Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Logitech G410 Atlas Spectrum Compact Mechanical Keyboard w/ the G-Romer Switches (with no numpad) is showing-up at $20 at Staples:

If anyone needs a gaming KB and doesn't care about lack of numpad - y'all might want to call, visit, or somehow check any of your local Staples.
Thanks. Might grab this just to check out the romer g switches and how they compare to mx browns.

Yeah, plus all of the Astros scoring was done by the end of the 2nd inning. After that, they went into the baseball equivalent of the prevent defense over the last 7 innings.

Happy for Houston. Considering the flooding, the fact they've never won one, amount of bad baseball they've had to go through they certainly deserved it. (That said if Kershaw and the Dodgers had won I would have enough happy too... Too many of my all time favorite players (Stockton, Malone, Marino, Gartner, and Mattingly) never won a championship so when a great has a chance to win I sort of pull for them to do so.)

Anyhow, seems like it wasn't just us who was expecting a good game. NBC and CBS both "panicked" and pulled all their new episodes from TV tonight.
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I just tried playing Gears 4 on my X1 since I have it through Play Anywhere.

I didn't think going from 144fps to 30fps would be that big of a deal since that's what I played all the other Gears games on. Boy oh boy, did it feel weird.

Last night we played Human: Fall Flat and it was good times!  It's some cooperative puzzle-room solving game including physics which Fox said were sort of like Goat Sim but I never played that so Fox might be lying.  Everyone plays an identical looking white guy who looks like he was molded out of clay and can use his left and right arms to independently grab things.  No one has any identifying marks or name so coordination can be, uh, tricky as we all drag around bricks and wood beams and try to climb on one another's heads with half of us trying to coordinate some grand plan and the other half either trying their own ideas or wrestling and throwing each other off cliffs.  It's like a combination of Lemmings with mildly retarded rodents and the world's worst corporate team building exercise. 

Bah started us on the ending puzzle and we spent an hour bungling around before we took it from the top and actually had the whole "learn from the puzzle before this one" thing going on.  After that, we cruised through a handful of stuff before a couple hours went by.  Some of us left after the server dumped us but others stuck around a while longer, testament to the game's quality.  Definitely one of the better "random indie game" bro nights in a while although I don't know how much replay value it has once you've solved the levels.

Tonight -- TONIGHT -- the game is Project Cars which I already pitched in a half-assed manner yesterday.  This would be my quarter-assed pitch.

Last night we played Human: Fall Flat and it was good times! Everyone plays an identical looking white guy

If anyone has been holding onto PUBG's Gamescon Invitational crates to see what the market would do they are up to $6.95 now... 

Also PUBG is suppose to be leaving EA in December...  That seems a bit rushed but its been awhile since I've played it.

Last night we played Human: Fall Flat and it was good times! It's some cooperative puzzle-room solving game including physics which Fox said were sort of like Goat Sim but I never played that so Fox might be lying. Everyone plays an identical looking white guy who looks like he was molded out of clay and can use his left and right arms to independently grab things. No one has any identifying marks or name so coordination can be, uh, tricky as we all drag around bricks and wood beams and try to climb on one another's heads with half of us trying to coordinate some grand plan and the other half either trying their own ideas or wrestling and throwing each other off cliffs. It's like a combination of Lemmings with mildly retarded rodents and the world's worst corporate team building exercise.

Bah started us on the ending puzzle and we spent an hour bungling around before we took it from the top and actually had the whole "learn from the puzzle before this one" thing going on. After that, we cruised through a handful of stuff before a couple hours went by. Some of us left after the server dumped us but others stuck around a while longer, testament to the game's quality. Definitely one of the better "random indie game" bro nights in a while although I don't know how much replay value it has once you've solved the levels.

Tonight -- TONIGHT -- the game is Project Cars which I already pitched in a half-assed manner yesterday. This would be my quarter-assed pitch.
After what I suspect was him trolling us the entire night, Jimbo informed us towards the end that you could press tab to see who was who (names pop above the generic white men). After that, the random pulling people off cliffs and sabotaging puzzles came to a stop.

Still a fun game and I would play it again if only to solve the remaining puzzles. We lasted over 3 hours.

If anyone has been holding onto PUBG's Gamescon Invitational crates to see what the market would do they are up to $6.95 now...

Also PUBG is suppose to be leaving EA in December... That seems a bit rushed but its been awhile since I've played it.
When I read this all I think is "How many KF2 cosmetics will that buy me?"

