Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Not really surprised considering it's a new version that was picked up by a new publisher, and keys were never promised to begin with (it wasn't even on Greenlight).
Stained Developer Update:

IR Bundle Owner & Key Issue
Hello IR Bundle Owners,

Wanted to clear few things with you guys. I am not against sending keys to the bundle owner, If you remember correctly I was doing that myself over email. It is just that I can’t spend time on this kind of support process anymore, so I’ve given up!

I am completely aware of the promises I have made, and I was delivering on the same line, until we got caught into this situation.

Before making this announcement I also contacted IR, and explained them the situation. They made it clear to me that it is not possible to remove those emails from their record to whom we have already sent the keys.

More than 200 keys are already sent, now if you are saying it’s okay; Let them have another copy of the game, “I don’t agree to it”. It means you have no value to the 200 copies of my game. You might argue on the value of the product, but to me as a creator it has great value.

I have sent one more email to IR today, and requested them to help me out here. If they come out with some solution, I am more than happy to give the keys. If not then things may not change any further for us.

Let’s hope for the best.

>>>> Update >>>>>
That was really fast. Just got a message from IR representative.
There hopefully is a way around it
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Stained Developer Update:

>>>> Update >>>>>
That was really fast. Just got a message from IR representative.

There hopefully is a way around it

Pretty sure any solution from IndieRoyale is going to end up with everybody getting three keys instead of the usual two.

Anyone here grab that Sims 2 free from Origin? I didn't because damned if I'll install Origin but if you did, trolloololololololololololoo: you now have SecuRom installed, too.

Might be late to the party but I don't care, my executive assistants didn't get me the memo.
Though I don't care for it, SecuROM has never been a problem for me. There are others that I actively avoid.

Besides, it's not like I'm going to play it. I was mainly just trying to migrate my retail copy to a digital service. As a bonus I got an upgrade.

I don't get the hate for the Origin client. It's bare-bones, but it's responsive and easy to start/stop.

Thing is nobody told him to issue those keys instead of waiting for IR to get back to him like he should have. He can blame impatient Playfire people all he wants but that was ultimately his choice. I've even seen some devs say 'I'm working on getting keys to the bundle site but if you can't wait just write me and I'll give you one' knowing full well those people will get keys again through the bundle site.

I think he should take responsibility for his own bad choice and just live with those 200 people getting extra keys. He's already said it's not selling and seems to have given up and the bundle people aren't going to rebuy it. All his backpedaling really isn't helping anything except to get more negative attention.

ETA: Indie Royale could also get off their asses from tweeting about their tan and their outfit to try to educate the developers who they work with how the process normally works once bundled games are added to Steam.

This guy wasn't aware the bundle sites will distribute keys until some users told him (this was before he emailed those keys btw so he knew it should go through the bundle site when he did that but got tired of waiting). Actually most indie devs seem not to know this and it really should be the bundle sites giving them this info beforehand not leaving it up to the customers to educate those developers after the release when there was months that went by when these sort of administrative processes could have been ironed out.
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New Indie Royale is up

Haha, this. I just skimmed because I can't be bothered to waste time on editorials devoid of content, but I got the impression that the opinion is about two years too late. People hate on indies because of the abuse of early access and the fact that the majority (I assume, as I only try to play the good ones) aren't worth the time it took to code them, let alone play them. I LOVE indies that do something new successfully. I have a soft spot for true innovation, as do most of us, I would guess. But the market is definitely overcrowded with bundleware that's good for no more than the +1's. And the IGN editors always give off this vibe of fakeybro console orientation, so I wouldn't expect their opinion on indies to have any relevance to us whatsoever.

And on a related note, I decided to try out the Advanced Edition of FTL the other night and it's fantastic. Got me hooked all over again. Although, warren, you wouldn't like it as the added systems and complexity just mean that many more ways you can die.
I tend to assume everything is console-oriented, as a rule, except that I usually hang out on the PC section of sites, including IGN. There does still tend to be a lot of bleed-over from the other sections, though. What can I say? I've been reading IGN for years. It's not like Gamespy's still around.

Yep, I got the Advanced Edition upgrade too, as an existing owner, and it definitely looks like additions to the game are for the "hard game is too easy" crowd.

Daily Deal
FTL: Advanced Edition - $9.99 $3.39
What, really? So I reverse-jinxed it by talking about how I disliked the game?!

Gotta be the worst one yet.
I'm gonna have to go with Mooby on this one. Zounds!

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I only have 2,257. Clearly, I am not providing this forum with enough immature humor.
2050 in just under two years for me. Obviously that's exactly the correct amount. Anyone with less is just a filthy lurker and anyone with more has self-control issues.

