Subway's Jared blames video games for fattness

If you don't buy the limited edition of "Tomb Raider" complete with 40 pounds of pork rinds, then you should be alright.

Funny how the very person who subway exalts as representative of what a healthy diet can do can't even accept the fact that he made himself a chubby cunt.
Jared lost weight but he still isn't in shape. He's "in shape" like Richard Simmons is "in shape".

I will give the man credit for turning his situation into a job far better than any he could have ever had.
Usually, when I play video games, I -- uh -- play video games. Eating is the last thing on my mind; especially since it'd be an inconvenience.

... but that's just me, I guess.
hmm..not sure how to react. somehow I doubt the crux of his speech was "i played too much nintendo." If his speech goes on to blame his own lack of self-control, then that's cool (and shame on 1-up.) if not, then my respect for him will go into the deeper negatives.

i'm sure the last line of his speech was "go out and buy subway subs so you can be like meeeeeeeeeeee!"
[quote name='humidore']I really don't see Subway in a healthy light, I mean they microwave shit right in front of me.[/QUOTE]

You're 100% correct, however compare that turkey sandwhich to the carls jr. $6 burger. Oh and Jared can stick it.
[quote name='ZForce']Shaq Fu Jared. Everytime I see that jackass on my TV Screen, I get the urge to put a brick through it.[/QUOTE]

"Nintendo made me fat!"

Ha ha ha, there goes Jared's Nintendo endorsement deal. Then again, he does make the magical connection of eating Subway sandwiches and being thin...
Talk about a non-story...fabricated by the reporter.

Jared never says Nintendo made him fat, or anything like that.

Look at the 1UP headline and then look at Jared's quotes:
Subway Spokesman's Six Inches of Nintendo Hate

Jared Fogle blames NES and fatty foods for girth

Here are Jared's quotes:

Talking about how he started gaining weight in 3rd grade...
"I can trace it back to when I was given the best birthday present of my life: a Nintendo."

"I usually had one hand on the controller and one in a bag of chips,"
Yeah, "the best birthday present of my life: a Nintendo" = hate.
Nice reporting 1UP!
[quote name='Brak']Usually, when I play video games, I -- uh -- play video games. Eating is the last thing on my mind; especially since it'd be an inconvenience.

... but that's just me, I guess.[/QUOTE]

I've skipped to many meals because of games, Diablo II to be specific. I think he meant to say being a lazy fuck is what made him fat.
[quote name='IGN']And with his new found love of 8-bit princesses, Jared discovered another new love in junk food[/QUOTE]

That sentence makes baby Jesus cry.
[quote name='CheapyD']Talking about how he started gaining weight in 3rd grade...Yeah, "the best birthday present of my life: a Nintendo" = hate.
Nice reporting 1UP![/QUOTE]

It's a sad day where I have the craving to read the NY Post rather than foray into 1Up's wonderful displays of journalism...
[quote name='CheapyD']Talk about a non-story...fabricated by the reporter.

Jared never says Nintendo made him fat, or anything like that.

Look at the 1UP headline and then look at Jared's quotes:
Subway Spokesman's Six Inches of Nintendo Hate

Jared Fogle blames NES and fatty foods for girth

Here are Jared's quotes:

Talking about how he started gaining weight in 3rd grade...Yeah, "the best birthday present of my life: a Nintendo" = hate.
Nice reporting 1UP![/QUOTE]

fully agreed. said it once, i'll say it again: vg journalism outlets should really look into the college graduate market. I didn't think 1up could sink any lower after they reviewed Kameo and turned it into an article on industry politics and golden age syndrome...but taking something completely out of its context and spinning it this hard is pretty shady.
[quote name='Brak']Usually, when I play video games, I -- uh -- play video games. Eating is the last thing on my mind; especially since it'd be an inconvenience.

... but that's just me, I guess.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I can't eat and play at the same time. If anything, I might have a drink while I play, but even then it's just water.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Jared has aides. :D[/QUOTE]

♫He's still lookin' good... 'cause he eat all dem sub sammiches♫ :rofl:

Has anyone read the article that Jared's college roommate wrote? It was hilarious; I wish I had the link. Basically, it said that Jared only started eating Subway because there was a Subway shop in his dorm, and Jared didn't like to walk. He rode around in a little cart. Also, Jared had the largest porn collection on the campus; guys would go and borrow a tape, and then return a few minutes later. Also, Jared's roommate noticed a glass on Jared's nightstand with some nasty, chunky brown and yellow liquid in it. When he asked Jared about the glass, Jared said it was junk that he spit up in the middle of the night, because he didn't feel like going to the restroom.
This could have been a good ToK topic, too bad I already did something similar and it's due tomorrow.

Sheesh and I've been craving some kind of sub all week. Misunderstanding correlation. That's all I ever read about in anything bad about video games or something.

Btw that is some nasty info you have there Saucy.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Has anyone read the article that Jared's college roommate wrote? It was hilarious; I wish I had the link. Basically, it said that Jared only started eating Subway because there was a Subway shop in his dorm, and Jared didn't like to walk.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I wouldn't doubt it. I go to IU as well and I know that particular Subway he frequented and all. It's basically a flight or two of stairs down and that's about that. I think the only other "nearby" eating establishment from there would be either several blocks away or over at the IMU which is probably a good 10 minute walk.

And, in addition...NASTY. DAMN.
[quote name='Brak']Usually, when I play video games, I -- uh -- play video games. Eating is the last thing on my mind; especially since it'd be an inconvenience.

... but that's just me, I guess.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on that. Back when I had a 2nd TV set up beside my gaming TV I'd have a game or something on when I'd fire up Zelda, etc. Pretty much as soon as I'd get through the title screen I'd be completely absorbed in the game and look up an hour later to see the game was at halftime. :lol: Nowadays I don't even bother with the 2nd set.