I also read that the devs wouldn't commit to the new map being included when the game leaves EA which leaves the possibility open that they will sell it as DLC. On the one hand, releasing a game with only one map is ridiculous, but I do have 250 hours in one map and would probably buy the other map.
Gotta step up your bundling game, don't let your brothers and chiropractor's pet marmosets get your keys. I'm only #2 biggest e-peen on CAG with a measly 7327.
My Steam level is also 130 with 823 badges but I'm not really trying to hold a competition.

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Congrats to the Astros though. If we have any Huston natives here on CAG, have fun going nuts tonight.
Appreciate it. I was rounding the bases in the Astrodome as a little kid in their "buddies" little league program. This one feels good as a lifelong fan. But yes I can see how neutral fans wanted a better game 7. Personally I just wanted the win and am still recovering from the cardio workouts that were games 2 and 5.

To the cag who made the flood joke - people dying isn't funny. Guess it's easier if you didn't see the suffering first hand.

Also I own one of those TKL logitech boards and recommend it for $20. The switches feel like mx brown with o-rings

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The actual player reviews are coming in for AC:O and Wolfenstein 2, which reinforce (to me at least) the idea of not buying day 1.   Most of the AC:O complaints revolve around the double DRM which is causing their CPUs to go under more load than need be while their GPU is only being utilized 40% for instance.  Various complaints about technical issues, which in reality, should be fixed with patches minus the double DRM issue.  I also read that one person stated that they saw fire resistance stat without any drops for such - either person was unlucky or those items will come out with a DLC.  

Wolfenstein 2 complaints did touch on optimization for some, but most complained about the brevity i.e. 7 hours to 18 hours for others (arguement about cost vs hours of enjoyment) and the AI i.e. stealth and the behavior of the enemy.

I can understand why some people are frustrated on how Wolfenstein 2 for instance got so many 9 and 10 scores from review sites.

Overall, again at least for me, wait until most bugs patched, better optimized and the DLCs released to have better cohesion, and get at a better price.  

My poop is your poop...remove poop from the poopy keys, poop....

This Steam account already owns the product(s) contained in this offer.
This Steam account already owns the product(s) contained in this offer.
My poop is your poop...remove poop from the poopy keys, poop....

This Steam account already owns the product(s) contained in this offer.
This Steam account already owns the product(s) contained in this offer.
Took second, thanks!

Wolfenstein 2 complaints did touch on optimization for some, but most complained about the brevity i.e. 7 hours to 18 hours for others (arguement about cost vs hours of enjoyment) and the AI i.e. stealth and the behavior of the enemy.
I've been playing Wolfenstein 2 and enjoying it although it's not the Second Coming of gaming or anything. My opinions may be partially formed by the fact that I bought it and Prey for $30 combined versus paying $60 on Day One.

Game play wise I'm having fun although, so far, there hasn't been many real big battles. Supposedly, by the game's end you kill something like 1,000 Nazis directly (according to creative director Jen Matthies in PC Gamer) so I'm guessing it must be backloaded with that stuff. There has been some of the time wasting "swim around, press a button, kill two drones, swim back to end level" missions I also criticized in TNO but not too much of it. There's also a number of the "Sneak up on Commander before he can give an alarm" objectives and, now that I type it, it occurs to me that successfully performing those means less big fights. Aside from all that, the weapons and basic game play are about the same as TNO. The hand-wringing over the plot is exaggerated: You and your people don't like Nazis, you kill Nazis. There's some eye-rolling moments but, frankly, BJ's inner Batman-like tortured hero monologue is more exasperating than Black Power Woman ranting about The Man.

Technically, I had a brief stumble because I tried to play it with outdated drivers and haven't had an issue since I updated. Playing at 1080, I'm getting a consistent 65-75fps on Ultra using my old 290X (4gb). Game looks nice although the facial animations are less than convincing. Environment is 95% richly textured and detailed and 5% oddly poorly detailed which pops against the rest when you come across it. You know, you'll see a wall where you can count the pores in the cinder blocks and running along it is a pipe with bolts that look imported from Half Life 1.

Overall, I like it but, you know, it's a game. You follow the plot, you shoot dudes, you laugh, you learn, you love. It's an on-rails shooter and those are generally fairly short in my experience. I won't know until I'm done though. Don't pay sixty dollars for it because you shouldn't be paying sixty dollars for any game -- you're better than that.

