Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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thinkin of pulling the trigger on LIchdom: Battlemage. I wanted 80% or more off but 70% isn't too bad. I've been wanting to try it out for a while, anyone played it? Is it worth it at the 70% price? Also how is it graphically? Im looking for something to test out my new rig that im building this month.

People obviously prefer Steam over Origin and Uplay, and I know some people HATE them, like, refuse to buy games that are hosted through them. When it looked like Ubisoft wasn't going to sell their new games on Steam I saw comments in different sites from a lot of people who said they wouldn't buy the games because of that.
fuck that. DRM Free for the masses! Steam is the Devil that will rape you in your sleep. Origin kills worse than crack cocaine. Uplay is more provocative than a drunken night on Bourbon Street, flashing its tits in any anyone's face that has a heartbeat (and some without). And Crapsule one even uses it. Everyone should hug a tree, walk to work and drink you own piss.
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fuck that. DRM Free for the masses! Steam is the Devil that will rape you in your sleep. Origin kills worse than crack cocaine. Uplay is more provocative than a drunken night on Bourbon Street, flashing its tits in any anyone's face that has a heartbeat (and some without). And Crapsule one even uses it. Everyone should hug a tree, walk to work and drink you own piss.
*bursts through the door like Kramer*

Someboday say "tits"?

I don't really care which (major) client a game uses but I did link my DA:I through Steam.  Partially for convenience and mainly so everyone else can see the "Syntax Error is playing Dragon Age: Inquisition" pop-up and know that I am playing the awesomeness of DA:I.

That said, I would be interested in some type of study or something regarding the difference in income achieved by having the game on Steam vs not having the pay the Valve fee for having the game sold through their client. People obviously prefer Steam over Origin and Uplay, and I know some people HATE them, like, refuse to buy games that are hosted through them. When it looked like Ubisoft wasn't going to sell their new games on Steam I saw comments in different sites from a lot of people who said they wouldn't buy the games because of that.
I doubt it makes a significant difference for AAA games. Gamers are going to pony up the necessary dough on whatever platform is required to get their "fix" in a favorite series. Not many people (probably no one actually) are going to avoid buying a game solely because it's a Steam or Origin or Uplay exclusive, irrespective of what they may post on comment boards or websites. The percentage of people who would seriously boycott a game because of its exclusivity would not make a significant difference in terms of profit margins.

What happen to the olden days when we skip game based on quality and not on client, cards or achievement? The younger generation of gamers .. :drool:
hal is definitely not in the "younger generation."

Anyhow... too much about a tired old subject. I'm simply trying to say that Dragon Age: Inquisition would definitely be a game I'd play, but I tend to forget that Origin is there and, consequently, my games on that platform mostly get ignored. It's a failing on my part, but I'm sure I'm not alone.
You're not alone. I have boxed games, GOG games, Origin games, games I backed up from Gamersgate downloads, and Uplay games that I would probably play but for a tendency to download something from Steam because. . . lazy. I have played a few Origin games on my computer, old C&C games that really don't run any other way and The Sims 3, but, yeah, I have very small libraries on other clients and I'm generally too lazy to go through my boxes, so it's generally Steam by default.

Actually I'm not sure that entirely true either. I've been eyeballing my boxed copies of the Act of War RTS games for a while--I even put them in the front of my storage shelf to say, "hey, these are here," and yet, I haven't made a move to install them. I think the advent of digital clients has really made me terribly lazy about picking games.

Now, seriously, I usually forget Origin is there too. The client is good, really, but Origin don't have many games and many (good) sales, so is easy to forget about it.
I bought one. I have three wireless controllers and two receivers plus a PS4 controller but I'm too lazy to hook everything up and sync stuff. I want to just plug the thing in and GO!
Yeah, I got two because I have 2 wireless X360s that don't like to sync and 3 PS3 controllers and I want to be able to introduce new games to my wife without confusing her with squares and triangles when the onscreen prompts are ABXY.

Reposting from the GamersGlitch thread:

You sure that's not just the Season Pass? There's no listing for the Season Pass on its own, and the listing doesn't say it includes two products, like other bundles do.

Plus the Season Pass is worth ten bucks.

Reposting from the GamersGlitch thread:

You sure that's not just the Season Pass? There's no listing for the Season Pass on its own, and the listing doesn't say it includes two products, like other bundles do.

Plus the Season Pass is worth ten bucks.
Is it actually both or just mislabeled?

(not mine, I'll wait for -75%)

[quote name="indef" post="12317314" timestamp="1418234729"]And Tomb Raider games go on sale insanely fast.[/quote]
And I don't even finished GOL
Today's Fine Daily Deal

Double Fine Sale!

33%-80% off of games you already own

And if you don't have any of these... then welcome, newcomer, to PC gaming!

Your best deal would be the:

Double Fine Bundle 80% off $34.99 $6.99

Brutal Legend



Iron Brigade

Costume Quest
I know, right?

I'm really glad I can donate again to the Tim Schafer has run out of $100 bills to wipe his ass with fund.

I know, right?

I'm really glad I can donate again to the Tim Schafer has run out of $100 bills to wipe his ass with fund.
I mean, it's for a good cause. Rather he be wiping his ass with money than his consumer base by giving up on projects like DF-9.


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That Doublefine bundle is like $2 in Russia.  Not sure if it's region-locked and too lazy to look it up since I have everything but Iron Brigade, which I have on console.

I agree it's a bit silly to skip a game based on client, but to each their own. I would much, much rather have a game on Steam than Origin (part of the reason I bought Dragon Age on steam this past sale despite it being given away for free by Origin), but I won't skip a game entirely because of it.

That said, I would be interested in some type of study or something regarding the difference in income achieved by having the game on Steam vs not having the pay the Valve fee for having the game sold through their client. People obviously prefer Steam over Origin and Uplay, and I know some people HATE them, like, refuse to buy games that are hosted through them. When it looked like Ubisoft wasn't going to sell their new games on Steam I saw comments in different sites from a lot of people who said they wouldn't buy the games because of that.
I'm not too worried about Origin.

It's that questionable Denuvo attached w/ DA:I PC from those ex-Securom creators that I'm worried about.

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The first thing I thought when I saw the spaceship launch screenshot: "ooo... another game by Sos Sosowski." Guess not.
Well, unlike that piece of crap McPixel, this is an actual game.

Friggin BS ending. Worst ending to a game since the Alone in the Dark Reboot.

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Speaking of this

good for ur wallet, i guess
Meh-stern Digital accepted my RMA and shipped out a new 1tb Black drive to replace my old one. Only cost $5 to ship and saved me like $70. It's like Christmas in... nevermind, I guess.

I was kidding about the meh part. WD makes some pretty decent shit.

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