Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Screw it... automatic URL parsing ruined my joke.

It would've fell flat anyways.

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lol, that looks like every campus's pizza place, we had one too that looks the exact same called mad mushroom (those pokey sticks look exactly the same as mushrooms, as does their pizza). They are great for big ass cheap pizzas, but Id never put them at the top of any list. Apparently there was also a gumbys near where I live now, but it got shut down a few months ago for health violations and hasnt been open since

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So A Hat In Time quietly came out on Steam today. Anyone try it yet? If so, how is it? And how does it compare to Yooka Laylee?

I'm tempted to get it but the backlog is too huge to justify paying full price. Although the SJW trolls on NeoGAF overly hating on it kinda make me want to get it just for that...

Well, when I got up and came to CAG and saw 100 updates and only two active threads I thought, "Ah, shit!  I missed a glitch..." but after reading I was relieved to see it was only a debate on DLC.

Anyhow, I agree with most of what has been said, on both sides of the table, how?  I can understand the notion that games should be finished before release.  That DLC is just held back to make more money.  I'm cynical by nature so that argument makes allot of sense to me...  AND it certainly does happen BUT its not fact in every chase of DLC.  That said...  Games before DLC where rarely complete if you go and truly look at them... Many of them had features/content cut because they simply ran out of time and sometimes now, in today's world, those features/content make it in later as DLC.

Anyhow, to keep this short (as I really should be in virtual NY right now) I'll cut to my closing...

I'm sure we've all know the Potter Stewart's quote about pornography, "I know it when I see it" and I think the same standard should be used when looking at DLC.  Some of its offensive and is their to fleece a customer, some of it isn't and is there to offer a customer more of the product they loved.  You'll never be able to define it as a whole.

Judge for yourself, using your wallet, its all you can do as its not going away anytime soon.

(other quick thoughts...  SNES > Than All.  There's was allot of shitty games released in the 80s/90s, probably 90% of them where, and the only reason that percentage has gone up as because of the evolution of the industry and digital distribution.)


Well, when I got up and came to CAG and saw 100 updates and only two active threads I thought, "Ah, shit! I missed a glitch..." but after reading I was relieved to see it was only a debate on DLC.

Anyhow, I agree with most of what has been said, on both sides of the table, how? I can understand the notion that games should be finished before release. That DLC is just held back to make more money. I'm cynical by nature so that argument makes allot of sense to me... AND it certainly does happen BUT its not fact in every chase of DLC. That said... Games before DLC where rarely complete if you go and truly look at them... Many of them had features/content cut because they simply ran out of time and sometimes now, in today's world, those features/content make it in later as DLC.

Anyhow, to keep this short (as I really should be in virtual NY right now) I'll cut to my closing...

I'm sure we've all know the Potter Stewart's quote about pornography, "I know it when I see it" and I think the same standard should be used when looking at DLC. Some of its offensive and is their to fleece a customer, some of it isn't and is there to offer a customer more of the product they loved. You'll never be able to define it as a whole.

Judge for yourself, using your wallet, its all you can do as its not going away anytime soon.

(other quick thoughts... SNES > Than All. There's was allot of shitty games released in the 80s/90s, probably 90% of them where, and the only reason that percentage has gone up as because of the evolution of the industry and digital distribution.)
Rational? On a forum?


(other quick thoughts... SNES > Than All. There's was allot of shitty games released in the 80s/90s, probably 90% of them where, and the only reason that percentage has gone up as because of the evolution of the industry and digital distribution.)
Since we're at the point where we just want to piss our CAG brothers and sisters off, let me just say I have *no* fondness for the Super Nintendo. I hated the stupid shoulder buttons at the time, and hate them even more now that they have become the de-facto controller standard. I'm particularly pissed because of Street Fighter II. That was my most played game at the time and, technically, the SNES version was the best you could get outside of an arcade machine. However, I went with the Genesis version (and the 'less-than-stellar' sound) primarily because the 6-button Genesis controller actually made sense with respect to that game.

And if we're going with best console, for me, it's either the PS2, 360, or DS. DS had experiences that you just didn't get elsewhere (except maybe PC), not to mention that practically every good game on the SNES is available on the DS (and in cases like Chrono Trigger are *better* on the DS). PS2 gave us GTA 3 and even better Vice City along with making 3D gaming look good. And the 360 connected gamers like never before. Aside from the copious use of the n-word on public chat, this allowed for skill-testing not usually regularly available.

