Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='Halo05']Casino - I think I've now seen pretty much all the well-received gangster movies that have been released in the US since Godfather. That said, I'm not sure why Casino is considered above average. It has the same very predictable rise and fall as every other mafia type movie. From Scarface, to Goodfellas, to Casino, there is never really a doubt about what the ending will be like. Yeah, there are small differences, and you never know for sure who's going to get blasted, but overall, I think I'm done with the genre. The Departed remains my favorite.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but both Goodfellas and Casino are based on non-fiction books by Nicholas Pileggi. If it's predictable, it's not because of a script, it's because that's how it happened in reality.
The Silence of the Lambs-
I love movies that deal heavily with psychology and serial killers. :D
...But I hate Horror.
Saw The Change-Up with my wife on Friday. It wasn't bad. Not a fan of Ryan Reynolds but Jason Bateman makes up for that. Overall it was better than I thought it would be but not amazingly hilarious. There are some funny scenes for those of us that have kids.

Watched Unstoppable finally and thought it was pretty good other than the ridiculous fake news reports in the movie.

Source Code was damn good. I'd consider buying the disc when it goes on sale.
A few hidden gems in my opinion that I found on Netflix that I had never heard of:

16 to Life
Answer Man

TV Show:

Drop Dead Diva

Popular Movies I liked, but never watched until now:

Notting Hill (this was surprisingly fun to watch; very good)
Julie & Julia (this was very good; surprised the heck out of me)

^^ I tried to watch Source Code, but it seemed like too much was going on to watch unless I completely devoted myself to it. So, I put it on the back burner for now.
[quote name='Oaxan']The Silence of the Lambs-
I love movies that deal heavily with psychology and serial killers. :D
...But I hate Horror.[/QUOTE]

Told you! You didn't find it graphic at all, right? The only part that I think could be considered graphic is when the prison guard was strung up on his cage, but even that wasn't too bad.
[quote name='gbpackers94']How was secret reunion?[/QUOTE]

We give ratings to all of the films we watch and my brother and my friend gave it 9.8 and 9.7 respectively. I ended up giving it a 7.8.

The flick was relatively entertaining. The direction was merely adequete (the action and a bit of how the story plays out felt kinda' forced). The actors' interaction was great, but Song Kang-Ho is usually awesome, and there's quite a bit of humor to be had through the whole thing. Overall, it was enjoyable.

After a night of thinking about it, I'd rate the films in the following order, best to worst:

01. Sword of the Stranger (Pretty amazing samurai film about a rogue samurai who ends up protecting a chinese child with a dog who is meant to be sacrificed. FANTASTIC soundtrack. Watch in original language!)

IMDB: 7.7/10

02. Gachi Boy (Quite touching and charming film about a guy that has Memento like short-term memory loss and ends up joining the local high school professional wrestling club. Because of his memory issues, he ends up forgetting that pro-wrestling is fake and ends up wrestling for real. I really, really liked this.)

IMDB: 7.1

03. Aachi & Ssipak (The first Korean animated film I ever saw. It was pretty entertaining for what it was, with A LOT of over the top gross-out innuendo, but I don't think it's for everyone.

The set-up is about a bunch of low-level crooks who live in a word where SHIT is used to generate power (payment for shit is dealt in the form of addictive juicybars) and try to get rich through a girl who ends up getting massive amounts of juicybars for every shit she takes. Yeah...)

IMDB: 7.0

04. Bedevilled (It's basically a slow-burn revenge flick starring the chick from The Chaser. This horrid, bitch of a woman from Seoul ends up vacationing to her home island only to see the redneck hicks she left behind treating her old friend like worthless dog crap. Shit hits the fan halfway through the film, and I'm sure you can assume the rest.

None of the characters were particularly likable and a third act roll-your-eyes plot contrivance turns what would have been a rated much higher film into facepalm territory. Still the first two-thirds of the film are definitely worth checking out as the acting is top-notch and everyone hits their beats pitch perfect.)

