Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

DNukem170 said:
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit - Actually really enjoyed it. One thing I appreciated was that when the Russians were speaking to each other they actually spoke Russian and not accented English.
I saw it last week and thought it was really good. I was disappointed to see it didn't do better at the box office.

I also rented Rush yesterday and while the first act is a little sloppy and difficult to follow the movie is really fantastic.
Rocky III was on tv today before Leverage. Loved it, obviously not as good as Rocky 1 and 2, but Stallone did a fine job with this one. I wish he made more down to earth movies, but these days he's just doing the same type of movies he did in the 90s.

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White House Down -  Plot doesn't make much sense, but juust enough action to keep it entertaining.  All in all, Olympus Has Fallen did it better.  2.5/5

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Rocky III was on tv today before Leverage. Loved it, obviously not as good as Rocky 1 and 2, but Stallone did a fine job with this one. I wish he made more down to earth movies, but these days he's just doing the same type of movies he did in the 90s.
His penchant for flair goes back to the mid-80's and kinda coincides with the 2nd term of Reagan. A great reflection of times actually and what was going on culturally in the US back then.

The beginning of Cobra is still one of my favorite scenes and totally bonkers.

I think the advertising made people think it's a Bourne ripoff when it's more of an anti-Bourne.

It actually felt really similar to Mission Impossible in some ways.
Yeah, Jack Ryan is a pencil pusher, but not afraid to jump into the ocean to help a defecting Soviet submarine captain settle in Maine. What I'm really trying to say is that I like Balwin's Jack Ryan more...mostly because of his Sean Connery impersonation.
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Thor: Dark World

Not terrible, but pretty damn predictable. Now I get all the talk about the dark elf masks. I wonder how much money they saved on that trick.
Stalag 17

The movie that inspired Hogan's Heroes. An excellent blend of comedy and drama,along with great performances.

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Frozen - 3/5. Great music and pretty cute. Plot and characters seemed pretty empty compared to most Disney films, though.

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Watched the Oldboy remake.  While I thought the 1 vs. 50 fightscene was very poorly done compared to the Korean version, they did a pretty great twist for fans of the Korean version. 


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A Bittersweet Life- 4/5

for some reason i would have liked if the guy would have given Byung-hun Lee character the phone he dropped. Have to see Masquerade now.

The Wolf of Wall Street - 4/5

Really impressed by Margot Robbie. The whole cast did a fantastic job. A bit too long for my liking but all and all pretty good.

Before Sunrise.

I got Before Midnight from Netdlix without realizing it was the third in a series, so decided to rent the first two from Amazon. Really liked the first one.
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Carlito's Way - 5/5

To me, Sean Penn stole the show and I love the fact that Ken Rosenberg from Vice City was based on Penn's character.

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Al Pacino looks so cool in that film, when I'm around 50 I hope I look half as good as he did in that. One of my favourite movies.

Riddick - Eh, it was ok.  The entire first 30 minutes could have easily been shortened into 10 mins.  The movie was way too long in total.

Stripes. Finally saw it, it was hilarious. I didn't understand why some of the scenes were taken out in the first place if it really helped to understand the motivations of some of the characters, especially when Russel changed his mind to help his comrades. Did the editors really have to make this movie an hour and 40 min that badly? Gotta love the gratuitous nudity, and John Larroquette!

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Before Sunset.

Very good follow up to Before Sunrise.  Probably  my favorite of the series.  Both actors improved a lot from the first.

Before Midnight.

Still very good, but I liked how the first two was really just the interaction between the two of them and this one didn't get to that until the last third.  Though I get that was part of the point about how life and relationships change and get more complicated, passion fades as focus on kids (thankfully my fiance and I never have that to deal with!), friends and careers gain importance.

I enjoyed the series as a whole.  Very genuine and honest look at relationships.  I hope they do another one in 9 years if all the principles are still around and interested in doing it as it's a great concept to look at a relationship in 9 year intervals with 9 years of age on the actors adding to the believability.


Absolutely brilliant. A great character study of F1 drivers. Ron Howard did a exceptional job capturing the rivalry and contrasting styles of Lauda and Hunt. The camera work was also top notch and the sense of speed made for a thrilling ride.

Hostel 2- Not as good as the first one but still enjoyable. The last 5 minutes, however, were hilarious
Throwing the guy's junk to the hungry dog, the woman getting a tramp stamp instead of an arm tattoo, and my favorite part: Cutting the woman's head off as the kids kick it like a soccer ball yelling out "Goallllllllllllllllllllllll".

American Psycho -  What a crappy film. This is suppose to be Bale's best performance where he acts like an obnoxious douchebag the entire film? One of the most annoying characters, I couldn't stand the story and dialogue and was waiting for it to be over.

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American Psycho - What a crappy film. This is suppose to be Bale's best performance where he acts like a condescending douchebag the entire film? One of the most annoying characters, I couldn't stand the story and dialogue and was waiting for it to be over.
To be fair, he's supposed to be obnoxious. The movie, and book it's based upon, is a satire about materialism/consumerism/elitism. You're supposed to hate and be annoyed by Patrick Bateman.

American Psycho - What a crappy film. This is suppose to be Bale's best performance where he acts like a condescending douchebag the entire film? One of the most annoying characters, I couldn't stand the story and dialogue and was waiting for it to be over.
Maybe you'll feel better if you feed an ATM machine a stray cat.

I think TooMuchCoolness thought Starship Troopers was about why we should blow every bug up for the fuck of it. American Psycho is a great movie, about as over the top as any of the classic Paul Verhoeven films.

Up was on ABC last night, and dammit I cry every time because I know exactly what's going to happen.

Another great movie, Ordinary People was on at the same time. It's very interesting to see how much Timothy Hutton has and has not changed in those 30 years. I flipped the channel over and the Leverage marathon was still on.

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To be fair, he's supposed to be obnoxious. The movie, and book it's based upon, is a satire about materialism/consumerism/elitism. You're supposed to hate and be annoyed by Patrick Bateman.
There are movies where they do a much better and realistic job at portraying the materialism/consumerism society like American Beauty and The Wolf On Wall Street.

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There are movies where they do a much better and realistic job at portraying the materialism/consumerism society like American Beauty and The Wolf On Wall Street.
In American Beauty, his wife was obnoxious.
He himself isn't, because of his midlife crisis.

In American Psycho,
he was supposed to be the elite of the elite (all the VP business cards), and everyone's extremely pretentious, thus overlooking his murders (which did happen, according to both the author and director).

In American Psycho,
he was supposed to be the elite of the elite (all the VP business cards), and everyone's extremely pretentious, thus overlooking his murders (which did happen, according to both the author and director).
I still like to believe otherwise. Makes way more sense and actually gives the movie a better twist like situation. At least it leaves it ambiguous.
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Can't believe that someone hated or didn't understand American Psycho. It's a brilliant movie and the central performance was amazing.
Yeah, I loved American Psycho as well. I still watch it from time to time.

Bridesmaids - 3/5 - It's really hilarious but everything becomes quite predictable from the start and not to mention that a few of the "Bridesmaids" are pretty much throwaway characters and nonexistent to the movie. Still funny, though.

Dallas Buyers Club - 5/5 - Damn fine, movie. And damn fine performances from every single actor involved. We need more movies made like this.

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