Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I like how no one ever suggested this until after I posted the suggestion on CAG. Guy probably read my post and then told the Stained dev lol.

Like I said, not a great solution, but it's the best one if the dev is gonna be a dick about it.
The faux concern about those people losing their save data was a nice touch too.

I'm sure valve will be happy to help him revoke keys he personally handed out....
That's the thing, revoking keys is really serious. It tends to make people nervous, spread through the gaming press and generally make Valve look kind of bad. It rarely happens and when it does there's generally been some sort of accusation of theft. I've never seen it done for user error/bad judgement.

I've also never seen it done for an indie. I don't think that's a precedent they want to set or an idea they want to put in other devs heads. Based on how some of them present themselves publicly and moderate their forums when given control of them it would be a very bad idea.

Also quite frankly I don't think Valve GAF about some pissant indie developer in India with a generic platform game that by his own admission sold horribly and no one paid attention to.

What will most likely happen is he gets to use Valve as a scapegoat now and say they never got back to him or told him no.
Quick question on the booster pack thing. It doesn't seem like anybody's sold any for this game yet, or at least I'm not seeing any on the marketplace and Steam isn't telling me what they've been going for. Since it is a relatively new-to-Steam, unbundled weeaboo game full of animu girls, I figure it's a non-standard situation. Is it probably a better idea to sell it as is, as is the usual advice, or to unpack it and sell the cards individually?

And if I sell it as is, what sort of price do I even set? I mean, it's not like I have competition right now.
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Quick question on the booster pack thing. It doesn't seem like anybody's sold any for this game yet, or at least I'm not seeing any on the marketplace and Steam isn't telling me what they've been going for. Since it is a relatively new-to-Steam, unbundled weeaboo game full of animu girls, I figure it's a non-standard situation. Is it probably a better idea to sell it as is, as is the usual advice, or to unpack it and sell the cards individually?

And if I sell it as is, what sort of price do I even set? I mean, it's not like I have competition right now.
I honestly think you're better off unpacking it since the individual card value is very high. Less people would be willing to buy a high priced booster pack.

That's the thing, revoking keys is really serious. It tends to make people nervous, spread through the gaming press and generally make Valve look kind of bad. It rarely happens and when it does there's generally been some sort of accusation of theft. I've never seen it done for user error/bad judgement.
I've also never seen it done for an indie. I don't think that's a precedent they want to set or an idea they want to put in other devs heads. Based on how some of them present themselves publicly and moderate their forums when given control of them it would be a very bad idea.

Also quite frankly I don't think Valve GAF about some pissant indie developer in India with a generic platform game that by his own admission sold horribly and no one paid attention to.

What will most likely happen is he gets to use Valve as a scapegoat now and say they never got back to him or told him no.
Exactly. The only mass key revokes I recall were large scale thefts.

Recent Example:

Sniper Elite V3 (~750) keys revoked.

Sweet! Carl's Rigged Votes Bundle, confirmed! :mrgreen:

I'm sure valve will be happy to help him revoke keys he personally handed out....

That's the thing, revoking keys is really serious. It tends to make people nervous, spread through the gaming press and generally make Valve look kind of bad. It rarely happens and when it does there's generally been some sort of accusation of theft. I've never seen it done for user error/bad judgement.

I've also never seen it done for an indie. I don't think that's a precedent they want to set or an idea they want to put in other devs heads. Based on how some of them present themselves publicly and moderate their forums when given control of them it would be a very bad idea.

Also quite frankly I don't think Valve GAF about some pissant indie developer in India with a generic platform game that by his own admission sold horribly and no one paid attention to.

What will most likely happen is he gets to use Valve as a scapegoat now and say they never got back to him or told him no.
It has been done by indies. Dave Gilbert, the owner of Wadjet Eye Games, revoked 30,000 Blackwell Deception keys that were taken by people / bots / whatever after a giveaway he was running had been closed. He got some flack for it but he was worried people using bots had taken a bunch of keys and planned to resell them. Everyone who got the game while the giveaway was still going kept their copy.

