Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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(reads last few posts)


I had thought Rebel Galaxy had been a freebie before especially since they made Rebel Galaxy Outlaw a timed Epic exclusive.  Anyway, from the "y u no wen" department, it has been included in numerous dirt cheap Fanatical bundles over the last year.

I had thought Rebel Galaxy had been a freebie before especially since they made Rebel Galaxy Outlaw a timed Epic exclusive. Anyway, from the "y u no wen" department, it has been included in numerous dirt cheap Fanatical bundles over the last year.
Yep. Back in June of '19 Rebel Galaxy was a freebie.

Does that mean Foxhack will have to boycott Focus Home Interactive? :p

edit - oh boy...

Dotemu Wants To Make Games Based on Terminator, Conan, And Other Nostalgic Action Franchises
If Focus Home was able to buy DotEmu it probably means they were bleeding money, despite having a massive hit with Streets of Rage 4. DotEmu did not develop it on its own. It was developed by DotEmu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush (engine), and I'm pretty sure DotEmu didn't do that much to begin with.

That said I hope Focus Home will force DotEmu to stop releasing games in half-finished conditions and actually do some QA on their stuff. I can dream, no?

As for DotEmu wanting to do all those franchises... as long as they don't do anything and let other studios handle the work, who cares. All of those games will vanish a year or two after release, anyway.

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I know some of you probably saw on the front page of CAG...

Greedfall [base-game] (Steam) is $11.99 on NewEgg w/ promo code EMCEAEX39.

Be aware, if you have to get this game now & without its DLC...

...Greedfall base-game [Steam-version] is cheaper on DLGamer for Steam-version for $9 straight-up (with no coupons).

Link for $9 Greedfall

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The Council: Complete Season (Steam/PC) - My Impressions:

I've been playing The Council on the PC (over on Steam) lately. I certainly have some thoughts on it, as I'm currently on Episode 4 (out of 5).

So far, it has been ranging somewhere b/t really good to great. Namely, Episodes 1-3 were great; and Episode 4 at a certain point has taken a turn...and I'm not sure where it belongs yet, as it has hit a really shocking moment that sets quite bit of a change in both story elements & your skills; and I'm not sure how fleshed-out this will get, as it happens late in Episode 4 and the fact that there's only one Episode left.

Speaking of skills, this adventure game has some actual RPG elements. You pick your class and skills - and then go from there, once the game starts. These skills can focus on certain things, such as Agility (i.e. movement in QTE's/dialogue); Occult knowledge; Investigation skills; etc etc. This also sets up different decision-making options that you may (or may not take), based on your skills & stats with constant skill & stat checks; and/or more extra info or knowledge your character might have certain knowledge to make puzzles and/or riddles easier (or even he might know the answer, ahead of time).

This adventure game with RPG elements, making this new adventure/RPG hybrid here is really interesting & well done, feeling like this could be the next evolution & future of adventure games, by taking the interactive-movie/adventure-game thing that say Quantic Dream games and Telltale Games been both pioneering & championing to the next level by adding RPG elements to it.

Just about anything you do in-game (make decisions and what you say in dialogue) and find (such as Lore & items), will do something effecting stats and skills. You can find items that make you skip next turn of using points when in a dialogue for making special choices; items that restore your bar of points to spend on special choices/dialogue options; find Lore in the game-world that can give you boosts to specific skills (which you can often read at the beginning of a new Sections of an Episode and at the beginning of a new Episode); etc etc. It feels like, in this game, everything you do can really shape the actual journey of the story, at least - though, since I ain't done replays yet, I can't speak on how different the game's final outcomes can and will be (or won't be).

This game has nothing but shocking moments, twists, revelations, and whatnot throughout these episodes; especially when an Episode ends. Often, it's a true moment of "What the heck?" and/or other explicit language from out of the mouth will be flying in the sky. Then you really want to go play the next episode, to see what happens next.

So, the basic premise is this: you play a character named Louis, who is going to a meeting of numerous Secret Society Members & World Leaders, not that long after the formation of the United States, in the very late 1700's. Your mother went missing and you believe she's there somewhere, even though she can't be find. So, you're out to find her - and that really isn't even the tip of the iceberg here, as this begins the on-going Domino effect that goes throughout this Season. This game is more than just your mom's disappearance here, as that's really just the set-up for all kinds of other events & madness, as all kinds of other madness happens, which I don't really want to tread into Spoiler Turf here. I should note: the storytelling, writing, dialogue, and voice-acting here is really good here, so far - and this is definitely one of the main reasons to play this game.