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The hand-wringing over the plot is exaggerated: You and your people don't like Nazis, you kill Nazis.

Also, its a liner shooter... On-rails is something else entirely and its not a description you ever want your game described as. :) (If you remember all the old arcade games with the rifle/pistol and you moved a bit, stopped, killed a few things, and then moved on again without taking control of your character's movements... That's as on-rail shooter.)

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Wolfy2 is alright. They put a lot of effort into adding some flavor to all the nazi scalping.

It's a weird game though. like halfway through there's a real wtf moment and then the game becomes easier and a bunch of side missions open up outta nowhere to pad the game time. And the game is seriously difficult on "normal" settings, less so because enemies melt your health and armor, and more so because the game does a piss poor job of alerting you when you're getting shot, or where it's coming from. Save scumming is a must. 

BJ's monologue is CollegeHumor's Batman tier, without the intended humor. Mah wings, Coraline!! 

Overall it's a good time. Not $60 worth of a good time. Maybe $30. Personally I prefer TNO.

The actual player reviews are coming in for AC:O and Wolfenstein 2, which reinforce (to me at least) the idea of not buying day 1. Most of the AC:O complaints revolve around the double DRM which is causing their CPUs to go under more load than need be while their GPU is only being utilized 40% for instance. Various complaints about technical issues, which in reality, should be fixed with patches minus the double DRM issue. I also read that one person stated that they saw fire resistance stat without any drops for such - either person was unlucky or those items will come out with a DLC.
Using Yong's video also as a reference, so for those who ain't seen it:

So, Yong mentions that UbiSoft's nonsense PR that was replying to the at least 3 layers of bloatware (UPlay, VMProtect, and Denuvo) or 4 layers if you get it on Steam (so add Steam client on top of the other 3 bloatware) is saying that there's "No perceptible effect" for those "ensuring 30FPS".

Who the hell on the PC aims for 30FPS on the PC in a fast action-paced game like Assassin's Creed? Did they even test to see how all this bloatware would impact players aiming for 60FPS? What about those that have 90hz , 120hz, or 144hz monitors going for even higher framerates than the usual 60FPS standard?

Good going, Ubisoft - you basically made a console port here for 30FPS and ignored that most PC players aim for 60FPS.

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Not enjoying Wolf2 myself, not been too much combat so far. What is there is very solid, but the story itself is extremely cringeworthy and I don’t like any of the characters at all. BJ calling out to Caroline every few minutes is annoying. TNO and TOB are much better to me.

Also, yes it’s entirely too difficult on normal. Any regular enemy can kill you within a couple seconds. Not to mention you can’t carry above 50 health without it draining (I assume that changes)
Also, its a liner shooter... On-rails is something else entirely and its not a description you ever want your game described as.
Meh, one and the same to me for modern purposes. Not going to bother nerd-debating subjective gaming terms.

And the game is seriously difficult on "normal" settings, less so because enemies melt your health and armor, and more so because the game does a piss poor job of alerting you when you're getting shot, or where it's coming from. Save scumming is a must.
I've been happy with the difficulty on the default setting. It's tough but not so tough that I'm seriously struggling. I do save after fights but not "kill a guy, hit F5" or anything.

Overall it's a good time. Not $60 worth of a good time. Maybe $30. Personally I prefer TNO.

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I thought people didn't like Wolf 2 because we're killing Nazis in America in the game, and America is full of tiki torch-toting snowflakes heiling Trump and whining about being replaced by minorities despite the fact that corporations are solely responsible for outsourcing jobs, white people comprise a vast majority of the country, and we still hold nearly all of the power?

That was the spin I heard, that you should boycott the game because it calls Trump supporters Nazis. You know, like Richard Spencer.

Humble November Monthly bundle - 

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited + Vanity Pet + 15 days of ESO Plus

Quake Champions Early Access

Elder Scrolls: Legends - 2 Card Packs


Resident Evil 5 - Gold Edition

Shadow Tactics: Blade of the Shogun

Dead Rising 2


Emily Is Away Too

World To The West

Wilmots Warehouse (Humble exclusive)

And next month is...


Shadow Tactics: Blade of the Shogun... fuck, that's better than the headliners! I'm glad I unpaused a few days ago. I was going to skip but with 5 months left I figured I should get through my already paid for bundles ASAP.
Unlike Inmate, I'm glad I paused Nov and it looks like that decision will carry into Dec as well. Should've known Humbly getting bought would lead to shit like H1Z1.
bread's done