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It has been done by indies. Dave Gilbert, the owner of Wadjet Eye Games, revoked 30,000 Blackwell Deception keys that were taken by people / bots / whatever after a giveaway he was running had been closed. He got some flack for it but he was worried people using bots had taken a bunch of keys and planned to resell them. Everyone who got the game while the giveaway was still going kept their copy.
Interesting. I'd believe that revoking unredeemed keys is less problematic (socially) than yanking games out of people's libraries. Thus I'm not quite sure how relevant that precedent is to this case.

Interesting. I'd believe that revoking unredeemed keys is less problematic (socially) than yanking games out of people's libraries. Thus I'm not quite sure how relevant that precedent is to this case.
Some of those keys that were taken after the giveaway was over had already been redeemed by some people, and they were probably not amused to see that the game they got for free was gone.

The Stained dev has the email addresses of people who requested a key, so he can just send a mass email to all of them saying "sorry for voiding the key, but you can get a new key at your Indie Royale profile."

Since nobody is actually losing anything here, then there should be no problem. Everyone affected by this will be getting a replacement key. The only people who would be losing here would be the ones that didn't actually buy the bundle and tried to scam a key out of the guy.

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Some of those keys that were taken after the giveaway was over had already been redeemed by some people, and they were probably not amused to see that the game they got for free was gone.
Ah, I misunderstood. I assumed that he had the unredeemed keys revoked (fear of illegitimate key resellers). Apparently the keys were literally taken after the giveaway ended were the ones revoked.

I think this may be the worst developer I've worked with. I really didn't have the time, but after them throwing a hissy fit, I streamed their game hours before I had to catch a flight as a gesture of good will.

When I got back from holiday, he complained that the stream didn't help his sales much. I tried to run past him some other ideas to help market his game but he just moaned to me that he hasn't made much money from the game, as if I'm supposed to take that as justification for him being a jerk.

How about you make more of an effort or better yet, save yourself and give someone a cut of the profits to handle your PR & Marketing?

Sigh... oh yeah I'm putting together my own bundle :D
Yeah you can kind've tell from his action he's the worst kind've guy to deal with on just about everything. Especially money. I see these clients from time to time as an IT contractor and I run away, far away, as quick as possible. I don't even try to retain them, and some people I just tell I can't work with.

There's lesser known streamers that were never contacted about this game or offered anything. I'm sure he wants them to purchase his game too so they can promote it. If he put half the time into promotion that he has penny pinching the bundle buyers he may have better success.

You know assuming he even gets that far and Valve is responsive, if he finds out about the Desura/Indie Royale key duping exploit this is all going to go south real quick.

And what if he finds out about it 6 months later? Revoke everyone's keys then because he can't discern which were duped?

There comes a point where you need to stop being a control freak and just chalk shit up to a learning experience.
You know assuming he even gets that far and Valve is responsive, if he finds out about the Desura/Indie Royale key duping exploit this is all going to go south real quick.

And what if he finds out about it 6 months later? Revoke everyone's keys then because he can't discern which were duped?

There comes a point where you need to stop being a control freak and just chalk shit up to a learning experience.
That's stupid; blame the consumers! :whee:

Yeah you can kind've tell from his action he's the worst kind've guy to deal with on just about everything.
You're trying to make me go crazy, aren't you?

Well, it's not going to work, mister.
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Hyperion Care Package


5 keys plus


to the first character you load after redeeming. 

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Got mine...and out of town all 3 days.
I activated the Steam key but when I went to register via the 2K account or whatever it screwed up so I didn't bother. Have a feeling I might not be able to access it, anyway. I don't get the point of hyping an alpha and then having it only be a stress test.

re: very brief Evolve Alpha

You guys should sell those damned keys. You just know some fool would pay money for it.

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Been doing some reading.

Apparently people say you can get Banned by Steam if you activate a Russian key on an English account.

