Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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My thoughts on today's news.

Chronogg games - my coins are safe another two weeks.

River City Ransom Underground being pulled - I thought about buying it during the sale... I should buy it now...

The person that got RCRU pulled was the same that got Star Mazer DSP pulled - It came back... I'm not gonna bother buying RCRU then.

The Alex person is trans -
What does that have to do with them being a pain in the ass to devs everyone for work they were commissioned to do?

Jotun is free - Sweet, I never did redeem my copy from that free IndieBox.

People posting youtube vids to explain things - I wish we could get a TL;DW for vids.  I don't care to watch XX minutes for what could be a few sentences.

MysterD's online gaming/MP only games thoughts - If I have a group of people that for sure will play a game consistently, I like playing with them, and I know I can play consistently, then I feel MP only games are one of the few games that should be bought at full price or near full price.  MP only games can die so quickly these days it's foolish to wait if you enjoy MP games.

Domino's has 50% off regular price pizza - Best news ever.  I like to get Pan or XL Brooklyn during these promotions, since you can't get those with the $7.99 large three topping they have all the time which is basically the same as half price.

Thanks for watching.  Please remember to like, comment, and subscribe.  You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch.  Here are some more videos you might like.  And if you really like my content, please consider supporting me on Patreon.  For only $10 a month you can get early access to all my new videos!

I was never super-interested in PUBG anyways, but I am (of course) a bit curious. Curious, to the point that if it ever had a free weekend, I'd probably say: "Sure, why not give it a shot?" [shrug]
MysterD is just a little bi-curious, that's all!


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So wait, this Alex Mauer person is filing DMCA strikes against people ... just because?
Yup. I would be more interested if the parties that were damaged kept their lawyers and went after google/youtube for damages over their automated BS.

It won't happen. The damages are too minor for what you would have to spend to win but YouTube's policy as is is seriously fucked.
My thoughts on today's news.
Stop stealing my shrug emoticon content, content stealer. Riported to Playfire DMCA Takedown Notice

I don't care if MysterD gets PUBG or not. I did find it odd that he played the BF1 free weekend until its final seconds and said he really liked it but then won't buy it for 50% off but, hey, you do you. I'm sure he has his reasons.

Also, this place has an HD DVD emoticon but we can't get a shrug around here?


Thanks for watching. Please remember to like, comment, and subscribe. You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch. Here are some more videos you might like. And if you really like my content, please consider supporting me on Patreon. For only $10 a month you can get early access to all my new videos!

In a world where most MP-based games - yes, even in shooters - have some kind of Leveling-Up System & the Matchmaking of the game to players of similar levels of you often isn't that hot, I'm just not much interested in MP like I used to be.

I was really into the MP era when skilled mattered in shooters, in say a Quake 2+3 & UT era where players had SDK's so that new maps, new modes, and new mods weren't really hard to find. Always felt like there was something new out there, to go grab for content + keep the game's lifespan going.
So you like games where everyone start the same, but won't buy a multiplayer game where everyone starts the same?

And how much skill do you need to use a Quake 2 Railgun or Quake 3 rocket launcher or UT bouncing disks?

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So this is totally reasonable pricing for an over-the-hill MMO that promises new group content (instances/raid cluster) but NOT at expansion launch.  Also want the new race?  Pay 2x the price.  I was mildly interested in Mordor since I loved this game for the first couple of years it was out, but man... every time I think they are going to get me interested again they pull some nonsense like this.

So you like games where everyone start the same, but won't buy a multiplayer game where everyone starts the same?

And how much skill do you need to use a Quake 2 Railgun or Quake 3 rocket launcher or UT bouncing disks?
Maybe I should've asked this from the jump.

Does PUBG have a leveling-system where there are item, weapon, and other unlocks?

Is there a chance you might be level 35 already and I'm a level 1?

If you have PUBG add me on Steam, I have it but haven't played+ experienced it yet. (Won it in a giveaway + freebie) I'm looking to play tomorrow + Saturday if people are around +down with play + enjoy PUBG
So you like games where everyone start the same, but won't buy a multiplayer game where everyone starts the same?
I do find that criticism odd. I'm thinking of the multiplayer games we do or have done regularly and almost all of them are skill based. Rainbow Six Siege has some minor cheap unlocks (grips, sights, barrel attachment) but otherwise your Ash isn't any better than anyone else's Ash and it's all skill. Battlefield 1 has weapon unlocks but those are pretty easy to get and the highest ones usually aren't the best (I use a rank 2 rifle on my medic, the rank 10 unlock is trash). All the stuff in PUBG is cosmetic. Rocket League was all cosmetics.

