Street Fighter IV difficulty?

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Dear fellow CAGs,

I would consider myself to be about mediocre in terms of my Street Fighter ability - not great by any stretch, but certainly not terrible.

Yet, I am having one hell of a time in Street Fighter IV. In EASIEST, Zangief performs three consecutive spinning piledrivers, Seth and Bison on MEDIUM are a terror, etc. Am I the only one finding the difficulty in this game (as compared to the old Street Fighter II and even SSF2THD) outrageous? I realize there are new mechanics that will help me (I'm learning them slowly), but - still - VERY hard!!

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!



P.S. Please no "you just suck" comments. Save that for the UGO/NeoGAF boards, not CAG! JK ;) Seriously, I really fared reasonably well in all the other iterations. Honest. Thanks!
don't fight the CPU like it's a human. Find the move/combo it doesn't block and exploit it. On easiest, fireballs will take you 90% of the way.
I've found the fireballs strategy quite effective, as well! Don't get me wrong, I'm able to beat it on Easiest without a problem, but I just feel the game has really discouraged me from trying to learn new characters with a VERY steep entry level. Trying to learn El Fuerte was a nightmare, for instance. Even on easiest.

yeah, the cpu is not good for much else besides getting a feel for the game or warming up, imo. Stick to training mode to practice and learn moves and online to test yourself.
lol the game jus came out.

people play fighting games for years, you're not supposed to be good at the game straight out the box.

jus keep practicing for a month or two
Street fighter always has had a steep learning curve, this game isnt ment for casual gamers really unless they plan on playing other casual gamers
I don't know because mine is stuck in Illinois right now. But I know SSFIITHDR is killer hard. Or maybe I just suck now. I used to destroy all comers on SFIIT for the SNES and could handily destroy the computer on hard. But I often get owned to the point of frustration in SSFIITHDR on medium. So I wouldn't doubt that SFIV is ridiculous with some of the things the CPU can do.
I can beat it on easiest with no problem. On medium however, I have a little problem. Seth is a monster. I got hit with his super dragonpunch move 5 times in a row, and his chun li kick move and the one that sucks you into him. Shoot, I thought the last boss in DOA4 was a bitch, but she's nothing compared to Seth.

I'm liking SFIV, but there are few things I miss. Air blocking, the speed, and multiple super moves. They definitely went back to SF2 style on this game, not saying it's a bad thing, but I'd like to see Alpha 4.

Also CPU's do impossible things that normal humans can not do. I'm sure you'll have a less hard of a time playing online.
Growing up in mid to late 90's with SNK fighting games...

I'd say it ain't bad. Seth is tedious, yes, but he doesn't feel impossible. Only thing that really throws me off is his teleportation and I almost want to say past few fighting games have kinda been "soft" with gamers.
Thanks for all the input, guys. It's nice to know my friends and I aren't alone. I just feel it's the like 2000 pound gorilla in the corner that NOBODY is talking about! Not ONE review I've found mentions that Seth is RIDICULOUS, etc.

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