Than Yours:


For the long winded MyD (Your my boy blue) post and more pics check out the Show your build! thread:
That build looks awesome! :) Checked out your link.

With that Asus 1440p 32'' on the left and the 35'' Acer Ultrawide on the right - you must be in Gaming + Music Heaven.

That turntable on the left looks sick, BTW.

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The asshole bros forced me to turn around and troll Reds today or they threatened to release recordings of our intimate Discord conversations.  fuck the bros.  


PowerColor PCS+ Radeon R9 380 4GB GDDR5 Video Card is $99.99 after rebate at Newegg.

Seems like a good deal for a budget card.  Maybe this or a 1050 would be the best choices around this price range?  That seems to be what the SDers say.  


PowerColor PCS+ Radeon R9 380 4GB GDDR5 Video Card is $99.99 after rebate at Newegg.

Seems like a good deal for a budget card. Maybe this or a 1050 would be the best choices around this price range? That seems to be what the SDers say.
This link could give some an idea, even though the VRAM might not always be accurate since there's multiple VRAM versions out there...

...R9 380 vs. Nvidia GTX 1050:

4GB VRAM buffer on the R9 380 is probably the better way to go, money-wise. More VRAM for less money here for 1080p gaming. At $100 for a budget rig, sounds good to me.'ll need around 500W on the PSU. If you have that kind of PSU or (hopefully) better, you'd be good to go.

You'd have to likely go towards the $150 range to get a 4GB version of a GTX 1050. 2GB version of 1050 is going to be a waste on a new card, w/ games going over 2GB easily at 1080p especially at much better settings (i.e. High or Ultra).

Though, if you have to go Nvidia and/or in case you're saddled w/ a crummy PSU that you don't want to change (or A PSU can't change out b/c you went w/ a crummy prefab using a smaller+odder PSU), though - 1050 looks like the way to go then. The GTX 1050 uses way less watts - 300W wanted on PSU.

The difference in VRAM-size for the same version of the vid-card - i.e. say 2GB 960 vs. 4GB 960, for example - usually just lets you be able to just handle at the same settings a bit smoother + better; or you could go utilize a bit better settings without having any performance issues.

2GB 960 & 4GB 960 perform about the same when not going over 2GB VRAM usage w/ the same graphics settings, but the 4GB version allowed for me to push higher settings in-games without issues. With the 4GB VRAM, I could go over 2GB on VRAM usage without issues (of performance drops or crashes) on games like GTA5, Watch Dogs, Far Cry 4, and especially Arkham Knight at 1080p that actually need more VRAM at higher settings (i.e. High or Ultra).

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that is not a game, its a spectator sim.
Except its not. You have refused to adjust your tactics and get better at the QTEs on the generators. You're aggressive when saving people but regularly go in head first. There's a reason why you stink at the game and its not hard to get better and enjoy it at the same time. Reds has gotten immensely better at things like the generators. If you cant do it on keyboard, try using a controller.

Edit: Although I wasn't providing any details, the rules prohibit any discussion related to piracy and the like so I'm editing out my comment to help cut off a side conversation that could inspire mod action.
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There's very little risk in receiving a stream. When the Powers That Be go after people, they go after the ones hosting the copyrighted material. That said, it's pretty trivial to use a proxy.
Yep, I regularly watch things like PPV events on a stream. Not really anything to worry about. The hoster is who pays the price.

Yep, I regularly watch things like PPV events on a stream. Not really anything to worry about. The hoster is who pays the price.
I'd rather peep into dorm windows at sorority houses when I want to masturbate to nude women with a bunch of other guys in a voyeuristic manner.

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Those assholes invited me to play Dead by Daylight last night, then wouldn't let me play as the killer, then trolled me all night with the killer. Only way I'll play that game again is if you or Weiler are the killers.
I think I have a solution to this problem.

Someone give me a copy of the game and I'll be the killer.

I've tried Kodi but never really figured out what the high appeal is.

Are most people venturing outside the "approved" apps for the most benefit?
Its just the best media center app available, has been for 15 some odd years. I have yet to see a commercial offering come close its capabilities and usability.