I probably lean DS in truth.

I never owned a NES/SNES.  Played them, of course, but I went from a Colecovision w/ 2600 adapter to my old Commodore and became a "PC" gamer from there on out.  I had the before mentioned Genesis in college and a girlfriend once bought me a Playstation but I never had large catalogs for them.  On the other hand, I had hundreds of games for the Commodore 64 downloaded off BBS's so I was backlogging before it was cool.  Anyway, the fondness for the NES system and its associated properties was always alien to me. 

I never owned a NES/SNES. Played them, of course, but I went from a Colecovision w/ 2600 adapter to my old Commodore and became a "PC" gamer from there on out. I had the before mentioned Genesis in college and a girlfriend once bought me a Playstation but I never had large catalogs for them. On the other hand, I had hundreds of games for the Commodore 64 downloaded off BBS's so I was backlogging before it was cool. Anyway, the fondness for the NES system and its associated properties was always alien to me.
Your like my almost twin...except for the girlfriend part....WHAT KIND OF NERD ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?

P.S. Fond memories of my C64 "smart" floppy drive spinning itself out of alignment....good times.

So I won a copy of Cuphead but don't think I'd play it much, what the best place to trade it away? I've never used the trading thread so I don't really know how it works. Anyone here interested/have any advice?

EDIT: Gone!

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So.. after the cheap beta keys for 0.10£ and immediately after the scam process through Origin support, now we have the open beta for Battlefront II on Origin

I admit, the visual style of Cuphead had me intrigued. But after I saw that "difficult" was one of the main tags for the game, I said fuck that. I'm well past the age where I play hard as nails games to prove my fucking manhood. I'll stick to games that are just fun to play now. Life's too short.

So I won a copy of Cuphead but don't think I'd play it much, what the best place to trade it away? I've never used the trading thread so I don't really know how it works. Anyone here interested/have any advice?
Steam or Windows 10? I would say the cesspool here would be your best bet... I'm interested but it would just be a backlog for me as I'm far too busy with The Division and Forza 7 to find time for anything else so any offer I could/would make would be far less than what I'm sure you could get elsewhere.

(I can already say I'm disappointed in the game without ever playing it... Its got the esthetics that I could use to really convince my wife to try it... but its difficulty. No chance in hell.

So.. after the cheap beta keys for 0.10£ and immediately after the scam process through Origin support, now we have the open beta for Battlefront II on Origin
Bah is all jazzed up about playing this tonight. So, if you are also jazzed up and want to share a jazzy moment with some fellow jazz-partners, tonight would be a good night to let your jazz shine. Jazz jazz jazz.

I had normal people things to do this morning and thus took no action towards getting beta access or downloading it. I may or may not be around tonight. Jazz.

I admit, the visual style of Cuphead had me intrigued. But after I saw that "difficult" was one of the main tags for the game, I said fuck that. I'm well past the age where I play hard as nails games to prove my fucking manhood. I'll stick to games that are just fun to play now. Life's too short.
I am pretty solidly the same. Perhaps as a side effect of my skipping the SNES generation and thus never wasting my summer playing Battletoads, I have little patience with muscle-memory style game play and much prefer games that reward creative, on-the-fly thinking instead of "Do A, B, A & C within 1.7 seconds". That's not a value judgement against that sort of game, I just don't have the interest and -- at my age -- the reflexes to pull it off or the free time required to force it. I'd buy the game based on the art and then play it once for 40 minutes. I prove my manhood via clean living and contributions to society. Also sometimes I go outside with no pants on so people can see my dong.

Another, unrelated, side effect is a lack of fondness for JRPGs since I spent my many hours playing western-style RPGs like Bard's Tale, Wizardy, Might & Magic, Ultima, the SSI Gold Box games, etc instead of Final Fantasy and its ilk.

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Bah is all jazzed up about playing this tonight. So, if you are also jazzed up and want to share a jazzy moment with some fellow jazz-partners, tonight would be a good night to let your jazz shine. Jazz jazz jazz.