Different publisher, complete remake, and no Greenlight page. Not surprised, but I'm also not angry either. Hopefully the original dev got a good amount of cash from this.

Besides, it's a Devolver game. It'll be bundled within a month, gotta feed Fork Parker's addiction somehow.

Though I don't care for it, SecuROM has never been a problem for me. There are others that I actively avoid.

Besides, it's not like I'm going to play it. I was mainly just trying to migrate my retail copy to a digital service. As a bonus I got an upgrade.

I don't get the hate for the Origin client. It's bare-bones, but it's responsive and easy to start/stop.
Agreed... SecuROM's pretty benign as far as DRM goes nowadays as long as they don't force you to buy the game again after a certain amount of installs or force you to activate components separately (like the Borderlands DLCs did before the recent update.) it's no big deal.

tebow's old account had 3k+ posts, and Drabe has 4,000+. If you guys don't have 2,500+ posts by now, I don't know what to say!
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There are some old versions of Securom that won't work with Windows 8. I don't know if that's the case with the new Sims2 repack since I haven't installed it yet but it is the case with Sims Medieval running the most up to date patch or the expansion. If you use the ahem arr exe it clears that right up but still EA could have gotten off their ass to fix it.
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tebow's old account had 3k+ posts with nothing but manly wrestler chicks and obvious facerolling of the keyboard, and Drabe has 4,000+ of explaining how to drink while critiquing Lost Planet and the occasional comment totally not aimed at questioning tebow's sexual orientation. If you guys don't have 2,500+ posts by now, I don't know what to say!
Stained Developer Update:
So, because he f'd up and gave 200 people keys by email, and really doesn't want them to get two keys, he's willing to screw over all of his supporters.

Thing is nobody told him to issue those keys instead of waiting for IR to get back to him like he should have. He can blame impatient Playfire people all he wants but that was ultimately his choice.
I blame SpoderTastic and BobbyMan.

2050 in just under two years for me. Obviously that's exactly the correct amount. Anyone with less is just a filthy lurker and anyone with more has self-control issues.
I'll hurt you.

I tend to assume everything is console-oriented, as a rule, except that I usually hang out on the PC section of sites, including IGN. There does still tend to be a lot of bleed-over from the other sections, though. What can I say? I've been reading IGN for years. It's not like Gamespy's still around.

Yep, I got the Advanced Edition upgrade too, as an existing owner, and it definitely looks like additions to the game are for the "hard game is too easy" crowd.
It's definitely not too easy for me! Looking at my stats, I realize I never even beat it on "normal" before, amazingly enough. Regardless, after 50 hours I had had enough of the same random events, so I put it aside before even unlocking all the ships. The new additions have been enough to rekindle and maintain my interest for who knows how much longer...I should really be doing work right now. If any newbies reading this haven't been able to pick up a copy cheap somewhere, the Steam sale is not a bad buy. I'd recommend it without reservation to anyone interested in space sims, strategy, rogue-likes, and/or pick up and play (complete runthrough usually runs about 2-3 hours).

What, really? So I reverse-jinxed it by talking about how I disliked the game?!

So, uh, quick update on my #FakeCAG purchase of Heileen 3 last winter.

Bought it on sale for $10. Got a Steam key from WW after it came out on Steam, idled for six cards, played for Playfire Rewards.

PF rewards came to $1.27. I've sold four cards for $9.61 after Steam's cut. Got my first booster pack ever today, and it was for Heileen 3.

... fuck.
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I bought Stained for full price, your welcome for the keys guys!


The Maker's Eden- $7.19

Industry Empire- $25.49

Crypt of the Necrodancer- $14.99(early access)

LA Cops- $12.99- (early access)

Exodus of Sol- $19.99 (early access)

So, uh, quick update on my #FakeCAG purchase of Heileen 3 last winter.

Bought it on sale for $10. Got a Steam key from WW after it came out on Steam, idled for six cards, played for Playfire Rewards.

PF rewards came to $1.97. I've sold four cards for $9.61 after Steam's cut. Got my first booster pack ever today, and it was for Heileen 3.

... fuck.
So wait did you get the lesbian or non lesbian version for $10 or both?

And those cards for nichey weeaboo games that haven't been bundled yet are always the best to get good prices on.
So wait did you get the lesbian or non lesbian version for $10 or both?

And those cards for nichey weeaboo games that haven't been bundled yet are always the best to get good prices on.
Lesbian. I guess I must have gotten the WW guy on a good day, because when I e-mailed him asking whether I could get a Steam key, he told me that to get one, I was supposed to have the full version, but he'd give me one anyway.