This game on the PC looks great, for the most part. The environments, game-world, and character models looks fantastic. So, the immersion factor is differently there, setting-up this time period and setting really well. One complaint though: oddly enough, this game doesn't have any AA settings internally in the actual in-game options, so you can and will get jaggies unfortunately. This is odd, as most games these days even have some AA support, even if it isn't MSAA or higher-end AA solutions. To solve this lack of AA support problem, though - one should go to your NVidia Control Panel software or your AMD equivalent software and crank up any AA settings (such as MSAA) as far as you can go, to kill the jaggies...and that should make the game look amazing & as great as it really should look.

So, I'm 19.2 hours into this, according to Steam - and I'm really enjoying this, deep into Episode 4. Once I get through Ep. 4, I'll have one episode left...and I'm going to plug away and try to finish this up. So far, at the very least, this one's really good.

ADDENDUM = 5:33pm EST:

And after 22.3 hours, this one's in the books. The last part of Episode 4 and most of Chapter 5 goes way off the rails, gets quite a bit bizarre, and into all kinds of different realms. Even in doing this, these last 2 Episodes are nothing really as interesting and as great as Episodes 1-3; and also b/c part of later parts of Episode 4 & all of Episode 5 feel rather rushed, get quite bizarre, and also feel like they need more explanation & depth to them. What's there is intriguing & interesting - yes, both from gameplay and story standpoints, without going into Spoiler Turf here - but doesn't remain as tight, complete, and as great as Episodes 1-3.

Like other adventure games such as Life Is Strange: Season One and Fahrenheit (aka Indigo Prophecy), it goes both off the rails story-wise and doesn't really stick the landing in especially the last episode. Episodes 1-3 are great; part of Episode 4 is really good; and when the big twist happens in Episode 4 happens & the madness continues in Episode 5, it all goes off the rails. Regardless, Episodes 1-3 are great; and the Final 2 Episodes are decent, but they ain't great, as they lack polish and feel entirely rushed.

It's still a good journey and definitely worth taking for the most part, but really fails to stick the landing and ending(s) here in the Final Episode.

When it's all said & done, The Council: Complete Season is quite good, but just still misses greatness.

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The game Skylar and Plux was quietly de-listed on Steam and on on August 3rd and August 4th respectively.

According to the article, the developer didn't even know that the game was going to be de-listed.

Equally as surprised as anyone else, the team at Right Nice Games had been seeking an explanation from Grip Digital since the game disappeared on consoles in June. After the delisting on Steam, Dennis Löfgren from Right Nice Games replied with the following comment:

Hey everybody. I’m Dennis Löfgren, game designer at Right Nice Games (the developers of Skylar and Plux). We were unaware of this takedown as well as the takedowns on PS and Xbox. We’re trying to get in touch with Grip Digital (the publisher) and see if there is anyway we can get the game back up and available for purchase. In the meantime, keep an eye out on our Twitter @RightNiceGames.

Dennis Löfgren, Right Nice Games
Just going to comment I really do appreciate MysterD's mini (or not so mini in some cases) impressions and reviews, as well as others. I give them too for bundled games and VNs, and will again as I'm currently finally somewhat fully moved and all after preparing for that for a bit over a month. Will give my random Steam games plays and for sure VNs (currently working on Primal Hearts). All in all will get the Council when it's bundled of course. I haven't really gotten into adventure games in a while. They used to be one of my favorite genres.

Just going to comment I really do appreciate MysterD's mini (or not so mini in some cases) impressions and reviews, as well as others. I give them too for bundled games and VNs, and will again as I'm currently finally somewhat fully moved and all after preparing for that for a bit over a month. Will give my random Steam games plays and for sure VNs (currently working on Primal Hearts). All in all will get the Council when it's bundled of course. I haven't really gotten into adventure games in a while. They used to be one of my favorite genres.
I agree. I also appreciate your reviews. Especially since you put out several card game reviews, which is a genre that I really like. Thank you!

Spent a fair chunk of yesterday playing through Katamari Damacy on Game Pass. Compared to all the other games I've played that involve rolling a ball to gather up as many people/animals/objects as possible until you reach sizes of absurd proportions, I'd place it somewhere near the top.

Spent a fair chunk of yesterday playing through Katamari Damacy on Game Pass. Compared to all the other games I've played that involve rolling a ball to gather up as many people/animals/objects as possible until you reach sizes of absurd proportions, I'd place it somewhere near the top.
I'm looking forward to starting it. I downloaded it the other day, but the Back 4 Blood Beta is taking all my time.
I'm looking forward to starting it. I downloaded it the other day, but the Back 4 Blood Beta is taking all my time.
I forgot to ask if anyone here was playing the beta. I haven't tried it out myself but I've been following the discussion and planned to check it out on Game Pass. Seeing a lot of differing opinions so far. At the very least it's made me want to jump back into L4D2 for the first time in what's gotta be 5+ years by now.