Someone was willing to sell me a Divinity: OS key for 18.99 USD but it makes me nervous my account could get banned.

The Evolve keys are somehow tied to your Steam account via the 2k thing.  You had to give them your Steam account name to sign up for a chance to get one.

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Been doing some reading.

Apparently people say you can get Banned by Steam if you activate a Russian key on an English account.

Someone was willing to sell me a Divinity: OS key for 18.99 USD but it makes me nervous my account could get banned.
Really, I thought it was ok as long as there was no region lock? Are you sure its not a ban for using a VPN to use a region locked key?

Really, I thought it was ok as long as there was no region lock? Are you sure its not a ban for using a VPN to use a region locked key?
Divinity: OS, to my knowledge, isn't region-locked in Russia. It should be fine. I say take the 18.99 offer. If he's telling you to use a VPN to activate it, then don't do that. That can get you banned (for example, Bioshock Infinite is region-locked and using a VPN to activate would get you banned). If all you have to do is "add to library," you're good to go.

Is the trader reputable? If not, be careful. But the game itself, if he has it, is fine.

Been doing some reading.

Apparently people say you can get Banned by Steam if you activate a Russian key on an English account.

Someone was willing to sell me a Divinity: OS key for 18.99 USD but it makes me nervous my account could get banned.
By "Russian keys" they probably mean Russian keys from retail stores (the ones that come with CDs/DVDs.) Those are sometimes region-locked and cannot be activated on Steam from outside of Russia without using a VPN/proxy. The VPN/proxy use is what can get people banned.

Yea I think it's just VPN. Just trying to do some research before I get this code lol
Dude we already previously suggested legit sellers here on CAG. But if you want to go the ultra shadey route, just make sure and come back to complain to us about your Steam account being perma-locked. We will surely have sympathy for you.

Ok, its time for Snakey's First Impressions!  Today were doing two early access games that just came out, LA Cops and Crypt of the Necrodancer.

LA Cops-

LA Cops is like Hotline Miami from a isometric view and u pick any 2 cops u want to and just shoot all the bad guys and then proceed to the next level. You can switch from one cop to the other but when the cop is on his own, the ai doesn't seem to do anything. It's pretty fun and while its not as solid as Hotline Miami, it is a really solid isometric shooter with a cool visual style.

Crypt of the Necrodancer-

Ok so Crypt is a rhythm game and there's only four buttons(up, down, left, right,). You have to move to the beat of the music and kill things and stuff like that. It's also a rogue-like so u get your upgrades by collecting diamonds and gold. You can use your own music too, it works very well. Game is addicting and real hard too, go buy it right meow! 

Dude we already previously suggested legit sellers here on CAG. But if you want to go the ultra shadey route, just make sure and come back to complain to us about your Steam account being perma-locked. We will surely have sympathy for you.

I just bought it and the person sent me a gift copy on Steam

On another note, I love how steam is still using the Far Cry 4 original poster lol

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Ok, its time for Snakey's First Impressions! Today were doing two early access games that i bought at full price because i'm a fakeCAG.

LA Cops-

It's a game, buy it

Crypt of the Necrodancer-

It's a game, buy it
fixed for honesty

Wasn't necessary to install Origin to redeem the code. Maybe *cough* at some point they'll patch it out.

This makes me feel dirty, even though 50 of them are installed just for cardfarming.

Really? Sweet, I'll get it on Steam then. Anybody know where that thread is to get the game?

Listing my cards on the Steam market tonight.  I may have taken things a little too far here...
If any of you previously missed out on those Borderlands 2 - The Pre-Sequel themed Heads and Skins like I did, try these shift codes as they worked for me:

Axton as Athena (alternative code) - CJKBJ-3XWTF-HCJ6K-JJB3T-SB35X

Salvador as Wilhelm (alternative code) - CTWTB-RXKTR-SKJXW-3TBTJ-KXKKH

Maya as Nisha (August 1st, released early) - WT53J-R6F3F-SK3F5-BJB3T-S6RFJ

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