It seems to have disabled the registration on my non-Steam copy, though I'm not complaining too much right now.
So I've spent the afternoon downloading everything from my Bundle-in-a-box bundles, because I just know that someday I'll get around to looking at that concept artwork and those deleted scenes.

So I've spent the afternoon downloading everything from my Bundle-in-a-box bundles, because I just know that someday I'll get around to looking at that concept artwork and those deleted scenes.
When DVDs first got big I would actually watch all the stupid special features for every disc I owned. Now I barely have time to watch a movie let alone "Over 3 hours of special features!!!!!!!!!"
So I've spent the afternoon downloading everything from my Bundle-in-a-box bundles, because I just know that someday I'll get around to looking at that concept artwork and those deleted scenes.
When DVDs first got big I would actually watch all the stupid special features for every disc I owned. Now I barely have time to watch a movie let alone "Over 3 hours of special features!!!!!!!!!"
So someone told the Stained dev that he can void the keys he sent out to people who asked for one over email. So he's doing that now before giving Indie Royale keys.

All over two hundred god damn extra copies out there.
I like how no one ever suggested this until after I posted the suggestion on CAG. Guy probably read my post and then told the Stained dev lol.

Like I said, not a great solution, but it's the best one if the dev is gonna be a dick about it.

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It is new. Thanks. I told that dev previously to post a new announcement if she(?) makes a group, which I figured she would. Of course she doesn't and just edited the original post instead so it won't actually populate again to anyone's feeds.

Oh and she says it will be easy to distribute keys. Right. Have fun getting burned out and frustrated due to lack of organization and way too many requests and dealing with an angry mob. Carl tried to help her but she wouldn't listen.
In alot of ways I think she knew what she was doing in editing the post. Some other devs have done this where later they were like "Oh but you needed to join the group which was specified 3 days ago...!"

It's basically a way to trick people and not have to deal out as many keys.
I told him/her that they were making a HUGE mistake and to take it down. I even offered to host it for them - not because I'm a fan of the game but to stop this kind of thing from happening. They said they'd like to use the WGN system AS WELL AS the comment = vote method which I told them would not be happening.

I also explained that there's no way they can add each person manually and they were like "it's ok, I'm willing to put in the hard work". I honestly doubt that they added the group to screw people over. They just aren't that bright when it comes to this.

Stained Developer Update:
Thing is nobody told him to issue those keys instead of waiting for IR to get back to him like he should have. He can blame impatient Playfire people all he wants but that was ultimately his choice. I've even seen some devs say 'I'm working on getting keys to the bundle site but if you can't wait just write me and I'll give you one' knowing full well those people will get keys again through the bundle site.

I think he should take responsibility for his own bad choice and just live with those 200 people getting extra keys. He's already said it's not selling and seems to have given up and the bundle people aren't going to rebuy it. All his backpedaling really isn't helping anything except to get more negative attention.

ETA: Indie Royale could also get off their asses from tweeting about their tan and their outfit to try to educate the developers who they work with how the process normally works once bundled games are added to Steam.

This guy wasn't aware the bundle sites will distribute keys until some users told him (this was before he emailed those keys btw so he knew it should go through the bundle site when he did that but got tired of waiting). Actually most indie devs seem not to know this and it really should be the bundle sites giving them this info beforehand not leaving it up to the customers to educate those developers after the release when there was months that went by when these sort of administrative processes could have been ironed out.
So, because he f'd up and gave 200 people keys by email, and really doesn't want them to get two keys, he's willing to screw over all of his supporters.
I think this may be the worst developer I've worked with. I really didn't have the time, but after them throwing a hissy fit, I streamed their game hours before I had to catch a flight as a gesture of good will.

When I got back from holiday, he complained that the stream didn't help his sales much. I tried to run past him some other ideas to help market his game but he just moaned to me that he hasn't made much money from the game, as if I'm supposed to take that as justification for him being a jerk.

How about you make more of an effort or better yet, save yourself and give someone a cut of the profits to handle your PR & Marketing?

Sigh... oh yeah I'm putting together my own bundle :D

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Well that is if he can get to the right petson at Valve and if he can actually get them to pay attention to him and if he can get them do what he is asking which is a lot of ifs.
oh yeah I'm putting together my own bundle :D
Sweet! Carl's Rigged Votes Bundle, confirmed! :mrgreen:

Well that is if he can get to the right petson at Valve and if he can actually get them to pay attention to him and if he can get them do what he is asking which is a lot of ifs.
I'm sure valve will be happy to help him revoke keys he personally handed out....

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