IMDB: 7.4

05. Symbol (Pretty hilarious absurdist comedy that lost me in the last five minutes.

Basically a Japanese guy wakes up in a white room with no windows or doors. When he presses a mysteriously phallic protuberance that appears on one wall, a pink toothbrush materializes from nowhere, clattering to the floor and setting in motion a genuinely bizarre chain of events. Soon the imprisoned man is engaged in absurd and hilarious attempts to escape the gleaming room, releasing random objects from the walls, creating a life sized mouse trap game.

The ending goes more for weirdness than humor and falls flat, betraying what had been built up earlier in the film. If you feel like laughing your ass off though, check it out.)

IMDB: 7.3

06. Secret Reunion (Great acting. Great setup. Lifeless direction. In the hands of a even a moderately better director, this would have been a classic. Here it's simply competent. But my friend and brother loved it so maybe I missed something.)

IMDB: 7.2
2010: The Year We Make Contact.

Sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey. Not nearly as good of course, but was better than I was expecting.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes was actually good. Whoever did they're marketing should be fired though because I had zero interest in it, but my friend's cousin works at a movie theater so we saw it for free, which is the only reason I went.
Well, it made $54 million this weekend for the 5th best August opening of all time--and without the benefit of overpriced 3D shows. So I'd say they did something right with the marketing. :D

I want to see it, but not enough to go see it in the theater when there's several other things out I haven't gotten time to check out yet.
[quote name='Fear No Darkness']Rise of the Planet of the Apes was actually good. Whoever did they're marketing should be fired though because I had zero interest in it, but my friend's cousin works at a movie theater so we saw it for free, which is the only reason I went.[/QUOTE]

I take it you don't like sports? ESPN showed advertising for the movie pretty much non-stop for the entire week leading up to its release. When they were doing the NFL free agent stuff, there was a Rise of the Planet of the Apes logo permanently planted on the right side of the screen and every single commercial break contained previews for the movie.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I don't think he was saying that he never saw the ads, but rather that the ads didn't make him want to see the movie.[/QUOTE]

*Hands dmaul a cigar.*
You Kill Me
Streaming on NFLX, dark comedy about an alcoholic hitman starring Ben Kingsley, Tea Leoni, and Luke Wilson. It's actually quite charming. Dennis Farina makes a few brief appearances as well.
I've always wanted to see the Chaser, caught it on television one time but it was on really late so I couldn't watch.

Anyway I started watching Only Yesterday like two months ago but stopped half way through because I was too tired. Finally watched the rest last night. I liked it , although I preferred the sections of the younger version of the girl over the older.
[quote name='saunderscowie']I've always wanted to see the Chaser, caught it on television one time but it was on really late so I couldn't watch.

Anyway I started watching Only Yesterday like two months ago but stopped half way through because I was too tired. Finally watched the rest last night. I liked it , although I preferred the sections of the younger version of the girl over the older.[/QUOTE]

The Chaser is one of the great Korean films of the last few years. It holds up really well on repeat viewings. I couldn't recommend it enough if you're on a serial killer fix.
I thought about watching The Chaser, but didn't get around to it. Since it's apparently good, I might.

Also I have mixed feelings on Old Boy. I liked it, but
the twist is pretty much the movie
so I feel like that's clouding my judgement on how good the movie really is.
I didn't care for Old Boy much either. If I'm watching a movie based on the twist, but the movie can't hold me until the twist, then the twist does absolutely nothing for me. It comes and I say "Ok, there's the twist, I don't care." I really don't understand why people hold this in such high praise.

The Chaser doesn't look all that great, but I'll check it out.
[quote name='whoknows']I thought about watching The Chaser, but didn't get around to it. Since it's apparently good, I might.

Also I have mixed feelings on Old Boy. I liked it, but
the twist is pretty much the movie
so I feel like that's clouding my judgement on how good the movie really is.[/QUOTE]

Oldboy is a great gateway Korean film. There are plenty of things I like better. It's really good the first time you watch it. Repeat watched? Diminishing returns.

