Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Just a heads up: Buying either the RX 580 or 570 will give you your choice of two of the three games (DMC 5, Division 2, RE2) that come with the 590. Makes the new card an even tougher sale when you can get 580 8GB models for ~$200 (1, 2, 3, 4)

Link to Promotion Info

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Hey guys! Any of you have a Radeon RX Vega 64 / 56 OR Rx 570 / 580? I really need some help right now. Please message me! I'm ready to honor whoever helps me.
Just a heads up: Buying either the RX 580 or 570 will give you your choice of two of the three games (DMC 5, Division 2, RE2) that come with the 590. Makes the new card an even tougher sale when you can get 580 8GB models for ~$200 (1, 2, 3, 4)

Link to Promotion Info
Yeah, the rx 580 8gb cards are the ones to watch on sales this month and next. $275 or so for the 590 (and 3 free games) isn't horrible overall but 2 free games with a 570/580 is the better deal. The 590 sure beats most of the gtx 1060 cards in price/performance which just makes the 580 look that much better.

Not from Ceiling Cat.
The cat is a lie.


Fake news from the dog-loving media! "Ceiling cat is a lie" is a lie! #MCCGA!
Sure, blow a hole in my conspiracy theory. Unlike our president's greatest hits, at least mine was accompanied by a clever pun.

Anyway, I've been playing Injustice 2 more, because. Some of the intro dialogue for the various characters is actually pretty witty.

Case in point, from a clash between Cyborg and Robin (the Damian Wayne version, if you're not familiar with the game):

Cyborg: What's up, D-Wayne?

Robin (icily): My name is not D-wayne!

Cyborg (chuckling): It is now!

Not sure exactly why, but I thought that was pretty f*cking funny. Maybe because Damian Wayne is such a jerk.

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GameRant - Fallout 76 is getting review-bombed on Metacritic for tons of reasons:

Some reasons include:
- Fallout 76 is not on Steam
- The game is empty and boring.
- Lack of NPC's
- The game has LOTS of bugs
- Feels like an extended mod for FO4 with some added online features
if the game is "empty and boring" and has lots of bugs and it has no npcs in a franchise typically having a feature facet of which being npcs is it really being review bombed or is it just being reviewed

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if the game is "empty and boring" and has lots of bugs and it has no npcs in a franchise typically having a feature facet of which being npcs is it really being review bombed or is it just being reviewed
Sounds like a mix of both to me.

Complaints about "the game feels like a FO4 mod with online features" or "this game isn't on Steam" is ridiculous. Bethesda/Zenimax as a publisher, I doubt Bethesda wants to kick 30% of their sales to Steam all the time anymore.

As a consumer, as much as I might want to see every game on Steam (b/c it's a good service) - I also think every game should be on GOG, Origin, UPlay, etc etc. I don't like game-client exclusive crap on the PC; let the gamers choose.

Of course, the price of $60 for what sounds more like a Fallout 4 DLC standalone or stand-alone expansion pack (since there's a huge new area here, which sounds like the real appeal here and some new features) also seems ridiculous.

The other stuff, I totally understand - the bugs; issues of no NPC's; online dropping out; lack of NPC's (in a franchise normally w/ that); any sort of lack of storytelling/narrative (compared to the usual Bethesda style); etc etc.

Sounds like a mix of both to me.

Complaints about "the game feels like a FO4 mod with online features" or "this game isn't on Steam" is ridiculous. Bethesda/Zenimax as a publisher, I doubt Bethesda wants to kick 30% of their sales to Steam all the time anymore.

As a consumer, as much as I might want to see every game on Steam (b/c it's a good service) - I also think every game should be on GOG, Origin, UPlay, etc etc. I don't like game-client exclusive crap on the PC; let the gamers choose.

Of course, the price of $60 for what sounds more like a Fallout 4 DLC standalone or stand-alone expansion pack (since there's a huge new area here, which sounds like the real appeal here and some new features) also seems ridiculous.

The other stuff, I totally understand - the bugs; issues of no NPC's; online dropping out; lack of NPC's (in a franchise normally w/ that); any sort of lack of storytelling/narrative (compared to the usual Bethesda style); etc etc.
They might have been fine if it were F2P or had a nominal price. The reality is that it's just a half-baked scheme to milk microtransactions. And games with microtransactions, even cosmetic, are not the sort most people want to shell out an up-front fixed cost to buy.

Company that built a reputation on making rich interactive worlds and being one of the "good guys" regarding modding is regarded critically for shallow world without much to do, heavy microtransactions and walled garden approach to modding. Film at eleven.

Complaints about "the game feels like a FO4 mod with online features" or "this game isn't on Steam" is ridiculous.
Of course, the price of $60 for what sounds more like a Fallout 4 DLC standalone or stand-alone expansion pack (since there's a huge new area here, which sounds like the real appeal here and some new features) also seems ridiculous.
You might want to hire an editor.

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And games with microtransactions, even cosmetic, are not the sort most people want to shell out an up-front fixed cost to buy.
Yeah, look at how it's held games like Rocket League back.

My opinion on Fallout 76 is that there was a certain set of people annoyed by its announcement at E3 that have still not gotten over its existence. I was someone who was lukewarm about the concept but gave it a shot, and I have been pleasantly surprised. Would I have rather had a New Vegas-style side story? Probably, but that doesn't mean that what is here is not compelling in its own way.

edit: I also think it's worth pointing out that people are posting reviews of what is essentially an MMO on day two. Do people remember what other MMOs were like day two?

