Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Monsters University--Pretty good. Not as good as the first, but still very enjoyable.

Star Trek Nemesis--just ok.

Meet Joe Black--hadn't seen it in years. Still one of my favorite romantic movies.
Wolf of Wall Street was solid. Didn't seem 3 hours at all, I'd actually like to see the four hour cut. Also thought music could have been used more, like MS usually likes to do.
The Terminator - 4.25/5

1st full viewing. Coincidentally, the movie takes place exactly 20 years ago this past week in May.
Terminator 2 - 4.75/5

1st full viewing of the the regular Special Edition version. Still awesome.

Two issues with this movie, 1) After they destroy all the tech at Cyberdyne, shouldn't both Terminators cease to exist? Wouldn't someone else just create the same thing eventually? 2) The T-800 says it knows now why people cry but it's something it can never do. Shouldn't it be able to if it both now understands emotion and it's outside body is real flesh?

In the credits it says to play the hit Nintendo game. Not sure which one it means. Maybe the 8-bit one.

Wolf of Wall Street was solid. Didn't seem 3 hours at all, I'd actually like to see the four hour cut. Also thought music could have been used more, like MS usually likes to do.
Can't tell If serious...

It was awful. It's gross and it just has small parts of movie stuck in there. It could probably end in an hour and a half without all the sex scenes.
Godzilla(The original):

Finally watched it,and it was excellent. It was paced really well;though the only negative I had was Godzilla's face in some shots looked pretty damn goofy,

05.13.14 - American Hustle - 8.8/8.3
05.14.14 - The Way, Way Back - 9.2/10
05.17.14 - Ghost Team One - 7.3/9.0
05.18.14 - Steins;Gate - 8.2/7.7
05.19.14 - The Deer Hunter - 9.4/8.8
05.20.14 - Dallas Buyer's Club - 9.1/9.0
I watched a little of Rocky 2 yesterday, as well as Maximum Risk starring Damn Van. It's interesting to see how much of Brighton Beach has changed and how accurate GTA IV rendered the station.

I watched Blood and Bone the other night on Youtube.  I stumbled upon it watching some fight scene videos.  If you enjoy martial arts movies, I highly recommend this one.

The Other Woman - Shockingly decent.

Captain America 2 - Much better than the first. Major tone shift from all the other Marvel films.

The Grand Budapest Hotel - Charming. Charming. Charming. Film to beat in 2014.

Godzilla - Film should have starred Cranston the entire way through as he had the most interesting story. Slow 2/3s of the way but in the end Godzilla rocks.

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Cap 2 - Ten times better than the first.
8/10 Hail Hydras
47 Ronin - Not bad when you go in thinking it suck.
Say Anything - 3.5/5

John Cusack is a likeable fellow.

Clerks - 3.5/5

1st full viewing.
Clerks 2 - 3.5/5

1st full viewing.

The Terminator - 4.25/5

1st full viewing. Coincidentally, the movie takes place exactly 20 years ago this past week in May.
Terminator 2 - 4.75/5

1st full viewing of the the regular Special Edition version. Still awesome.
Terminator 3 - 4/5

2nd full viewing.

Godzilla - Film should have starred Cranston the entire way through as he had the most interesting story. Slow 2/3s of the way but in the end Godzilla rocks.
I hope he doesn't die because I haven't seen it yet.
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Just got back from X-Men. Movie of the year.
Dat ending... I was fighting them tears.

And yes. There's a post credits scene. Drool... So make sure you stay for it!
Rocky Marathon on right now at ion. Saw the end of Rocky V, I liked what I saw, but Tommy Gunn is an asshole. Sad what happened to him in real life too. Rocky IV was next, and saw the parts I didn't see, which was everything before the Rocky/Drago fight. They started back on to Rocky I. I saw the first three movies recently anyway. Maybe I will watch Rocky III, greatest movie ever made.

Anyway, I watched Taxi Driver recently and man, is Travis Bickle effin' creepy. 40 years later and we're still dealing with psychopaths like him, white men in their twenties, aimless, buying guns a lot more easily than in those old style movie setups. At least he killed those pimps and not President Palestine.

I saw Taxi Driver for the first time this year and it's an instant classic. The score is superb.
Yes it is.It was done by the guy who did Psycho and a few of Hitchcock's other films. Unlike the proud, vibrant, eccentric New York we see today in movies and TV, movies from this period portrayed the big city as a sort of purgatory for those actually living there. Sometimes I do feel like that. I mean can I imagine living in Bayonne or Pittsburgh or Boston? Not really. Scorcese really managed to enhance Hermann's score.

The Rocky marathon wasn't in order?
It was in order when Rocky started at 3:30(?) and then they showed Rocky IV at night.

I caught Truth or Consequences New Mexico with the awesome Vincent Gallo and also has Keifer Sutherland in it.  I give it 4 stars out of 5.  I think it was on Showtime or TMC.

Are they ever? Haven't seen one that was worth staying all the credits through.
Yeah but usually I'll only stay if the scene is a little bit into the credits, the only reason I stayed right till the end cos I thought we'd see some cool you know who shit.

Also it takes a lot of people to make a movie these days, at one point the credits are 5 columns across.

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The Terminator - 4.25/5

Terminator 2 - 4.75/5

Terminator 3 - 4/5
Terminator Salvation - 4/5

2nd viewing.

At end of T3 big message was that Skynet was everywhere through software and there was no headquarters to even attack. In TS however there is now a headquarters and the big thing is to destroy it.

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He Got Game - 4.25/5

2nd full viewing.

Well, yeah, but I think they were talking about the main Skynet server.
At the end of Terminator 3 John Connor says:

By the time Skynet became self-aware...

... it had spread into millions of computer servers across the planet.

Ordinary computers in office buildings, dorm rooms, everywhere.

It was software in cyberspace.

There was no system core. It could not be shut down.

Which is also dumb because of course there's gotta be a place where they make the Terminators, even if the machines can't be stopped because the software is everywhere.

Yeah, but even with that, I always thought there was a main sentient program. Skynet isn't completely uniform as a hive mind. That's the thing that was talking at Skynet Central. It probably just skipped to another server.

It doesn't make sense why taking out the headquarters would end the war. You're right about their idea to stop Skynet. It doesn't make sense.
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I thought Sarah Connor Chronicles basically killed off everything after Terminator 2.

On another channel they had the same Rocky Marathon. Watched it again.
The Rocky IV training montage always amps me up. I never get tired of watching that movie, or at least from the training part to the end.

Monument's Men: 3/5 Not bad, but a bit slow during the first half of the movie. My wife had to nudge me a couple of times since I was falling asleep :lol: It's an interesting story though and entertaining.

Fast and Furious VI: 3.5/5 Not as good as V, but the action and car scenes were great.

The Wolverine: 3/5 It really made me want to watch the new X-Men movie.

Shrink - 3.75/5

1st viewing. Some of the story seems missing. Guys from Walking Dead and Breaking Bad were better here than in those series. Kevin Spacey great.

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Uhh...I saw...Blended...The Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore romantic comedy. The wife wanted to see it so I thought I would give her a break from the "guy" movies. It was actually better than I thought it would be. I do have an irrational appreciation for Adam Sandler though. 

I still have no idea how people can rate a movie 3.5/5 if they weren't feeling it and turned it off 33% through. It should be a 0.0/5 in that case.
bread's done