Dead by Daylight gives a mechanical advantage for leveling, I guess. Homefront: Revolution does but that's only co-op anyway.

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R6 is the only even fairly recent fps I can think that gives any sort of advantage with unlocks or skill, maybe blops3 to the same extent of minor attachments and weapon unlocks.  Now ubi's matchmaking on the other hand can sometimes be fine, and other times completely and utterly horrible

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If you have PUBG add me on Steam, I have it but haven't played+ experienced it yet. (Won it in a giveaway + freebie) I'm looking to play tomorrow + Saturday if people are around +down with play + enjoy PUBG
It's scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00 PM ET.

Also, that Alex chick doesn't own jack shit. She made the music as a work for hire. The devs own it. Sometimes devs will allow the composer to retain a license to sell the OST or give them a cut of the OST if they are being nice, but this chick has absolutely no right to any of the music. She's abusing the system. And I'm all for trans rights, but if this was a cis gender guy doing this shit I don't know how much the devs and everyone would be concerned about mental health and hoping Alex was okay since Alex is being a big fucking piece of shit pain in the ass. So, I don't know, I don't care one way or the other, and Alex is getting a lot of unnecessary shit from this and death threats, but she's been doling them out too. I mean she's making no logical sense, so I don't think a mental health crisis would be the wrong conclusion but it sounds like she got paid pretty well for what she did (one dev said they paid her $40,000).

It's scheduled for tomorrow at 10:00 PM ET.

Also, that Alex chick doesn't own jack shit. She made the music as a work for hire. The devs own it. Sometimes devs will allow the composer to retain a license to sell the OST or give them a cut of the OST if they are being nice, but this chick has absolutely no right to any of the music. She's abusing the system. And I'm all for trans rights, but if this was a cis gender guy doing this shit I don't know how much the devs and everyone would be concerned about mental health and hoping Alex was okay since Alex is being a big fucking piece of shit pain in the ass. So, I don't know, I don't care one way or the other, and Alex is getting a lot of unnecessary shit from this and death threats, but she's been doling them out too. I mean she's making no logical sense, so I don't think a mental health crisis would be the wrong conclusion but it sounds like she got paid pretty well for what she did (one dev said they paid her $40,000).
I'm pretty sure if it was a cis gender guy doing this the devs and some of the more entrenched industry types would be every bit as concerned about their mental state.

Don't forget that with the devs at least, these people were friends. If someone I was at least on good terms with suddenly went from being a fairly professional business person to throwing around wild accusations, insulting council and making death threats and other threats to members of press, your company and other industry types, I know I'd be asking people that were local if they could call local authorities to see that this person was not about to swallow a revolver or something.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd expect that there were some friendly industry types that were trying to check up and do sanity checks on Phil Fish when he was losing his mind.

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SeasonalCAG Music Aficionado:

Well with no glitches or good sales so here is some summer music to put a smile on your face...

Anyone notice that the Sticker Showcase, now has the caption "Expires in 3 weeks"? Looks like collecting stickers during the summer sale really was a waste of time. 

Mass Effect: Andromeda (PC) - as I've been very curious about this, I downloaded the approx. 47GB Trial.

I played a little bit over 2 hours worth of ME:A from this 10 hour trial...and I actually do like it, so far.  I probably was smart in waiting to buy this b/c I'm not really having much complaints here w/ the animations here, in its current version + early on in this game. At least early on here, it probably has come a long from what we've seen from version 1.00 vs. now; I can't speak on how the facial animations have been re-tweaked for later on, as I haven't got that far + haven't bought the game yet. Every little thing they did (extra shadows + whatnot; eyeball tracking which is VERY important; etc) has really mattered here, in the early scenes. I've certainly seen much worse numerous Bethesda games before, TBH.

The game's flat-out gorgeous. The scenery on the planet that I'm on in this opening Prologue just looks wonderful. Character models look great. If there's anything that Frostbite can do, it's produce great-looking graphics.
Combat's by far the best it has ever felt in an ME game. You can still get into cover, of course - but don't expect to sit there very long - as the AI will toss grenade or do whatever it can to get you out of it, at some point. The extra jet-packing really makes combat much more interesting as now you feel like you have to constantly keep moving, can jump, and zip in different directions in the air quickly for a brief moment - than say just constantly sitting behind cover compared to the old ME games. Combat is just much more fun, visceral + interesting this way. I'm loving this, TBH.
My complaints right now are this: story + character stuff. Namely, some of it lacks depth + personality - which, of course, the older ME games are absolutely known for doing extremely well.