I actually prefer The Chaser as I think it's pacing is a lot better than that of Oldboy's. It's hard to talk about since a number of you seem interested in watching it. I don't like to spoil stuff.

Don't bother watching though if your only option is dubbed. Watch it in it's original language!
There are a few korean movies on netflix that have been great. 3 of my favorites I saw recently are The Chaser, I saw the Devil and Man from Nowhere. All were awesome. A few days ago I saw cowboys and aliens which was pretty sweet. Transformers 3 was a bust.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']There are a few korean movies on netflix that have been great. 3 of my favorites I saw recently are The Chaser, I saw the Devil and Man from Nowhere. All were awesome. A few days ago I saw cowboys and aliens which was pretty sweet. Transformers 3 was a bust.[/QUOTE]

If you're getting the discs, these should be next in your line-up:

Tae-Guk-Gi: The Brotherhood of War - Korea (8.1 IMDB)

Confessions - Japan (7.6 IMDB)

ZAFF 2011 Recap:


DAY 01 - 7.29.11

01. Genius Party Beyond
75. 13 Assassins

DAY 02 - 7.30.11

03. West of the Tracks: Rust
34. Man From Nowhere

DAY 03 - 7.31.11

06. West of the Tracks: Remnants
09. West of the Tracks: Rails
66. Kisaragi

DAY 04 - 08.01.11

08. I Saw The Devil
17. Ocean Heaven
53. Police Story
56. Police Story 2

DAY 05 - 08.02.11

70. Eternal Family
58. Police Story 3
57. In The Mood For Love
27. Chungking Express
48. Election
51. Election 2

DAY 06 - 08.03.11

71. The Magic Hour
24. Love Exposure
42. Breathless
33. The Hole

DAY 07 - 08.05.11

36. Adrift in Tokyo
50. Departures

DAY 08 - 08.06.11

32. Aachi & Ssipak
59. Symbol
46. Sword of the Stranger
16. Secret Reuinion
39. Bedeviled
43. Gachi Boy
72. Kamikaze Girls

DAY 09 - 08.07.11

11. Ip Man
49. Confessions
04. 2046


01. Departures - 10./10./10. = 10.0 - Japan
02. Kisaragi - 9.8/9.7/9.8 = 9.77 - Japan
03. Confessions - 9.4/9.7/9.8 = 9.63 - Japan
04. Breathless - 9.7/9.5/9.6 = 9.60 - Korea
05. 13 Assassins - 9.5/9.7/9.6 = 9.60 - Japan
06. Gachi Boy - 9.5/9.5/9.5 = 9.50 - Japan
07. Ip Man - 9.5/9.6/9.3 = 9.47 - Hong Kong
08. The Man From Nowhere - 9.0/9.5/9.8 = 9.43 - Korea
09. Sword of the Stranger - 9.0/9.6/9.7 = 9.43 - Japan
10. Police Story 3 - 9.4/9.5/9.4 = 9.43 - Hong Kong
11. Police Story 2 - 9.3/9.5/9.4 = 9.40 - Hong Kong
12. I Saw The Devil - 9.3/9.5/9.4 = 9.40 - Korea
13. Kamikaze Girls - 9.5/9.2/9.5 = 9.40 - Japan
14. Police Story - 9.1/9.4/9.5 = 9.33 - Hong Kong
15. The Magic Hour - 9.3/9.4/9.1 = 9.27 - Japan
16. Love Exposure - 9.1/9.0/9.6 = 9.23 - Japan
17. 2046 - 8.8/8.6/9.3 = 8.87 - Hong Kong
18. Chungking Express - 8.4/8.7/9.5 = 8.87 - Hong Kong
19. In The Mood For Love - 8.2/8.6/9.3 = 8.70 - Hong Kong
20. Election - 9.2/9.3/8.6 = 9.03 - Hong Kong
21. Election 2 - 9.4/9.3/8.4 = 9.03 - Hong Kong
22. Adrift in Tokyo - 8.9/XXX/9.0 = 8.95 - Japan
23. Secret Reunion - 9.5/9.0/7.7 = 8.73 - Korea
24. West of the Tracks 3 - 7.6/9.0/8.9 = 8.50 - China
25. West of the Tracks 1 - 7.5/8.8/8.8 = 8.37 - China
26. Symbol - 8.8/8.5/7.8 = 8.37 - Japan
27. Bedevilled - 9.3/8.0/7.2 = 8.17 - Korea
28. Ocean Heaven - 7.9/8.3/7.7 = 7.97 - China
29. West of the Tracks 2 - 7.4/7.2/8.0 = 7.53 - China
30. Eternal Family - 7.7/7.5/7.1 = 7.43 - Japan
31. Genius Party Beyond - 7.5/6.8/7.0 = 7.10 - Japan
32. Aachi and Ssipak - 5.0/8.0/7.9 = 6.97 - Korea
33. The Hole - 5.0/7.0/7.5 = 6.50 - Taiwan