I had normal people things to do this morning and thus took no action towards getting beta access or downloading it. I may or may not be around tonight. Jazz.
I started the download but likely won't make it... I'm still missing too many pieces of the 6 piece sets in the Division... Rare to get now, near impossible after Monday morning, so I really need to work on that...

I did jump through a few twitch streams of the beta... Looks amazing but I'm only seeing space combat from behind the ships and not the cockpit so its likely a bust for what I really want.

My sole interaction with the previous Battlefront was so phenomenally unrewarding that I probably developed a mental barrier against giving a shit about this version.

Your like my almost twin...except for the girlfriend part....WHAT KIND OF NERD ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?

P.S. Fond memories of my C64 "smart" floppy drive spinning itself out of alignment....good times.
Dont forget your Fast Load Cartridge you had plugged into your C64 made everything better.

Very similar to Syntax and it bothers me. Old Geezer. Had a 2600 and an Intellivision and pretty much moved to the Master Race from then. Commie 64 to a 286 and never looked back. Out of college, roomate had a genesis but we only ever owned nhl hockey. Had and xbox only to chip it to run xbmc and emulators. have a ps3 as my blue ray player.

For when I hate myself, Little Caesar's always has my back.
Everyone likes to act the pizza snob. Well DUHHHHH, every town is going to have pizza joints that blow away a mass produced chain pizza.

Pizza Slut, Little Sleazers, dominos and the like are perfectly fine for quick cheap pizza. Pizza is like sex, its rarely ever 100% bad.

Im partial to Round Table Pizza as far as something that is a chain.

I never owned a NES/SNES. Played them, of course, but I went from a Colecovision w/ 2600 adapter to my old Commodore and became a "PC" gamer from there on out. I had the before mentioned Genesis in college and a girlfriend once bought me a Playstation but I never had large catalogs for them. On the other hand, I had hundreds of games for the Commodore 64 downloaded off BBS's so I was backlogging before it was cool. Anyway, the fondness for the NES system and its associated properties was always alien to me.
I never had an SNES. My game evolution went from Atari 2600 (the old big brown console - that actually belonged to my parents as I was very young) to Sega Master System which was the first console that belonged to me. My fave games on that were The Ninja and Great Baseball. I got an NES in 1990. Also had an Apple IIE and later an IBM 386 PC with 2 MB RAM and a 25 MB hard drive. That was the first machine I went on the internet with, which at the time were local BBS' and then AOL in the mid 90s (93-96). I remember downloading jpgs of bikini girls for my deskop wallpaper and it taking a half hour for a 640x480 picture download over 2400 baud. I did have a Genesis early on in its cycle and that was the first system where I was really into gaming, buying magazines and shit. EGM used to put out a HUGE winter issue with like 500 pages and Id read it over and over again.

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My sole interaction with the previous Battlefront was so phenomenally unrewarding that I probably developed a mental barrier against giving a shit about this version.
It would probably be even worse if you had actually owned it. I tried multiple times to get into it and just couldnt, it was just so incredibly shallow. So I gave the bf2 alpha a run through last month, and while they added some nice window dressing and made a feeble attempt to intro some more things, its still the same game as the first

Bah is all jazzed up about playing this tonight. So, if you are also jazzed up and want to share a jazzy moment with some fellow jazz-partners, tonight would be a good night to let your jazz shine. Jazz jazz jazz.

I had normal people things to do this morning and thus took no action towards getting beta access or downloading it. I may or may not be around tonight. Jazz.
How could you not be jazzed? If you are a star wars geek, this game looks awesome. You were what, 7 when star wars came out, I know you are a star wars geek. I get that you expect EA to fuck this up again, but there is no denying that it looks great and getting to play it before handing over a pile of cash is a win.

October Humble =

Rise of the Tomb Raider 

Wargame: Red Dragon


Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You

Seasons After Fall

The Shrouded Isle

Scanner Sombre

and next month is

Quake Champions

Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Legends: Heroes Of Skyrim

Everyone likes to act the pizza snob. Well DUHHHHH, every town is going to have pizza joints that blow away a mass produced chain pizza.

Pizza Slut, Little Sleazers, dominos and the like are perfectly fine for quick cheap pizza. Pizza is like sex, its rarely ever 100% bad.
Yep... or so I've heard.

