Steam Weekend Deal - Penumbra series, 75% off


15 (100%)
The excellent first-person survival horror Penumbra games are 75% off on Steam this weekend.

The first game, Penumbra: Overture, is just $2.50. The sequel, Penumbra Black Plague (which also includes the third episode, Requiem, is $3.75. Both games are available together for a mere $5.

I like the games a lot, but they're not for everyone, so if anyone wants to try them before dropping a fiver, here's the demos:
Penumbra Overture demo
Penumbra Black Plague demo
[quote name='Green Card200']Hmm I do like survival horror - can anyone else weigh in on whether this is worth it?[/QUOTE]

If you like the demos, then I guarantee, it's a good way to spend $5.
Awesome deal. I've been waiting for a deal on anything Penumbra for a while after trying the demo. I got a strange error when purchasing a few minutes ago and Steam said the sale couldn't be completed, but now says I own the games and lets me install them anyway, so I hope it's nothing.

I like the demo quite a bit, but a lot of praise from certain outlets makes me think that these will satiate my need for a certain type of horror game.
Awesome games that should be bought by those who enjoy non-combat oriented horror games.

And at these prices! Do it!

I bought these ages ago and have no regrets.
[quote name='modium']Awesome deal. I've been waiting for a deal on anything Penumbra for a while after trying the demo. I got a strange error when purchasing a few minutes ago and Steam said the sale couldn't be completed, but now says I own the games and lets me install them anyway, so I hope it's nothing.

I like the demo quite a bit, but a lot of praise from certain outlets makes me think that these will satiate my need for a certain type of horror game.[/QUOTE]
the same purchase error happened to me. don't know what that was about. they are in my games list, but i'll work on some of my backlog before i install these. i wanted a good horror game, and 3 games for 5 bucks was a steal.
These are absolutely amazing games for the price. If you have any interest in survival horror titles, they're definitely worth picking up. They will absolutely scare the crap out of you, and the physics-based puzzles make the games incredibly interesting.

Biggest downsides to them is that sometimes what you're supposed to do isn't entirely clear (at one point I had come across a barrel I needed to explode, but unless you had picked up instructions in a previous room for how to make a cherry bomb, you couldn't proceed), and the first game has a few too many dog encounters and you can often just kill them with the pick axe rather than being forced to sneak past them (although they still cause a lot of suspense). Otherwise, one of the best puzzle-based survival horror games released within the last several years and a must for any fans of the genre.

Also, I'm surprised people are having performance issues with the games...I played through the demo briefly on an ATI 9800 and it seemed to run fine...if you're in Vista/7 maybe try running it in administrator or compatibility mode.
Heard good things about them and was slightly interested, and $5 for the whole shebang sounds good. Also finally talked myself into rebuying the Freedom Force games on Steam.
For those interested in Vista 64 performance it ran smooth for me:
Phenom 9850
ATi 4870 512mb
Vista Ultimate 64-bit
I only ran the demo though. I though it was decent so I decided to buy it. Two horror games for $5 = win to me.
So I used, and my laptop should be able to play it well-above recommended. I downloaded the demo, and the graphics were very wonky; mainly horrible looking textures and shaders. I looked up online, and apparently Penumbra has trouble working on ATI cards, which is what I have...anyone know of some sort of work-around? The game looks like a lot of fun.


Here's a picture of what I'm talking about. In it, the texture settings are on medium, but it looks like that or even worse on high
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About the ATI issue, yea the game does have issues. It's just Overture apparently, because Black Plague had no problems. It was mainly messed up things with lighting and shadows, looked alot like artifacts, but obviously can't be because my card is fine.

I did read they patched the steam version of BP, but I almost wonder if they never patched Overture, because it's horrible for ATI users. I played about an hour of both, and Overture was horrible and BP was perfect. But they run great on Win7 so vista performance should be the same.


If anyone gets the all too wonky does not support vertex shaders error
Just update your drivers. Which is messed up because I had 9.4 on ATI, and had to update to 9.5 to even play the game. Never heard of a game requiring the absolute latest drivers.
Runs smooth as glass (hitting the vsync cap of 60 fps) for me on a 3-1/2 year old AMD 3800 X2/2GB RAM/SLIed 8800GT rig at max game rez (1280x1024) and all settings as high as they'll go.
Hmm, weird, I did notice shadows and surface glitches on an ATI 9800 before I updated drivers, but after that it looked fine (this was 2-3 years ago btw). Wouldn't think it would still be a problem with more recent drivers, maybe a few of the previous driver releases broke the game again?

Otherwise the games aren't demanding at all, they basically use Doom 3-level tech but in smaller areas.
I've also got a Radeon 4850 and the game ran like a champ for me. My CPU is junk too, so it's definitely not a picky game. Purchased after playing the demo. This is the first game in a while that felt truly creepy, Silent Hill Homecoming and Condemned 2 just didn't cut it. Thanks OP/excellent Steam weekend deals
If Steam keeps up these weekend sales, I'm going to have to get more hard drive capacity. Bit on Penumbra pack and Freedom Force pack. $11.74 for effectively 5 games, too good to pass up...
Why do greenmonstah and msu89dawgs have identical HAL-9000 avatars?
I bought them at big lots a few months back and haven't played them yet.. should have just waited for steam.
Tried the Black Plague demo, liked it, bought the collection.

Black Plague has less combat than the first one, which is either a plus or a minus.
[quote name='carpwrist']This is one of the few games supported by the Novint Falcon. Best way to play this kind of game...[/QUOTE]

Interesting, I setup my 360 controller up using JoyToKey ... I only wish it rumbled.
I'd just like to say that I've been enjoying Black Plague, the second game, and puzzle games, or horror games, typically aren't my forte. (Skipped the first game, since I read the combat was clunky, and I'm "co-op"ing with a friend, since it's a puzzle game most of the time.) Only real complaints are a) if you try to break something open with some rubble or something, throw it at the object you want to open, as opposed to just weakly bashing at it. b) Twice there's been a little bit of graphical clipping, the first time it didn't matter, the second time it made an object in the Infirmary harder to find.

All in all, I'm glad to have purchased it. I'd say the game gets more interesting as you progress, so if you liked the demo, then purchasing the game for $5 is a good idea.
[quote name='hollowfreak']Interesting, I setup my 360 controller up using JoyToKey ... I only wish it rumbled.[/QUOTE]

Didn't even know such an application existed - thanks!

Any problems in using this to control the game with a (wired) 360 controller?

( I know real men use ASCII, but I'll take a 360 controller anyday... ;)
Bought it even though I didn't even manage to open the hatch in the BP demo. I broke the ice but couldn't turn the handle for some reason.
[quote name='Flak']Bought it even though I didn't even manage to open the hatch in the BP demo. I broke the ice but couldn't turn the handle for some reason.[/QUOTE]

Turn the Handle then pull the door open.
bread's done