Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread V3. Read rules before posting!


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738 (100%)
Welcome to the official CAG Steam group buy and trading thread V3!

Thread rules:

  • Don't post or bump your list more than once per day! It's important that everyone's trade list can be seen. We don't want overzealous individuals cluttering the thread and obscuring other people's lists and requests.
Group Buy Tips:

  • One person must volunteer to host a group buy. He or she announces this and asks for other people to join the group buy.
  • Once a group buy is filled, the host needs to edit his or her posts to reflect that the group is no longer open.
  • The people who join a host's group buy will PayPal their portion of the gift pack fee to the host.
  • PayPal will charge the host fees for receiving payments unless the person sending payment selects the Gift option when he/she is sending payment. Use discretion when choosing to gift funds. You will not have buyer protection if the host fails to provide the game to you. Still, if the host has positive trade feedback, it's probably safe to trust that person.
  • After the transaction is complete (the host has received payment and the buyer has received the game), both the buyer and host should leave trade feedback for each other. Do this by clicking on the host's CAG username. From the host's profile, click on Feedback and then submit new feedback.
  • If you have trouble finding a group buy with open slots, consider hosting a group yourself.
  • If you already own a game in a gift pack, you may not be able to host a group buy. Steam doesn't allow it with traditional 4-packs.
Yea, i just copied the rules from the other thread which turned into a steam thread instead. So this one is strictly for group buys of games that support that type of thing, etc.

Hosting a 4-pack for Rising Storm - $3.75 each. PM me.

1. me

2. iSUX



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May I suggest a title change to be worded similar to this? "Steam Group Buys and Requests" It took me quite some time to finally say, "oh, it's a group buy thread."

And is it really v3??
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Hosting a 4-pack for SpeedRunners- $3.25 (should be each. PM me.

1. Me

2. PKB Mac

3. Naughtynuggetz

4. Qaari


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I'm looking at getting and Omerta 2-pack from JakeNome. It'll be $4.50 each. Anyone interested? PM me.
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Hosting a 4-pack for Ace of Spades: Battle Builder $3.83 each feel free to PM.

Payment accepted:

Paypal, amazon giftcard and steam wallet.

1. Me




I will buy the game after all slot has been filled. :)

Looking for a slot in a cheap 4 pack of Super Street Fighter IV Arcade edition. Someone's selling a 4-pack on here for $11 so it'd work out about $2.75 each.

Yo, lemmy in on this business.

Maybe I can host though... computing...

How do I host for $2.75 lol? Never been to Russia...

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Have 3 copies SF4 arcade edition @ $2.75 a piece. Let me know if you want one

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Too fast guys, I want a slot too but I'm home only now and in the evening (GMT+1), when the offer will be done, pls someone host a 4-pack in the next hour :D

I do not see that posted in this thread.  All I see is the srfrog posted it, and then crossed it out, so I assumed that was no longer available.

Edit: I'm pretty sure the $2.75 deal has sailed, but I saw a lot of people wanting in, so I decided to host a 4 pack, which is currently $22.49

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I do not see that posted in this thread. All I see is the srfrog posted it, and then crossed it out, so I assumed that was no longer available.

Edit: I'm pretty sure the $2.75 deal has sailed, but I saw a lot of people wanting in, so I decided to host a 4 pack, which is currently $22.49
FYI: JakeNome and Krugozor are both selling 4-Packs for $11.

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Well i guess im fucked then.
Hey, at least you stepped up to host, rather than just waiting around. I respect that.

I sent a PM to JakeNome about 5 minutes ago and haven't heard back. That's the downside - who knows if he's at his computer, ready to go.....

Also hoping someone has one of those $11 SSFIV:AE 4-packs that still needs to unload a game. PM me if you do. Thanks

I've got a terraria's ready to be sold at 1.25 a piece for any and all interested! First three to PM get one!

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Anyone interested in splitting a 4 pack of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare from JakeNome? $10 total = $2.50 per person. PM me (GONE)

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bread's done