I don't like Dominos, but I get it a lot because I live a couple of walking minutes away from them. So they're good for a "I want pizza but I don't have any frozen and I don't feel like spending several extra dollars because of delivery fees/tips and I don't feel like driving" craving.

Plus national chains are good if you travel any distance. Out of your area and want pizza? It's either try some local place that may not be something you like or get something you know you'll be okay with. Last time I tried a local place outside of my area, which had signs up saying "Thanks for voting us #1 pizza!" and the like, I couldn't finish it because they put bell peppers in the sauce and I can't stomach the smell of bell peppers.

October Humble =

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Wargame: Red Dragon
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
Seasons After Fall
The Shrouded Isle
Scanner Sombre

and next month is

Quake Champions
Elder Scrolls Online
The Elder Scrolls Legends: Heroes Of Skyrim
I don't think I've heard of any of those unlocks. Are they any good?
I was four years old when the original Star Wars came out and still remember seeing the trash compactor scene in the theater.  And I owned the normal assortment of toys, lost Han's blaster pistol in the backyard garden and sent away for that accessories kit like any other good American child.  But, by the time I was eyeballing the ladies' underwear page in the JC Penny's catalog, I was largely over the Star Wars thing.  I like the original trilogy and thought the last two movies were passable fun but I'm not really a "fan" in any "Oh shit, Star Wars stuff!" sense.

On the other hand, I couldn't give two wet slaps about Star Trek at all so I guess I'm nominally a Star Wars guy.

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I gotta say, these Humble Monthlies have gone downhill the last couple of months and now I'm questioning whether I should cancel my subscription. Next month's three headliners don't seem like good value either.

October Humble =

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Wargame: Red Dragon


Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You

Seasons After Fall

The Shrouded Isle

Scanner Sombre

and next month is

Quake Champions

Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Legends: Heroes Of Skyrim
I'm just excited to unlock the BJ Champion.

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Posted  a couple keys of the junky bonus games on Friends activity.  Might post a couple more later.  Only thing I'm keeping from the Humbly Monthly is Furi (already sold off TR and Wargame, though).

Phew finally caught up on the last week of posts. Bummed I missed the peripheral talk!

Home: Ducky Shine 2 keyboard w/ MX Blues, Razer Death Adder + Logitech G602 mice

Work: Filco Majestouch 2 keyboard w/ MX Browns (and 0.2mm o-rings), Logitech G900 mouse

Glad I missed the DLC walls-o-text though!  :razz:

Guys Cuphead is difficult, but you have infinite retries on the bosses, the bosses don't last longer than two minites, and there's no lame Dark Souls style time waste hike to redo the boss. They've done everything they can to make the difficulty fun. There's nothing stopping you from beating the game because you can just throw yourself at it and pound it out until you score a half decent play. It's not like a bullet hell or some Meat Boy bullshit
Guys Cuphead is difficult, but you have infinite retries on the bosses, the bosses don't last longer than two minites, and there's no lame Dark Souls style time waste hike to redo the boss. They've done everything they can to make the difficulty fun. There's nothing stopping you from beating the game because you can just throw yourself at it and pound it out until you score a half decent play. It's not like a bullet hell or some Meat Boy bullshit
I guess you should GIT GUD

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(other quick thoughts... SNES > Than All. There's was allot of shitty games released in the 80s/90s, probably 90% of them where, and the only reason that percentage has gone up as because of the evolution of the industry and digital distribution.)
Never owned a SNES.

Consoles & portable systems that I (still) own include: Atari 7800, 8-bit NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, and original Playstation.

Never owned a SNES.

Consoles & portable systems that I (still) own include: Atari 7800, 8-bit NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, and original Playstation.
Thank you for clarifying how many bits your NES had.

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Thank you for clarifying how many bits your NES had.
Well, I never had the 16-bit SNES, so.... [shrug].

And "bleh" at the old days of swabbing the Nintendo deck and its cartridges; and blowing in both the deck and cartridges. As kick-ass as the NES was - yeah, that maintenance crap was not fun.

River City Ransom; Dragon Warrior 1 & 3; FF1; Tetris; Mega Man 2; Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2; and Double Dragon 1-3 were all awesome.

bread's done