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Yeah, look at how it's held games like Rocket League back.
That'd be an great point if Fallout 76 was a twenty dollar game.

I don't buy into "But it's day two". It's currently a retail product being sold to people for sixty bucks. Reviewing it as it is today is entirely legitimate because that's what they are selling today. If it shapes up and becomes awesome a year from now then let the people who buy it a year from now reflect that in their reviews.

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Everybody knows you have to give games a good 20 hours before you can truly say if you like them.

Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion: 9LQVZ-MNKJX-760FI
Thanks. Didn't have this and too lazy to get my own copy at Humble.

Also, COD BOIIIIIIIIIIIIII is $40 at Amazon deal of the day. For those looking for a good game.

Sounds like a mix of both to me.

Complaints about "the game feels like a FO4 mod with online features" or "this game isn't on Steam" is ridiculous. Bethesda/Zenimax as a publisher, I doubt Bethesda wants to kick 30% of their sales to Steam all the time anymore.

Of course, the price of $60 for what sounds more like a Fallout 4 DLC standalone or stand-alone expansion pack (since there's a huge new area here, which sounds like the real appeal here and some new features) also seems ridiculous.
yeah the only irrational complaint to me is that it's not on steam

due to the engine and nature of the games pretty much all of bethesda's games just feel like mods of each other but you can say the same for a lot of franchises. honestly i don't think this point really matters much at all, though. new vegas is vitually identical to fo3 but it's pretty much universally considered the best fallout despite that due to its quality. the "it feels like a mod" complaint is valid to an extent, but nobody would care if the game itself was good

It only took me about 5min. of two different youtube videos to mostly know what Fallout76 was.  There are no NPCs or dynamic quests.   Just robots and terminals.  So most everything will be comprised of highly disguised fetch and kill quests and lots of reading.  24man severs.   Maybe the PvP is interesting, maybe it's not, who knows.  But I don't really care at that point when the rest of the game isn't compelling enough. 

Fallout76 is a shared-world RPG that lacks a couple of the most vital RPG elements: people and a living world. 

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They might have been fine if it were F2P or had a nominal price. The reality is that it's just a half-baked scheme to milk microtransactions. And games with microtransactions, even cosmetic, are not the sort most people want to shell out an up-front fixed cost to buy.
Yeah, well, I think the millions of folks subbing to WoW would disagree. So would the lunatics who buy Starcraft skins. Basically Blizzard's entire business plan revolves around selling people $60 games followed by $60 expansions, charging them $14 a month to play some of those games, and charging them real money for hats and pets.

It only took me about 5min. of two different youtube videos to mostly know what Fallout76 was. There are no NPCs or dynamic quests. Just robots and terminals. So most everything will be comprised of highly disguised fetch and kill quests and lots of reading. 24man severs. Maybe the PvP is interesting, maybe it's not, who knows. But I don't really care at that point when the rest of the game isn't compelling enough.

Fallout76 is a shared-world RPG that lacks a couple of the most vital RPG elements: people and a living world.
Hm. This is making me regret my decision to pre-order this as a birthday gift for my brother. The more I hear about it, the worse it sounds.
Give him Fallout 76 as the joke present and then gift him a copy of Hollow Knight afterwards.  He'll have a good laugh and instantly forgive you.

How 'bout dat new Walking Ded game?

There, I talked about a game so now I can complete diverge from the game part and ask: who's sticking with TWD after the early Season 9 (good God they had nine seasons already...) "big change"? I watched last weeks episode and yeah, I think I may be done... Judith is pushing me over the edge...
I do admit, I still want to play Fallout76.  I'm sure some aspects are great.  But the game very clearly has a low ceiling for excellence and there are so many other top notch games that deserve our time and money right now.  I bet that collecting loot, crafting, and shooting monsters is fun.  But what, are we actually going to buy the game?  It's very obviously a flop right out of the gate.  I've got other stuff to play like RDR2, which I've only spent 3 hours playing for the one week I've owned it because I've been having more fun playing Overwatch on 1440p at 144fps g-sync. 

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:whistle2: I'm not going to talk about a game at all, so there, rcsample!

I installed two more 4Gb sticks of G.SKILL Ripjaws V DDR4 RAM in my computer a few days ago, and everything seems to run much more smoothly. I seemed to have a serious bottleneck with just the 8Gb already installed.

Man, my old computer had 6Gb of system RAM and I thought I was in decent shape. 

It only took me about 5min. of two different youtube videos to mostly know what Fallout76 was. There are no NPCs or dynamic quests. Just robots and terminals. So most everything will be comprised of highly disguised fetch and kill quests and lots of reading. 24man severs. Maybe the PvP is interesting, maybe it's not, who knows. But I don't really care at that point when the rest of the game isn't compelling enough.

Fallout76 is a shared-world RPG that lacks a couple of the most vital RPG elements: people and a living world.
Skill Up, who almost never does impression videos, did one over the disappointment of the Beta...

The game honestly seems so bad/I'll planned that its laughable...

I would need some heavy discounts and boat loads of improvements for me to even consider buying it... Honestly it's best feature, to me, is it not being on Steam. I'll never have to feel the need to buy it to complete my Fallout collection.
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You guys said the same thing about ESO or TESO or whatever that is and here we are years later.  It's still going strong and no TESV in sight.  Fallout V in like 2022 I predict.  

bread's done