The campaign is pretty fun. The weapon rarities and attachments is a cool addition. The versus sucks. Instead of human zombies attacking in campaign levels, it's just horde mode on a tiny map with moving circle like in Fortnite.
I forgot to ask if anyone here was playing the beta. I haven't tried it out myself but I've been following the discussion and planned to check it out on Game Pass. Seeing a lot of differing opinions so far. At the very least it's made me want to jump back into L4D2 for the first time in what's gotta be 5+ years by now.
I've enjoyed it but I've only played with randos on the base difficulty. Probably more of a fun challenge with a real team when playing harder. $60 is a silly price to ask for it though and I don't know how much replayability it'll have once I've done the campaign a couple times (bleah PvP) so Game Pass sounds like the perfect vehicle for this.

Saw this on steamgifts

If you have Deiland (it was free at some point) you can get Deiland: Pocket Planet free.

Towards the end there is a link to a google docs form that requires email, steam user name, and a library screenshot showing the original.
Form is closed. I guess it was for a limited time

Form is closed. I guess it was for a limited time
I thought it was supposed to be until the enhanced version came out.

"Just complete this form before the game releases and we’ll send a Steam key for Deiland: Pocket Planet for free!"

But probably got hit with a ton of bots or something, or he's looking into doing it a better way.

I already started a dedicated thread for this, but I figured that I would re-post here anyway.

You can try the anime streaming service Crunchyroll Premium for 14 days and get a 3 month Game Pass for PC membership for free.

Here are the terms:

Requires a Crunchyroll Premium membership.  Valid for new Xbox Game Pass members only.  One code per person.  Claim offer by 10/31/21.  Redeem by 11/30/21.

Therefore, I don't know if it will stack for current Game Pass members, but it might.  Fingers crossed.

Just going to comment I really do appreciate MysterD's mini (or not so mini in some cases) impressions and reviews, as well as others. I give them too for bundled games and VNs, and will again as I'm currently finally somewhat fully moved and all after preparing for that for a bit over a month. Will give my random Steam games plays and for sure VNs (currently working on Primal Hearts). All in all will get the Council when it's bundled of course. I haven't really gotten into adventure games in a while. They used to be one of my favorite genres.
I appreciate your reviews/impressions also; and appreciate that you appreciate my reviews.
Thank you so much, Nitro! :)


I did mess around a bit yesterday w/ The Technomancer (i.e. the follow-up to Mars: War Logs) - so if I stick w/ it, there'll be some impressions of that coming next.

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I just finished AssCreed Valhalla, and it sucked.

I'd write more but what can I say. I'm no MysterD.
Hearing you say that should be enough to get me not to play it.

Being a fanboy of the older AssCreed games (never played AC1 or AC3, other than that have kept up), I continually play the "new" (Origins and onward) thinking this one will be the one, just like Charlie Brown going to kick the football Lucy is holding for him.

Sadly from Origins->Odyssey it was a downward trend, making Odyssey a poor man's Witcher 3 and stripping the already toilet-paper thin AC back story even further.

At this point, PoopySoft, should just strip the AC prefix from these games and just call them something else.

I don't have high hopes for this game nor the follow on code-named AC:Infinity. It's clear they are not interested in creating stories with quests that support that story. They are creating fetch quests etc to support their level gated content structure. The goal being to keep people grinding for that next puce-colored level 231 pig-sticker pellet as it's dispensed from the Skinner box.

So, in summary, can't wait to start AC:Vikings, it should be a treat.

P. S Bonus Review: FC5: New Dawn. Probably would have helped to start this closer to me finishing up FC5, which I thought was tepid. This one, starting out tepid. But like a good PoopySoft zombie, I will continue on.

P. P. S Damn.... That was almost a MysterD level ramble... Been here too long, he's rubbing off on me.... Well at least his mom is...
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I liked New Dawn more than I expected to.  Wasn't really in love with the Bobbsey Twins antagonists but the game play itself was distilled down a lot from the fluff of the "full" games and nothing in New Dawn was as terrible as the forced kidnapping bullshit in FC5.  Tighter and faster paced which wasn't a bad thing.

I liked New Dawn more than I expected to. Wasn't really in love with the Bobbsey Twins antagonists but the game play itself was distilled down a lot from the fluff of the "full" games and nothing in New Dawn was as terrible as the forced kidnapping bullshit in FC5. Tighter and faster paced which wasn't a bad thing.
I actually wish there was more of both the Twins and also Seed.

But, I really liked the game; more than I even expected. It's more FC5, but improved in many regards - better pacing; no kidnapping BS (as you put it); loved the new Expedition missions/levels; and finished-up both the new ND storyline and Joseph Seed storyline.

For a stand-alone expansion, ND's a winner.

To me, FC5 and ND should ALWAYS be packaged together; never apart.

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bread's done