Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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As soon as I saw the metracritic scores for Fallout76 the first thing I thought of was how I knew some people would defend the game on the internet just to get attention.  Or troll people. 

How long did it take ESO to be humbled?  A year or two, no?

I'm sure FO76 is such a huge bust that Bethesda is almost out of business.   Sure of it. The gamer nerd rage is definitely not being exaggerated.  Gamer nerd rage took down game journalism so bethesda better watch out. 

I think the question is this: after Fallout 76's miserable launch, will Bethesda fans trust Bethesda with Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6 now to go pre-order and/or purchase it by Day 1 now?


Humble Bundle
Don't get your hopes up, my friend!

I think there's a better chance of Yanni Cappuccino letting Motoki out of his torture dungeon or rcsample taking Tebow to the next Wrestlemania than there is of Bethesda doing a Humble Bundle.

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How long did it take ESO to be humbled? A year or two, no?
Nope. They kept working at it and revamping it, basically.

Which is basically what they'll have to do, to keep FO76 going....and then some.

At least ESO was competent and run worth a damn on systems - yeah, and that was even when it was in Beta. That game (ESO) even had NPC's and dialogue, too. A lot of the stuff we expect in ES games were there - but now they had the force-online MMO stuff attached (online servers and online players).

The thing w/ ESO was this: a fair deal of it was just boring & cliche fantasy, TBH. That was ESO's real crime out-the-box, TBH.

ESO had a much easier fix needed, at hand - just keep revamping it & expanding the game w/ more content and better content.

For FO76 to succeed (later at some point in time), it's gonna take A LOT more than what ESO went through.

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Bethesda has been a shitty company for years.  They're lazy and greedy.  They've been using the same engine for 20 years.  They should've switched to Unreal or Id engine a long time ago, but their programmers are too dumb to work with a new engine.  I don't know why people even care about Fallout/Skyrim when there are so many good open world RPGs out there these days.

Fallout at least is a fairly unique milieu.  Elder Scrolls is just generic high fantasy medieval stuff that you can get from a dozen other similar games.  I guess it has the modding going for it (until ES5 comes out with Bethesda approved $$$ modding only or something)

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Ideally G-Sync but I don't care that much.  Was looking around $400.

That bestbuy one does look pretty good.

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Bethesda has been a shitty company for years. They're lazy and greedy. They've been using the same engine for 20 years. They should've switched to Unreal or Id engine a long time ago, but their programmers are too dumb to work with a new engine. I don't know why people even care about Fallout/Skyrim when there are so many good open world RPGs out there these days.
A moddable Id Engine for Bethesda's games would be something I could definitely get behind. Doom 2016 ran fantastic and its gunplay/combat was incredible. Would be interesting to see how newer versions of Id Tech would handles open-world games and RPG-systems too.

Fallout: Wichita

Plot twist: Everything is intact because who would waste a nuke on friggin' Wichita?
You joke but during the cold war lots of Kansas would be a target due to missile silos... Obviously, Fallout takes place fairly far into the future so this might no longer be true... but I suspect Kansas will also be in the interior of the country far from the its borders and there will always be vast spaces of land to hide weapons.

Price glitch for free VR games. Can't wait for revokes. Latest whole 15 seconds, so y no wen free.

Also on more important news, RIP TremorGames

Who could have guessed that giving away crap indie games for watching doll hair styling videos wasn't a sustainable business?

In other news, I bought one of those $350 monitors so this thing had better change my life.  They also seem to have ended the sale on them, at least for now.  Might pop back up on Thursday/Friday.  Otherwise, Dell is supposed to have them starting tomorrow for $400 and you can get 10% back from eBates if you do that chicanery.  Not as good as $350 but it's somethin'.

The earlier period this year when Tremor was offline, and the dwindling number of survey sites, including Peanutlabs becoming non-functional, was a strong indicator of what was to come. Only had 300 or so coins left, so put in my final order there just now. Glad I got a couple of 5 dollar Steam wallet codes from them just recently. RIP Tremor Bros.

Tremor officially gave more notice of it's shut down than Telltale did.  Telltale no longer let's me access all my games I purchased on their sites.  Tremor is a more reputable business than Telltale.  

Meh.  I did an offer that was still pending for 7k coins, rip those coins I guess.  I didn't do it FOR the coins, I just went looking to see if they had an offer and they did, but I took the time to comb through pages of garbage to pick out a bunch of games that looked vaguely interesting or had cards to wishlist to use said coins on.  So basically I am annoyed at the wasted time more than the coins.  lol

If anybody else is interested in Playstation VR (prob not), NewEgg has the AIM controller bundle with Firewall for $60 on the site, and then head over to eBay and use the mobile coupon and you can get the Creed/Superhot VR bundle from NewEgg on there and save about $37.50 off what it is everywhere else.  

Hmm.  I thought the Fall sale was starting...  Anybody seen the sale?

There it is.

In b4 worst sale evar.

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bread's done