I dont even use any of their 'apps', just strictly use it as a media center to stream stuff from samba shares around the house (even back when it was xbmp and only hacked xboxen)

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I'm not sure who doesn't own Skyrim by now but you can buy the Legendary Edition at gamestop for $10
Everybody who doesn't own Skyrim LE that loves RPG's, go buy this now.

Skyrim is a fantastic open-world RPG with tons to do just from Bethesda's content alone here - as this is the game + all DLC's/expansions. That's not even getting into the insane modding community, which will even more so extend the longevity of this game likely for many gamers.

For me w/ Skyrim LE, since I'm still on Play-through 1 here (even w/ all main quests done, I still got other side-quests unfinished), I use these mods: SKSE, SkyUI, and Quickloot Mod.

On any game w/ PT1, unless the game's horribly buggy or something, I usually try to finish it as close to vanilla as possible. But, since BethSoft sucks with UI - well, that's one thing I will overhaul w/ their games b/c UI in their games have been horrible since Morrowind.


The problem w/ Skyrim Special Edition is...well, not every mod has been remade or ported over to SE. So, if you got LE before SE released, SE was yours for FREE. I have no real use for SE yet, since the mods I use from LE haven't been moved over when running SE, something just feels missing - even though SE runs better + looks quite a bit better than LE (without any graphics mods/enhancements).

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u got 2 entries on Steam right?

Skyrim regular and Skyrim Special Ed?

just stick with whatever version u prefer.. No one point a gun at ur head and force u to play one over the other

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u got 2 entries on Steam right?

Skyrim regular and Skyrim Special Ed?

just stick with whatever version u prefer.. No one point a gun at ur head and force u to play one over the other
Yes, they're two different entries - which is wonderful. I'm glad Bethesda split them up.

Right now, I'd say if you're looking for mods - old Skyrim LE is where it's at. It's Mod Heaven on LE, if you're looking for Mods Galore. For $10 - Skyrim LE is a steal, if anyone don't have this yet.

SE will certainly + currrently be fine namely for those looking to do nothing of much or nothing at all w/ their Skyrim modding experience. Things could change later, if modders decide to port mods and/or make new mods for SE, of course - which is why I'm glad BethSoft gave LE owners SE for free before the SE release date. I can just play the waiting game, more or less, until more mods that I like + use come to SE.

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Skyrim and modding isn't all it's cracked to be.  I've had numerous save state errors when you turn mods on or off, or if they don't get updated.  You can't even load your game, depending on your loadout.   I can't get any of my saves to load on Skyrim LE anymore, whether all the mods are either on or off.  The game just crashes after the loading screen.  My mod updater also doesn't function properly.  It's a fucking mess. 

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Yes, they're two different entries - which is wonderful. I'm glad Bethesda split them up.

Right now, I'd say if you're looking for mods - old Skyrim LE is where it's at. It's Mod Heaven on LE, if you're looking for Mods Galore. For $10 - Skyrim LE is a steal, if anyone don't have this yet.

SE will certainly + currrently be fine namely for those looking to do nothing of much or nothing at all w/ their Skyrim modding experience. Things could change later, if modders decide to port mods and/or make new mods for SE, of course - which is why I'm glad BethSoft gave LE owners SE for free before the SE release date. I can just play the waiting game, more or less, until more mods that I like + use come to SE.
the self-entitlement and whiny attitude (not you) I've observed in some gamers are just astounding. The SE was given out for free. If they don't like it, don't play it. Just stick to the regular one with the existing mods if they don't like the SE.

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the self-entitlement and whiny attitude (not you) I've observed in some gamers are just astounding. The SE was given out for free. If they don't like it, don't play it. Just stick to the regular one with the existing mods if they don't like the SE.
Yeah; I don't get the entitlement, either.

It's very nice of Bethesda to do this + good publicity for them to just flat-out give SE to those who owned LE on Steam in the first place. This is great - I don't have to re-buy the game, if I want the new version b/c I already have it now. I can run SE without mods, if I like. I can wait for more mods to be ported or developed for SE, if I like. I can run Original Edition, if I like. I have hard-drive space - so I do have both installed right now. Hey, whatever floats the boat!