01. Departures - Japan
02. Kisaragi - Japan
03. Breathless - Korea
05. 13 Assassins/Gachi Boy/ Ip Man - Japan/Japan/Hong Kong


01. Departures - Japan
02. Kisaragi - Japan
02. Confessions - Japan
02. 13 Assassins - Japan
05. Sword of the Stranger/IP Man - Japan/Hong Kong


01. Departures - Japan
02. Kisaragi - Japan
02. Confessions - Japan
02. The Man From Nowhere - Korea
05. Sword of the Stranger - Japan


13 Japanese Films
09 Hong Kong Films
06 Korean Films
04 Chinese Films
01 Taiwanese Film
Thanks to Anse Solis, I watched Oldboy. I can honestly say I've never seen a Korean movie before, but I liked it. The stuff about the ants seemed really out of place...
[quote name='Oaxan']Thanks to Anse Solis, I watched Oldboy. I can honestly say I've never seen a Korean movie before, but I liked it. The stuff about the ants seemed really out of place...[/QUOTE]

You're very welcome man!

I believe I read somewhere that the ants had to do with a Korean proverb based around loneliness. I can't say that with a hundred percent certainty though. It might have just been the director going for a WTF.

[quote name='saunderscowie']Departures is an amazing film! I've been meaning to rewatch it for ages.[/QUOTE]

If you liked Departures, check out Confessions.

Like Departures, Confessions won best picture at Japan's version of the Academy Awards in 2011. Departures won best picture in 2009. It was also made the short list for Best Foreign Picture at the Academy Awards but was never formally nominated.

They're completely different flicks, but Confessions is quality.
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[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Thinking about seeing Cowboys and Aliens tonight. Anyone see it? Looks stupid but entertaining.[/QUOTE]

According to the IMDB, Rise of the Planets of the Apes is the best thing playing right now. Cowboy and Aliens seems entertaining but forgettable.
There Will Be Blood - Still so good. I caught a bunch of little quirks this time that really show Daniel Day Lewis as an absolute god of acting.
[quote name='Halo05']There Will Be Blood - Still so good. I caught a bunch of little quirks this time that really show Daniel Day Lewis as an absolute god of acting.[/QUOTE]

Easily the highlight of Gangs of New York. Brendon Gleeson was cool, but DDL completely dominated that movie from start to finish. fuck, now I gotta watch it again.
Angels & Airwaves Presents: Love

