Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I apparently have 5k posts.

Am I still a newbie?

A rap album based on Borderlands 2? Sure, why not. Soundcloud and Bandcamp.


Cool tune but this


doesn't sound right. Like, pretty sure a real band has the rights to the original.


Almost a decade here and a 1/4 the posts of some of youse! I blew my forum load elsewhere and when.

Profile Views: 5,140. I actually have more posts than profile views.


That's only because of the nearly naked photo you have there. :D/

[There I just gave you another few hundred views.]
Didn't find a nearly naked photo, but I did find this:


I'm this close to adding someone to my ignore for :bouncy: abuse.
Apr 01 2014 04:38 PM

What an asshole, you should totally have put him on ignore.

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I have 6097 profile views.

I don't know who'd wanna see my profile. 


Nice - I got 13,682 posts.

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So I've been a site member since 2006 and still have under 2k posts. And only 1205 profile views. I win?
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I'm late today, sorry guys. Last of Us Remastered has consumed me.

New Releases

Mount Your Friends- $3.99

Firefall- F2P

The Legend of Heroes: T.I.T.S.- $16.99

Rodina- $15 (early access)

Any sticky keys on dat keyboard mooby? hehe

I'm late today, sorry guys. Last of Us Remastered has consumed me.

New Releases

Mount Your Friends- $3.99

Firefall- F2P

The Legend of Heroes: T.I.T.S.- $16.99

Rodina- $15 (early access)

Any sticky keys on dat keyboard mooby? hehe
It's from glazed donuts, I swear.

Mooby stop doing nice shit for someone. It's ruining my mean old grouch image of you.
Well Bruticis said he'd buy me Derp Rising 3 if it sold but I'm highly skeptical. Also, got gifted like half a dozen games the last few days but I'm still drawn to State of Derpcay. Sorry, Motoki, I got bored of Frayed Knights after thirty or so minutes. And sorry, Neuro, I rage quit Mafia 2 after I failed the timer on the six gas station mission... does the game actually improve? The city looks great, the physics look great, but I'm tired of these shallow and tedious missions. I just want to murder peeps.

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Well Bruticis said he'd buy me Derp Rising 3 if it sold but I'm highly skeptical. Also, got gifted like half a dozen games the last few days but I'm still drawn to State of Derpcay. Sorry, Motoki, I got bored of Frayed Knights after thirty or so minutes. And sorry, Neuro, I rage quit Mafia 2 after I failed the timer on the six gas station mission... does the game actually improve? The city looks great, the physics look great, but I'm tired of these shallow and tedious missions. I just want to murder peeps.
I love that you still call it State of Derpcay even though you've played it a bajillion hours, keep going back to it and can't tear yourself away.
Well Bruticis said he'd buy me Derp Rising 3 if it sold but I'm highly skeptical. Also, got gifted like half a dozen games the last few days but I'm still drawn to State of Derpcay. Sorry, Motoki, I got bored of Frayed Knights after thirty or so minutes. And sorry, Neuro, I rage quit Mafia 2 after I failed the timer on the six gas station mission... does the game actually improve? The city looks great, the physics look great, but I'm tired of these shallow and tedious missions. I just want to murder peeps.
You failed that mission? I did all of them first try and was surprised that it was so easy.

I guess if I sucked at games I'd probably hate them too.

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Thanks guys, I'll try and trade.

The russian versions are english as well correct lol?  No problems or such running them on Steam (region locked etc.?)

if (TrueCAG == true)


75% off or GTFO.


else if ((FakeCAG == true) || (Snakeybro == true))



Fakeybro is best coded as a do while loop with a price argument calling the apathy import, and it gets returned to the money void.

So without being forced to scour the varied bundle threads, what good bundles are out there now? I like platformers, strategy (no rts), rpg, arcade, 2d shooters, and puzzle. I hate point and click adventure games and visual novels along with fps, mmorpg, and rts.
Thanks guys, I'll try and trade.

The russian versions are english as well correct lol? No problems or such running them on Steam (region locked etc.?)
Some games lockout, Witcher 3 had a recent scare, and Bioshock Infinite and South Park are regionlocked. So if you're buying a game like Divinity and don't want to worry about it, redeem it immediately.

With the amount of people selling it, I'd assume it's English. But I think Fallout: New Vegas has an issue with it being in Russian, or something. I've never had such an issue though.

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