Certainly, SE does look + run better than the original edition (without mods). I think SE being on a 64-bit EXE makes a major difference, performance-wise. Now, I just need some a few mods ported or newly developed here and SE will be where it's at for me. I had no problem porting my saves from LE to SE, probably since I never majorly modded the original game's content much (mostly used UI stuff + Quickloot Mod).

In some other cases - i.e. Sleeping Dogs Definitive, Dead Island: Definitive + Dead Island Riptide: Definitive, Metro 2033 Redux, Metro LL Redux, etc - gamers who wanted the new overhauled version w/ new graphical stuff had to buy the new version, if they wanted it. Whether they were given a discount or not b/c they owned older versions...well, that's another story entirely.

If any gamers are thinking they should pass on Skyrim LE b/c it don't give you the extra free SE anymore, that's crazy talk - at $10, LE is a steal. LE packs so much content, it ain't even funny. Easily over 100 hours of content in LE.

Skyrim and modding isn't all it's cracked to be. I've had numerous save state errors when you turn mods on or off, or if they don't get updated. You can't even load your game, depending on your loadout. I can't get any of my saves to load on Skyrim LE anymore, whether all the mods are either on or off. The game just crashes after the loading screen. My mod updater also doesn't function properly. It's a fucking mess.
That's what you get for not paying for Skyrim mods like you were supposed to!

That added 10 more games (from Steam) also over to GOG for me.

The Walking Dead: Season 2
Hm. Was Walking Dead Season 1 ever part of GOG connect? I've been trying to pay attention to connect updates but I don't seem to have it on GOG and this is the only reason that I would.
Hm. Was Walking Dead Season 1 ever part of GOG connect? I've been trying to pay attention to connect updates but I don't seem to have it on GOG and this is the only reason that I would.
I don't think so, no.

I have TWD S1 on Steam and it never rolled over to GOG via GOG Connect program.

Skyrim and modding isn't all it's cracked to be. I've had numerous save state errors when you turn mods on or off, or if they don't get updated. You can't even load your game, depending on your loadout. I can't get any of my saves to load on Skyrim LE anymore, whether all the mods are either on or off. The game just crashes after the loading screen. My mod updater also doesn't function properly. It's a fucking mess.
Maybe it's you...Ive never had any problems w/skyrim mods. Oblivion was a bit trickier but skyrim was a piece of cake

Yeah, Skyrim was trouble-free for me although I didn't stack a million different mods.  Think I maybe ran 7-10 at most.  No issues with the Bethesda Fallout games, either.  Never tried modding Oblivion.

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Dude, 80% of the game is wandering aimlessly around an open world and finding holes in the ground full of Viking zombies.  It should be right up your alley.

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I was the opposite.  I had like 100+ mods in Skyrim and still worked awesome.  The SE was like a step backwards UI-wise but it was refreshing to remember how much I didn't care for it and needed to mod it.  But hey, free is free.

Except its not. You have refused to adjust your tactics and get better at the QTEs on the generators. You're aggressive when saving people but regularly go in head first. There's a reason why you stink at the game and its not hard to get better and enjoy it at the same time. Reds has gotten immensely better at things like the generators. If you cant do it on keyboard, try using a controller.
have you seen me play rocket league? I switched key configs 3 times. The controller isnt the problem, its the idiot behind the controls. I have 30hours in the game, its not like I just gave up on it. Im hook bait and ive jumped out of the live well never to be hooked again. #bornfree

That added 10 more games (from Steam) also over to GOG for me.


Games Added for me:

Gorky 17

Still Life

Atlantis 2: Beyond Atlantis

Tropico 3: Gold

The Ball


Eherlords 2

Costume Quest


The Walking Dead: Season 2
Total Annihilation Commander Pack isn't on Steam. Do you get that one if you just have the base Total Annihilation game?

Total Annihilation Commander Pack isn't on Steam. Do you get that one if you just have the base Total Annihilation game?
Total Annihilation currently on sale on the Humble store for $1.11 (if you have the 10% off monthly discount) and yes it adds the Commander Pack to your GOG account through GOG Connect.

Total Annihilation currently on sale on the Humble store for $1.11 (if you have the 10% off monthly discount) and yes it adds the Commander Pack to your GOG account through GOG Connect.
I have total annihilation on steam and it said that wasn't an eligible game to add. Picked up the other 17 games though.
bread's done