Not worth the 15 dollars of admission. Movie was nice. I enjoyed the parts in space very much. You will probably be into it if you like something like Moon or 2001. It gives a sense of loneliness and despair from not being able to communicate with other humans.
Fine and dandy. Then after the movie was a live performance of 3 songs. Tom Delonge is not exactly a good singer. Why they made a more subdued show (think of it as a Unplugged but with everything plugged in) is beyond me because it puts more focus on his vocals. After that was an interview session which was OK but some questions were pointless and the interviewer was obnoxious and his vocabulary was goofy with words like "awesome" and "epic" being used as often as if he was a radio host of your local alternative station. After that was a music video for a new song called "Anxiety". Song was pretty good. Looking forward to the soundtrack which will feature Love pt1 and 2.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Well it was nothing special or new, but goddamn it was a fun movie. Much more western than sci-fi.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed it a lot as well. Daniel Craig was great in it.
Night Watch - holy crap, what a cool movie. It's subtitled so if you're illiterate don't try to watch it but very, very imaginative and compelling. It's like a cross between Vampire the Masquerade and, god, I don't even know. Soviet-era bureaucracy? Very well done and I'm very excited to track down the sequel.
Attack the Block - Excellent Shaun of the Dead style horror comedy. It is definitely more suspenseful than SotD. My favorite thing is actually the OST for it is chock full of electronica bit tune ish tracks.
[quote name='Oaxan']Watched Manhunter last night, starting Hannibal in a second.[/QUOTE]

Loved Manhunter. I was a big Michael Mann fan but went back to rewatch that and gotta I prefer Brian Cox over Anthony Hopkins in that role. Shame Tom Noonan hasn't been in more movies. People will always probably only recognize him from Last Action Hero.
[quote name='dastly75']Attack the Block - Excellent Shaun of the Dead style horror comedy. It is definitely more suspenseful than SotD. My favorite thing is actually the OST for it is chock full of electronica bit tune ish tracks.[/QUOTE]

This is supposed to be the most entertaining film released thus far this year. Can't wait to check it out!
[quote name='Ansé Solis']This is supposed to be the most entertaining film released thus far this year. Can't wait to check it out![/QUOTE]

I hold it among Hanna and 13 Assassins as far as excellent 2011 action flicks go. Be prepared for the British accent, it's there in full force and you'll hear it from 12 year olds up to teenagers and adults.
13 Assassins - 9023742934912/10 - I wanted to see this movie when it hit theaters stateside, but it wasn't showing anywhere near me. It's easily one of the best movies of the year that I've seen. Hell, it probably is the best.
[quote name='GhostShark']13 Assassins - 9023742934912/10 - I wanted to see this movie when it hit theaters stateside, but it wasn't showing anywhere near me. It's easily one of the best movies of the year that I've seen. Hell, it probably is the best.[/QUOTE]

Check out "Confessions" if you can find it.


It's a slow-burn revenge flick. The direction is stunning and the soundtrack is about as perfect as I've ever heard in a film. We rated it only slightly above 13 Assassins at this year's ZAFF. It's a completely different genre than 13 Assassins but the film is extremely calculating and well done. Check it out.

03. Confessions - 9.4/9.7/9.8 = 9.63 - Japan (2010)
05. 13 Assassins - 9.5/9.7/9.6 = 9.60 - Japan (2010)

[quote name='dastly75']I hold it among Hanna and 13 Assassins as far as excellent 2011 action flicks go. Be prepared for the British accent, it's there in full force and you'll hear it from 12 year olds up to teenagers and adults.[/QUOTE]

How was Hanna overall?
Letters from Iwo Jima Ken Watanabe is the boss, one of my favourite actors working at the moment.

Hanna was good, I watched at the cinema. I can tell its not a film for everyone though.
[quote name='saunderscowie']Letters from Iwo Jima Ken Watanabe is the boss, one of my favourite actors working at the moment.

Hanna was good, I watched at the cinema. I can tell its not a film for everyone though.[/QUOTE]

I dunno why I didn't like iwo jima when I liked other war movies.

Sucker Punch was just really awful. One of the worst movies of the year.
Paul - Ok, I still don't find Pegg and Frost that funny. Seth Rogen's alien was the only funny character.

Your Highness - Better than I expected, Danny McBride is great in it.
bread's done