It seems to have characters enter + exit too quickly. Granted, I'm only a bit over 2 hours in - but some characters that felt like they should be important are already getting killed off or written-out of the script too quickly. How am I supposed to care about them, if you're just axing them by death or kicking them out of the script too quickly? It seems like sometimes, we're not even given enough info about and spent time w/ a character to really even care about them. It does really feel like this game's story + character stuff was thrown together in the last 18 months or so (that Kotaku mentioned in their article), in that regard.
Other than the absolutely hilarious "my face is tired" line, the dialogue quality of the writing isn't horrible, TBH. It just feels like....they are basically hitting the beats they feel they need to + move the heck on, since they didn't have time to flesh a lot of that stuff out. Unfortunately, this game could really use more dialogue + writing. It doesn't really have the depth or intrigue of the older ME games - in both character + story & whatnot, at least so far.
There's also this weird tone going on in the game - b/c most of the 200,000 people on this ship are waking up 600 years later or so from a cryogenic sleep + you are basically trying to find & set-up a new home. Most characters seem to be ultra-positive about finding a new place. It's weird, as you'd think b/c you basically got evicted from your home planet + went into cryo-sleep on a ship in space, everybody would wake up pretty much upset, pissed-off, depressed, or something that they have to go try + find a new home. At least, for the most part, Ryder is given options to answer in a negative manner (i.e. cynical, depressed, not happy) or positive, when given dialogue options - as since the game seems so positive + hopeful in tone, at least I can bring the game back to its reality. There seems to be very few characters so far who are negative here, except the blunt & often angry-seeming Addison.

Regardless, I certainly played games much worse than this. It's good with its combat + graphics & it certainly has potential with its interesting premise (i.e. discover + set-up new lands & worlds), for sure - but it's just not on that BioWare Edmonton level of greatness w/ the character + story stuff. At least not yet, anyways - I can't speak on if it gets better since...well, I ain't got far along enough + I haven't bought the full game yet. It could be that this game is a slow-burn b/c it's said to be very long, too - and maybe it could develop + accumulate much more stuff later (i.e. story + plot + character), since people have said it does take about 10 hours to get past the initial stuff.

We'll just have to wait + see, I guess...whenever that might actually be...with me actually getting to the point in the game where (or if) it turns around + to actually buying the game.
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Mass Effect: Andromeda (PC) - as I've been very curious about this, I downloaded the approx. 47GB Trial.

My complaints right now are this: story + character stuff. Namely, some of it lacks depth + personality - which, of course, the older ME games are absolutely known for.
Nice write up! I'll likely buy it at some point, much like I did with DAI, but I imagine thats still a long time to in the future but with the way its going (price drops/trial) I suspect it might be sooner than I expect.

The story/character being weak is a reoccurring complaint and the worst thing I can imagine... I cannot think of too many Bioware games where the gameplay was the highlight.

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The gunplay's excellent. BW Montreal really did a great job w/ making the combat fast, furious, visceral, fun & even vertical. It feels like there's more to it than just sticking to cover - as the enemy (even on Normal) will do anything to move you out of it.

You still can hop into cover, though - cover's automatic now, once you get behind an object + it actually sticks you to cover well when it should do it, unlike some other games). Just...don't expect to be there long, or you'll be toast.

You still can command, point + push squadmates where you want; i.e. older ME games. But, b/c early on these guys aren't official party members, probably - we can't control their powers (if they even have any!) or do the BioWare-steategic type of pause (I don't even know if the BioWare pause is in even in here yet; not far into this yet - and it isn't here as an option yet).

Still, combat's fun + the game's gorgeous - so, there's that stuff right there that I just can't ignore.

If this hits $20 on PC, I'm gonna jump to it...or jet-pack to it, if I actually could do so...

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A few thoughts on some stuff I've been using/doing of late.

I've posted a few times on the Razer Wildcat and gave it a solid rating for what I paid for it, which was 59.99.  So update time.  I applied the the foaming green stickers after my last update.  It was sort of hit or miss if I got them in the right place, I tried.  I really did, but I feel this is a weak link to the controller and my questionable artist skill aside the green part is peeling away from the sticker part. 

Luckily for me I liked using the controller bald...  I'll likely be peeling the stickers off soon.  I got stuff that can get the sticky stuff off (I assume) but I'll let you all know if it does indeed leave a residue.