Also agreed on the comments blasting that article. Pretty lame. It's an anecdote. Playing video games isn't physical exercise (outside of a few games, maybe.) I think we can all agree on that.
Jared shouldn't blame fatty food and nintendo on why he became a fat slob that had to resort to an all subway diet to save himself. He should put the blame on himself that he was too lazy to get himself to eat the right foods and get out and exercise.
[quote name='humidore']I really don't see Subway in a healthy light, I mean they microwave shit right in front of me.[/QUOTE]
The only things I've really seen them microwave is the cheese on the bread. That isn't exactly any less healthy than toasting cheese.
In other news. A diet high in fatty foods has been linked to improved hand-eye coordination, visual acuity, threat recognition and prioritization, and spacial relations.
[quote name='Puffa469']In other news. A diet high in fatty foods has been linked to improved hand-eye coordination, visual acuity, threat recognition and prioritization, and spacial relations.[/QUOTE]
What about map-reading skills?
Hey I'm a 25 year old man who weighs 120 pounds and I spend most of my evenings playing games.

I wonder how much the anti-game lobbyists paid Subway Jared to say this?
A funny thing about this guy is that while he's the Subway spokesman, I actually worked at a Quizno's with his cousin. His cousin also loves videogames but he's actually in pretty damn good shape. About 6' 170 lbs.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']The only things I've really seen them microwave is the cheese on the bread. That isn't exactly any less healthy than toasting cheese.[/QUOTE]

It depends on the location, I guess. I've been to a few where they would take the various prepared meats (breaded chicken, grilled chicken, etc.) and toss them in the microwave to heat them up before putting them on the sandwich. Now, this isn't really that much of a problem but when I could go a few storefronts down and get a freshly prepared chicken breast with the same toppings for the same price, my feet are going to do a little bit of extra walking.

Not to knock Subway as a whole or so since I've been to locations that haven't done that, but I tend to avoid the local ones that take shortcuts or tend to use meat that looks like it's on the verge of being spoiled. Unfortunately there are a few of those back in NY and you really have to wonder how they stay in business. Wilted veggies? Expired meat? Not cool.
I like Jared. Anyone that can lose all that weight is alright with me.

Also I agree with CheapyD. That article is a piece of shit journalism.
Anyone who eats potato chips and then touches a game controller is a fucking ass. A greasy controller is nasty! I would never eat while playing games.
[quote name='jkam']Anyone who eats potato chips and then touches a game controller is a fucking ass. A greasy controller is nasty! I would never eat while playing games.[/QUOTE]

My game controllers are like the only thing I have ocd about. I cant stand picking up a gamepad and it feeling oily. Whenever I sit down to play an extended session, I bring a wetwipe or papertowel with cleaner sprayed on it and wipe down my controller thoroughly. I also wash my hands.

Next time you pick up your Dualshock, take a look at those 'balls' at the base of the analog sticks, or the sides of your buttons... I bet you'll start cleaning your controller right away!
[quote name='mykevermin']Funny how the very person who subway exalts as representative of what a healthy diet can do can't even accept the fact that he made himself a chubby cunt.[/QUOTE]

LOL Chubby Cunt, but exactly my point. Games don't make you gain weight, you do.
[quote name='CheapyD']Talk about a non-story...fabricated by the reporter.

Jared never says Nintendo made him fat, or anything like that.

Look at the 1UP headline and then look at Jared's quotes:
Subway Spokesman's Six Inches of Nintendo Hate

Jared Fogle blames NES and fatty foods for girth

Here are Jared's quotes:

Talking about how he started gaining weight in 3rd grade...Yeah, "the best birthday present of my life: a Nintendo" = hate.
Nice reporting 1UP![/QUOTE]

Well, wait a minute now. I'm not trying to defend 1UP here, but they are really referencing another article here which appears to take direct quotes from Jared's speech itself. If anyone is non-journalizing it's that Columbia Tribune rag--if they're taking Jared's quotes out-of-context. Then again, it really does sound like Jared himself is the one who is making these leaps of logic.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Jared has aides. :D[/QUOTE]

lol,south park episode

Jared is right,most people should go out and play physical activites rather then staying home playing video games and burning verying little weight
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Has anyone read the article that Jared's college roommate wrote? It was hilarious; I wish I had the link. Basically, it said that Jared only started eating Subway because there was a Subway shop in his dorm, and Jared didn't like to walk. He rode around in a little cart. Also, Jared had the largest porn collection on the campus; guys would go and borrow a tape, and then return a few minutes later. Also, Jared's roommate noticed a glass on Jared's nightstand with some nasty, chunky brown and yellow liquid in it. When he asked Jared about the glass, Jared said it was junk that he spit up in the middle of the night, because he didn't feel like going to the restroom.[/QUOTE]

Some needs to find that article. And then some one needs to make a movie about it.
People seem to keep missing the point that the report from 1up is wholly inaccurate and should never have been posted on their site.
[quote name='Brak']Usually, when I play video games, I -- uh -- play video games. Eating is the last thing on my mind; especially since it'd be an inconvenience.

... but that's just me, I guess.[/QUOTE]

I agree, I might drink something when playing but who in the hell eats when they play. Those are the people when you go over to their house and they have either sticky or greasy controllers. I'm fat and I don't eat and play games. I don't blame my fatness on gaming, I blame myself. I had a sig awhile back that said "I'm fat and I play games no those two have no correlation"

Fatty jared needs learn to blame himself, hell in the article he said he would take his allowance money and buy the fattest meal he could get that right their says food problem get the little fatty some help.
bread's done