The Division's last expansion The Last Stand.  I've been kicking around the Division some after I saw what was coming in 1.7.  While doing this I ran with some old friends last week.  Some good drops in an excursion and I made my way into the new PvP.  Its actually pretty solid, I think?  Allot is going on and its not just a TDM style of game but is instead a rather complex version of Domination (Capture points and whatnot) but all the crap that didn't really work in the DZ is pretty decent here.  The big negative is that few people play it, match making is a bear, and I was absolutely right about the DLC should have been free to all.  It lakes a large player base so I cannot really recommend it but if you have the season pass you might want to try it out. :)

And how much skill do you need to use a Quake 2 Railgun or Quake 3 rocket launcher or UT bouncing disks?
Zero - point and click. To be good with them? A lot.

First, almost no one that was interested in winning a match was using UT's Ripper. Those multiplayer games were purely skill-based and luck would only get you so far. If you didn't know the map inside and out, have down spawn timing, and know HOW to move around the map you had no chance against an opponent that could use those learned skills to his advantage. Quake had strafe-jumping and rocket jumping. UT had piston-jumping, dodge-jumping, and more.

Some scrub spawning next to the RL or the Railgun might get one or two kills, but a skilled opponent is going to tear him up with better map knowledge and movement.

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MysterD is just a little bi-curious, that's all!


Tanks for the heads up on Jotun as it was on my wishlist.

I'm not an MP person, and I've really never learned KB/M controls. But this idea of *playing* games is scary and should be shunned immediately! Seriously though, MP-only games do have a limited shelf life. If you dont get in early, either the playerbase dries up, or the ones left will destroy you though knowledge, skill, perhaps glitches, that a newbie would never know. Those pretty much warrant fakeybro'ing

Conan Exiles for $16.49 also. Its an all time low also.

How does ZGold work again...?
You buy it from Razer and then select it as your currency method at check-out from participating retailers (pretty much Gamersgate and IndieGala). Gamersgate gives you a discount for it and so, if you can also buy it at a discount, you can stack some savings. However, it's sold in inconveniently sized lots so it's hard to top-off and easy to find yourself with $8 worth of currency that's only good at two places that rarely have sales. Still, if you find the right sale and work the numbers, you can get a decent deal on a pre-order. A couple of us got Sniper Elite 4 Deluxe for $53. It's been that price recently now but if you were going to play it Day One, it was a solid discount over MSRP.

the ones left will destroy you though knowledge, skill, perhaps glitches, that a newbie would never know.
Even sadder, you'll be that one random who pops into the abandoned game server on Bro night and pitifully tries to play with us.

In fully unrelated news, I see that they finally turned off the old uBB Steam forums within the last few months. Also, apparently you're not allowed to post screenshots from non-Steam games into your activity feed any longer. Another change from the last couple months but new to me.

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In fully unrelated news, I see that they finally turned off the old uBB Steam forums within the last few months. Also, apparently you're not allowed to post screenshots from non-Steam games into your activity feed any longer. Another change from the last couple months but new to me.
Apparently the SPUF forums went down as of a month ago Valve didn't do a very good job announcing this, probably to avoid any sort of backlash.

I didn't really use them, but there was probably a decent amount of valuable info there that will now be lost forever.

I assume non-Steam game screenshots aren't allowed because people were using it to upload lewd stuff?

Conan Exiles is $17 on newegg for anyone interested and for those of you who love nothing more than driving back and forth across town all day to make $10 you can get metal gear solid v for xbone for $5.
Apparently the SPUF forums went down as of a month ago Valve didn't do a very good job announcing this, probably to avoid any sort of backlash.

I didn't really use them, but there was probably a decent amount of valuable info there that will now be lost forever.

I assume non-Steam game screenshots aren't allowed because people were using it to upload lewd stuff?
Probably b/c Steam wants you to say, "Crap, I want this game + screenies from it on my Activity Feed! Is this game on Steam? Well, if it is - maybe I'll just go re-buy the Steam-version then."

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Yeah, but most non-Steam stuff that I ever saw posted wasn't available on Steam anyway.  Diablo, Battlefield or other Origin games, etc.  It's not as though I saw people posting their UPlay The Crew shots.  I only ever used the feature once and it was for an old GOG game that's not on Steam regardless.

Looks like for Non-Steam screenies, I might have to go back to using Raptr or something for somewhere to post them. For them to not appear on the Steam Activity Feed just sucks now.

Or maybe just take screens via MSI Afterburner and then find some image-site to host them.

I use my ps4 controller as my steam controller and my damn dog chewed the analog sticks.  Is there any way I can fix it?

bread's done